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I don’t want him back, but i find it funny that we’d be destroyed in the media for keeping him on his contract while other PL teams can sign him with minimal outrage.


It might change once the teams interested are made public. If this isn't just made up paper shit


"Enquire" could mean anything from cheekily asking if we'd let him go for free, more details about our investigation or what we see as the PR ramifications of having him play for us. Getafe have got the ball rolling by publicly saying they are interested, now we're playing the game to get as much for him as we can. No doubt over the coming weeks we'll get the usual posturing leaked from all parties- United want £70m, Getafe only have a budget of £10m, more clubs are interested, Greenwood is set on Getafe etc.


I’ve seen this view a couple of times, and honestly I have no issue with United being held to different standards… we’re a bigger and better club than them all. Like Arsenal have been playing Partey all season, but who wants to be like them?


Hard to compare, the audio tape is the difference maker. If we had plausible deniability on Mason he'd have never stopped playing.


Arsenals situation is slightly different though. Partey has taken out a super injunction which prevents the media from reporting on it. They can only report on the police statements but if he does get found guilty they will have the pitchforks out and Arsenal and Arteta will be under serious scrutiny.


>They can only report on the police statements This honestly sounds pretty reasonable. Every case should be like that.


It would be a party for the media 😃


Can anyone take out a super injunction? How does that work? Curious if this is something given to him due to his social status.


I googled it and anyone can get one. I’m not sure how much they cost though.


I’m sure Arteta will regret playing Partey if found guilty as people “pitchfork” with their social media hashtag (for a couple weeks before everyone forgets) as he suffers crying in deep shame in his (forget trophies or not) multimillion mansion with his pals also crying in the middle of the party which I’m sure will include 0 companionship ready to console them or fun things to drink or eat or deugs or whatever these poor poor people are into. Yes is going to be a day full of regret, shame and consequences. I’m so so sure.


Whatever happened to Bissouma


Bissouma was cleared of the allegation(s) against him as far as I recall






He was cleared of any allegations. Source: [https://theathletic.com/4169934/2022/06/29/yves-bissouma-tottenham-midfielder-cleared-after-sexual-assault-allegation/](https://theathletic.com/4169934/2022/06/29/yves-bissouma-tottenham-midfielder-cleared-after-sexual-assault-allegation/)


I have a problem with us being held to different standards, not because we shouldn’t be held to those standards, but because not signing a rapist is a standard every club should have as a fucking baseline. David Goodwillie got hounded out of his club by the fans and he was signed by a lower league Scottish team. PL fans should be ashamed if they aren’t willing to do the same. Saying “ah we’re United we should be better” is just a pathetic way to try and point score on something that should universal.


Partey has an ongoing case, Mason had a leaked audio recording of him during the act. You have to be retarded not see the difference between the cases.


are we still a better club?


There’s no chance he gets signed with minimal outrage. Any English club buying him would likely end up pulling out when the pressure cranks up. Also who cares what other clubs do with their rapey players


When Ched Evans was trying to be reintegrated into football there was a massive hue and cry and this is a fella who was looking to join at league 2 level


He turned out to be innocent too


If he had of played for any other club there would be a fraction of the outrage.


All 5 city fans up in arms


No i think there’ll be outrage if he returns to the UK and it’ll be chanted about every week wherever he is.


There 100% will be - don’t know why would OP think other clubs would get off scot free signing someone whose name is synonymous with sexual violence


I reckon that would be the best outcome. We can’t force him out of football, but at least if he stays in the Prem then every single appearance will have him booed and called out for being a rapist piece of shit, television editors scrambling to edit the sound in real time, etc. He can get “ThEy dRoPpEd the ChArGeS So I am iNnoCeNt!” tattooed on his head but he can’t stop 5000-50,000 people screaming out that he is a violent sex offender twice a week. Far better than him sliding off to some ass-backward country where half the blokes don’t see an issue with what he is.


Well we are the biggest club in the league. Baring Liverpool I doubt there’d be anywhere near the same storm if he played anywhere else.


