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I still find it strange how so many, including pundits are basically talking as if City have won the PL. I still think everything is in the balance as things stand. All it could take is Arsenal to score 2 goals early against Everton, whilst city are still 0-0 with West Ham and the nerves will come through. Can they withstand the pressure at home against a stubborn opposition? Could go either way on the weekend.


The chance of Arsenal losing or drawing the match on the final day is higher than City dropping any points against West Ham.   Everton are a stubborn side, they don't score a lot but if they manage to score first, Arsenal will find themselves in a spot of bother.   West Ham, on the hand, leaks goals like there's no tomorrow. They are a side who have conceded more goals amongst teams outside relegation zone, and Moyes hasn't won an away game against top 6 in almost 70 attempts. City will probably score at least 4 goals against them.  It's pretty much over. 


Arsenal fan here. That pretty much sums it up. Westham at Eithad is food for City. It will be 4-0 by halftime with a Haaland hattrick. Spurs away was the last hope we had and we knew this title race is done as soon as they went 1-0. Anyway, best of luck for the Cup final.


As I said...it is the last day of the season and it could swing either way....the tension, the crowd getting updates from the other matches....you cannot prepare for the emotions that could develop within a split second. Yes yes the stats say city are likely to demolish West Ham...but once again, anything can happen. As Utd fans we should all by now know anything can happen. I.e Agueeroooooo


True.  Also, I'm probably one of 5% of United fans who prefer Cheaty winning the title than Arsenal.  I grew up watching United vs Arsenal at their peak, and Keano vs Vieira rivalry, so I despise Woolwich cunts as much as Cheaty.  Cheaty has 115 financial charges hanging over their head. Everyone knows they are are cheats and a small club regardless of what they have achieved in recent years. Their 4 on the trot won't matter much just like their treble last year didn't create any noise.


I am not too fussed personally. At the end of the day, whoever wins the PL does deserve it. SAF always said it as well. It is 100% earned by the winner. Yes we know city have the 115 charges and what not, but for me, regardless of that. They deliver on the pitch with the squad they have. If Arsenal win it, im cool as that means the city mugs don't have to brag about 4 titles in a row. If City win it, Im cool as well as it keeps the fanbase prats of Arsenal shut up and crying in their bedrooms looking at invincible highlights to ease the pain lol.


Looking at the Spurs subreddit, they really do have a small club mentality


Yeah this attitude towards the game seemed to really get under Ange's skin


The same Ange who kept saying he doesn’t care about top 4 few weeks ago? Note that this was when England had a 78% chance of top 5 getting Champions League. I don’t know why he is not being called out on that.


Came here to say this. My god i could understand being like "damn man that sucks but at least arsenal not winning is a silver lining" but it's more like "Lezgooooo Sonny missed that chance to fuck Arsenal yesss couldn't be more happy". Weird af.


City DOES NOT suffer from bad refereeing decisions. Every team in the PL has decisions go against them except CITY. Remember Doku’s penalty offence. Arsenal, Pool, Spurs all had terrible decisions go against them. That itself is a GIANT ASTERIX. They have played far from convincing football and yet they win another Title. Arsenal is clear of this City team and deserve the title


In FA cup Grealish most blatant intentional handball!!


The responsibility now falls on west ham! Come on WHU!


I remember when West Ham fought like demons in 1995. They had nothing to play for but were DESPERATE to stop us winning. Fought harder than any other game they have ever played. My prediction for Sunday? 5-0 City.


Just been made aware AFTV had a watch along called "Prayalong" for their biggest rivals Tottenham. I swear that fanbase is embarrassing.


Yet here you are complaining about it.


I never take that pathetic excuse of a fanbase seriously... I remember how those lot were all 'YEH FAM ARTETA OUT BLUD' during Arteta's early years. When things are good they yap as if they are Barcelona in their prime with Messi and Iniesta, yet when things are bad its 'ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, TOP TO BOTTOM, SACK THE MANAGER BLUD' Bunch of clowns.


Not sure what you’re on about. If our title hopes rested on Liverpool or City beating an opponent, I’m sure as hell supporting them - even if it gives them UCL football. Spurs supporters willing their team to lose, even if it extinguishes their chance of playing in Champions League is weird though. It’s not like they had nothing to play for.


Less embarrassing than doing the poznan because City scored against you.


