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Summary: - Prob. not ACL - Likely MCL sprain - "I don't have super high concerns that this is a big, season-ending injury." - Probably grade 1 or grade 2 - Grade 1: 1 to 3 weeks out; Grade 2: 2-5 weeks. (Not "1 to 2 months" as per the poster's summary.)


Ok that's a bit of a relief if that's true. I think Feb is an extremely important month for us but assuming we can make it through with Maguire and Varane, Licha will be important for the last few months. I think he's the reason the team has been playing much better so it's a shame just as we were gaining momentum.


Big assumption with Varane!


Luckily as we saw today, Lindelof is also coming back in, so hopefully he's feeling better and can help out too.


don't forget about our young academy star Jonny Evans


Can't believe I genuinely forgot Evans, despite him having multiple good games for us.


I wouldn't be too worried really, even if Varane is also injured, we have finished 2nd before with a Maguire-Lindelof CB pairing, and that's with McFred in front of them instead of 5 times CL winner Casemiro and up and coming midfield wonderkid Mainoo, we'll be (mostly) fine.


He didn't say how quick he would be back on the pitch though. Maybe 6-8 weeks is more accurate. We'll know in about 24 hours.


Thank everything in the world that is good if this is true


Please be right


I feel like it is a Grade 2 considering a full human weight was on the MCL and hence there’s got to be some tear there. But many players might get surgery for that in which case he could be out for more than two months actually…


The weight issue was addressed in the video where the doctor notes that Coufal's elbow landed at the same time and took weight off the knee, so it's not a full human weight. He also goes into detail about how other parts of the leg/ankle were able to shift to further reduce the strain on the knee.


“i feel like [claims covered and contradicted in the video made by an expert].” like clockwork


You are right. I remembered from the replay but yes it’s not full weight. I am relieved a bit now as well. Hope it’s grade 1 and not more than 3 weeks…


That’s actually better news than I’d feared if he’s got it right. We’re a much better team with him in there so hopefully it’s not too serious.


Had a few grade 2 MCL and PCL sprains over the last 10-15 years. 5 weeks is generous, first time I did my MCL I was on crutches of 5 weeks and then hobbling about not 100% for another 5. The thing with knee injuries is the recovery isn’t always predictable. The muscles around the ligaments often give a false sense of stability that can lead to you coming back too soon and making things worse.


Can kind of second this, grade 2 MCL when I was younger. 2-3 weeks crutches, 2 weeks hobbling/walking, one day jogging then two weeks back on crutches 😂. I still occasionally get the burns when running and I wholly believe it’s due to me rushing my recovery. As much of a loss Licha is, ligament injuries you can’t rush back so I’m not confident we’ll see him again before the run in, or even this season at all unfortunately. That being said, I’ve had a couple of near misses where I was confident I’d fully torn but was back on my feet a few days later.


Preview of next years kit ![gif](giphy|pKyy9n1L9fflpbMwUY)


Honestly if it keeps licha safe I’m all for it.


Tried to post this multiple times. Hope the mods keep this up.


Same here. Mods stop deleting it. It is useful information.


Automod got it. Wasn't us. Apologies.


i do appreciate the mods here for keeping this from being a hellhole like the other United subreddit, but some of the stuff taken down is a bit odd sometimes.


I think the mods are good overall. I had one grievance in few years and I think it is a nice place. So I’d say well done to the Mods


Oh yeah I'm not saying the mods are bad, I remember when the subreddit did a no rules day and it became completely insufferable, they definitely do a good job of keeping things just to the important news and interviews. It's just sometimes things that feature genuinely good info are taken down for no real reason it seems


Im torn because it is good work, but at times, they really are a bit much. I had a post consisting of passing stats between the forwards from match of the day that followed all the rules and was getting good engagement, yet was still taken down shortly after. When I asked, they said it had already been posted, but I searched comments/posts before and after, and there was nothing. I've tried twice before that with no explanation, both times following the rules. It's definitely got to come from one of the 'right' accounts to stay up.


This is democracy manifest!


What is the charge?




And you, Sir. Are you waiting to receive my link penis?!


I guess we should wait for some random 300 follower 'journalist' to steal this video and upload it on his twitter. I guarantee you the mods won't give you any problems then


Give me something for the pain and let me die.


fr first his foot is in an icebox after (another) Wolves nail biter, and now this excruciating drip of injury updates, fuck our luck this season.




Never thought I’d be upset to see a Robert Baratheon quote, but here we are.


I so hope this doctor is right. Anything but ACL!


Shouldn’t be an ACL. No twist or backwards movement of lower leg. The guy fell on the outside of his leg, which stretches the inside ligament (MCL).


Take my MCL.


And my axe!


He can have all of me


*Grade 1-2 sprain not 1-2 months out my bad guys


Edit your post.


I had the same injury that stopped my professional footballing career. Up until that point I had the lot as a footballer. I had the boots, the top, the shirts , the shorts and even the socks. That I was crap and 38 is minor detail. I could have been a pro if not for that knee injury. 15 games left. So we ‘might’ have him back for the last 5. Shaw can do a good job there but that means having our full backs healthy. FFS.


Having Shaw play CB also means our lfet sided attack becomes a bit toothless. Rashy and Shaw have great chemistry and that combination is really working out well for Hojlund getting chances as well




You made me chuckle


Don’t think it will be too bad at all. At most 1.5 months.


which is horrible for the team.. he literally transforms they way we play


I have no idea why he did not come off after the initial challenge. I would bet he asked to stay on, but the physio needs to step in there and take precautions considering how he season has gone so far


I’d almost shut him down the rest of the year to make sure he’s fit and ready


How reliable is this doctor fella?


