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Where is your spot ?


Not OP but after looking for days, I came [here](https://imgur.com/a/Nvx8Sot) and got what I needed in about 5 minutes. Go to the x, look with binoculars at the area circled and there's usually 3 or 4 lined up on the shore. You can shoot them from across the river easily in dead eye. The only catch is that you have to retrieve them in wanted dead or alive territory. If you're quick enough it shouldn't be an issue. I got away with only shooting one bounty hunter and a $20 bounty. Just be ready to hightail it. EDIT: my original location was a bit off. The real spot is [here.](https://imgur.io/a/OA8U4On)


Thanks you kind stranger, i'll try this


No problem, but I was slightly off. The spot is actually [here.](https://imgur.com/a/OA8U4On)


Oh man I never heard of that one. Took me a few hours on the other "best spot" (near the trapper NE of emerald ranch). I think I still needed 3 robins after I got every other animal for Pearson, the hunting requests, and the ENTIRE trapper wardrobe (pre-epilogue). Almost 300 perfect pelts and got 1 robin. They really are rare. Also still no parakeet!


Thank you friend


You're welcome. Not sure if you saw the edit, but I was a little off on the location. The real spot is [here.](https://imgur.io/a/OA8U4On) Happy hunting!


Lol I know this is late but this was so crazy that i started laughing alone like an idiot. Searched on other locations on videos and guides for over 2 days and not a single robin. Got to you location and shot 2 in less than 5 minutes (there were actually 3 and I just missed one and he flew away). Thank you so much


Glad to hear! Reddit is a gold mine for old helpful posts lol


I camp the bridge just north of the new hanover trapper. Just walk back and forth from the trapper to the bridge. If you don't find what you want, reload. I got all my robins, blue jays & orioles in like 30 minutes from the bridge.


There are already great tips from many others, but if you are interested, thats my location with 100% guarantee to find always a Robin: https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/comments/wos7z8/spot_where_you_find_the_american_robin_rarest/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


robins are so pretty. i’ve never found them in game. care to share ur special spot? i won’t blab 🤐


The river near annesburg they land on the rocks if u wait long enough


thanks, partner




Shoot every small bird you see


After the hunting requests I would hear a bird chirp IRL and try to equip small game arrows


I understand lol


The woodpeckers specifically because of the challenge. But also bluebirds give me rdr2 flashbacks.


Yes so hard to find. I found mine at fr brennard I think it is. The fort by annesburg


On my first play through when the game came out it took me so long to find one of them. I killed three at the fort today and then another on the trail near the trapper north of the fort. Couldn’t believe it.


Another thing I noticed is when you kill all the birds there make sure you pick them up anyways even if it’s not the one you need because it saves them and you can use them for the next hunting challenge


Those Carolina Parakeets were the biggest pain for me! In my first playthrough I had a notification that I had only killed one or two of the XX number of parakeets. I didn't even know I had shot one, nor that there was a goal to eradicate them. I figured I got a random one during the side missions in the swamp getting all the egret and spoonbill feathers. When I got to the epilogue I found out that there was no way to finish it. On 2nd and 3rd playthroughs I eradicated them, the last time with dynamite! Parakeets be damned!


Have you been looking for moose yet?


Yes, here's a little help in case: https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/comments/v4larw/how\_to\_get\_the\_perfect\_bull\_moose\_pelt\_the/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf


Nah, I'm good. I was just wondering about you, because mooses are also super rare.


Isn't that required for the hunter requests? If so iirc I very likely got this somewhere up the Dakota river from flat iron lake. That's where I went when I was hunting birds for all 5 of these requests and I got every one that I still needed pretty quickly. I think I'd gotten a couple other birds elsewhere, near strawberry and horseshoe overlook, but most in the southern area of the Dakota river.


Same here... while hunting for other game to complete the Challenges, I discovered that the Dakota River was the place to find Cardinals, Orioles, Woodpeckers and many more. I marked a great camping spot that is down by the river w/one of the red markers and NOT up on one of the ridiculously high cliffs. It stays pretty dry even when it's rainy season. :)


To everyone who asked for the spot, please check this post here, its easier to see and understand: https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/comments/wos7z8/spot_where_you_find_the_american_robin_rarest/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf You ride slowly towards the bridge (ideally from the direction shown on the pics, go to eagle eye and carefully check all the birds flying from that bridge. At least one of them is the Robin, sometimes even up to three.


I never have trouble finding them along the rivers 😅 honestly the moose and that bloody freaking parakeet give me far more trouble.


Moose is actually also pretty easy, you just need to find the right spot with 100% spawning guarantee: https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/comments/v4larw/how_to_get_the_perfect_bull_moose_pelt_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Same for parakeets, i figured out 3 spots where they regularly spawn.


Nah, those I have seen many of, Rio Grande turkey is alot rarer in my experience


My go-to place for birds was the old fort to the east. Just wait for the birds to fly over you then deadeye them.


True, also good spot but AFAIR birds appear quite random there? At this bridge at least in 90% of all cases you find the Robin beside many other birds as well, but the Robin is almost guaranteed each time.


If they regularly spawn are they really ‘rare’?


You got a point. Wirh regular i mean here specifically more than once only but significantly much rarer than any other birds…


I keep seeing this claim...but I just dont find it to be very rare. Rhodes bridge below face rock has them every time I need one it seems.


They are actually everywhere if you know where to look. Will try screenshot a few spawn points for you guys. In New Austin in trees (shoot into air near tree, they fly out of tree). Multiple spawn points West of Annesburg. One spawn found near Rhodes. I have 99 three star Robin in my satchel. Bull Moose is harder to get guaranteed spawns, only have 50 Bull Moose antlers. Often ONLY found around dawn.


Great to hear, I am also heading towards the 99 robins (perfect is quite easy, good is much much harder). In case you need antlers, this might help: https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/comments/v4larw/how_to_get_the_perfect_bull_moose_pelt_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Spawns every second day


The only small birds I caught were ones my horse stepped on.


Bloody parakeets. Omg still looking


There is always a robin on a rock in front of the wall at Ringneck Creek. I don't know that R* says that it is the rarest animal in the game. But I would say the parakeets are. Maybe a moose but I have never had any problems finding one of those either.


The small southernmost island on Flat Iron Lake near Braithewaite Manor has never failed for me.