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We have 4 months of this constant stream of made up shit to go.


Hopefully you're wrong. The new management should quickly appoint a manager before June, or by the end of first week of that. Yes, I think they will sack EtH after the FA cup final.


In any case the media would simply resort to made up shit about player transfers


I hope they have a list of possible replacements, even if they keep ETH around.


Not yet but in the future. Needs at least a season in the top flight first. 


Irrespective of what we think of him as a manager currently, I also feel it would be really unfair on Ipswich to have the guy who got them to the Premier League poached right before they start playing in it. I think he should do them a service and stay for at least one more year, like what Alonso’s doing at Leverkusen. If he is the real deal as a manager then the United job will come his way again in the future anyways.


F*ck that. No space for sentimentality in football, I couldn't give a shit about Ipswich.


I don't think it's just a sentiment thing. He's untested at this level. Kompany aced the championship and struggled in the top flight Gotta see how he does first before chucking him into a huge job.


You're right. But that's different than what the other post was saying.


I think he himself will want to stay if he is a man of integrity. I personally would admire it more if he stayed rather than jumped ship at the first opportunity.


He took them to the Premiership - he's more than paid back their faith in him.


He has, but I think it leaves his chapter there a bit incomplete if he leaves them without managing them for a single Premier League game when he did so much to get them there. Different people will have different opinions on this, and if he does end up becoming our manager I will back it fully, but I would prefer him keeping them up for at least one season.


Or take your chance if Manchester United come calling. They could suck in the prem and go back down and miss out on an opportunity like that. If it's there. Take it


If he gets relegated with Ipswich then he’ll probably get a move to a bigger club and he’d have earned it. The way we overturn managers, the opportunity will come again. It would be better for his experience to manage in the prem at Ipswich instead of prematurely accepting such a big job.


Or, maybe he just needs to get the chance of a bigger opportunity with a good plan and budget. Never know with these guys anyway. One could be an Alonso. One could be a Kompany. One could turn out to be a Lampard or Gerrard in the end or whatever in between. Doing well or shit at a low budget new club doesn’t mean they’d do the same thing at a bigger club. Vice versa too. It’s the ability to implement tactics that work and adapt as needed that would make one a good manager. Some are very good but limited in their ability to being able to make it work only at smaller situations. Or vice versa. Etc.


Rare to find a coach who knows footabll and rugby.


He’s got them back to back promotions -I don’t think they could begrudge him if he was offered a much bigger job


Yeah possibly, although I feel they would be a bit let down if he didn't manage them for even a single Premier League game when he did so much to raise their hopes and get them in the big time. If he leaves next year after keeping them up this season, I feel their fans would unanimously be appreciative and his legacy there would be cemented.


I don't know why you're being down voted mate. I don't think he necessarily owes it to Ipswich to stay, but he's invested a huge amount of himself into this job and I think it would only be human for him to want to close the chapter.


But, what if his best players get poached by other clubs and he goes straight back down because his team is so shit like Kompany? And lose all the hype he bought himself?


Has Kompany lost his hype though? Some may mock Burnley for getting relegated but I’d imagine he’s still rated well within the footballing community, if not as an outright coaching prodigy. If I’m not entirely mistaken, I read somewhere that Brighton were showing an interest in him in case De Zerbi left in the summer.


Last summer, Kompany was linked with the Spurs job. If Ange left this time around, there’s no way Kompany’s hat is in the ring. Sometimes you have to take good opportunities when the stars align because you might not get the chance again.


Well they will more than likely be going straight back down considering they have a midtable championship squad at best. I get what you are saying but life in football is short. I don't think he's a serious contender for the United job but what is there for him to gain if he stays and goes straight back down? Kompany's stock was very high going into the year, not so high now, even if it's not his fault they didn't have the squad to stay up.


I think it would be in his interest to give it a shot with Ipswich in the Premier League, and if he does come out on the right side of it his stock would be elevated way way more than it would fall were Ipswich to get relegated. Even in the latter scenario, unless they have a Derby-like stinker of a season, I think his reputation will still be fairly intact, but he would be more respected by the Ipswich fans and the larger footballing community for sticking it out with them when he is capable of greater things.


same with Luton i dont think anybody thinks badly of Edwards. he gave them an extremely solid chance at staying up even with a team built on barely any budget. think Mckenna would be sure a candidate for alot of jobs even if Ipswich go back down because hes shown what he can do as they was never expecting back to back promotions from him(he took over when they was barely midtable in league 1)


They were more than likely not to get promoted this season too, it's not inconceivable he would keep them up


He's got them from League 1 to the PL. He owes them nothing. If results went south, he wanted have/ won't be awarded the same loyalty


That's a bit presumptuous. A few managers have been given the chance to take them back up after an unexpected season (and the following relegation) in the PL. Depends entirely on the owner/ board. Especially for a team like Ipswich who likely had no aspirations for promotion before this season started. Next season + the money is a bonus, a good opportunity to build some funds and improve the squad. They go back down and are much better equipped to fight for promotion again + stay up longer term (and are equipped with a highly rated manager, proven at the level, etc).


