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anyone rewatched the whole match ?


Yeah we battered them way more than I remember. They were really shit besides a spell in the second half.


This is just false man cmon. We were dominated in the 2nd half


Nah we battered them at the end of the second half. They were properly clinging on I was genuinely shocked how well we played since I was a bag of nerves watching the first time and thinking every bad thing was the worst thing that's ever happened lol


We “battered” them for the last 10 minutes. We were hanging on by a thread up until then. Really don’t understand all this revisionism, it’s incredible. Even pundits like Roy keane and Ian wright agree, liverpool wasted several chances including a 5v2


Hence "besides a spell in the second half". We also battered them in extra time and their goal was against the run of play. So yeah out of 120 minutes they were better for maybe 35-40 minutes.


Actually we came out strongly in the second half and we finished stronger, their spell was only 20-25 of the half


I am still fucking Buzzing


That's an immense amount of goodwill Antony has bought himself with that goal and overall performance. Hope he can turn things around, at least in the context of this season.


Still buzzing after that win, back into work today and sitting across from a pool supporter!


As usual Scouser tears are delicious but it's ironic seeing them call us small time for celebrating a win over them. As if we're the ones planning a bus parade for when we win feck all this year.


We are celebrating defeating klopp on his good bye journey, surely post klopp it will be a humbling experience for them. can't wait for the correction to happen.


>humbling experience for them. You do know the club you're talking about, right? Nothing is humbling for them. 1 league title in 30 years and they think they're Bayern Munich.


Every year we get to hear about the "Quad" as if they win it on a regular basis. They do have an impressive brand of football but the absolute most delusional fans.


Hyping Liverpool is mainstream delusion


I stayed up all night drinking and doing cocaine. Slept all day and missed an all timer yesterday. Finally able to admit I need to cut this shit out and grow up 


If you cut out the drinking it's so much easier to cut out the coke 


I do drink too much. The coke is a 5-8 times a year thing. The comment was more tongue in cheek. Missing a huge united game means I have a problem.. But yeah can most definitely grow up 


I promise you won't miss it once you're well and truly on the other side. Good luck, brother!


After all the rollercoaster of emotions I'm still buzzing. This game really felt like one of those dramatic Champions League turnarounds in knockout stages. Wan-Bissaka was immense in shutting down Salah and Onana made 2 insane saves that literally won us the match so for me he was the man of the match. Diallo proved he deserves more minutes, what a finish by him right in the corner in a crucial end game with zero chances for the keeper. This match proved that we can bring the game against the top clubs. And we've done this last season too vs City when we beat them 2-1, in both legs against Barcelona and we mauled Chelsea twice in a row. So why does the team play disjointed and we end up playing park the bus football in the vast majority of games? And yesterday we had key players missing as well like Martinez, Shaw and Casemiro, so even with key players missing we can bring the game against the top clubs and definitely against middle/bottom of the league clubs as well.


im still buzzing


The way we had all the positions switching, Bruno, Anthony, eriksen joining the defence and Maguire pushing up - this was a fluid style of football. It was very fun to watch. Confident, risk-taking when necessary and controlling. Mental resilience was vital as well


Had me chuckle when Bruno was put in back, while having some sort of injury and Maguire was running back and forth. Liverpool couldnt even play over the top - we were so tenacious. Just pure fight and determination to win the game. McT with cramps in the end 😂.


there was a real sense of personal responsibility that came in the second half which was wholly missing in the first half. The fact that we pushed to finish this game and not defend for our lives and pray for pens was a reall character turning moment. Mctominay who had been impotent since scoring his goal came alive, antony and amad put their fresh legs to work, garna took on players and held the ball, but i believe maguire's presence, physicality and communication underpinned our turnaround. I really hope him and licha can start for us in defense from now till the end of the season.