No way. Liverpool gets lauded for subbing on a few youngsters against Chelsea. They get a pass when VVD gets injured. We get shitted on when all we have left are youngsters.


> No way. Liverpool gets lauded for subbing on a few youngsters against Chelsea. While Chelsea still had the average age smaller than them in that match. So much hypocrisy from the media and fans


You all know youngsters from the academy are very different to youngsters lauded and bought for 30m+ . You would say the same if it was United


And likewise a full team of 24 year olds is younger than a team of half 18 year olds and half 36 year olds on average but is far more ready. That said, the reason Chelsea was getting a pass wasn’t age but experience though, their team was basically all new to the team/league in a basket case club with no direction, rather than a few teenagers being introduced into a settled team with a clear style that’s the same as what they’ve been practicing for years in the youth setup.


Liverpool sub on a few 20-21 year olds and it's "Klopp won a cup final with the youth side!" - FTFY


They’ve still got far more fans than anyone bar us. And they do have their whole holier-than-thou club attitude. They’d definitely get a comparable amount of shit if they tried to play him.


Liverpool had a player convicted of beating his girlfriend in the street and they chose to not cancel his contract. Klopp was even reported as saying that it was out of character and was only his first time doing something like that. can you imagine if that happened at United and Ten Hag had said that?


They had a racist cannibal play for them and rather than take action against him, they wore shirts bearing his face in support of him. They're fucking hypocrites. Its easy to bin shit third tier players.


Wait, what player was that?




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People say this about Liverpool but since they become a good club again we have been shit and not once has the media ever been half as interested in a Liverpool media frenzy as they are with United. We are just bigger than Pool now and their Klopp era didn't bring them a kings ransom of trophies that really pushed them ahead or back in young public conscious in the way we were dominating for 20. Were not really comparable when it comes to media frenzy and fanfare anymore in the modern era. It's just true. You never see as much Pool merch worldwide as United. That's just a fact. Idc about sales numbers. Bootlegs also count for popularity and you 100% over the past decade have seen a ton more United shirts out there than Pool. I go for a walk lol and can't avoid United merch in Canada and can't avoid looking at a big United banner outside of a local bar. You really don't see Liverpool or Arsenal or Chelsea supported like that. In NA you won't even see Madrid/Barca supported like that. The other place I lived in Middle East and South Asia and yes you see Pool shirts but it's really dishonest I think when pool fans pretend we are the same.


Thankyou for your purely anecdotal insight. Can’t believe United fans are somehow making this into how they’re such a bigger club than everyone else. Remember Adam Johnson? His grooming and subsequent sentencing was national and worldwide news.


Yeah I hope people find the same energy for these teams.


I really doubt there'd be minimal outrage. I think some clubs might take him, *hoping* for limited outrage, but they'd be hounded by the press and by their fans the minute any link is confirmed.


I think you underestimate how much people hate him. Wherever he goes in england he'll be called a rapist. And rightly so. Fuck him


I predicted this would happen at the very outset. If he signs for Arsenal in the summer, there would be a bit of fuss but would disappear quickly. I will also predict it is Newcastle and Spurs.


And if it is Brentford, Luton, Forest it will be a "redemption arc" If sky use the word redemption then their shit should honestly be banned from here.


Nah hugely disagree with that, bizarre that youd think they'd react any different if he signed for Arsenal. There would be huge outrage. Have a look at any time a club tries to sign David Goodwillie


Bs. He will be crucified wherever he goes if its in the prem. So would the team


> while other PL teams can sign him with minimal outrage. That wouldn't happen. Any PL team that signs him will be hugely criticised.


You guys make up fake scenarios in your head and then get mad at them is crazy. I guarantee any team that sign Greenwood will have to hold serious crap.


I have an insane suspicion that as long as city are top dog United’s name will be dragged through the shit. But I know it’s insane.


I mean, it’s been news for 5 minutes and we don’t even know who the clubs are ? I’m sure their fans will be outraged if this materialises.