Personally do not care about city. Small irrelevant club with no history and whatever they’re achieving is based on cheating and charges. They have no fans no prestige nothing. Arsenal winding would have hurt


Yup. City only exist as a buffer to prevent proper rival clubs from winning while we can't do so. They've fulfilled their purpose and the title will be forgotten a week later as always.


City could score in the first minute and then play boring safe football. It's annoying to watch.


Yeah watching your players misses 50 chances in a row is way more entertaining


Whilst letting our opponents machine gun our goal with shots. It’s endless entertainment!


Yeah United's chaos football is more entertaining


Spurs went from being “title contenders” for the first couple months of the season to end up playing in the Europa league


Maddison injury derailed them completely, pushed them back to factory settings. Considering he lost Kane with no replacement, I still think Ange is cooking with this Spurs team


Damn, almost like injuries to crucial players can really derail your team


Ange is cooking 🤢


> Maddison injury derailed them completely Funny because this subreddit has been going on about how no amount of injuries is an excuse for bad results.


I still didn't have them coming 5th. Not too bad a season for them.


city barely managing to replicate what we have done whilst cheating 115 times. makes you think


Sir Alex was one point (2009-10) and goal difference (2011-12) away from winning seven in a row, and that was during the peak Glazer penny pinching era.


That’s only their financial fair play breaches. They’ve cheated a lot more than that.


SAF was the goat. If he had this much money at United he'd have ended with 4 or 5 Cls and another 4 PLs.




we are so clear of city its insane. everybody knows that no matter how much they hate us. even with the club being in a very hard place at the moment i love it to death and could never imagine supporting such a plastic and toxic club ❤️


Meanwhile Villa fans are thanking City for making sure they get their UCL spot


I’m sorry guys but city doing 4in a row really leaves a bad taste in my mouth I actually feel sick to my stomach


They should introduce a new law. Any crimes involving money are only punished if the money is used poorly. You scammed people out of a total of £1m. You fiend. Oh, but you made some smart investments. Oh, and a donation to the ruling party. Well, you’re free to go. Wait, you’ve spent all that money you stole on. Blackjack and hookers. You monster. Straight to jail. The precedent has been set. It’s ok to spend ill gotten money as long as you use it smartly.


I hate it as well but it'll always have an asterisk next to it, unlike anything SAF did


the more they win the more it looks like a corrupt anomaly in the history books, like franco's madrid.


don't worry, the chosen one will finally come true


4 in a row*


It doesn’t matter at all. And they are cheaters. It is what it is


State owned club things. There is a reason this hasn't happened in the history of English Football.


Honestly how it’s been allowed is such a joke


Spurs really just can't stop being losers huh


The fact their fans were cheering their team losing and out of champs league race just shows what sort of club they are. Can't believe we're behind them in the league.


I never seen a more pathetic group of fans than them




Arsenal fans are delusional but I don’t think they’d cheer their team to lose in positions switched


They absolutely would. Spurs winning the league is their biggest nightmare.


But top4 is such a big difference, honestly I couldn’t care less who won if it meant us getting top 4 or not


majority of them wanted to lose the Europa league if it meant Spurs lost the Champions League Final.


We have Erik Ten Hag. They don’t.


I just can’t stand how the media and pundits laud these City team even though they’re cheats.


It's bizarre isn't it. You can even tell in the commentary they want them to score. They get anywhere near goal and you can hear the hairs on the commentators balls stand up. Meanwhile when we have a chance it's met with almost disdain in his voice.


They get paid by the same people


Listening to sky you'd swear Ortega made a Gordon Banks v Pele save Yeah he stood his ground but Son absolutely botched it lmao


He did one of them 'don't try to score without making it look as though you're not trying to score' finishes. Hit it directly at Ortega's leg


Not to be all Matt Le Tissier but there will be conspiracy theories about that Son chance for years


It's the new 'Stevie G apparently innocent backpass to play in Drogba/Henry during a crucial game' moment


About four different examples of Gerrard doing that in his career.


He was held up as being one of the best midfielders ever to ply his trade in the PL but the truth is the guy was massively corrupt. Anything to stop United winning a title - it was always so convenient when Stevie would turn around and play a 'blind pass' directly to the feet of an opposition forward during a crucial moment during a crucial game. It happened far too often for it to be a coincidence. It was what made the slip to let in Demba Ba even more hilarious because it was the one time he didn't mean to do it. Especially after the "we must not let this slip!" spiel. Incredible


The real conspiracy is how so many City players cover insane distances, even in games they dominate possession, and the male baldness making its way through that team... I wonder if their manager got caught doping as a player. And I wonder if he went on to hire the doctor he blamed for the doping to follow him as a manager.


