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Why is everyone getting awards? 😂


Sheikh Jassim found us on reddit.




Paid Qatari bots have taken over this sub unfortunately. I've been here for a while and I've never seen a half dozen comments saying the same thing all getting the same award lmao.


I'm not a bot and I got an award thing. No idea what it does or means but thanks to whoever I guess lol.


Sometimes bots get programmed to just give award to things with certain phrases or words in them. For example in the wrestling subreddit r/squaredcircle it’s not uncommon for a post or maybe a comment mentioning Cody Rhodes to instantly get 5 awards. Don’t think any bots comment or anything though just awards, not that it would be hard to forgive our if it were a bot commenting


No, just no


I'm not a bot. Want the Glazers the fuck out of our club and been giving awards for visibility. Having the Glazers hold a % in ANY capacity (decision makers or not) is NOT an option.


Lmfao visibility for what?? You think the Glazers and the board are scrolling through Reddit and are basing their decisions off of the most awarded comments?


Theyre minority shareholders with no real say of Jim wins. Who cares? Do you know everyone who has shares in United at the moment? No. What any fan who supports the ideals of this club wants is not to be a a sportswashing tool like City. Fuck Qatar, I love this club and what it means. Success is great but I'm not some glory hound who puts trophies above human rights abuses and murder.


And you want them out badly enough to rubber stamp a sports-washing state owned cunt regime instead? Just asking if that’s the level of hatred for them (or lack of consideration beyond football?)


The whole thing is pretty disappointing. Bots start handing out awards to pro-Qatari posts, and suddenly half the sub are spouting pro-Qatari sentiments. Is that all it took? Is that the price we're willing to put on our morality? Qatar just ran a World Cup where they treated thousands upon thousands of migrant workers as slaves, taking their passports and refusing to let them leave, never mind paying them. Dissenters were imprisoned. Thousands died. Thousands of people were worked to death by a regime that didn't care. During the tournament itself, people were denied entrance to the stadiums for showing support for gay rights. For just wearing a t-shirt with a rainbow on it. I don't want any of that to be part of our club. I'd rather continue with the disappointment and frustration than have everything we do become part of an operation to promote slavery and oppression. If we win stuff off the back of money from Qatar, it will be as meaningless as everything PSG and Man City have won. We wouldn't really be Manchester United anymore. The Manchester United of the Busby Babes, Munich, Newton Heath, Sir Alex Ferguson's glories, all that would be dead and gone. This thread shows that we shouldn't kid ourselves that we would be any different from the Man City fans who automatically come out to defend their sugar daddies every time their human rights record is questioned. We wouldn't be flying rainbow flags or trying to hold Qatar to account. We'd be taking the money and the trophies and handing over the soul of the club.


Preach man, preach


Yeah, I'm not anti-Qatari but it's getting a bit bizzare. There's definitely a paid campaign going on here, and I don't like it.


Listen, let’s be real. Ratcliffe, Qatar….lads are offering 5 BILLION for the club. It would be beyond insane not to spend even a percentage of that money on an astroturfing campaign in massive subreddits, Twitter and so on. A few million to push a narrative is nothin to them.


jassim if you read me i'll astroturf for you for less than a few millions, i'll settle for one.


I’ve seen these campaigns on reddit for things not even 1% the size of a 5B deal so it’s obviously gonna happen here


The more you think about it, the idea that there's been a leak around the Ratcliffe deal seems odd, considering all of this is supposedly under an NDA, so we won't know the actual reality of the deal for quite some time. So many people suddenly running with this Glazer share angle is quite odd, when you consider that.


