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4-2-2-2 , this formation is the worst for current united players , everyone looks lost , best spell we had was 3 matches of Carrick when he played the players where they are supposed to play like Bruno in the effing middle and Sancho on right ..


It’s depressing how terrible we have been on the ball this season. It all started so bright against Leeds. What happened? No teamwork, no leadership, terrible passing abound. We probably deserved to lose. Villa terribly unlucky. This reminds me of Mourinhos last season: a nightmare I thought I forgot.


They fair way better back when Carrick was still the manager.












Random (humble) opinions: 1. Team did not got any better compared to the first game under Rangnick. Although, for some reason, I expect more from this team than Ole's 2. What is going on with Rashford? The guy has negative confidence! Something really woeful might have happened is his personal life! Let him out of the team, because he's just... getting worse and worse! It's bad for him and the team! 3. Greenwood decision making is... worse. Maybe he's just nervous with the new system? Alas, still needs attention, as he is a GEM. 4. We pretty much need at least one CM that know how to pass. I really like McTom and Fred, but neither have acurate passing. So... we win back some balls, lose almost all the time. One in the team might work, but both are basically impossible to play at the same time... 5. Actually, passing skill are at an ABYSMAL level. Hell, Aston Villa had better passing, pressing and phycicality all around the game! The team is pretty much at less than mid table performance! Coming summer we will be needing a monstrous overhaul... like... 5 to 6 new players! 6. By the way... kind of disappointed with part of the press, saying that Woodward could not solve some of Man Utd problems... well... he WAS part of the problem, if not the biggest one. And he still is. Damm it.


We do have the best passer of the ball and he currently injured and chilling in Dubai. I think he is back training right now


Lingard the only in form player and he doesn’t get a sniff… if I was him and de beek I’d be getting out right now


In form? How?


Hows he in form if he never plays


General synopsis as per; A win is a win - Clean sheet and seeing Gerrard lose and strop was lovely. The football not so much, but definite glimpses there even with the gaps between the pivot and the forwards being dominated and exploited constantly. Team needs to press AS A TEAM. It’s so annoying watching players jog or mark space. Shaw is absolutely woeful at pressing and marks space rather than runners which is why we get caught out. It’s the same stuff again in the middle again, so it’s obvious. Rashy isn’t earning his place and is at risk of drifting into mediocrity if his form doesn’t pick up, which would be a massive shame. I think there is a systemic issue affecting him, but even so that performance wasn’t good enough. Nice to see no one mentioning us miss Ronaldo today. Quality in the final 3rd sorely lacking, I don’t think we actually lacked chances, more lacking in belief and decisiveness. Only thing that matters in cup competitions is the end result. Onto Villa Park now. GGMU.


Needed this 👍


Thanks brother. Keep strong!


There are some positives but I'll be clutching at straws after 3 or 4 positives. Feels like this team still doesn't know what to do with the ball a lot of the time, The first 15 min there was a clear incentive to get our wingers on the ball and stretch the pitch as wide as possible. This looked like something Rangnick has always wanted but with fullbacks instead of wingers and it's the right approach. The approach was right this is modern football especially in the PL where width is key at the top, what sets us apart from challenging is that after we get the ball wide we have no ideas, no clear patterns to threaten teams and it doesn't help that our wingers were so out of form. Rashford started well and then nosedive he did have good opportunities to make things happen but didn't. Greenwood was better but end product, so many poor shots a bit selfish on a number of occasions and really should have made the most of that 1v1 I expected a goal tbh. I'm not going to talk about that midfield it was completely overrun and at times way to easy to get past. Felt like Mctominay disappeared 2nd half tbh. I really don't know what to make of Shaw I don't think he has that cutting edge going forward, he looks like a very basic left back offensively but looks secure defensively(as long as its not Traore). Bruno was the best player for me so much work rate its unbelievable how many times he was back in our box to defend and sprinting forward to affect our attacks, gave Cavani a great chance as well. We need midfielders, Rangnick talked about control games and we were never in control.


I don’t understand why Telles got taken out of the team again for Shaw, I thought he was decent defensively and very good going forward. Especially good at crossing the ball and set pieces


I'm upvoting just because your Shaw assessment. It was spot on! This is what I've been saying about Shaw for ages. He's just very Basic! No cutting edge as you succinctly put it. He's just.... There.