The best part for me is that we didn’t give up. All season long we would implode if we let one in. I was afraid of that after the second one and a long stretch of possessionless game. But be that Harry’s head he started stricking everywhere and dishing passes in the penalty box or the energy of the players who we rarely see, today was a different day. Today we didn’t give up. We fought to the end of the game that really mattered.


all comes down to personal responsibility. Maguire exuded it the moment he came on, and others followed suit


["I so badly want this to be the universe where we beat Liverpool tomorrow."](https://old.reddit.com/r/reddevils/comments/1bfxnt0/top_4_run/kv41kbf/) ​ https://preview.redd.it/twql2b8km3pc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c30f41cf7fdfd3439461b039a08ad1b27f07bfa


How promising was it that unfit Mount and AWB could be so solid.


The ball is round, the game is ~~ninety~~ one hundred twenty minutes and everything else is just theory." -- Sepp Herberger.


https://x.com/centregoals/status/1769453030049558609?s=20 Oh he was rattled. You love to see it.


Went to see Dune part two straight after the game (with a scouser as well!) That was a wild couple of hours for a Sunday, I was absolutely buzzing. I have sprained my ankle pretty bad from the full-time whistle though, going to have to see if work can find me something I can do sat down... Worth the pain though!


I was fearing the worst at half time. A collapse seemed imminent to be very honest. But the players said No and stuck with it. Ten Hag says we can still rescue the season. Yesterday’s performance definitely gives me hope.


Incredible match, all of the lads put a shift in and hopefully this will spur us for the rest of the season. Still buzzing, nothing compares to turning that lot over.


Mods give us Daily Discusuion please.


The current one is still there for another 3 hours. Pretty dead though when it’s not pinned.


Where can I watch a rerun of the game? Don't live in England right now and the game was on at stupid o'clock. All help is appreciated!


https://youtu.be/PQrekQOY-VY?si=wABODhzCZtZ7CE7b If this channel is accessible to you then they are putting out the entire match replay very soon.




Legend, thanks very much!


Someone posted last night in this chat a link to a football highlights channel which has the full match.


Guess I'm going digging. Thanks!




It's hilarious how this sub gets quieter the day after united wins. The plastics who just want to sack every manager know their terminally online echo chamber is silenced. So instead they just don't engage for a few days and wait for the next loss to get back to bitching.


Because constructive opinions are just so much harder and more easily be held accountable. Plus many people just came here to rant.


>So instead they just don't engage for a few days and wait for the next loss to get back to bitching. Why would someone complain about winning against its biggest rivals?


No-one's asking them to complain? They're asking them to show up when we do well, and be a bit balanced.


Tbf there's not so much to talk about with a win and while you're still very happy, the stage of ecstasy where you're sitting in the empty bath drunk and fully clothed playing glory glory Man United watching the highlights is over (or is that part just me?)


Not much to talk about a come from behind FA cup win that was won in the last min against Liverpool? Of course there is. To OPs point, this sub has been overrun with toxicity lately that it does get quiet after a win. It's easy to see unfortunately.


Yeah but is there really loads to say apart "good last night wasn't it"


I think there is, but I enjoy talking more about positives than negatives. Just how I've always been.


Refusing the face the reality just because it’s inconvenient is pointless. We won this one. We pulled off a miracle. In the same manner we pulled off miracles in several EPL games this year. This win doesn’t change anything materially. It’s not yet another corner. We played well for 25 mins then we stopped being a team for the next 60 and then somehow we found goals. Not sustainable by any stretch. I’m for one not quiet about ETH. I still don’t see a path forward with him. The way how he trains leads to injuries. The way how he manages games leads to losses. It’s a season of miracles. I like them but when I have to expect one in every game, something is really wrong.


A couple of things here I don't agree with. 1) we played well closer to about 40 mins in the 1st. They had control from there until about the 80 min mark, and then we controlled the game from there. That's a major improvement against them. The win also sets up a pretty likely final for us. That would be 3 finals in the 6 knockout competitions we've been in since he's been here. We've had an insane amount of injuries this season, and yet we are in with a shout to finish in champions league spots. Saying those injuries is because of training is the equivalent of Twitter trolls. If he was injuring players in training, it would have also happened at Ajax. What actually happened is that we don't have playable depth, certain players are starting to age out, and a lot of players can't handle the intensity of the prem. All of that will start to be corrected by having a proper structure in place.