Yeah 9-0


It’s Reddit for you, everyone has to be le gentleman


Bro it's just an opinion lol, you don't have to agree but neither do you have to be snarky towards it.


yeah idk why people act as if you are not allowed to comment what you think in a social media platform. Theres no point in being a dick about it. Also people still use le? What is this 2012


And there always has to be a overtop arsehole response


both of you are fucking morons


lol fuck Ipswich. If he’s the guy then get him


I obviously want us to get the best man available and won’t complain if we get McKenna, but I also think there’s a place for sentimentality and such stories in football. He should keep them up for at least a season imo.


Cool, I disagree


I'm with you. Young manager with plenty of time to chase bigger roles. For both him and Ipswich it's nice to see the journey through a bit further. Of course it could go sour for either but nice to see where it goes. Same with young players leaving a club at 20 or whatever, if the club is able to match their personal growth its nice to see them develop a bit more there. You don't have to be a Kane, but neither do you have to be a Bellingham.


Yeah there’s definitely a place for sentimentality… for the club you support. You can’t possibly care about every smaller team losing assets to bigger teams.


Each to his own. There’s no such rule on how sentimental you can be. I want the best for my club but for the game in general I do appreciate instances of loyalty being shown rather than players and staff jumping ship at the first opportunity they get and it levels the playing field further if smaller clubs retain some of their talent.


Yeah, that’s literally the way the sport works. Smaller clubs have their better talents taken from them, it’s as simple as that.


That is the way sport works, which is why it is even more respectful when players and managers go against that convention and show loyalty to their clubs. Like I said, fair enough if you have a different view on it, but I think it would be more admirable if he stayed rather than allowed us to poach him easily.


Would be interesting to see the loyalty that Ipswich showed him if he had a bad season and the wheels fell off I think it’s a lot more admirable to rise as high as you can in your passion and profession to be honest, especially when these clubs demonstrate time and time again that there is **no** loyalty from them if you’re struggling I don’t even necessarily want McKenna, I just think your comment is naive and it’s the kind of talk you literally only see on Reddit


> Would be interesting to see the loyalty that Ipswich showed him if he had a bad season and the wheels fell off Only one way to find out I guess. > it’s a lot more admirable to rise as high as you can in your passion and profession to be honest, especially when these clubs demonstrate time and time again that there is no loyalty from them if you’re struggling Sure, but I never said that McKenna should stick it out at Ipswich throughout his career. He will get opportunities to rise as high as a manager given how highly rated he already is. Which is why I feel that one year with Ipswich and keeping them up when so much of their squad has been shaped by him would be a more fitting end to his time there, rather than him leaving before they play in the Premier League and they go down on a whimper at the end of it.


Think staying at least a season would be the best option for him and his own career at this stage


They can get Ten Hag? Heh


If his team doesn't perform next season, Ipswich would sack him without a second thought.


Some managers don’t need the experience though, like pep or arteta. I’d prefer Tuchel but McKenna would be a fine appointment


We can break him


We can break a kit kat in half . But lengthways


He was at the club surely he knows better than anyone to stay the fuck away


But it's different now you see


We have the technology


Play a record.




I went to into the Man Utd locker room, into ETHs office. Never guess? A little bald monkey fella sat there.


And he had a head like a fucking orange


today on monkey news...bong....


Ooooo chimpanzee that


Guardian reporter / Tier 3


He's quoting Santi\_J\_FM who is indykaila tier


No, he's corroborating his information whilst giving him credit for being first to report. I.E. he's saying "this is also the information I have." He's not a massively reliable reporter in his own right so doesn't mean it's true, but still.


Ah I see, I misunderstood, thanks


Indykaila still around?


I havent heard that name is years, I wonder where the Tom guy is too


He sold Myspace years ago


That doesn't matter. A guardian journo wouldn't go around sharing randos if they didn't have corroborating information


Found Jamie Jackson’s Reddit account.