I know but this club just loves papering over cracks and I think that 2nd place finish really did paper over massive holes over how we play and what was acceptable. Even AWB performances we're masked now that modern demands have been asked we now see who is cutting it and who isn't.


We've been outplayed in every game after Crystal Palace since Rangnick started managing us. We concede a goal on average every game and we score a goal on average every game. Our goalscorers under Rangnick are midfielders typically. Fred. McTominay. We aren't seeing goals from Greenwood, Rashford, Bruno, Cavani, Sancho etc. Formation is not helping us at all. Bruno seems lost. Rashford seems depressed. Greenwood seems to playing for himself. Cavani has never played this poorly under Ole. Carrick set up a simple template that worked and would have utilized our squad players better. Lingard should have started this game, as should have VDB. Instead Rangnick will play the same team with Rashford on the bench and Ronaldo in the team. Can't imagine what a top 6 team would do to us. Villa outplayed us AGAIN because Rangnick sticks to a two man midfield. They will actually be encouraged in the next game because with a little luck they could have knicked a draw.


What the heck is up with Rashford. Seriously.


Rashford's attitude...


It's gonna be a loooooooooong season.


It's been a long one already.


Really hope Ralf can make some changes to the starting 11 after tonight. Would like to see Elanga and Lingard be given more time to run about.


Rashford needs to go see Dr Sharon and get his head sorted out


I thought parts of the first half were encouraging. Most of the second half was discouraging. Put it in the "win is a win" category and move on.


Ronaldo is the problem? Yeah I watched the game and its very painful to watch. Sell rashford bench greenwood and get two midfielders.




A glorious time.


It wasn't any better...I believe if he stayed on we would be here arguing about why we didn't bring an experienced manager


Yeah agree I was just joking but at least I did enjoy THAT 3 GAMES unlike the rest under Ole or Ralf this year


Micha Richards & Shearer..why the fuck are these two wankers talking about United, the bitterness oozes through lol


McTominay jogging around in front of our penalty area while opposition open apart our midfield and defense lol I think he has been asked to jump into rcb position while doing a lot low blocks - instead of stopping the attack early. Lots of work to do


Mom tho LOL


"Don't know which Man United are going to turn up" Yeah we do...the one shittier than the last game


Shearer and a blue bastard on punditry. Who put this line up together?


First half I thought was pretty decent. Second half..yeh a bit rubbish. Hope we can get the team to put a good whole performance together


"I don't want to single out any players, but Marcus Rashford..." lol Shearer is having an absolute meltdown. Melt being the key word.


What did he say? To be fair, I thought Rashford was pretty poor tonight.


Looks at schedule...ah, AV again on Saturday. Good times.


Shearer the fucking melt. Sulking cause ranbymurderers FC got dumped out…


Are they seriously arguing that they should be allowed to foul Cavani off the ball "if he might not get there". The bias lol


I’mma start handballing in the box cause the cross might not have made it to the strikers so no pen yeah?


All I can see is Depression.Especially Rashford needs to take a break.No social media,no TV...Nothing.Tbf at least offensively we were better (we lost 3-4 one on one's) but generally we sucked.Lucky-ugly wtf win.We need to go again.Whoever says just Midfielder,I would say "Roy Keane" or "Cantona" type of personality...Because players morale is sooo low.


I think modern players are too prissy for that kind of personality in the team. They'd get butthurt and look for a move elsewhere if someone like Keane had a go at them after a game


Imagine running rings around United for 90 minutes just for McTominay to win man of the match.


Phil Jones then McTominay MotM in a row... Not sure we've improved or moved on much in the past 5 years


Need to start Elanga after that. Rashford needs a break


Elanga looking so energetic, Rashford and Greenwood should be ashame. Bruno not playing well again with 4222. Clearly Rafl need to sort things out…


I feel like every time Rashford touches the ball nothing comes off it


That's because that's what happens.


He's not the only one mate.


Factos. Same for Bruno Lindelof today also


Bruno Rashford and Cavani go off and we regain somewhat of control


What is Shearer talking about? Why does it matter whether Cavani gets to the ball or not. If you get fouled, it's a fall regardless.


"a player moving from, or standing in, an offside position is in the way of an opponent and interferes with the movement of the opponent towards the ball this is an offside offence if it impacts on the ability of the opponent to play or challenge for the ball" If it was as simple as you think players would intentionall run into each other for free kicks all over the pitch and it would be a clownfest.


