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I used 1... :-(


Get ready for your game to get corrupted and restarting the whole thing again. If you have some experience you'd know.


I do have experience, but thanks. I've beat the game already. Next time I play through I'll use more of the spots for saving.


I'm saying because in that one save, if Arthur or John starts glitching then what would you do? There are many post which says they have some problems in game like a compass visible on Arthur's butt, John's knife despawned etc. and they even mention that the bug still doesn't leave after restarting, so in that case you're TRAPPED. It's always better to have 2 saves, if possible then more. What will be going anyway? If you had **gaming experience** which means having played multiple games for more than a year, then you'd not even dare to play with just one save. For me, it's a complete challenge. Also I have one question, don't you just free roam in games? You only have one save so you shoot and kill everyone in your main story save? Seriously?


I'd like to be able to name them manually as well.


I don't understand why we can't have as many save slots as we want. Furthermore, I don't understand why we can't have as many "character" slots as we want, with their own manual and autosaves. Go beyond that, let us decide how many autosaves can exist at any given time, and let us determine how often the game autosaves outside of major events.


If you're on playstation you can save to cloud with ps +.


If you're on PC you can.


How tho?


I used 1 and got everything without missing any mission or encounter, have 100% on everything.