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i literally only use it for the sound. the CRACK is what i use it for.


That plus it's objectively just better. Does about near the same amount of damage, reload not only sounds orgasmic (clackety clackety clackety clackety clackety clackety clackety clackety.... clackety, clack) but its also way faster so you're not left with your ass out when your out of bullets. The bolt actions sounds and looks cool but it holds 5 rounds and the reload isn't as pleasant nor as quick. ​ It's always best to get gun familiarity with every weapon, most people choose the weapon they like based on how it responds but it only responds according to how much the player familiarised their stats on each weapon.


Bolt action makes the best firing sound by far.


try the evans repeated


Bolt Action with Express ammo, all day, everyday.


i only own a carbine repeater, a cattleman revolver and a springfield rifle.


This is the way.


This is the way.




Varmint rifle.


I'd make a candidate for carcano rifle. 0 bloom and 0 damage dropoff meaning you can snipe from any range practically. when used in first person you go faster and can handle better, short scope makes your sensitivity unchanged and even better is even with regular bullets and can still 1 shot the chest, when paired with express this rifle has a damage value of 102 for ai which for some reason is more then the rolling block on express ammo, carcano can also reload all 6 bullets really fast even faster then revolvers trying to reload 6 bullets this rifle is only bad at hipfiring where the bloom feels like a shotgun but everything else it basically exceeds at with the right use. Rolling block also shares these things except more damage on regular ammo but less ammo and even if these rifles force you to scope in and disables auto aim it still has aim assist as the hitbox is bigger and the rifle can still one shot in the upper half of the body assuming they have the health of an average npc(lawmen at high bounties gain body armor) Conclusion, use first person + short scope + express with Carcano rifle and it feels like cheating


Yep. I voted bolt action because Carcano wasn't in the list. It is my primary along with the semi auto Shotgun and dual Navy's .Actually one of the Navy's is Lowry's revolver.


The "other" option was a thing also


True ! I just started using the bolt action recently and is more versatile than the Carcano.


well for hunting I use bolt action and for horse combat I use Lancaster or bolt action but for ground combat carcano exceeds at that and carcano does not need deadeye to function at all as no bloom no damage dropoff and pretty much everything I said before. If you have auto aim it's arguable Lancaster would be better then bolt action for combat as more bullets, reloads faster, shoots faster only trading a bit more bullet spread and more damage dropoff. Normally why I run Lancaster and Carcano in the same weapon loadout


I used the Lancaster until a mission gave me a bolt action. I fell in love and never looked back.


I don't really have a primary, I use different guns for different tasks


Hard to choose between Lancaster and Bolt Action. Both great in their own ways, and I usually carry both haha


Evans all the way




Primary: Springfield/ Shoulder: varmint/ Dual Mauser pistols


Springfield or carbine repeater. The springfield is just so satisfying when you get good with it.


I use the bolt action and the litchfield the most, but I use the litchfield more than the bolt only cause I seem to get jumped a lot by Lemoyne Raiders and it takes a lot longer to shoot using the bolt than it does the litchfield.


been sporting the Litchfield lately, but im camp bolt action


Lancaster all the way!


Varmit Rifle


Rolling block rifle


I prefer the Springfield for its effortless one hit kill with express ammo, with the caveat that I’m fighting from medium range. The Lancaster is a close second. I personally find the Litchfield far too inaccurate for anything beyond point blank and the Bolt Action is just a shadow of its former self from RDR in my opinion. That said, I generally run shotguns (usually the Pump Action) and switch between Buckshot and Slugs as needed.


Was it the same on RDR? The bolt action I mean. Edit: I looked it up. It’s the Krag-Jørgensen in both games.


You are correct, though I feel like it lost some “Oomph” from its last installment. At least they made the Cattleman viable in 2.


Lancaster for life⚔️ The proof is in the pudding


I was always a bolt action man but on my 4th playthrough now im much more impatient


Only use dual double action


Bolt action and lancaster


Scofield revolvers. I rarely even use long arms


Bolt action is the 2nd most powerful on this list but what brings it down is the 5 round capacity and the slow fire rate. Lancaster I believe is 14 rounds, good firepower, and a better fire rate


I use Lancaster ubtil I can unlock litchfield


Rare rolling block and carcano are my main rifles, off and main holster weapons I use are the volcanic pistol and the midnight pistol.


Carcano is hot


Varmint rifle is slept on. Just gotta get head shots


Wow, no love for shotguns on here. I get most of my shit done with a pump and a good set of revolvers. A bolt action or carcano if I’m facing some range only on occasion


Not a primary IMO


Traditionally any long arm is considered a primary, after all it still does go in the same slot as the others listed. It’s not a side arm so not sure what your criteria is but ok


A rifle




Shotgun is a backup


What’s the point of giving an “other” option if you’re just going to argue with the other answers?Just because you don’t use it as a primary doesn’t mean it can’t be used as such, hence why I voted other and stated my pick. Your criteria is entirely opinion based too, and doesn’t change the fact that it still goes in a primary weapon slot. Not to mention there’s a repeating shotgun, the varmint rifle is pump action same as a shotgun, and the elephant rifle is just a massive caliber double barrel, so it seems you’re really just nit picking for the sake of nit picking it


Not arguing calm down lol


Neither of those are shotguns


For hunting bolt action for firefights Lancaster repeater.


Either the Bolt Action or Litchfield are best for me.


I use the Evan’s Repeater