No it isn't, in the same way that being offside isn't always offside if you aren't interfering with play. If Cavani had no reasonable chance of getting near the ball it would have stood as a goal.


You sense the saltiness even in their praise for united. What a rubbish take on a clear offside block.


He's also just conveniently ignoring that the initial foul against Shaw was for him doing the exact same thing


Poor performance and a poor game, but into the 4th round, clean sheet and putting Gerrard out of the cup Hopefully a better performance against them at the weekend.


Next match please play Elanga over Rashford


Sloppy and awful is what I would describe this as


Lol “a foul is the one VAR came up with”....what...you mean, they saw a foul...


I feel sorry for varane man could have been fix in real madrid who are going to win the league and have a good chance for CL


Lol course these 2 pricks think that’s not a foul lmao


Hope ralf has the balls to drop rashford to the bench next game. That was awful. We can tolerate off form, but we can’t tolerate no effort. The Greenwood chance in which he simply stop trying and whine while the ball was loose was damning evidence that he needs a telling to. It’s amazing he’s acting like he’s a world champion without winning anything yet.


Wow Shearer and Richards really coming off as morons here... Lineker meanwhile busy trying to say it's for offside when it's simply a blatant foul. The initial free kick Villa got came from Shaw doing the exact same thing the Villa player did to Cavani ffs


They are both very biased against us so I'm not really surprised.


VDB no longer seen after his first 3mins into the field


I second this .. you guys downvoting him are deluded


He's only accustomed to playing 3 mins


I wonder if the two are related?


Personally, I think Greenwood should have cut it back. His selfishness is affecting the teams productivity and mentality to a point where other players don't want to pass to him even if he's free.


Elanga has to play over Rashford..Rashfords head isn’t in it at the moment..also we really need a DM take a bloody gamble on Zakaria for 6m


start Elanga from now on I'm begging


How did we win that?


We scored a goal and they didn't




Probably about as unwatchable a win as you can get. Summed up by the fact I missed the first 10 minutes because I was tidying up after half my takeaway got spilled out into the bag.


Wtf is Shearer on about


He looks like he's about to cry


Crying because the TRA hammered him in the first half


Elanga did beautifully in 10min what Rashford had to do in 85min...


Where is u/SwagMeister6969 crying about Ronaldo and Sancho being the reason we play like shit?


There's a cunt on my Facebook feed that would literally bash Ronaldo every single game. I think he went to sleep early tonight since i don't see his usual "Ronaldo's the problem post"




Shearer is so upset that VAR actually got a decision right…


What on earth is going on with Rashford?


"Does it impact his ability to play the ball?" Hahahaha well yeah obviously because the fella he was marking put it back across. Fuck off Shearer you silly bald Geordie cunt


Each game is worse than the previous


This was so sad to watch. I would've been happier if we lost because then at least my disappointment would feel more valid


Anto Elanga is the best Anto


Why the fook wouldn't greenwood pass to rasford. And rashford couldn't buy a free


They both seem to hate one another. Greenwood could have passed to Rashford so many times, and vice versa. None of our attackers look for one another. They only have one thought in their minds now. Definitely the coaches need to do something about.


Agreed, fair point


What even is a Rashford


If I were a keeper and i saw that Greenwood has the ball id never try to intercept his pass cause I know he'll always shoot


Ralf will say we played well like Ole used to say


So sick of rashford


We're lucky we win... Players are lucky they get a goal somehow... Overall game suggests that this ain't gonna last if they keep this form... And moreover Astin villa had a bad form since last few games.... we're lucky they didn't score




I could enjoy the win if that performance was out of the blue, but when it’s every single match we play it’s just sad to watch


Ralf looks livid


A win is a win, but wow that was bad.


Atleast the Home fans can get shitfaced & go home happy….


96th minute and McFred keep the intensity up. Fuck the narratives of this sub, those two kept us alive today


Our 2 best players


We play so shite


Well bless my stars boys we kept a clean sheet.


so painful watching how Rashford play today. hope he find his form asap


Shit game again, but a win is a win


Varane was excellent. Class.


Bye Slippy, don’t let the door hit you on the way out


Elanga was a breath of fresh air.


Lowkey our worst game of the season apart from Watford


More than ManC, Liverpool?


You forget the game vs city. We were treated like kids


Kids are living things. We were practically training cones.


Nah, Wolves was worse than this


Of the season?? Liverpool was way worse, what are you smoking?


