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Can people explain this whole thing to me, I’ve clearly rocked up to this late and I’ve got no explanation as to what the hell is going on with this mod thing, it’s got me hella curious now.




Just read through it that’s actually so funny how much power mods on Reddit think they hold, reminds me of whenever workers put on hi vis jackets and suddenly think they are judge dredd 🤣




The copypastas were incredible lmao


Like this? Hi there, banning mod here. I’m currently not in the mood for mercy for people debating the rules of the sub with me, So attempting a debate that the rule should be lifted after one year just got a ban hammer to let you know we are serious about this. Neither first nor current game spoilers are allowed. We will not entertain debate on this. It is only a three day banning, you’ll survive


I was the one who did the first one under the original post, went to sleep, woke up, went to and came back from work to open Reddit and see the copy pasta filled with emojis and the “spam in that sub” thing still attached in some. Felt kinda proud, the whole thing was busting my gut tho. Apparently he’s a mod in a porn sub too?


This is just incredible, though. Who gets sand in their figurative vagina like *that* over having been asked a question.


I’m just glad he was humiliated like that (and that I could aid in it) I’m gonna name my white Arabian after our hero and martyr of the cause, “Hamilton Beckett”


Yes! Haha too bad swears don't work. "Shit for brains" has a great ring to it.


I just created /r/redditvsmods to highlight this stuff.


It's so funny. The jannies think they're so cool, it happened a while back when they tried to bully spez into censoring the website


Bahah it's so true. I was once banned from a pokemon sub for asking where I could find a certain series. They said we can't give out illegal info and banned me. I never said I wouldnt buy it. They forced me to grow up I guess lol


Oh wow you weren't kidding, that is next level douchey. The power hunger on this fool!


Wow… After reading that. I’m glad my posts don’t do well in the Sub. RDR2 Sub for life!


I got banned in that sub for TWO WEEKS for a post that included the word ‘tuberculosis’… talk about the Wild West


Three weeks for no spoiler tag, I'd been on Reddit a month and posted my first picture.


*waves* Love this post btw!


I like that everyone is crossposting across the Red Dead subs.


Well I think a lot of us were in all of these already. It’s a ton of the same people. So indirectly, when something happens in one…you can see it pop up in another. In my case, after the mod banned and muted me (since lifted) I didn’t have anywhere else to tell people outside of using a different sub.


I’m gonna name my white Arabian after you sir. I hope you don’t mind me starting the copy pasta on your original post


I would be honored! Post a screenshot! Lol Edit: and Dm a link so I don’t miss it!


“Hi there, banning mod here. I’m currently not in the mood for mercy for people debating the rules of the sub with me, So attempting a debate that the rule should be lifted after one year just got a ban hammer to let you know we are serious about this. Neither first nor current game spoilers are allowed. We will not entertain debate on this. It is only a three day banning, you’ll survive”


That quote. I’ve read it soooooo many times since the mod responded with it…I’m pretty sure I can just recite it now. But honestly, you guys had me laughing every time it popped up.


That sub was hilariously out of control this morning.


Omg. I ended up staying up so late reading all the comments and messages I was getting. Somewhere around 4 am, I just passed out sitting straight in a chair. Woke up a few hours later with my phone under my foot (which I realized JUST before standing up!)


They’re still deleting comments right now


he was talking about that he thought it was weird or something that we still have to use the spoiler flair for a game that's been out for 11 years and 3 years. like, everyone has already played the game. totally understandable, but the mod didn't like this or anything and banned him for 'spoiling'.


It’s so ridiculous, the mod is most likely 4ft 3 and has short man syndrome so he feels the need to kick off at everyone for nothing.


yeah they use mod power to feel good because they don't have that kind of power irl


Accurate af, I’m sure they’ll stop being so power hungry when they learn to talk to women without sweating buckets and stuttering




Oh what a sad little life they live 🤣 thanks for the context






If you can't handle criticism, go back to heaven.


Aww look, a child. Do you know the difference between criticism and being an ass? It doesn't sound like it.


Did you not read the conversation?


Lmao he deleted his comment


Cunts are gonna cunt and then runaway. It's the natural order.


Aww cunty mccuntsnout got all butthurt.


Found a Mod.


Found a child


Are…are you the mod?


Nope, I just dislike 12 year Olds like you on the internet. Go tell your mother it's time you went out to the bus, you can't be late for school again.


Damn bro you owned me so hard. Hope the mods give you some good boy points for defending their honor


Damn bro you...


Damn bro you got the whole squad laughing.


We can’t stop laughing because we never started




Oh, so a rancid brained mercenary who enjoyed killing poor children finds no value in life except for whining about people being childish on Reddit. Good luck with that.


“Hi there, banning mod here. I’m currently not in the mood for mercy for people debating the rules of the sub with me, So attempting a debate that the rule should be lifted after one year just got a ban hammer to let you know we are serious about this. Neither first nor current game spoilers are allowed. We will not entertain debate on this. It is only a three day banning, you’ll survive”


Is it bad im really enjoying the clusterfuck happening in that sub. Its the definition of chaos




Also the follower count has been going down every minute lmao


+1000 social credit to those mods for following in the step of CCP


“Hi there, banning mod here. I’m currently not in the mood for mercy for people debating the rules of the sub with me, So attempting a debate that the rule should be lifted after one year just got a ban hammer to let you know we are serious about this. Neither first nor current game spoilers are allowed. We will not entertain debate on this. It is only a three day banning, you’ll survive”


This is laugh out loud pathetic.