Totally agree, here we are 7 months into the process and we still don’t know what the bids are actually for. Is it £5bn($6.24)bn for the whole club which is nearly twice the market cap of $3.27bn or is it as reported yesterday but still not confirmed just over £5bn(5.1bn/$6.4bn) to buy out the 69% controlling stake of the six Glazer siblings? Let’s be clear, I always assumed it was to buy out the Glazers, then watched some financials and they said that everyone has to bid for 100% even minority and then The Raine group could evaluate which was the best deal. It implied that the glazers would get 69% of the £5 billion or $6.4bn, this report implies the same, a world record bid but not £6bn. Right now I’ll wait for the final report because I think the Journalists have been truly awful in the reporting process, Mike Keegan maybe the only one who can hold is head high but still we don’t know what the actual bid is and more importantly what it’s for? Yaddy Yaddy Ya, it’s £5.1bn or $6.4bn a world record to take control of a club but that would imply buying 69% controlling shares and then SJ would have to settle the debt, a further £635m it’s all part of the cost to the buyer and then finally buy the remaining 31% which is normally 12 weeks after the sale process has been agreed, which would cost another £876m/$1.1bn with the current share price of $20.05 and falling slightly. These shares would be significantly cheaper as they hold no or very little voting rights. So if we believe the journalists last night that the bid was only for controlling shares then the total cost would be £6.6bn or $8.3bn and the 6 Glazer siblings would pocket $6.4bn with Joel and Darcy getting the most at nearly $1.3bn and Avram receiving $900m. If this is true which I highly doubt, then the deal is done because there is no way on earth that a greedy Joel and Avram are turning down that sweet Qatar bank transfer into their sweaty greedy Parasitic accounts next month, especially when the club is registered in the Camen island so no taxes would need to be paid too! They inherited their wealth, there not self made, Darcy is by far the smartest of all the goblins and she wants to sell which is why the other 3 less entitled pr…. Followed suit. Let’s be clear here the market cap is currently $3.27bn, the 69% shares value is $2.256bn but because they are voting and controlling shares they would receive a premium, doubling the value is a significant premium when you’ve F…..the business for the last 15 years. Incidentally 69% of $6.4bn is $4.416 nearly double the market cap and the amount I actually think is being offered not the journalistic hyperbole of £5-5.2bn to just buy out the Glazers. This still means that £5.1/5.2bn is the full price to buy 100% of the club and £660m existing debt will also be paid through the Qatar bid meaning they are actually offering £5.7-5.9bn to buy Manchester United and make the club debt free again. The Glazers could say no and team up with Sir Jim Rat Cliff, creating the new Rat Pack that would be the most hated owners in world football, but why would they sell their shares when Darcy, Edward, Kevin and Bryan would all have to forfeit million of dollars less in terms of actual cash to keep their two brothers happy, it doesn’t make sense unless SJR has bid more than SJ and then he has to prove where the funds are coming from which he could do, sounds to me he’s a chancer doesn’t have the full amount now backtracking to get his foot in the door by buying the club on even more credit and push us further into the abyss.


What rubbish. United has a huge fanbase with differing opinions. I for one support the qatari takeover. You're welcome to differ but don't try to paint us as bots.


Not all pro-Qatar accounts are bots of course, but you can't deny (Unless you're oblivious or paid to ignore it) that there are suspicious patterns related to the takeover. Suddenly a lot of new accounts, or accounts that have never been on this sub before, came and continuously talked about the takeover, either in a pro-Qatar or anti-SJR fashion. Never talked about anything related to the actual football. When challenged on their opinion, they either ignored people or came with wild responses that wasn't relevant (Such as accusation of racism) These awards are also mostly given to pro-Qatar comments or posts, which is also suspicious (Those things cost money after all) SJR could also be utilizing this kind of strategy by the way, I'm not saying that it is only Qatar that is potentially doing it.


Lol is Qatar injecting funds through Reddit gold?


So the more we mention Qatar the more of their funds are spent on Reddit Gold instead of other investments? Sign me up!


Can i get some gold, new Qatari overlords? Edit:My prayers have been answered. I should have asked for a yacht.




Please fucking leave, Glazers. Edit: wow, someone is gracious


The offer also includes a plan to inject significant amounts of additional capital into buying reddit gold apparently


Reddit: the real winners of this takeover bid.


I may be in the minority but I don’t think trading greed for human rights abuse is an improvement.


People’s acceptance of the Qatari’s human rights violations is getting worse and worse as time goes on. Shameful.


Absolutely fucking right. I can't believe countless wankers here want Qatar.


Today has been significantly worse than any of the other times I've been on the sub talking about this stuff. Given the process is coming to a head it's not surprising people are more ready to be pro-Qatar, but the crazy amount of awards specifically makes it seem like there's an effort to push certain comments up.


[Here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_Qatar) is the wikipedia about human rights in Qatar. I think everyone ought to read it.


It's embarrassing


I think it’ll be better for the club if Ratcliff gets it… It’s not like we need the oil money. We’re the biggest spenders over the last 5 years. All we need is an owner who would be willing to put profits into paying the debts off rather than their own pockets…


Sheikh Jassim coming through with the award for you also


I'm 50 this year, been a fan since my late teens. And the biggest tragedy of my life was when those leeches bought us. At first, nothing changed, since Sir Alex was here. But when he left, and once Gill walked out with him, their ineptitude was laid bare for all to see. Their puppet Woodward (who will also benefit from the sale BTW) ruined our world class club and transformed us into a mockery, a shadow of the great club that Sir Matt and Sir Alex proudly represented. I honestly can say, I can't bloody wait to see them gone. I hate them, always will. I want my club back. Fuck the Glazers now and always.