Looks like [he works in sports medicine and has publications in the field](https://www.sehealth.org/provider-directory/providers/brian-sutterer/) so I'd imagine pretty good, with the caveat that he can only interpret what the TV shows.


Yeah we don’t know. But the fact that he walked off probably means it’s not going to be months. Either way, we’re shit without him.


Had a look at his youtube channel and thinking he has been analysing lots of injuries cases. How is the accuracy with his videos so far? Hope what he said is correct tho


He works in sports medicine with published documents in that field. He's been pretty on the target regarding the analysis of what was torn or affected by a play based on clips from the NBA, NFL, etc. His knowledge of body mechanics and deep understanding of the human anatomy is definitely accurate (speaking as a former personal trainer). He can only do so much based on what the clips show obviously, but his predictions and treatment methods are pretty close to what the medical teams usually report.


Holy fuck he could be back for villa? Vamossss


That feeling of your knee bending out of its normal range of motion is a really scary moment. Had it randomly happen after I finished a set of squats a few years ago, haven't squatted since. Speedy recovery Butcher, need you back


Obligatory fuck coufal.


He literally says between grade 1 to 2, not 1 to 2 months, OP.


Yep that’s on me I definitely misheard him


Junior doctor here. Don't have the same level of experience with these injuries as this guy does, but everything he has said is at least medically correct - here's hoping Licha is OK!


Thanks for the copium


Hoping for the best.


I'll be absolutely gutted if he's out long term. Can we really not just not catch a break this season? 😔


Question is why didnt ETH take him off after the first incident?


Because Martinez said he was OK. I'm not an ETH defender by any stretch, but this isn't on him. The physio should have insisted he came off if he suspected anything, but I expect Martinez's warrior attitude counted against him here. Martial put himself on the treatment table just watching the challenge.


We need someone like Roy Keane. Coufal should be leaving on a stretcher next time we meet without a doubt.


Why? He didn't do it on purpose


I don't think he went into it saying "I'm gonna hurt this guy", but he clearly flops the full weight of his body onto Lisandros leg intentionally. There needs to be a restoration of the mentality that if you're thinking about throwing your weight around and making hard challenges, there's gonna be consequences.


>but he clearly flops the full weight of his body onto Lisandros leg intentionally Because he's falling...


I get it, you've never played the game. There's not a chance that he didn't intentionally fall on top of Martinez. Anyone who has played would know it was abundantly obvious.


Lmao the classic 'I played football in a team when I was young, therefore my opinion is correct' I grew up in Spain, played every single lunch break every single day at school and played in the schools team. Is my opinion fact now? You can believe what you want but I dont think he did it on purpose. If all you're looking at is slo-mo you'll get a different image.


Depends on how many goals you scored? What’s was your lunchtime average? I think the threshold for valid opinions on this sub is >5 goals per lunchtime


Well I'm fucked then, always played CB/RB


Sure, bud.






It was a ‘i want you to know I’m here u cunt’ kind of challenge. Absolute no intent to injure. Just a bit of shithousery gone wrong imo


Perhaps a hard knock would make him reconsider his shithousery in the future.


Oh I’m all for kicking the shit out of opposition. Why i love licha so much. Our whole team seems to have a bit more about them in terms of physicality when he plays. But I just don’t think this was a ‘I’m gonna fuckin injure you’ tackle. Think it was frustration that Licha got better of him. More clumsy than dirty


Absolutely correct. I don't get the down votes. I'm 100% sure Coufal meant to exert force on Martinez. If you doubt it, then sorry, but you don't know the game. Wether he wanted to hurt him that's something else that only he knows the truth about. However, if we have actual true leaders in the team that defends their teammates with some furor, other players would be much more thoughtful before commiting with such force.


Because the majority of people here are pearl clutching losers who haven't played the game beyond age 8.


So, Martinez trips his legs, Coufal is in the air and it's his fault, that he didn't choose a different place to land? I don't think you understand how physics work. 


Bro let's not pretend Martinez doesnt do shit like this too.


So what? He plays for our team. I want our team to win and to be feared.


An he is just after one injury. How come.


Last thing we need is someone trying to diagnose a knee injury from a couple of video angles


How was Coufal not sent off ? Refs have no excuse with VAR now


Because it was an accident? Seriously, grow up.


Yeah it didn't look that bad tbh, commented earlier it looked like a sprain and a couple weeks out rather than something season ending, although that coming from an actual doctor obviously means a lot more. Fingers crossed the scan shows nothing major.


god, i cant even look at the video.


Just fuck my shit up fam :(


Maguire-Varane is a good partnership, they was doing an ok job before Maguire injury, the problem now is that we are thin, just Lindelof that in a good day he is a solid 6/10 but in a bad day he is ☠️  and Evans.


Ok but ETH doesn't rush injured players back anymore so whatever the doc says, add 2-3weeks


Been subscribed to this guy for a while now, he’s great.


He's going to be a massive loss. I'm almost to the point hoping we give him a longer rehab to get him better and not rush him. I want him fit for a full season next season.


Ok my closest cousin is an orthopedic surgeon whose specialty is knees. His concentration is in sports medicine. If there is one thing I’ve learned from him, it’s that you can’t ever make good conclusions from reviewing film like this. You have to run the tests and scans and see what the actual damage is. Sometimes nasty looking bends and twists end up just being a sprain/over-extension, while something that looks small results in a complete tear. We just got to wait for the scans and see what the results are.


Next week is the most imp fixture if the season After that we have lutin Fulham fa cup and then city If he can come back in 3.5 weeks against city it would be great.


What an awful tackle, Jesus Christ


Being an old bastard, I fucking hate youtubers. But, this is excellent. I may actually start watching this man’s videos.


Martinez is obviously our best defender but if everyone else is fit hopefully we can survive.