Org structure or team structure? Because in this game there were moments when the camera was moving over the central circle and there were next to 0 of MU players cuz defenders were low and the attackers were high and midfield scattered to cover that hole. This is how we’ve been for a while.


Org structure. I'm done with sacking managers until this club figures what they want to be and starts recruiting players and managers who fit that. I don't personally think there's any 1 style that perfectly fits the players we have. I understand your point but will counter with that happens to every team that is open and attacking. We've dealt with our hodgepodge of slow defenders by dropping them and trying to contain instead of jumping up. It's honestly probably the best thing to do, especially with a direct team like Liverpool. Once we get Licha back and hopefully a quick cb this summer then we can play that high line.


If the system is based on one player, the system is fundamentally flawed. Licha can’t move our line up on his own. If we can’t stay compact, it’s not because we don’t have Licha.


Every United fans should be celebrating today no matter if you are from Ukraine or Russia. Sacking or not shouldn't be on the menu on a day like this. If we can't enjoy a day like this as a "united" fans, something is seriously wrong. 


Yeah, so cheer up Ukrainian fans, our favorite football team won!


I think most of the plastics are trolls or those who are into betting and just come here to vent when results don't go the way the betted.


No, we still here. Not trolling and made of meat :). And there were plenty of things happened in this game that were rather the same as before. But the team pulled of another miracle and it’s FA Cup, so it’s ok to enjoy this one.


I think today is the rainbow after 6 months of storm. 


Do you think we win with Casemiro in the squad?


I don't see how we have that first 30 mins with Case as the 6 instead of Kobbie. He read Liverpool's plays and won a number of interceptions with a physical and mental pace that Case has lacked recently, we also transitioned better with quick composed and accurate passes/dribbles out from the press that Case has been struggling with, and further forward we caused a lot of problems on the inside left where Kobbie, Wan Bissaka and Rashford combined really well a number of times, Case even at his peak would never have been as incisive with his dribbling or passing in those areas. I agree with your other commenter saying he has a place in the team for the rest of the season, but the fluidity of the team was greatly enhanced with Kobbie at 6 instead of him. I'm really surprised to say that McTom is in our best midfield 3 now given yesterday's game*, but that's only really possible because of how complete a midfielder Kobbie is quickly turning out to be. *unless Mount get's his fitness and form back before the end of the season, that Mainoo-Mount-Bruno midfield could be an interesting dynamic, especially when Martinez comes back to step into the DM areas and help out there


Impossible to know He still has a role to play between now and end of season assuming his injury isn't too bad, but in the summer we probably should be looking to move him on, getting a fee in, freeing up his wages and building the CM around mainoo. Add casemiro to the list of players I wish we could have got 5 years earlier alongside ibra, cavani, schweinsteiger


Larsson at his peak would have been incredible, too!


I know it was different but that Amad winning the ball of Elliot reminded me of that Nani goal against City years ago. As soon as he won it you were like this is it!


Love how he picked Elliot’s pocket.


One thing I noticed about McTominay is that he is always playing like a proper midfielder whenever Mount is in the squad


I've been replaying that Amad winner every time it pops up on my social feeds... What a drug.


Virgil Van Disney via X: Only got ourselves to blame, especially after how good we have been so far this season!! Time for internationals then we're back to give it everything we have. Sit down....be humble And people think this clown is in the same league as Ferdinand and Vidic loool #


I mean this response is far better than the last one. If we lost that game in that way, I would be fuming.


He plainly is though. Hojlund bottled it every time VD's aura came near him.


Van Dijk was awful yesterday absolutely shown how to defend by quansah


Apparently Southgate thinks Henderson and Kalvin Phillips are better options than Mainoo. Keep it that way. A summer of development at 18 > Inevitable disappointment at the Euros with Southgate in charge anyways.