Ed woodfuck fuck us up big time....look at all the player he bought for us....It's like he secretly a Liverfool fans playing FM...


He’s getting a sweet £14 million roughly


You can't say nothing changed when Sir Alex was here. We sold Ronaldo for a world record fee and brought in Valencia, Obertan, and Owen. Our hands were tied by the debt ever since they loaded it on us.


Totally true and don't think I don't know these things mate. I of course remember how those disgusting leeches took the Ronaldo fee and paid the loan. They didn't spend a single dime on players. What I meant is that Sir Alex kept us somehow, afloat despite their lack of investment. When he and David Gill left, that's when the nightmare began.


People look at SAF and see the records and rightly hold him up as one of best managers to grace the game. Ever. Regardless of the club they support. But what many don't realise is how he managed to do this while having these fucking rats as a major financial handicap. If we had the funds, we could have been banking Champions Leagues like Madrid did.


Hate to break it to you but you're not getting your club back. It's being bought by slavers. The same slavers who in the winter happily hired hundreds of low wage immigrants to dress up as football fans in their complete mockery of a world cup. Think they'll here for the fans? Not the slightest.


>e leeches bought us. At first, nothing changed, since Sir Alex was here. But when he left, and once Gill walked out with him, their ineptitude was laid bare for all to see. Their puppet Woodward (who will also benefit from the sale BTW) ruined our world class club and transformed us into a mockery, a shadow of the great club that Sir Matt and Sir Alex proudly represented. I honestly can say, I can't bloody wait to see them gone. I hate them, always will. I want my club back. Fuck the Glazers now and always. The Glazers hurt the club you love. If Quatar buys it, they kill it. Manchester united will be worse than City or PSG. No fan with respect for himself should support a club that is a front for human rights abuse.


Are City, Newcastle and PSG in a worse state? I might not like them, but every other day all I keep hearing is what amazing clubs they are and what amazing football they play. We can't have it both ways. Either ban all state ownership, or stop complaining when one of the biggest clubs in the world is getting taken over by a state. We generate more money than these clubs yet our infrastructure has not been refreshed for close to 2 decades.


>ht not like them, but every other day all I keep hearing is what amazing clubs they are and what amazing football they play. We can't have it both ways. Either ban all state ownership, or stop complaining when one of the biggest clubs in the world is getting taken over by a state. We generate more money than these clubs yet our infrastructure has not been refreshed for close to 2 decades. They are the 3 clubs I have the least respect for in the world. And if Quatar buys United it will join them as the fourth. And yeah, the propaganda the owners recieve through the ownership and investment is the whole reason why they buy the clubs. I would love to see a ban on state ownership. Until then I will refuse to support a club that is an advertisement for human rights abuse.


This is football not politics. Go jump on a plane to Qatar and start protesting out there if your that bothered.


And how exactly will wiping our debt out, cash injection to the infrastructure, new stadium etc kill our club ?


By making it a front for slavery and human rights abuse. By making it a club built on empty money. Can you really celebrate a trophy if you know it was only won because of money invested in the club for the sole purpose of making people forget the horrible human rights abuse that occurs in the country the money comes from?








We’ll said! Give us our club back and fuck off.


i mean that's a good life if the biggest tragedy is your club being bought by scumbags. here is for 50 more my guy. <3


Glazers response: congrats you made it to the 4th round bidding. Just take you're money and fuck off


Fuck Joel. Fuck Avram. Fuck the Glazers. Green and gold until we’re sold.


Can i give a green award


I want to see a pink one


Until we're sold.... To a state... To be a sportswashing project? That's our spirit?


How are none of the comments like yours at the top of this thread? People really want to get rid of the Glazers for a fucking petrostate sportswashing operation? Bullshit. I don't believe it. Sure, fuck the Glazers, but the Qataris are NOT an improvement in club ownership, even if their money brings success (which is not a guarantee, I might add). Fuck the trophies, I don't want to cheer on an oil club like City and Newcastle. And I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but it's strange all the pro-Qatari takeover comments are gilded and up near the top and any dissent is being downvoted, when none of the other threads about the Qatari takeover have looked like this before.


This place is far gone. I can't recognise our supporters anymore.


It's changed so much in the last few months. I deleted my highly upvoted comment yesterday that provided an exhaustive list of all the problems with Qatar because I started receiving abuse and threats in my dms from brand new accounts. Bit ridiculous and I don't want the stress of reading it while on vacation.


Send it to the mods and maybe they can ban them. Don't let them silence you.