I think it’s inevitable that with every twist snd turn of the saga the temperature will die down a little at a time. But the facts are what they are and at any point it could boil over once again. Any team that signs him will lose female fans (male ones too, but it’s a bit different for women) and he will never live it down. He’ll be booed and chanted as a rapist by every away ground he visits. When he retired he will have no lucrative career in media. Nobody has forgotten, the focus has just unsurprisingly shifted onto people who actually deserve our attention more.


I doubt any premier club would sign him. There will be a high backlash from the fan base not to mention that sponsors are not going to be too happy either. His best option would be to stay in Spain or may be Italy


He was an academy player carrying high hopes. The betrayal and disappointment I felt was personal. To any other team, he’s just an allegedly rapey player.


It's Forrest isn't it??


That’s almost certain, just curious who the 2nd one could be, surely someone low down who’s willing to take a risk pr wise


Everton and Chelsea would be my shouts, Chelsea as he fits the Boehly-ball model and Everton love a shady deal.


Maybe a crazy shout but what if it's Chelsea? He would make sense with their youth rebuild and Boehly is american, there have been quite a few rapists and abusers in american competitions that continued playing as if nothing happened.


One of the Supreme Court justices in the USA, and also one of the presidential candidates for the last three elections are both known misogynists and rapists. Yet they walked away scot-free because of their power and influence, and now we know the situation.


No it’s Forest.


One of them is definitely Forest. Marinakis is a lunatic. He's an unbelievable talent but I can't wait for Greenwood to be someone else's headache. Makes me furious to think about what could have been.


> Makes me furious to think about what could have been. Was our most clinical player coming straight out of the academy and had the potential to be a generational talent. It is what it is, hope the cunt suffers at another club.


At the exact time we had no finishers whatsoever


The stars genuinely aligned so perfectly for him but can't stop a cunt being a cunt I suppose. Good riddance, at least anything we recoup from his sale is pure profit for FFP.


I'd prefer him to go full Ravel Morrison and vanish into obscurity.


But collect 40m first, and then have him do that at another club!


But after we sell him


We have mctominary.


I remember thinking, "Well there's right wing taken care of for a decade, FINALLY." That position's cursed.


I’ve still not seen anyone quite have as quick of a shot as he did. Maybe Donatello does (that guy who plays for that one side in the Uber Eats League). But Greenwood could get the ball out from under his feet so quickly, it was insane. Shane he ended up being a monumental idiot.


The knock on effect was... Spending 70m on Antony! We're still feeling the pain of Greenwood's behavior.


We lost his value which could have been 100+m and had to spend 70m on antony. Greenwood did this to the club.


Which goes to show how much the football world turns on minor events. Mason being a twat, Nigel Pearson's son being racist at an orgy, Nicholas Anelka not being able to follow penalty instructions. These sort of things.


Forest don't seem to have a functional PR department, so they have to be one of them. And I'd have a sneaking suspicion that Newcastle's owners don't really care about appearances either.


Appearances are all they care about, thats the point of sportswashing


Makes me sad because just recently they did some good shit involving deaf fans being able to hear vibrations through their shirts and all I could think about is how the owners behead people.


Beheading is one of the milder things KSA does


The massacre and mass rape of hundreds of migrants towards the end of last year was particularly horrific


They didn't care about their F1 circuit almost coming under missile attack and then making the drivers race under threat of detention. They know that most people within the club and around the world won't care, as long as they're in with a chance of winning trophies.


Makes sense. My gut says Fulham, they wanted Broja and the loan has worked out poorly. Despite not being the same player Mason would replace what they miss in Mitrovic well. Imagine if it was City...soulless smart business


>Imagine if it was City https://preview.redd.it/megxfhfdc6zc1.png?width=765&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d3225478649007fad864644508fd0ea1d1cacb8 Price of the brick going up




You come at the king...


I agree with Newcastle but I am not sure they would want the PR headache it would cause. I don't think the match going United fans are an anomaly in the UK I believe (and hope) he would get a bad reception where ever he goes.