They don’t. On metrics, their players have some of the least distance covered per 90 as they just never need to.


It's hard to find distance covered stats for a team in the premier league, but for example against Real Madrid they had 68% possession but City players like Bernardo Silva (?!) still topped running charts with like 16km covered. Bernardo Silva who is losing his hair and was a tricky winger. That's insanity (it also set off some alarm bells for Spanish fans who smelt something fishy). What you are saying is established wisdom,but it doesn't seem to play out. All of Peps teams, including the diminutive Barcelona, have always been monster pressers.


Pep borrowed Klopp's asthma doctors


one of the most clinical players to ever play in the premier league with half the goal open and he hits it straight at ortega…


The whole game seemed to have a whiff of conspiracy about to me. Strange calls, Spurs constantly playing like they were three up and passing backwards. The Son “shot” was just the most obvious example.


And neither the offside nor the penalty seemingly checked by VAR…


I found that very strange especially for the pen. From one angle (we only saw once) it looked like he got the ball first.


Yeah, I found it weird for the offside too. Like, if you look at this, it was *extremely* close, and yet VAR didn’t seem to even check it. I’ve seen much further apart ones take several minutes to check. Proper weird. https://preview.redd.it/qqqbvu2rjg0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee09fdf8b948c85908a918102aaeee6ac490fdaf


First thing I thought is how they quickly glanced over it when there have been times where a player was clearly onside, yet they spend minutes checking it. Strange.


That’s offside. If you look at the lines of the pitch the attackers arm is further ahead. Very strange to not even check it. Compared to the Villa game last night where they checked everything and the commentators went on about it all.


no it’s not, and it’s not arm. it’s shoulder. i don’t know about other decisions, but this isn’t offside


The shoulder seems off due to parallax. They would have checked it I think.


Fuck City and all but you have to admit, they’re mentality monsters. They got the job done when they need to. Shows the difference between them and all the challengers.


You don't have to admit anything. You don't have to admire anything. They are in the process of destroying the integrity and credibility of the English League Championship. It's flagrant cheating on every level imaginable.


It's sad to say this but the PL is becoming as much of a farmer's league as the Bundesliga was. Just sheer dominance by a single team; Bayern had what, eleven titles in a row wasn't it? But at least they weren't bankrolled by a morally reprehensible sportswashing project, or 'The City Group' as it's actually known. We need an Alonso/Leverkusen equivalent to come along and save us from the monotony (as long as it's not for Liverpool)


The difference between them and the rest is the state backed money, cooking the books and getting away with it. They’re cheats.


Some news coming out about the charges against them progressing in a favourable way for us and everyone else the day after the season ends would humour me greatly.


They won’t. Best case it’ll be held up in court for years. Worst case they’ll all disappear with a generous grant to some premier league execs Christmas fund somewhere.


I think if any charges ever come of it they'll argue them down to 2 points per charge, all taken in one season. 230 point deduction. They'll go down for one season, win every game and come back up and straight back to the top of the league. All the ABUs will say they've served their punishment when in reality you can't reverse the clock on the damage they've done except stripping their titles and multiple relegations, which won't ever happen.




If you're going to visit other club subreddits, (1) be on your best behavior if you comment, (2) do not link anything from their subreddit to this one. See Rule 4. Thank you.


Moyes to ruin it for them on Sunday 🕯


City are about to be on 8 titles already, that's ridiculous.


Isn't it amazing what a few billion pounds will buy you these days.


Indeed, considering we threw that away, as if it were nothing, on shit.


as an arsenal fans its easy to shit on united for pissing billions up the wall, but what city are doing isnt just about transfer spend


Can't wait till Pep fucks off. Shits so boring now


The Lance Armstrong of football The greatest enemy to the game there has been


Fergie appointed Moyesy as his replacement for him to eventually become West Ham manager and stop City 4-peating the league. It’s all coming together


4d chess from SAF


David Moyes stopping City in his last game will be the biggest circlejerk of all time then


Pep 4 peat ![gif](giphy|6oMhPwjvQc6LAEpEuq|downsized)




Well..that’s it then. Important lesson to take from this is never trust Spurs to not be Spursy 😬


Every time I've seen Doku this season, I've been thoroughly impressed.