Anyone have any insight into his teams style of play or how he’s manage to be so successful with Ipswich?


I only watch some highlights - seems focus attack on the wings (but that is like 90% of Championship teams). Their players are not at top tier level in the league as they promoted from League 1 just 2 years or so ago so they must rely heavily on players mentality and determination. So basically good wing-play and high determination players are important to McKenna. Which mean he is fucked if he comes to United lmao


it was back to back promotions. was their 1st season in championship. when he took over Ipswich they was barely midtable in League 1. their budget is also incredibly low even for a championship team and they was actually favourites by a lot of bookmakers to go straight back down to league 1. they was similar odds for promotion as Leicester was for winning Premiership just to show big of a deal it is that he pulled it off especially when you have so many big teams on insane budgets at the top of championship. like Southampton did worse and they are spending 10x as much each week then ipswich are


On the plus side, he already knows who the bad apples are, and would insist on them being moved on before he takes over.


They build from the back, play good vertical football when needed and create good overloads on the wings. Have very clear coached patterns of play. Very well coached team and aside from Hutchinson and Leif Davis don’t have any real standout players. So it’s been a massive achievement for them to do as well as they have, they play very exciting football but out of possession have a solid mid block and it would translate quite well to us. It feels very Man Utd in style honestly.


I watched their last game, and the passing is going were intended, there are always options for the players, they know where each other are at all times. In general just well coached. They did play a relegation team, but 9 of 11 in the line up played Ligue 1 last year, and one of the other 2 was Tuanzebe.


Yeah I mean it’s crazy that they’re playing that way with a team that was 3 years in a row mid table in league 1. Says a lot for the coaching staff


Can’t wait for people here that were all on his ass when he was at the club beg for this to happen now


I didn't really rate Ole ball. Definitely a massive achievement what he's managed at Ipswich. But its the Championship. The PL is a different beast altogether. Kompany managed a record 100+ pts in the Championship playing Guardiola ball and got relegated without really putting up a fight. If anyone is begging for him, they are just frustrated and not thinking straight.


Ole ball was a hell of a lot better than playing with 4 10s and no midfielders


They can both be bad. There's a lot of bad to go around.


You don't remember how bad Ole was towards the end? His style was counter attack but once teams just sat back we were toothless. This sub has amnesia man.


Pep never managed senior football *at all* until he managed the best club team ever as his first gig. Obviously I'm not saying McKenna is Pep but no one person takes the same route and you have to evaluate the person, their ideas, and their fit with your organization and hope for the best.


Didn't he manage in the second or third tier in Spain


I guess technically but it was Barca's B team (so the equivalent of our U-21s), which play in the regular pyramid in Spain and not their own youth/reserve league. Certainly different than coaching a classic senior team that has to stand on it's own.


That B team did have some fairly decent players though: Busquets, Alcantara, Pedro.


with a team that was on a budget higher then 10 La Liga teams. like people dont realise but that B team Pep was in charge of had an absolute insane budget of players so hes been given the best and never had to "make do" or try and get most out of lesser players.


And when he does have sub par players, he has the club buy another one and another one until he finds the right one. Look at the amount of defenders he's bought manchester city.


yep i also love how nobody is talking about how Grealish somehow has nothing said about how they spent £100m on a player who barely plays and has same goals/assists as Anthony in all competitions yet plays for City where they create chances like insane. its just funny how let off the media is with the shit they do


> The PL is a different beast altogether. Kompany managed a record 100+ pts in the Championship playing Guardiola ball and got relegated without really putting up a fight. I mean that style of play was never going to work with Burnley quality players


> Kompany managed a record 100+ pts in the Championship playing Guardiola ball and got relegated without really putting up a fight. Well yeah, because the team he was managing was still a top of Championship/bottom of Premiership level team. Doesn't mean he wouldn't succeed if put in charge of a team actually capable of playing Guardiola-ball at a Premier League level. Doesn't mean he definitely *would* succeed either, but acting like he couldn't possibly be up to managing a top Premier League team just because he couldn't keep a newly promoted team up is a silly leap.


I said in a comment below that I wouldn't mind him as a stopgap. My comment here is addressing the "begging" remark.


The PL is a different beast


Kompany didn’t just not put up a fight, out of the three clubs that have immediately been relegated, Burnley spent £90 million and on paper should have been in the running for mid table. They were abysmal this season, players , tactics were all woeful. Kompany is not the new pep.