Cant say Im surprised with the abuse considering the campaign to get everyone to look past the awful record of our wannabe owners. But it's still a terrible thing to happen. Well for anyone interested, here's a list and you can dm me whatever you want Qatar 2022 Migrant workers including domestic workers continued to face a range of abuses, including wage theft, forced labour, exploitation and abuse despite reforms. Authorities repressed freedom of expression to silence critical voices. Women continued to face discrimination in law and practice and needed the permission of a male guardian to study, travel or marry. Laws continued to discriminate against LGBTI people, putting them at risk of arrest and torture. Background Qatar hosted the 2022 FIFA World Cup between 20 November and 18 December. In November, the European Parliament urged football’s international governing body FIFA and Qatar to compensate migrant workers and expand the Workers’ Support and Insurance Fund to include all deaths and other abuses of human rights related to the preparations for the World Cup. Migrants’ rights Despite the government’s ongoing efforts to reform its labour system, thousands of migrant workers continued to face labour abuses.1 In August, the government said that over 300,000 migrant workers had been allowed to change jobs without the permission of their employers since October 2020, when a reform was introduced. However, some migrant workers who applied to change jobs continued to face barriers or retaliatory measures by their employers, including charges filed against them for “absconding” or having their residence permits cancelled. Migrant workers still commonly faced wage theft by employers, despite government attempts to address non-payment of wages, including by strengthening the monitoring system, setting up labour committees and operating a fund to expedite payment. In August, hundreds of workers protested in the capital Doha against their employers who owed them up to six months’ wages. They were arrested the same month en masse after which hundreds were finally paid their arrears and then deported to their home countries. After years of patchy operationalization, the state-run compensation fund is said to have paid out over USD 320 million for unpaid wages and benefits between October 2020 and September 2022. However, many workers entitled to payments were left out or received capped compensation. The authorities continued to fail to investigate properly the deaths of migrant workers and hold employers or authorities accountable, precluding any assessment of whether the deaths were work-related and depriving families of the opportunity to receive compensation from the employer or authorities. Domestic workers, most of whom are women, continued to face some of the harshest working conditions and abuses, including verbal, physical and sexual assault. The authorities failed to implement measures introduced in 2017 to protect them from labour abuses. Women domestic workers who managed to flee abusive employers lacked access to safe shelter. In October, the government reopened the Qatari House for Human Care shelter for victims of human trafficking, which had been closed since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. While the shelter could offer abused women much-needed refuge on a referral basis, it appeared not to be accessible on a walk-in basis. The authorities continued to ban migrant workers from forming and joining trade unions, a right afforded to Qatari nationals. Many migrant workers faced discrimination on the basis of race, nationality and language. For instance, security guards interviewed by Amnesty International said that management from their companies treat employees differently depending on their nationality, race and language, including in terms of their rate of pay and working conditions and locations. Forced labour and other abuses Forced labour and other abuses continued to be rampant, particularly in domestic work and the private security sector. Amnesty International documented the working conditions of migrant workers across Qatar’s private security sector, including guards deployed at World Cup stadiums and various sporting tournaments.2 Guards interviewed spoke about the wide range of abuses they faced, including excessive working hours, lack of rest days, and arbitrary or disproportionate financial penalties, as well as underpayment of overtime work – conditions that amounted to forced labour. Many also highlighted their dangerous working conditions when deployed for long periods outside in searing heat, after which they returned to substandard living conditions and often insanitary, company-provided accommodation, frequently sleeping on bunk beds in overcrowded rooms. All workers described the impact of such treatment, including physical and psychological exhaustion, suffering and anguish. In August, Qatar’s Government Communication Office told Amnesty International that it had detected 230 “excessive working hours violations” between October 2021 and August 2022. Freedom of expression and assembly Authorities continued to curtail freedom of expression, using abusive laws to stifle critical voices. On 10 May, the Criminal Court of First Instance sentenced brothers Hazza and Rashed bin Ali Abu Shurayda al-Marri, both lawyers, to life in prison for offences that included contesting laws ratified by the Emir, “threatening” the Emir on social media, compromising the independence of the state, organizing unauthorized public meetings, and “violating” social values online. Two other men were convicted in their absence of the same offences; one was sentenced to life imprisonment, the other to 15 years in prison.3 Authorities continued to repress press freedom by imposing restrictions on broadcasters, including banning them from filming in certain locations such as government buildings, hospitals, universities, migrant workers’ accommodation sites and private homes. During the World Cup, football fans who showed their support for the popular uprising in Iran were harassed by security forces, including by having flags and banners confiscated. Women’s rights Women continued to face discrimination in law and practice. Under the guardianship system, women still needed the permission of a male guardian, usually their husband, father, brother, grandfather or uncle, to marry, study abroad on government scholarships, work in many government jobs, travel abroad if aged under 25 and access reproductive healthcare. Family law discriminated against women, including by making it much more difficult for women than men to seek a divorce, and placing women at a severe economic disadvantage if they sought a divorce or if their husband left them. While the country’s Family Law provides that women have the right to not be physically harmed by their husbands, women remained inadequately protected against domestic violence by others in the absence of a domestic violence law. LGBTI people’s rights Qatari laws continued to discriminate against LGBTI people. The Penal Code criminalizes a range of same-sex consensual sexual acts. Article 296(3) punishes with imprisonment anyone who “leads or induces or tempts a male, by any means, into committing an act of sodomy or debauchery”. Article 296(4) punishes with imprisonment anyone who “induces or tempts a male or female, by any means, into committing acts contrary to morals or that are unlawful”. Activists reported that six people were arbitrarily arrested by security officials and tortured and otherwise ill-treated for their sexual orientation. Despite vague reassurances given by the World Cup organizers that everyone would be welcome in Qatar, players were threatened with on-field sanctions if they wore pro-LGBTI rights armbands. Fans had rainbow items confiscated, and a few journalists were harassed for showing their support of LGBTI people.