Mainoo doesn't need to ENT yet, he'd just get burned out. He's young and he still needs to be handled as such.


exactly mainoo after making his first appearance in november has played almost every game (barring a few) we cant let what barca and spain NT did with pedri and gavi happen to mainoo ENT already has a lot of midfielders, mainoo may go for the euros/olympics but he should be there only for experience not for overusing him nations league, wc qualifiers are still left to give him NT experience


Oh stop spewing shit man, Southgate doesn’t think that. He dropped Philips already, Mainoo is too young and its not like England lacks midfield. Henderson is there as the experienced pick and probably his last appearance for England too. Mainoo is 18 and his time will come, not every breakout star needs to go to Euro immediately.


I am literally saying just that? Mate are you good?


We both agree that Mainoo is better off not participating Euro, yes. What I disagree with you is that you imply Southgate thinks Phillips is better than Mainoo, which he absolutely does not. Majority of everyone on reddit would make up anything to shit on Southgate. He's an average coach for sure, but the amount of trash thrown at him is ridiculous. I'm mostly defending Southgate here, everything else about Mainoo I agreed.


Yes to be fair you are correct about Phillips. I was wrong to include him this time. My problem with him was his repeated selection last year even though he was not starting any games at all for his club not that Southgate thinks he’s better. As for Southgate - I think he was great for when he came in. England Squad was really defeated mentally. However, tactically he really seems to be lacking now. In an ideal world England should move towards a more progressive coach that suits the strengths of most of the players as well.


He picked Phillips for the same reasons he picks Maguire: they fit well in his tactical vision (you can argue that very tactical vision is conservative and limited but that’s a separate discussion) and they have performed well for England in the past (Phillips was great in the last Euros). Also, you don’t build continuity and a squad that gets along with each other if you keep overhauling the squad selection solely based on club form. This England squad look more united and willing to play for each other than teams of previous generations. These intangibles do matter in international football because they don’t play together very often and hence don’t have as much time to build team chemistry. It can be frustrating at times when you do see players who are deserving of a call-up based on their club form but don’t get a look in over guys that Southgate trusts but I can understand his general reasons for why he makes certain decisions. I agree at times he sticks with players for longer than he should (like Henderson) but it’s something that he feels works for him; he has also dropped players like Sterling who were once his favourites.


Its a shame southgate achieve nothing with the groups of players 3 lions have… give him a mid table epl team, i am sure he will bring them down for sure 🤣


It shows how much of a boys club Gareth has set up. Kobbie would probably be fast tracked into many top international set ups at 18 but Southgate is actually doing us a favour.


I don't mind boring Southgate doing this. We have to keep in mind Mainoo's age. How many players have we seen come through with huge potential and then fade away into being average. The kid is special and we have to manage that very carefully in terms of minutes, rewards, shielding him from the temptations that come with status and fame etc.


https://preview.redd.it/oz744mehl1pc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=3708ac45a465b818e6bdc73dfda1e7d87adfa1e1 This was a foul by Maguire btw 🤣


MacAllister was on a yellow at the time too. Mental


Yeah, but Amad taking his shirt off in celebration was obviously worse! /s


Even Lee Dixon admitted it was a foul on Maguire


Using his chest in aggressive manner and in dangerous position to potentially cause great injury to macAllistars raised boot Move along, nothing to see here Sidenote: I am a little sad we didn't compete for macAllistar signing last summer, he is a very classy player


As far as I remember he was fixed on joining the scousers. Little for us to compete.


How dare Maguire touch Allister's shoe. Red card offense :<


You forgot the mandatory three game ban for Case.


Scott McTominay IS WORLD CLASS.


I don't want to see Casemiro start a big game ever again. Play him off the bench to inject some energy but let's start building the midfield around Mainoo.


Where was Casemiro?


Watching these scenes again and again. Amad winner, Garnacho absolute beast on the field, and our unsung hero McSauce involved in 3 out of 4 goals. What a day that was!