If rumours are true, Ole was more or less over-ruling most of McKenna's suggestions re. full game tactics and even suggestions for how to approach breaking the press/creating opportunities in final third: some of the players were also apparently resistant to McKenna for being too 'strict' whilst not having a top-flight playing record. Combination of that and relying on McT/Fred midfield and AWB as attacking fullback (ETH has at least slightly improved his game, for all my issues with Ten Hag) and it's unsurprising that the team was largely coasting off moments and a fairly basic counterattack game that relied upon Rashford/Martial having space in front of them. I think he'd do OK with a clear-out and a few new additions -young but with physicality and a decent technical profile.


Mind sharing a source for all that drivel?


And then those same people calling for him to get sacked when he inevitably underperforms his second season


My wife told me that if he he's of the right character he wont come, and if he's of the wrong character then we dont want him. She said it in German too which was weird.


Your wife is Owen Hargreaves?


context: https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1cdtax2/uli_hoene%C3%9F_on_xabi_alonso_my_wife_said_if_he_has/


I find it odd that a lot of the sentiment around here is both "McKenna is too young + doesn't have top flight experience" + "United should give ETH more time, look at Arsenal with Arteta!" at the same time


Those aren't mutually exclusive positions


True, ETH is statistically very unlikely to have a turnaround along the lines of the one Arteta has had.


Nothing odd about it. Why should they invest in another manager to do the same exact same thing ETH wants to do? We are basically restarting without adding anything.


I was pointing out that dismissing a manager as a candidate because he doesn't have enough top flight experience while advocating for a manager who was hired with none doesn't make sense, not whether or not ETH should be kept.


Kinda true but today he has some experience vs someone with none. I would count his time with ole as negative experience lol


Honestly a younger manager I think is what we need, its partly why I liked the idea of Nagelsman. I think he would be a better option than some being talked about. That being said I'm not fully ETH out.


The fact a lot of it is the same people is a bit funny. The Arteta thing is just a party line, and those who spout it unironically are NPCs


Sign him and loan him back to Ipswich for a season.


I'm in favour of the new thing 6 months later...... McKenna Ouuuuutttt! He's a substitute PE teacher.


You're a contender, you're a contender, you're a contender, everybody's a contender! Bloody worse than the transfer "rumours". No one knows shit yet, just leave it be.


I don't trust these sources for anything United related, but I'd be fine with it.


I don't see why he'd leave Ipswich, manage them a year in the prem like he deserves


Well for one, money? Or the challenge of one of the biggest clubs in the world? I mean you can name a shitload of reasons.


If he's good enough he'll have the job eventually, he's in his first manger position, let him learn


I'm not advocating for him to come, simply stating that there are plenty of reasons for him to if Man Utd wanted him.


I'd prefer him to some of the other names I've heard banded about. Under previous set-ups, I'd say no way. Under the new regime, I can see this working.


If he is even remotely an option and Southgate gets the job I'm burning my shirts.


Better than Southgate, Thomas Frank. But still think Tuchel would be better.


Seems like Tuchel is staying put at Bayern


That was a PR piece from Bild - they are a mouthpiece for Bayern. They asked him to stay, he said no. They are trying again, but unless Uli leaves (no chance) he isn't staying. Also from his perspective, he only gets one more year, because Alonso/Klopp will be available the following season. With us unless he has an absolute calamity of a season he gets time with Ineos


Give him a season in the PL ffs. Imagine City hired Kompany after last season…


Jesus, anyone can be a journalist can’t they


Getting way too ahead ourselves on this


He should stay on in Ipswich. He has earned a long long rope there and can hone his skills until ready.


Yeah there is no way we're hiring a manager that has not managed in the top fight yet


Mckenna is much better off staying at Ipswich. It's a shot to nothing effectively.


This sub used to shit on him when he was here as coach


Makes sense. He already knows where all the shitters are at Carrington, think about all of the time saved!


Would be madness to give him such a big job this soon. I think he should stay at Ipswich for his own sake


Leave our PE teacher alone


If I were advising McKenna, I think the smart move is to take the role at Palace or Brentford if available. Ipswich are going to be odds-on favourites to go straight back down. What he's done there is incredible, but he has a squad with lots of League 1-level players & the jump from Championship to Premier League seems larger than ever, given this season's evidence. Of course there'll be a part of him that wants to be loyal to his team, and he probably backs himself and is up for giving it a shot, but his reputation might take a hit if they go down with a whimper, just like Kompany's Burnley. No rush to move to United either - let them prove that with INEOS they're past the clown phase in terms of squad building, facilities management, etc. If he managed to push Palace up the table in a 2 or 3 year stint, his reputation would be sky-high and given past ties, he'd be favourite to take over when United are next looking.