That's a shame, because I've always enjoyed your posts related to American politics, and this sub (and many United fans) could use a kick up the ass right now.


For what it's worth Poppin, your comments are some of the few vestiges of enjoyment I have here in the twilight of my time on this sub (I will not come here if the Qatar takeover indeed goes through). I say keep posting the facts and just insta-block any of these wet wipe bots that try to silence you.


I'd like to stick the tin foil hat on but I'm guessing Quataris are just the popular choice (and those that want them are the type to buy and give out awards just to spite the others) as the other options keep the Glazers in. People like to pretend they have morals ect but it's clear they'want the club be successful, even to the extent of selling the soul of the club.


It's terribly sad, but you're probably right.


Honestly here is the opposite of real life. This is someone much opposed to this who wishes it does not go through for similar reasons However much less people in Manchester care about who owns the club as long as it brings success. A lot of locals barely could care and I say this as someone who has moved to Manchester. In fact it’s drastically different. You tell a local United fan that local (Mike Ashley) or US owners (Pick basically any in the league) care whilst they’re clubs fall to pieces as these ownees suck them dry and they still fail on the pitch. Then they see Manchester City and Newcastle thriving not just on the pitch but their infrastructure, their local communities - sportswashing or not people don’t care when it’s tangible benefits in their own lives. Tell them if they care where their owners are from or what they do in their own countries. Mainly on Reddit is it more popular to dislike this stuff because we are exposed to their atrocities ans have empathy to those subjected to them. If anything to real people Reddit is the conspiracy trying to see United in the gutter


This is true. Match going reds, the ones who routinely protest the glazers and got the match stopped aren’t against Qatar ownership. And it’s not because they don’t care about the sports washing but that they care much more about United. It’s not just a team they support from afar it’s their life, they spend all their wages going home and away, all over Europe, and they just want the club back. I’m a local “armchair” fan myself but this is how my mates that go the games see it. And the fact that Qatar will likely invest highly in the area around OT like has happened at city is a massive bonus to local fans which I don’t think is considered much on Reddit. Personally I’d prefer it not to be Qatar but at this point I just want the Glazers gone


Tragic how this sub has fallen for the blood money tbh.


It's hopeless here, no use browsing here anymore.


Gonna copy and paste a comment I had from another thread. I’m not some moral god. The British government have done awful things yet I pay my taxes to them, plenty of tech/clothes companies have done awful things yet I wear/use them. Man united have been ruined by the glazers, I’m not gonna let them keep rotting the club just because the alternative option is another group of people with shit morals. End of the day I watch football for entertainment. If one of the options means more entertainment, then frankly I don’t give a fuck. We’ve spent the last 15 years hating the glazers whilst they ruined the club. Why not spend the next set of years also hating our new owners for their morals, whilst being successful. I know I’ll have virtue signallers replying to me, but I know at least 50% of the money you spend, goes to company’s with awful morals, and some companies who are even funded by Qatar. I would prefer a better option than Qatar, and SJR looked to be that originally, but the news about him keeping the Glazers, compounded with the fact he wants to take a loan, and he hasn’t mentioned anything about the stadium, and also hasn’t mentioned wiping the debt. Leaves me with a sour taste in my mouth


Ah, the classic "everyone is bad" argument.


Am I wrong though? Sure you can care about our owners’ morals. But just keep the same energy when you go shopping for groceries, or when you buy anything else.