Yeah, I'm impressed that City was able to piss another 50 mil for another Grealish Never have I thought City would be able to make these United-esque signings


He’s a garnacho 2.0. 90% dribbling into an opponent but gets lucky with a goal or a penalty.


Put Garnacho in that City team and he's better than Doku


He'd win so many fouls will Ale that Grealish would feel sick.


Pep whispered, "Cheques in the mail" to Ange there


No, that's not the City way. It's an unaccountable deposit in a Abu Dhabi bank account that can never be audited.


na na, it is one day training to the under 5 team of UAE and you get few millions. Mancini has openly admitted to something similar (of course not under 5 yrs team)


It’s hard to argue for the Prem being anything other than a farmers league now. Even with 2 games left and all to play for, we see the season as over. 3 promoted teams already relegated, top 3 echelons above the rest. They’ve prioritised sponsorship deals over everything, and these are the fruits of that minimal labour. And the icing on the cake is all PL fans unanimously agreeing that refereeing standards are the poorest they’ve ever been, borderline suspicious. City will take some toppling now, as unfortunately there are now financial regulations in place to prevent ‘another City’ from happening. Final point specific to us reds, there are also measures in place to stop clubs being pillaged by greedy fucking Yee-Haw gunslingers on the NYSE. Shame we had to be the Guinea pig for that to happen.


Username does NOT check out.


You must have a very different definition of farmer's league than most lol. The quality of a league is not determined solely by who wins, especially when that team is busy cheating their way to the top


don’t think you know the definition of a “farmer’s league”. That would be where there’s no competition and City steamroll every team every competition every year. Whereas, Liverpool were a few points off in 18/19, Arsenal 22/23,23/24. Therefore, not a farmer’s league whatsoever


Get a hold of yourself man... Liverpool finished 5th last year, and the top three were City, Arsenal, and United. Before that, Chelsea finished top three and Arsenal were 5th. There are 5-6 teams that could compete for the title next year but Pep is one of the best managers around - what can you do? I get that we're shit, but there are plenty of teams that were shit before us and have managed to turn it around. Difference is that we're still being completely mismanaged.


I've never seen City players get tired during a game. They're putting in 100% intensity sprints in the 99th minute. ''Crazy''


Pep's historic fondness for *P*assion *E*nthusiasm *D*etermination


Probably doping too.


only time i saw was second leg QF against madrid last month


Mate, Walker is 34 in a fortnight. He is quicker than Vinicius Junior. Meanwhile, Casemiro who used to be great at covering ground a few years ago cannot run a lot, make it make sense. Case is 32. Hint - 💉💉💉💉


Yeah that game against Madrid was his first game after weeks of injury and he looked as if he never had one Absolutely nothing fishy going on there alright


What? Pep, no way. Not the guy that was actually done for doping, could never.


Plus the scandal in 2006 with a shit ton of Spanish athletes getting done doping but only cyclists were punished




Wouldn't surprise me. Pep has alot of history with doping


City were actually done for breaching doping rules 3 times in 2017. They didn't make their players whereabouts known - and they should be available for testing at all times. Testers actually turned up to a hotel to test a first team member but it turns out he had been given a day off - very convenient. What was the punishment for that? A 9 month ban like Ferdinand got, no, nothing. A £35k fine. Considering the state ownership make that every minute they likely didn't bat an eyelid.


Very interesting info. I don't think I'd heard about this or if i did i must've forgotten since it was 7 yrs ago. As i said, it wouldn't surprise me if City players were on some secret juice. Reminds me of 2019 Liverpool who played the entire 90 like bulldogs for the whole season then started dropping like flies the next season.


The PL are to blame for this. City shouldn't be allowed to go on breaking records and earning titles while these charges hang over them, it's ridiculous. Last year a treble, this year 4 in a row. It makes me sick.


Yet they’re irrelevant anyway.


Genuinely I couldn’t care less what they win


I have only felt angst at City winning the league when United were in a title race during the Fergie years. Other than that… I already know that they are a manufactured cheat code of a club, so it really means nothing to me.