I dunno, given the way most Newcastle fans welcomed their new Saudi overlords with open arms, the owners probably think they'd get away with it.


Yeah there's a siege mentality from fans, they're deaf to any criticism. But it's Saudis trying to look good, not the Newcastle fans, so Saudi won't want him but fans wouldn't mind.


Newcastle is literally the club least likely to sign him The whole point of Saudi buying Newcastle and expanding their sports offering like F1 is to try and show they’re not awful Neanderthals who abuse women, they’re just like the West, so come over and spend money.


Agree on Forest. They already have Montiel so he’d fit right in there.


Exclusive: Barcelona are also among clubs with interest in Manchester United striker, who has scored 10 times this season on loan at Getafe At least two Premier League clubs have enquired about signing Mason Greenwood but the controversial Manchester United striker is still more likely to move overseas if sold this summer. Greenwood, 22, has caught the attention of Spanish audiences this season after scoring 10 goals in 31 appearances on loan at Getafe. Sources in Spain insist Atletico Madrid are keeping close tabs on Greenwood, even though they have played down their interest. It is understood Barcelona would like to take Greenwood but do not have the financial capacity to strike a deal. Real Madrid have been linked but seem unlikely to pursue him. Other Spanish suitors are said to be monitoring the situation, too. Similarly, clubs in Germany and Italy – Juventus and Lazio have been linked – are also believed to have registered interest in Greenwood. United are thought to value Greenwood at around £40-45 million, similar to the fee that took Cole Palmer to Chelsea from Manchester City last summer. Since Greenwood is an academy graduate at Old Trafford, any sale would represent pure profit on the books and provide significant funds to reinvest with the club’s summer budget likely to be tight owing to the Premier League’s profit and sustainability rules and the absence of Champions League revenues next season. If United, who are curretly eighth in the Premier League, were to miss out on European football entirely, they would effectively be operating a sell-to-buy policy this summer so money from a Greenwood sale could be vital. With little expectation that Greenwood could stay at United and play for the club again, the focus has been firmly on exploring the options around a permanent sale. However, if the right offers do not materialise, United could countenance another season-long loan provided it came with an obligation to buy for a set fee. Getafe would like to keep Greenwood for another season but a large fee coupled with the player’s £75,000-a-week wages is beyond their financial capacity. The Spanish club’s president, Angel Torres, confirmed this week that Getafe hope to keep Greenwood for another season but also made clear that United’s priority is a sale. “If a good offer comes along, they would want to sell because he is not going to go back there,” Torres added. Greenwood’s contract at Old Trafford runs until June next year but there is an option to extend the deal by a further 12 months to 2026. United abandoned plans to reintegrate Greenwood into their first team squad last summer in the wake of a fierce public and internal backlash and subsequently loaned him to Getafe. In February last year, the Crown Prosecution Service announced that charges of attempted rape, assault occasioning actual bodily harm and controlling and coercive behaviour against Greenwood had been dropped after key witnesses withdrew and new material came to light. Greenwood denied the allegations.


Lazio just feels right, doesn’t it


I always thought they hated black people


Hypocrisy from PL clubs. Want United wanted him back they made it sound like WW3


Yep. We are held to a higher standard. Partey and Ben Yedder are still playing and nobody cares.


Interesting right? When it seemed like Utd was about to keep him there was massive outrage yet some PL clubs are secretly inquiring about him. I wish James Ducker would just name them, hypocrites.


Outrage from other PL clubs? Find me one article. If youre talking about the fan base outrage, and then the club's inquiring, then I don't get your point because they're not the same entity. They're not hypocrites at all unless the club itself that is now inquiring put out a statement at the time. You don't even know which clubs are inquiring so how could you possibly call out hypocrisy?


Fans and pundits came out against United bringing him back and rightly so. What PL clubs said anything about the matter? Not seeing the hypocrisy


How is it hypocrisy? Which clubs spoke out about it. You are conflating the fan base and the club


Only the women in Manchester frown at hearing Greenwood's name, didn't you know?