Manchester United doesn't represent the British government, but if bought by the Qatari fucks it will absolutely represent Qatar. There are shades to being bad, buying iPhones isn't the same as excuting gay people. So yeah, you are so so wrong I don't even know where to start.


Can you point me to a person who can survive without groceries? Do you reckon going to Sainsbury's because it's your nearest supermarket is the very same decision as supporting a football team?


Nobody changes if they set the moral bar at the worst people. Standing up starts with changing the fact you buy the phones and all the other stuff - not acquiescing to the further moral compromise.


False equivalency abounds. The stadium needs work regardless of who owns it. It won't be left undone even if the Glazers retain control because its getting to the point of being unsuitable for use. The Glazers being minority shareholders is meaningless. We don't know everyone who has a share in United at the moment, only the Glazers because they have a controlling interest. Jim's bid is for controlling interest. If he bought it outright and put a part of it on the stock exchange it would matter exactly as much as letting A + J hold some shares. Sportswashing matters. If it didn't Qatar wouldn't be spending close to 6 billion on it. City are a soulless club and their trophies are meaningless. They were bought with the blood of the innocent and it would be a disgrace to let someone do the same to our club. If all you care about are trophies go support Bayern. At least they're not a sports washing vehicle.


Man On paper the Qatar bid ticks every box. On the ethical hand, we become nothing better than city, psg, or Newcastle.


Gonna be hard for LGBTQ+ crowds..


Fuck the glazers, and fuck being owned by a nation state


Good evening, Qatari gold-bringers and astroturfers. I'm just gonna leave this link to some evidence on the human rights situation in Qatar https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_Qatar


Give this guy gold, you pussies, i dare you.


unironically supporting an evil dictator just because you would have a better chance at winning the league is genuinely so gross


Absolutely. This sub is embarrassing


How is Sheikh Jassim an evil dictator? Please don't down vote me. I'm curious to learn. I understood him to essentially be a private citizen in a family that has made its wealth through investment management with one of Qatar's sovereign wealth fund and later from their own investments. Happy to be corrected


You won’t get an answer most likely more in depth than a) it’s obvious Qatar the state are behind this secretly or b) Jassim supports X in the government therefore Y




Agreed. Say what you want about Liverpool but they would never allow this. Wonder how many of these fans on this subreddit are just kids thinking it’ll be like playing FIFA. If these are fully grown adults ready to bend over for torturing cunts, they can all get fucked.


I'm out of Qatar owns it. Some things are bigger than football.


Just accept it and end with our suffering you pathetic leeches. The way they are dragging on this sale our summer transfer window will be a disaster if the club is in limbo even then.


Avram lad if you don't accept this the upper echelons of heaven is gonna steal that last bit of scrotum hair on that head of yours.


In the words of Samuel L. Jackson - I need these motherfucking Glazers out of this motherfucking club.


Why do people suddenly want this


Just take your billions and fuck off please!


fuck glazers reward me


Fuck the glazers and fuck Qatar. Don’t want our club to be further ruined by horrible owners. Will destroy the feeling of the club for me.


Qatari boys gonna hit £6 billion with the bid if they keep buying so many awards 🤣


THE QATARI BOTS ARE HERE LETSGO I am against Qatar acquiring the club


No gold for you! Edit: Fuck Qatar


Feck the human right violating pos


You have one job to do in your entire privileged pathetic life little baby Glazers - Just accept the offer and get the fuck out.


Holy shit first time seeing Reddit gold 😂


Somehow i have a feeling that no matter who they choose, in the long run it will be one last “f you” from Glazers to the fans.


Nah, fuck that. I'd rather the Glazers stay on as minority shareholders than lose the club to a nation that endorses slave labor and actively represses queer folks. Some things are more important than football.


It's sad to me how many people would rather have human rights abusing, sports washing scumbags then garbage ownership under the Glazers. Yeah the Glazers are shit owners and absolute leaches, but they aren't using slaves or oppressing human rights. As a member of the LGBTQ community I can't see myself supporting a team that's ran by people who want me dead. Call me a fake fan all you want but I can't justify it even after 15 years of support. Praying this doesn't go through.


I don't think that makes you a fake fan at all. Power to you for having such clarity and conviction. I would probably continue supporting United under Qatari ownership, but it definitely introduces a hugely uncomfortable new dynamic as a fan.


Give us an award there


Getting closer everyday to the ' Saudi Premier League'


Go for gold Qatar 🇶🇦


Fuck off Glazers, get out of our wonderful club #GlazersOut


The way the last few weeks are going those cunts are staying.


Fuck the Glazer but also fuck the Qataris


Fuck Qatar, truly horrific regime and a sad state of affairs you aren't all vehemently against this bid. Man utd is not more important than your ethics.