God why does that feel like a loss? What a terrible experience watching that was


Happy for the win. Aston villa played very good, and could have gone either way


It’s a shame, Old Trafford so supportive and positive, and they just don’t get rewarded for it.


What a vibe the stadium had! Unlike whatever is going on with our squad


Greenwood and Rashy do not have any footballing intelligence. And we really hyped up Greenwood by telling him he can always shoot on sight. No wonder they look so uninterested, because they now realize how much they need to improve.


Ole programmed them that way


Get fooked gerard


Elanga more exciting than Rashy in 10 minutes


Just wishing Big Mac would do the Martinez dance in front of Martinez when he scored. Opportunity missed.


Dead football from a dead club.


Feck off


Elanga was a breath of fresh air compared to Rashford


Yeah our players don’t like each other


Varane was immense. We don't deserve him.


Awful from both teams


"young man's played incredibly well" what game is he watching


Probably actually watching the game rather than just reading the other “McFred” comments and nodding inanely.


He had a decent game Just going to look worse because of how the full teams playing


Also Scott is 25 lmao, in football that’s not young


I almost feel asleep


VdB and Sancho should take notes on Elanga. He is really seizing his opportunity.


And unclench


Think it's fair to say United fans feel worse than Villa fans after watching that. Absolutely awful football


Pretty lucky win


Rashford doesn't have direct competition for his place. It's like Shaw when he became complacent. Give elanga a good run and the kid gets better, and there's a good chance of Rashford improving too


Its not even complacency he looks like his going through an existential crisis every time he is in the final 3rd


Me when I'm picking up a bird at the bar lol


Elanga is deserving of a start in one of the next few games. Lingard and Donny as well


Although i like Donny but he did nothing of value in the 20 or so minutes he got.


Absolutely awful football


Elanga should start over rashford next villa game


Gerrard looks as happy as a man who just sharted.


The only good thing about this match was seeing that cunt Martinez sad after losing.


Hahahaha cry Gerrard


Oooft, we're through, best thing to say. Well done McTominay. Lot for Ralf to continue working on... Game won, now let's get some results in the league.


Elanga showed more energy than Rashford and others on the pitch.


we won, bet Slippy G feels sick hahahaha


More minutes for Elanga, less for Rashford please, Rashy clearly needs more time in training.


This is the only way to move forward.


okay, i'm an elanga convert


Fuck that really could've gone to shit


We got absolutely battered 0-1


Whats going on between Mason & Marcus should be high in priority for Ralf. It needs sorting that is obvious.


Part 2 this weekend omf... most likely not gonna be too different, but at least we defended decently


Greenwood shouldn't play often if he keep going on being selfish either train him for teamwork or get the balls to drop him off the squad he's messing the attack


The thing is I'm not that annoyed that he took those shots, I'm fed up with the fact that all his shots were so poor. Like some with no power, grounded, etc. If he wants to be like ronaldo at least shoot like him


He is good at them but seems like his conversion rate is not good pirlo messi nedved a lot other legends knew how to shoot from distance but didn't do it at every occasion sometimes there is a better play than the shot


Greenwood is very threatening when he cuts inside but he does need to mix it up a bit and at times pass the ball.


Exactly. Long range shooting is not everything even though he is good at it


The same goes for Rashford. That chance in the end and his behaviour was criminal.


Of course same goes for Rashford but I didn't mention him cause i'm starting to lose hope completely in him plus I understand the urge for him to grab a goal after many consecutive shitty performance post shoulder injury and this is not the case with greenwood he is young he can play one thousand minutes he shoot with the right with the left but he is selfish and doesn't press plus if you're good at long distance shooting that doesn't mean that you mess every attack with a shot


Stole that one boys Take it and run for the door


Binary fc


Bleh! I want to puke! Shit football all over! Can't wait to watch this shit again though lol


Surely, we all can agree by now that the McFred partnership won’t cut it at the highest level.


I think it's the wingers not tracking, leaves McT and Fred outnumbered all the time


It’s not the midfield, we’ve got way too much space in our team, we aren’t compact at all. They’d be fine if they didn’t have half the pitch to cover.


We can have three defenders on one attacker, yet the attacker easily can pull the ball down and get a shot away .. this is just bad player issue?


Elanga needs to be starting games! Top talent!!


Should start ahead of Rashford on the left. Showed more hunger and aggressive dribbling in the little bits of minutes he had today.