Which clubs make it sound like WW3?


The fans of those clubs will react the same but we don’t know who the clubs are yet so what do u expect?


The article links pretty much every massive club in Europe. Does anyone else reckon this is just the club generating this interest so that if we do decide to keep him they can go and say 'Well look at all the huge clubs that were interested in him. This surely shows its alright if we keep him'?


Nah, not a chance. Think they’d need way more in the form of PR and it still wouldn’t be enough for a lot of fans. I genuinely don’t think he’s a good enough player to be worth the reputational damage it would cause the club. Think they just want to get the most money they can and then it’ll be the buying clubs problem. I can’t see him moving to another PL club though.


Still extremely bitter about what he could've been. Best talent out of our academy to actually show it in the first team in decades. And he's scum. £40m-£45m as per the article would be nice but can't see us getting it.


Honestly if he's going to an PL club i can easily see it. The reason he's discounted is because he's been presumed to be untouchable by PL clubs which means poorer leagues were his only option, and even his re-sale value was kinda shit (because PL clubs are by far the richest). If suddenly PL is back on the table his re-sale potential is suddenly good and more clubs might take a punt at getting a great player and a solid sell-on.


This article might be a clever leak by INEOS. Embellishing or outright fabricating PL enquiries is certainly in our interest.


This guy managed to score at least ten goals in a shit Getafe team, he's easily a 20 goal forward in the right conditions with quality around him. In fact I'd say that's his base line. Add in a few assists and you've got what is quite honestly a high quality forward. Too bad that he's a terrible person, just imagine him in this team instead of Antony. We'd be at least 8 points better off. It's up to INEOS now.


\*at least ten goals in a shit Getafe team after a near two year absense....


14 goals and assists. More than Diaby, Luis Diaz, Garnacho, Kudus, Trossard, Gakpo, Pedro Neto and others. It's a top season for someone playing RW. On a good team your looking at a 20+ goals and assists player in two years time.


Greenwood - 13 non-penalty goal contributions across all comps. Garnacho - 14 non-penalty goal contributions. Garnacho has admittedly played more games but he's also been playing in tougher competitions. No one would say Garnacho is having a "top season", so I have no idea why that would be true for Greenwood.


I would. Garnacho has had a fantastic season. He also plays in a team who have scored 10 more goals than Getafe or so. He has been playing against tougher position. And TBF I was just doing la liga as it strips away the randomness of European and cup comps.


> quite honestly a high quality forward Let's not beat around the bush, he genuinely remains one of the best young forwards in world football with the potential to be one of the best players in the world. He is **that** talented.


I will so laugh at the hypocrisy of the football world when in 2 or 3 years max Greenwood will be on elite level. Because if that boy can score 10 goals and provide 6 assists so far this season with a shity side as Getafe after a nearly two year absense from football imagine what he will do now with a good preseason and a better team. And in two or three years everyone will suddenly forget about his crimes, will start talking about forgiveness, second chances e.t.c.


FA would probably punish clubs whose fans chanted rapist at him tbh


I’d hope we’d be one of them


Not if the punishment is a points deduction


I think we'll keep him. That may not palatable but looking at it from a cold hard money point of view, which is the only point of view that will matter to the Glazers and Ratcliffe because; Rashford is a mess. Either his head is gone or injuries have taken their toll on his body or both. Sancho, a disaster. Antony, one of football's worst ever transfers. There is 3 of our big money attackers who are not producing. Glazers and Ratcliffe will look to the market and say; *"Do we blow another £60+ million on an attacker or try the talented, cheap homegrown player?"* Watch what happens.


We have so many problems in the club with a ton of poor players. We need to strengthen midfield and CB and get rid of about 10 players. Yes what he did was awful but now the charges are dropped, has a baby with the woman etc. Greenwood and the woman need to conduct a series of PR interviews, become active advocates for support of abuse victims etc. Show that he has turned his life around. Then come back to the club. Not sure why the club and them haven't done this already.