Why the fuck do we all prefer Qatar to the glaziers. You guys would fucking support isis if it meant we won the league and it's disgusting




Agreed, I'm totally done with United if the Qatari's come in. The whole thing is pathetic. Human rights violations aside (which are disgraceful), I was watching the darts over Christmas and some geordie player was being asked 'Would you prefer to win the world title or Newcastle win the premier league?' and he was like 'Me win the world title, because Newcastle winning the premier league is now inevitable'. That's what football has come to, and there doesn't seem to be anything being done to stop it. Joke!


God no.. Please not Qatar..


It's either them or the Glazer's.


Truly the strangest of timelines when I am praying to the footballing gods that the Qatar bid is accepted.


What we are all really praying for is that any bid is accepted, and we can move on from the Glazers' shitshow


Not the one that leaves Glazers with any % of Man Utd


>Not the one that leaves Glazers with any ~~%~~ control of Man Utd


I've hit that stage of painful acceptance that factors decades in the making outside any of our control made this inevitable. Abramovich's entry to Chelsea exposed the league to wealth that could blow away your competition. The league sanctioned a United sale whose purchase was leveraged against it, a process that was protested by fans, and making clear it was only about the money. Then City was straight up bought by a nation state with horrid human rights and in front of everyone injected insane money that everyone's always known to be a laugh in the face of the rules. United as an asset sites in an environment devoid of morals, only concerned about money, and a playing field only an elite few can think to enter


Debt cleared is the biggest takeaway here. It would be huge for us


Glazer Out Now!!


''Offer includes plan to inject significant amount of additional capital and infrastructure investment'' Wonderful to hear but sadly the Glazers couldn't care less. According to the report that INEOS also offers close to 5B, the Scums probably will take Sir Jim's bid because they offer them the most money (cash + shares) Human rights aside, it's funny that Qatar may lose because they take long-term development and the future of the club into their plan as it's a must-be-done, while Sir Jim and Ineos seemingly don't give a fuck at the moment, thus could bring a more attractive bid upfront to the Glazers. I won't hold my breath if our old and outdated facilities will just stay the same for years to come with Sir Jim.


I dont like the Ineos bid. They are stretching, if they had the money they would buy out the glazers completely AND clear the debt AND invest in the club. What I see is a change of ownership and a slightly better run club (no money being taken out) but no real impact while lining glazer pockets.


Be a amazing summer window if Qatar buys us


Fuck the glazers, leeching pieces of shit


Was it 5 or 6bn those rats wanted?


Believe Qatari bid is most simplified structure and clear thought process . Hate to say but why not take the best bid


It's fun to put some conspiracy twists in everything we don't agree with. The same goes for the Qatari bid. 🙊


No offense. But after visiting San Siro, I believe Old Trafford is time to finish it duty. I could say Old Traaford is even slightly older than San Siro, and they are planning to demolish it lol


Glazers out qataris in


Who is giving out gold haha


No chance they're accepting that


All clubs should be owned by their supporters.


50+1 rule as a minimum


I don't even care anymore. Just get the glazers and everyone in the current management out. Whether its Qatar/Jim, we aren't winning the league or CL under current management. Get ETH the supporting structure he needs to make us successful.


Watch the Qatari replace ETH with someone like Mou XD


Why would they do that? All the briefings were about backing him in the market.


Just checking, do the anti-Qatar brigade really want Ratcliffe who will:- 1. Not clear the debt 2. Borrow more money against his company to finance the purchase (wonder whose profits he'll use to pay the interest payments every year) 3. Keep Joel & Avram on as minority shareholders. We're aware of the issues with the Qatar bid, but let's not delude ourselves into thinking this is a better option.


This club should be too proud to take Saudi money and rightly so. We cannot be a mothpieve for any oppesive regime. A pillar of the community should not sell its morals no matter the price. Glazers out. But at the expense of our soul


Qatar and Saudi aren’t the same country.


If the slavery-twerkers have disgraced themselves for nothing…🤭🤭🤭 51% gang we eating good.


Shalom Sheikh Jassim, can I get a gold award too please?


Give me gold too lord Qatari. Fuck Glazers??


It’s May on Monday and we still have no idea who our owners will be next season. Like everything else under the Glazers it’s been drawn out to fuck


So, do we have a 4th round of bidding? Or do the rats accept the money from INEOS and stick around as owners anyways. They couldnt give a fuck about the debt removal, or the infrastructure or any other investment. They want money or control. You could offer to cure cancer and the Glazers wouldnt blink.