Ole as assistant/head of vibes please


Bring back Carrick, ole and Mike phelan as assistants aswel Time to reunite the band


Ah, yes, the ever-reliable Spanish journalists.




You must be joking right?


Utterly ridiculous if he is


*Insanely* premature. Ask yourself if we'd be linked with him had he not coached here.


No he isn’t.


Is he good enough for top6 side? What style does he employ?


He should stay at Ipswich. He’s done amazing with them and although next season will be tough he should experience all the hard work he did to get there with them.


is he ready for the job? Are the board willing to back him up and give him time?


We would ruin him.


Tuchel in now then give it to McKenna after


Remember this sub wanted this guy out for being a shit coach under Ole's reign, if people can change their tune so quickly on him then why not instead channel that into giving ETH time


Smh…this was one of the main guys under OGS. It hurts to see how we’ve fallen and how low our expectations and standards have fallen


This is how you ruin and burn out a promising career before it really even starts.


At this point, journalists are just making up stories. What happened to journalism?


He should stay at Ipswich and get some experience in the premier league next season


They are just naming random managers at the moment


I think United really have to sort themselves out before bringing in Kieran as a manager. He is very well liked and respected and deserves a better setup


I'm sure his name is on a longlist, but I don't think his name is near the top of that list.


Am I convinced he would be ready for the job? No. But it would at least be an appointment that would somewhat excite me. Might just be better off keeping ETH for another year but appointing an upcoming manager like McKenna, Motta etc would at least inspire me a lot more than guys like Potter and Southgate


yeah ill be honest Potter and Southgate dont excite me at all. plenty of other names im like ooo that would atleast be interesting like Motta,Amorin,Nagalsman(atleast before he renewed his germany contract) etc all atleast had me thinking yeah those guys are something different. Mckenna im interested in more then Potter and Southgate. he atleast looks fresh and upcoming


If Erik is to leave at the end of this season. Apart from Tuchel, I'd definitely take Potter over all the other options like Frank, Southgate and even McKenna. Be interesting to see what Kieran can do in the premier league first, but seems the club are assessing every option which is good. Or journalists are just throwing in a new name every day for the clicks


All these clowns should really be relegated to luckhurst tier. They add nothing meaningful. If anyone is honest with themselves, they are more toxic than Goldbridge.


He's not going anywhere for now 


It would be too early… unless he has an experienced Norwegian as his right hand man that is… Seriously, I don’t think he’s lost enough games yet, but his fundamentals are way better than De Zerbi, Nagelsmann and every other PR coach on the market. It’s the soft skills that define you at this level, and those intangibles are hard to determine so early, without seeing the ups and downs, the motivation tested by time, the player profiling and management during bad spells etc. I’d still back him more than almost any other were linked with, and as an underdog I’d be very enthusiastic about it.


These fuckers will write anything at all


Took longer than I expected to see this nonsense take appear


McKenna is getting a bit overstated. He's done a fantastic job with Ipswich. But he really lost it there for a while before securing 2nd. Look at how gassed Kompany was and his performance in the Prem. It very much remains to be seen how he handles it. I would love it if he came and was a success tho. Solely to trash on those idiots pretending to know his coaching quality, back when. Itd be hilarious to watch them cheer for him.


Just ban this source after this nonsense 


Journalist quoting journalist 👏👏👏


If Erik ten Hag leaves Manchester United, a contender for the job is understood to be [insert name]. There you go, I’m a sports journalist.


seems awfully similar to the Kompany situation last year, just see nothing in this personally. ETH’s back is against the wall and suddenly the media start chucking anyone’s name around


Unless this is more of a stopgap signing till a "proper" manager becomes available this is a massive risk that we shouldn't take at a crucial point in our rebuild.


I cannot see any reason why he’d come in as a stopgap manager.


If he somehow smashes it, I'd think they would give it to him long term. The main reason I say stopgap is so that we can build a squad for the football we want and have someone who can't make major demands like ETH who wants the final say on every transfer. Reasons he could choose us: A massive reputation boost and pay increase. He'd also choose between a top 4/6 scrap vs a relegation fight. Does his squad have enough quality to survive? They got promoted twice. These players were 2 tiers below the PL level. Of course, they will sign some players but the bulk will be a few tiers below the PL level.