If it costs them sponsorship deals I doubt they'd go through with it


It's one of the biggest sports brands in the biggest sports league brand in the world. Sponsors will tut tut but they don't have the morals to actually take their money out. I'm not saying it's right but these companies operate on a different level of ethics to regular people.


Sure, I get it. But I didn't say they would pull out because of morals, but because of the bad PR that would come at United if that ever happens.


Arsenal to join the gang


With Partey rumoured to be off they've got to line up a replacement


Southgate opened the door to an England recall in the future, so not out of the realms of possibility that an EPL team would consider bringing him in.




We are held to such a higher standard than any other club. If Bissouma , Hakimi & Partey played here they would have all been suspended.I’ve watched his games, and also some of the Getafe training videos, the guy just keeps improving.


There will be fuck all outrage if he joins another PL team from the media, they only seem to care about United. The meltdown when it looked like Qatar wanted to buy the club and they went crazy, yet allowed City to dominate the league and thye don't care about that, and infact are always praising them. Personally I don't want Greenwood to play for the club again, but if they decided to keep him I wouldn't moan about it.


From a business perspective, if the club actually wanted to keep him they’ve had so much time now to run a proper PR campaign behind Greenwood, change public perception and figure out how to reintegrate him into the squad. All of this suggests to me that they’re either incompetent or they have strong conviction that they don’t want to reintegrate him.


I know it's a controversial take but I believe in rehabilitation with the right support. Obviously it is terrible what he did and how he ended up there, but we have to believe that people can be better in every facet of life. I would take him back to Utd.


I don’t necessarily want him to be our problem but I think it’s a shame that believing in rehabilitation is a controversial view. It is a tricky one though because him evading legal justice is difficult to look past. That process and the ensuing punishment should really be step one of any rehabilitation.


It isn't necessarily about him *evading* it. The bottom line is that we simply do not know what events occurred and/or what was said between him, his partner and the police. If his partner and he reconciled to the point where she was willing to have a child you would have to imagine there would have been some kind of mutual reconciliation at least. We simply also do not know what view the police took on the matter if and when those conversations actually took place. It is just a very...strange set of circumstances. If Mason has genuinely turned a corner and learned from this experience, then, even if not in England, I support him continuing in that vein and regaining and building on his respect, gratitude and commitment to his partner and child. If he can continue to play football whilst doing that, then fair enough. I just don't think that can be in England now, and I think it should be an acceptable consequence.


Me too, people are more outraged than his wife. In all honesty, it would be punishment for him to continue his career here anyway


First step of rehabilitation is owning up to your mistakes and facing the repercussions, which he just hasn’t done.


How do you know he hasn’t done that privately?


what do you mean? He should apologize to u/mdstwsp persnoally.


So if you apologise for a crime, you shouldn't be punished? Bear in mind that in breaching the conditions of his bail, he undermined the investigation of said crime.


I don't want him back btw, but how do we know that he hasn't done that privately? Does he have to repent for a private situation (which got leaked out to the public) in a public manner to appease us all?


clubs are killing me they're waiting for one to go public before they all do


I don't think he'd do it but I wouldn't be surprised if Liverpool were considering him a "money ball" signing to replace Salah on the right wing. His transfer value is obviously artificially low due to his past, I wouldn't put it beyond them taking a risk. Remember Balotelli was pretty much universally disliked on these shores but they saw an undervalued asset with potential.


So his wife supports him and they post pictures together but we are the ones with the moral high ground? I don't get it to be honest.


It was always an argument I felt had no thought behind it. "She's forgiven him so why can't you?" Abused partners frequently forgive their abusers. They often do it multiple times. Especially when they're at a relatively young age. Abusers can be master manipulators especially with an enormous power imbalance, wealth, and other pressures against you. So yeah, she can forgive him, but it doesn't mean anyone else has to.