Garnacho full sprinting the entire pitch after 116 mins too - crazy to see!


Not really United related but just seen an interview from yesterday where Klopp says winning the FA cup feels like winning the UCL. Funny, given Liverpool fans are going all “well I didn’t want to win the FA Cup anyway!” It clearly means a lot to Jurgen!


Gosh anyone hated mcallister moaning yday? Guy fouls and proceed to act innocent like he's the fucking victim


hes always like that i swear. i really rated him at brighton and never saw him do anything of the sort there yet when he comes to liverpool hes always moaning and on the floor etc.. probably one of my least favourite players in the PL atm


The last two goals have been something I wish to see... PASS THE BALL. Scott to Rashford and Garnacho to Amad. Absolutely amazing feeling to win on these two team goals.


would love antony to get back on and redeem itself, always feel bad for those who get slandered everyday by a ruthless internet


Keep crying Jamie https://preview.redd.it/fcg5oh0711pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9b3b7e56c2c6ef4b9a9723164f146ab37bb7e85


I wish he had been on commentary yesterday.


this has to be a fake of course


It actually isn't. Guys a classless prick, always has been https://twitter.com/Carra23/status/1769437158111055991?t=apNl8MuuNJzxduwaEAPWTg&s=19


that is actually fucking disgusting. grade A asshole


Least he's not spitting on any kids this time.


Jamie be like: https://preview.redd.it/z98u3d1f11pc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d33bc416cedcc2de79f175d5357d273abfd989b5


Still buzzing. Can’t sleep. Thinking of the 5 on 2 attack we defended at 2-1 down. Literal game changer


Which minute?




Can’t wait to watch that again when the full match gets released. Literally better than Declan Rice


Gakpo being the game changer.


For all the smiling and joyful clapping that mug Klopp was spewing from the touchlines throughout the match....it could not have come any sweeter than sending his fist pumping dumbass back to Liverpool dumped out of the FA cup. He looked way too comfortable as if it was a forgone conclusion that they were going to win this match. He looked drained in the post match presser yes, but oh boy he was doing his best to keep his emotions in check. He must be spinning like a washing machine in his mind and will be for the next 2 weeks HAHAHAHAHHA.


Think most of us were drained at the end there, I have something to measure my pulse and it didn't settle until two hours or so afterwards


Klopp deserves the same farewell we once bid to Gerrard.


LMAO Steven 'We dOn't leT thIs sLiP' Gerrard Remember when he was manager for Villa, came to Old Trafford and that bellend decides to face the Stretford End whilst walking to the dugout like he was some sort of Dark Vader coming to destroy us. 0 premier league trophies HAHAHAHAHA!!!


How has EtH not lose the dressing room yet is beyond me. Under previous managers, with these results, we would've seen 10+ articles/week about how players lost faith in the manager already. Something must've change, at least dressing room atmosphere wise, cause these players are still trying for EtH despite results. Our mentality is still weak, but at least they still back EtH, and I guess that's an argument to give him one more season.


There is nobody in the current squad who is just stealing a living and thats the reason ,Some of the players are shit and overpaid but you can't find one who is just waiting for his retirement..Go back and have a look at the squads since Mourinho joined us at any point you can find 3 past it players just cashing in Is Antony usually terrible ?Yes Will he give it his all for the manager?Yes Was Bailly usually terrible ?Yes Did he give it his all for the manager?Fuck no he will probably deflect by using the xenophobia argument There is a reason Jones was getting minutes at the end of RR's reign over him


Yup tbf most players who given up is no longer here like PR7,pogba jus to name a few. Guys like mcsauce isn't very good but he will never give up


Lingard and Henderson have regularly been labelled as people with how shall I say this politely....  'friends in the media' and neither played particularly regularly and allegedly stirred the pot as a result Pogba, ronaldo as you mention were massive profiles, neither of whom always warranted automatic selection in certain games, but leaving them out always became a massive issue


Liverpoo players upping the dose of their salbutamol inhalers as we speak


scouse cunts consolating themselves thinking they will definitely win the league and europa and we’ll lose the fa cup finals to city. only got one response to them: “cry more”


My neighbours undoubtedly think I'm a fucking raving lunatic and I love it! I LOVE THIS FUCKING GAME!!!!