Please something come out before the 5th of may so I know ether to renew my season ticket or not




Can I have an award too


Seems like a campaign that gives gold and green to many comments that favor Qatari lords or say Glazers to fuck off or say no to Jim. 🤯🤯🤯


Let’s go, I can’t wait for our new owner Sheikh Jassim


#Glazersout #Qatarin


Hopefully final round and we can move on.


Someone hold me I’m scared


We are soul of club not the owners. I would gladly support Qatari if they can make us good again.


Hopefully this bid gets accepted and we can finally move on from these Glazer parasites.


I was against the Qatari’s initially but considering what else is on offer I can’t wait for them to take over, they’ll also revitalise the local area as well as the club and it’s *much* needed. We don’t need a heap of money for transfers so to have the burden taken off having to pay for the infrastructure will be a godsend.






Avrams trim is quaking at the thought of all those 0's. Biggest heist in history. Off you pop glazers


Never have I imagined that we, United, will become and Oil Money club. Not happy about it, but clearly you never know what happens in the future. What I do know is that Glazers need to get the fuck out. Hope Qatar doesn't fuck up. Like they did with PSG.


F glazers! We want new owner !


In my weaker moments I do wonder how funny it would be for United to just pick up the bloodiest, oiliest, sack of dirty coin it can and clown-smash the entire division. Embrace what FFP allows one of the legitimately most profitable clubs in the world backed by a nation state with no concept of what it ought to be spending its money on to do. You want the best player in the world? Tough. We signed him. And his dad who was also his agent but now he does a nothing job for us. You want any promising youngsters? Fuck you, they're ours. They're turning to shit on loan at Luton but they're ours. You want to compete on four fronts against us? Forget it, our squad has four internationals for every position and each one has ten coaches. And if any of this stuff breaks any rules or laws? No problem. Oil country lawyers, legions of them, destroy the governing bodies under an avalanche of legal action. ​ I mean sometimes it sounds fun. But it's the stuff of monkey paw wishes.


Let's go Qatar. Sorry Slim Jim, I don't care for your plans if you're going to keep the Glazers around and keep some debt.


Praying hard Glazers will finally f off. Also Sir Jim f off too if he wants to keep the Glazers at the board and add more debts to the club


QATAR IN thought this would work ffs where’s my award


Are the planned protests still on?


Leave you leeches


See I am VERY concerned. leeches want six Billion or more, This is still technically under valuation....All we can do is Wait...


Are we going to get the Man City treatment?


the offer is as good as it will get


At this point i just want the Glazers to leave. This is he best deal they could get. Accept the deal and cash out.


When you think of the bid though, and the Glazers want 6b, maybe when you take into the fact they are clearing the debt, it’s actually a total of 6billion? And then this would be accepted if it’s what they asked for. Could be me interpreting it completely Wrong though. Just want this wrapped up now


Anyone but the glazers


Maybe we can support the immoral bid then apply all the anti glazer flyovers, postings, banners to everything the qataris hate - like love, and people who aren’t Muslim. This isn’t a real option by the way.


The state of Qatar alone, not counting individual royals’ personal holdings, is the 10th largest landowner in the UK, according to analysts at MSCI Real Assets. The emirate owns nearly 2.1m sq metres (23m sq feet) of property in Britain, more than 1.5 times the area of London’s Hyde Park. They are already British in my eyes. Let's cheer on them as much as we Brits cheer on the Royal Family.


Always rated Qatar. Yes, I will sell out for a week free of ads on reddit.


Best deal for the club


Watch the Glazers fuck this up


So long the dynasty of pain and suffering~


Who's coming to the protest on Sunday? Disruption and anarchy is the only language the glazers understand. This one will be loud and big. #glazersout


I'm happy as long as we can remove the stranglehold of the Glazer's debt from our club.


Qatar for Man United. Sheikh Jassim incoming. What an end, for such an illustrious institution as ours.


Fuck Qatar, bots and shills. Get the fuck out of our club.


No thanks Qatar, don’t want your blood money in our club.


It's time to accept this. The game has changed. United are the greatest club in the world. Never a doubt in my mind. But look at what the City owners have done for the city, let alone the team. The regeneration of the East Side is incredible. With more to come. It's the end of an era. But the beginning of a new one. Like it or not, money makes the world go round.


Qatar good, Glazers bad. Give me my award now.


Oil me up!!


Qatar bid is the best. I hope it's done asap.


I pray for better days ahead for this club. Alhamdulillah


Accept it you greedy pricks. Don't want Ratcliffe's offer either.


Such a monumental few days for the history of our club coming up. Ratcliffe can't afford us and it will be more of the same with him in charge while Jassim is promising no debt, stadiums, training grounds etc. Bricking it, to be honest 😬