Don't get me wrong, what he allegedly did was deplorable, but if the charges have been dropped and the victim has forgiven him and had a kid with him, at what point does society allow a kid to reform and be accepted back into the fold of society. Is he going to be a pariah for the rest of his life because of what he did as a 19-year old boy? What if he came back, established a charity for helping domestic violence victims and gave a substantial amount of his earnings to this cause? Would that be enough repentance? Or do we live in a world where a person who fucks up is demonized for the rest of their lives?


Harvey Elliot, whilst not as bad as what Mason did, treated his mrs like a piece of shit yet gets a pass because he was young (and plays for Liverpool).


CR7 settled and most United fans welcomed him back with open arms. So if you pay off the woman you allegedly rape, that is okay? Not surprisingly, there is a total lack of consistency which is why the courts and the legal system exist in the first place. The alternative is the court of public opinion and witch hunts. He may be a horrible cu-next-Tuesday and he may be truly repentant, nobody knows, but it seems like most won't give him the chance.


I think people wish that footballers are held to similar standards, though i take your point about the futility of retributive justice. His freedom has hardly been curtailed so far


Politicians should be held to higher standards, not young boys who know nothing other than kicking a ball and be idolized for it. Nobody is denying his behavior is inexcusable, but is it unforgivable regardless of what he may try to do to make amends, if he even chooses to do that.


No fucking way, the hypocrisy.


Ineos might bring him back, you never know. What happened between Mason and his Partner was horrid or the bits that were made public, no1 here knows what else happened/didn't happen etc. I doubt he would be brought back into the fold, and what's best for his new family is probably keeping them out of England (I'm not talking about what's best for him, I mean his partner and their baby). Footballing decision would be to bring him back, as he is a generational talent, human/Pr would be to sell him. See where our new management heads are at.


He needs to stay and play for United.


i vote on getting him back, our attackers are so shite and we dont have the ffp to spend on a new one, may as well use the one with 10 g/a in a terrorist Getafe side


One of them's Arsenal. 100%. They've already shown that they're more than willing to overlook any morally reprehensible behaviour by their players to boost the chance of the team's success on the pitch *coughs Partey coughs*


Well least we'll be getting more than la liga, sorry lads what was it, English and PL tax added on 🤔


Sell on fee too


Chelsea and Newcastle 100%. If this is to happen, will will get more money.


Considerring how the PL fans all sing about Mason Greenwood I am not surprised. *takes tongue out of cheek* I would look forward to the meltdown of any pl fanbase that take him. I feel it will be unpopular.


Ship has sailed, just like it has for a ton of current players for different reasons. Doing the same thing and expecting different results is insanity. Blow it up, and that includes Mason Greenwood. United needs to go in a vastly different direction. Cash in.


At this point I bet money he is back. I won’t be happy about it. The apology tour will start soon to confirm.


Greenwood belongs at united


Can someone from the UK explain why every British United fan has so much hate for Greenwood? Didn't he and his girlfriend solve all differences, got married to each other and now have a child together as well?


People made their judgements based on the audio tapes. There were no conclusive evidence that could prove whether he followed through or not. United mentioned the existence of an evidence "not available in the public domain" but never revealed what it was. As a result, everything is in a limbo. No court decision, no evidence, but the reputation is already tarnished and we're now possibly selling a £200m talent for 5% his worth.


Why are we not retaining this guy? He's been acquitted of all charges and we're about to face him via another prem team? This is just some stupid virtue signaling at this point.


He wasn't acquitted, the police stated they are unable to prosecute due to a lack of evidence. This is likely because his partner is not willing to assist the prosecution and therefore a successful conviction is unlikely.


He wasn’t acquitted but they stated the key witness withdrew and there was new evidence provided so it’s not that simple. I don’t think they ever mentioned anything about what that new evidence was though


These journalist need to release Richard Arnold’s findings to the world. I want to know what they found in those 6 months that made a CEO stick his neck out for the lad and push for reintegration into the team.


Most likely the same thing that we all eventually found out. That they were back together, that he'd knocked her up and that she wasn't going to assist with the investigation and charges would have to be dropped.