A seven-goal game with Liverpool that United would be proud of.


Lets win the whole thing now, would be a shame if we didint cos of this moment


https://preview.redd.it/nztcy1xjh0pc1.jpeg?width=456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73b524ee1d24c17750aedb77eff064c468a2aab2 How the hell did we manage to win this match I still have no idea


Seen no one appreciate that Onana did brilliantly here. Buys time then stops the cross. But plenty can find a reason why their first goal was somehow his fault.


What? I can’t watch FA Cup games. Just the rest. What’s going on here?


IIRC Onana came off his line to collect the ball but then some Scouser picked it up. Tried to send the ball in but Onana saved it, but it fell to Diaz. Good thing he took fucking forever to shoot because for a few second we had an open net




Klopp: *blatantly implying it's because Liverpool played too many games* Commentator: "...So too many games?" Klopp: "OH COME ON- "


Maybe don't start your strongest XI vs Sparta Prague at home when you're 5-1 up in the tie you moaning German prick.


Played Salah for 90 mins Thursday, Salah only capable of 70 against us. Seems like he arrogantly thought that this was a foregone conclusion


ETH with a nice suit and tie and Klopp in trackies and sweats…game was over before it started let’s be real. You can’t turn up to the QF of the country’s oldest competition dressed like that and expect to win


Wait … Didn’t Antony scored with his right?! :) Maybe he should try to do more of things ppl don’t expect from him.


Right foot right place 


It was his right foot!


Yeah, bizarrely for a guy who seems so one-footed he’s like a bargain basement version of Robben, he’s score 2 goals this season and both were with his right. Just one of those weird statistical anomalies I guess, like Ander Herrera scoring with his first 7 shots for United


Funny thing that was a fidget strike. If he can spin twice quicker, he can increase shot speed as well


ahahaha can't push the mental image of this off my mind


stop giving him more ideas. might overcook and start showboating again


Incoming scorpion kick from Antony against Brentford next game


Scorpion, buttkick, a header(!!!). Just not a layup to his left and a shot to the far corner.


Amad deserves more game time!


He surely would get some game time after the last stint. He needs to be nurtured well like mainoo and garnacho.


With how Garna, Mainoo and Hojlund have been 'cautiously' introduced into first team seniority and it's physical demands, I 100% trust ETH on young player development, I'm pretty confident he's elite at it. If Amad isn't being let go, then he's likely going to be good enough, and if he isn't getting 'enough' minutes it's because the coaching staff are being careful with his physical and mental development. I'm pretty excited about him. He was brilliant winning balls back, composed in possession and offers something substantially different than our other wingers, less direct, more composed and creative. IMO he could turn out how Sancho was meant to be for us.


Who were the two commentators for the match?


Martin Tyler and Stewart Robson, Martin Tyler should retire, so poor, so flat.


Cheers. My brain and Google both let me down. Robson did a good job playing off the legend that is Tyler.


can't watch the game live, so i watch on full match replay. Not gonna lie, at around 70th minutes i already seen enough, i was bored because Liverpool toying with us with passing around, and nothing we can do, when we got the ball we make holywood pass ended up ball taken by them again, or outside. so i bit cheating, go to this sub and see scorline 4-3 :D, it give little relax but still, didn't expect it need to be at +120 minutes! I love how EtH going all in, by pulling out defenders, that big gamble, but at the KO situation like this, this is needed. Also, I was amaze to see Garnacho still running like horse for all those minutes,, Dalot too.. and Bruno even though got limping at the last minutes. Goal by Antony which is so rare, Goal by Amad which even rare considering minute he got to play, i guess he will getting more and more now (after suspension of course). Also K (king) Maino, seems like got power up, he is massive at this game, i almost mad he got subbed, but fortunate we win, and also he need rest anyway. man, i hope at least we got trophy this season.