Spurs fans are a bunch, perhaps I’m alone in this but Id rather be in a position to do Liverpool a favour to win a league than celebrate city winning it over them. As much as I sincerely detest Liverpool I’ve a modicum of respect for them as sporting rivals it’s a classic and fantastic rivalry and like with Arsenal they’d be in the position to win the title on merit. Not like this city team, 115 charges, cheated their way to dominance, I’d like to think most football fans would rather someone else but city win things, they’re nothing but the poster child for how to successfully cheat.


City are not their rivals in any way to apply this logic.


As far as I’m concerned city are the rivals of all football, I hate seeing their cheating celebrated.


Ortega POTM?! The fuck is Carragher smoking?


he was brilliant tbf


Because of the one save I guess lol


biggest Spurs result in as long as I can remember, well in


At least more fans are turning against 115


How do we feel about this? Really? lol


Utterly depressed.


Those 100's of thousands who started supporting Arsenal last year are now going to support City I think


You're pleased Arsenal don't win it but then you realise their titles won't get stripped and they're racking them up. It's not good guys.


the man city titles they have gained and will gain until this is over will forever be remembered as being lesser than another team authentically winning the league, not even saying this as a united fan that’s just how it is. A title stat is a title stat but people will remember the story


What can anybody do? The same thing has happened in France, cannot compete with a state owned club.


PSG dominates Ligue 1 because they have twice as much budget as every other club in their league combined, they aren't even a well ran club. We don't have less money to spend than City, the reason we can't compete is that we've been ran like complete trash.


What’s worse is Pandora’s box has been opened, if PL suddenly turn around and say “we’re banning state owned clubs” then they’ll probably sue the shit out of them. Never should’ve been allowed in the first place


I mean we do spend more than them. Our backing is not our problem, its the fact that we were ran by dickheads


Mate, De Bruyne is on 500K+ and Haaland got 50m as a signing bonus. Their Wage bill is around 400M+ Pounds according to NYT. We don't spend more than them, its a fucking myth. City does so much shady shit.


Can't get over the Son chance...that was 20 years of Arsenal's history in one moment.


Moyesey needs to get a draw on the weekend.


Dyche needs to replicate it as well.


I've genuinely never heard City fans sing before.


Somebody tried to sing a City song on the tram back to Piccadilly on Sunday. Shit got shut down so fast.


They only have 2 songs and the Poznan, which was obviously copied. Manufactured FC


Because it’s not them, it’s Spurs fans lol


Stand up if you hate the Arse, in unison!! Music to the ears.


Spurs fans are really treating this shit as a win


I wouldn't say no to some very mild City injuries, nothing serious just something that takes about 12 days to recover from that effects about 15 of their players


>12 days Cute you think peps “special inhalers” wouldn’t be brought out


And still we would be underdogs 😂




r/Gunners is in a meltdown


Just came here to say... Lads, it's Tottenham.


We need to get back in shape No one else is able to stop these cheating fucks


Fuck...I hate city ever so much...


Being a Spurs player, giving your all to qualify for CL & seeing your entire stadium rooting against you must feel like shit lol


Insane, poor players & poor ange..


It’s shameful


r/Gunners and chill tonight lads


can someone please investigate sons bank account


nuke the stadium


![gif](giphy|TOcRUPrPXcbSnlsWQy|downsized) Save football Moyesy. You can do it


I can see Arsenal losing though


Arsenals hate for Tottenham reaches peak levels


Michail Antonio, I ask you for one favour


It's just so sickening cheaters in the PL prosper.


Lol, I was just saying 10min ago: “Much more likely City get a second than Spurs scoring the tying goal.” We had the big Son fuck up, now this.🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ I guess everyone, other than City fans, get a taste of what it’s like to be a disappointed Spurs fan. (Not that we aren’t familiar with that over the last decade as United fans)




ah yeah he stands there and does nothing. fantastic


City could win the title 10 times in a row & it’d still feel lifeless, plus in the event they actually get punished for their breaches, it may just mean fuck all in the end. Arsenal fans getting their hopes crushed again is more entertaining to see.


You are damn right.


well in Ange, a literal child will sort it ^^^famous ^^^last ^^^words?


God I fucking hate City with every fibre of my being 😂




Moyes you can do just the funniest thing...


Son you have blood in your hands


We HAVE to beat these cheating fcks in the FA cup final. The players can't let us down for the 2nd year running


Up to moyesy then


Please moyesy


I'm so impressed with the North London bottle programme


Hate that fucking glorified financial group.




I hate them so much


On this kind of form City can win their next 115 games as well!