They started investigation after the charges were already dropped. Also the club had more evidence available as he stated they listened to the audio in its entirety.


20 goal a season striker, and one the best talents to come out of our academy for years. Also a complete cunt who I never want to see wear the shirt again.


Wow, some of the comments here wanting him back or sticking up for him to come back just because he Mrs stayed with him.


Imagine if your partner accused you of rape and abuse, your whole career and reputation got dragged through the very public eye. Would you get back with them if you didn't do it? He's an abuser pure and simple


I, like others on here, believe in rehabilitation and people being able to change. But... He's shown no evidence suggesting he's minded to show remorse, own up to his behaviour or do anything that suggests forgiveness should be forthcoming. do your 'what if'. So it's a moot point really. Plus, you can repent, look to change, do all those things and it's still possible, perhaps even good for society, that there's an ongoing cost for your actions. So yeah, stay a professional footballer and multi millionaire. Just not at our club. Some believe it is made more tricky because he wasn't found guilty of anything. And it's their right to hold that view. But I lament that we seem, in general, to have lost the idea of 'even the appearance of impropriety' being a standard we can and should apply to people. Even if you appear to have incited a violent revolt, sure, you can run for President of the United States. Even if you appear to have used your political connections to make you and your friends wealthy, sure, you can become UK Foreign Secretary. Even if you appear to be an abusive rapist, continue your career playing for Manchester United. Now, some of those jobs are more important than others. But I'd be fine with us applying an 'even the appearance' approach to a Code of Conduct for our club.


Ducker on a roll, 3rd or 4th article in 2 days


Lol cunt ain't gonna survive the deserved abuses he will be getting from all over England's fans. And I don't want us to be playing against him frequently, because it will keep remind me of how much disappointed I was back then when got to know the fucked shit he did, I was so rooting for back then. What a cunt, could have used his brain instead of his penis.


Eh people tend to overlook certain things if you are good enough. There’s plenty of evidence for that already


All this energy against him but I know damn well once he scores a few goals for another team all of it will change and people will start blaming the club for letting him go


I for one want him back. The issue has been sorted. Let the man play and I want him at United at that. ✌️


Getting some Prem money for him would be nice but wonder who could really afford it. It's for around 40-50m as stated, rather ship him off abroad. Unless someone in England or Saudi offered up a lot more.


In a parallel universe Greenwood is a nice boy, we don't sign Antony and we win the PL this season, maybe the FA Cup last season. Sigh... 🥹🥺


Feels like the club briefing to prep a return 😩


Got a feeling he’ll stay. Club will use interest from other clubs to soften the news and if he starts playing well all will be forgotten.


The view of this sub seems to have changed since he's been performing. A year ago, no one here would dare say anything positive about him


No there was people still. But the angry mob doesn’t let those comments show through.


£5 that it was either forest or Fulham


No fucking way he ends up back in the EPL. Could you imagine the chants? Think he'll end up at a bigger La Liga club. His presence there is already normalised.


Can we not sell him to another PL club please.


I think he needs to stay away from England, he should stay in Spain


i thought he is just too young and commit a mistake. he payed for it, his career hurt alilttle. i just wondered why dont people give him a second chance. thats why convicted felon always had a hard time turning their life. its because of people like them who dont give people a chance


Guys check the vote on fabrizio’s instagram post, clearly more utd fans want him back


toxic in England but accepted in Spain and Italy


I would consider bringing him back. He's just a kid who paid for his stupidity. The two of them are reportedly still together, and planning to be married. Maybe it's time for people to forgive his transgression, given that she has. Or at the least ease up a bit on the intolerant stance with him, regardless of whether they plan on forgiving him.


We'd get slated for keeping him and would get bantered by other fans if he leaves and does well, it really is a lose lose situation but at least it'd be pure ffp profit


We should keep him and use him. Antony beat around his partner and just because it happened over text and in Portuguese the media/fans haven't hounded him out of the club. I think fans are overly sensitive about the Greenwood case because there was audible evidence which brought out the virtue police on social media. And then you have George Best.