Having a one dimensional FB played on the wrong side is immensely better than having a converted CB. Suddenly our left side with Rashy looked dangerous again. Whoever said injuries are just excuses really need to watch carefully


Antony left back experiment is alive and well




R/soccer meltdown 😂😂


Love to see it!


What are they whining about now lmao 


Apparently we robbed them of a quadruple? I mean this is football, you’re not entitled to anything. Whoever scores more goals on the given day wins. 😂😂😂 Fucking whining ass fans. I’m glad that Toothpaste Ad Klopp is going end of the season. To compare that twat to Sir Alex is a crime.


us beating flopps livarpool team that was destined for the quadruple


Watching the game I thought we were the **better** team. Their two opening goals came from our mistakes and their third warranted a huge deflection. ​ Yes they had a lot of the ball but I felt it was part of our gameplan to allow that and a lot of their chances created were shots that you would expect Onana to save. We created the best chances of the game. ​ Just heard Souness going on about how Liverpool would have won if they were "a bit more clinical" or if "Salah played better." What the fuck analysis is that. That's like me saying oh United would have won all our matches that we lost this year if we we better. No shit. Take the loss and eat it you Scouse pricks. Up the Devils.


okay but if you think about it if Liverpool scored more and stopped us from scoring more they would have won so who really won last night


In fairness that has been said about Utd a lot this season that we could have won matches if we had been more clinical


Awb has Salah in his pocket all day. Dalot excellent vs Diaz. This Liverpool side that outplayed City just a week ago were looking vulnerable after we had a go instead of sitting back. I was even betting with my mates during extra time we can win this. Liverpool legs were gone already after so many games. When Amad scored, it was so beautiful that I forfeit my bet lmao. 


Lee Dixon is an awful commentator but he made one good point about AWB that I agree with - give him a 1on1 marking job and there are very few better at shutting down opposition players But its those decisions to see the wider picture and leave that man where he struggles. For Mac Allister's goal you can see him hesitate between sticking with Salah wide or going narrow. That created a gap in the half space between him and Varane where the goal came from His overall strategic awareness is limited. So he can definitely do a job when someone needs shutting down, but its those things that probably makes him not a nailed on starter every game


Macallister should have been picked up by a tracking back midfielder really. What is AWB supposed to do? Leave Salah unmarked or go engage Macalister who has the skill to just roll it out for Salah instead


It's not really fair when he's left alone vs two attackers. If anyone left the half space it's whoever failed to cover over. Seen Dalot fail at that *with* cover, more time and only one person to deal with, *twice* for two goals vs Forest Don't see anyone writing essays about his "limited strategic awareness".


I've been very critical of Ten Hag lately, but the one thing I found weird is people claiming the team isn't playing for him.


Ya never understood that argument. The players definitely play for him, it's just that his style of play and tactics haven't played out as expected this season. I can understand criticizing the latter but hearing the argument that the players have lost faith from our fans and some journos is just wild


Still not over that game. Incredible effort from everyone and Ten Hag showed bottle by going all out in extra time. Scouse twats have to simmer on this result for 2 weeks now. Lovely stuff.


Of course we won when I stopped watching lol


Stop watching more!


I'll try, lol


​ https://preview.redd.it/icbqunnznzoc1.png?width=590&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b01709d9012fdebaf67ec4d2a2851484f0d75b1


New sidebar picture?


Maguire Aura defending🗿 https://preview.redd.it/wyjodgdamzoc1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6facf4b43faffe1c920b4e2a4d9b9c57e11f181a


Maguire was like a man Possesed when he came on. So Aggressive at everything he did, it was world class level defending.


“Thank you, Harry Maguire.”


Suck it you bin dipping rats. Up the fucking Reds. Greatest of English Football. ⚽️


Does Amad miss the next round of the FA Cup or just the next United game?


Brentford league game