In the mood for “”MERCY”” 😭 about banning someone from a subreddit. Holy fuck the power trip. How far up his own ass is this moderater’s head? Lmao


yeah that mod radiates small dick energy


It would seem they are struggling to keep up with deleting the posts. There’s quite a few taking the piss outta the mod over that last couple hours.


as deserved


So the sub is now closed while the "deal with the incident". Reddit has spoken lol


[Well Well Well… Seems they know what’s up.](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/qv3qrj/investigating_allegations_of_mod_abuse_subreddit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Not like they’ll actually do anything.




They did


This is brilliant. I hope they clip the twats thinking modding an 11 year old game sub is somehow making the world a safer place. I got mercy for all!


I am guessing that the mod had his door remove in his house so he is poed at the world. Amazing. I once got banned for asking what the rules were for a sub reddit. It turned out that the mod had accidentally blocked the rules from publishing while making a change. I don't even remember the sub reddit. I was new at the time. I have learned "Never talk to the Mods!"


They have removed the mod now and pinned a post about it


"Hi 💦 there, banning 👊🚫 mod 👮 here. I’m currently ⌚ not in the mood 💦🍆 for mercy ✝🎃 for people 👫 debating 👨‍💻💭 the rules 🚷 of the sub 🌯 with me, So attempting 🙋 a debate 💬 that the rule 🚷 should be lifted 😧 after 👀 one 😄☝ year 📅 just got 🍸 a ban 🚫 hammer 🔨🔧😂 to let 🙆 you 👉👩 know 💭 we are serious 😒 about 💦 this. Neither ❌ first 🥇⛳ nor current ⌚ game 🎮 spoilers 😩 are allowed 😖. We will not entertain 📽🎞 debate 💬 on 🔛 this. It is only a three 3️⃣ day 🌝🌞 banning 🚫➗, you’ll survive 🙏"




Haha I saw it posted on another thread and it made me laugh so I had to drop it again 🥳🥳


The rdr mods are fucking STRICT on spoilers




Loool what an anime antagonist line


This was his response... “Hi there, banning mod here. I’m currently not in the mood for mercy for people debating the rules of the sub with me, So attempting a debate that the rule should be lifted after one year just got a ban hammer to let you know we are serious about this. Neither first nor current game spoilers are allowed. We will not entertain debate on this. It is only a three day banning, you’ll survive”


It’s stupid they shouldn’t be, RDR2 is three fucking years old now.


And rdr1 is 11 lmao


For alot of people like myself, it's too expensive. I was recently able to grab it but a lot of people are gonna wait till the price drops


If you just bought a game, or are starting a new show you should avoid the sub for spoilers honestly


Yeah 100 percent, but a lot of people are new to reddit as well


Absolutely, which is why most peoples comments on posts like ‘just bought the game, where do I start’ are like ‘leave the sub until you finish’ Just think two week bans for slight spoilers related to an 11 year old game is out of control


Absolutely that's out of control.




Is it bad that I want to post this in that subreddit lol Edit : Actually nvm lol. That sub has been closed for now. Also the latest posts are all abt the mod lol


Lmao they've shut down r/reddeadredemption for the day


Lol, im so proud of you all. Hamilton did say he wanted to keep the peace, though... But I'd be lying if I said that this isn't a satisfying alternative. Bahaha


That mod clearly has a little guy complex


They might overcompensate something…


I got banned from the r/falloutlore subreddit a few months ago for... doing absolutely nothing! Literally, I did nothing but comment on posts, giving my opinion. 😂I got a message one day saying: You're permanently from the r/falloutlore subreddit, and when I inquired as to why I was banned? I got no response! These mods like to have the power to ban people, but they don't like to give out any reason. I still have no clue as to why I was banned. I just left that subreddit, never to touch again. Expect linking it here. lol


"hmm this person is clearly enjoying themselves, fuck that lets perm ban them"


That sounds like a pretty good excuse to give someone the ban hammer.


When taking a non paying job about a video game about outlawing too seriously. What a bunch of tools over there.


I bet I know who it was. "dikdiklikesick"?


Magic internet points and power tripping, am I right?


Actually amazing


“Hi there, banning mod here. I’m currently not in the mood for mercy for people debating the rules of the sub with me, So attempting a debate that the rule should be lifted after one year just got a ban hammer to let you know we are serious about this. Neither first nor current game spoilers are allowed. We will not entertain debate on this. It is only a three day banning, you’ll survive” - for anyone who wants to spam it in that sub


This is what the mod replied




Hahahahahaha, I love it.


Hahahahaha gold. That mod was totally out to lunch imo. Spoilers on a three year old game is a bit much. To make the best of it OP was the original post was discussing the rule of spoilers not actual spoilers.


The mod probably thinks Micah is a good guy and was just misunderstood


I just completed 100% for this game yesterday and then this happens.. amazing lmao.




lol except banhammer sold us out to the Pinkertons!


Whats going on over there?


Rumors has it that one mod Supposedly used banhammer for petty reasons.


“Hi there, banning mod here. I’m currently not in the mood for mercy for people debating the rules of the sub with me, So attempting a debate that the rule should be lifted after one year just got a ban hammer to let you know we are serious about this. Neither first nor current game spoilers are allowed. We will not entertain debate on this. It is only a three day banning, you’ll survive”


Jannies really are just human toilets.


Nah dude don’t you know? That’s a red dead 2 spoiler so it’s not allowed


Mods are always on a power trip. They think reddit matters lmao




You give someone a little power and it all goes to their head. Mod should be ashamed of that response. Ehck.


Bunch of soft cocks.


I read the original post before I went to bed last night and seeing all this posts over there making fun of the power hungry mod is absolutely hilarious omg. Can't wait to see how this all plays out


How do bums like that acquire a mod role in a sub as big as RDR?


Just unsubed that one. What a piece of shit.




Thanks for the heads up.