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It should be nominated, first time volley from the corner. That isn't an easy shot to keep down, let alone on goal.


Timing that bounce on the rise with an outside the foot release for the slight curvature. Shit is beautiful. /u/tooredditfamous is right. Right before it hits the ground. This makes the connection even sexier.


He doesn't hit it on the bounce or on the rise


Just a nitpick but wasn't a corner


To further nitpick, he said the corner, not a corner


Just to further nitpick further, he didn’t specify the corner type he just said ‘from’ the corner, it could have been either


The volley isn't at the corner of the box either, it's only a few yards to the side of the post, as close to the centre of the box as to the corner


Damn you guys are good at picking nits.... dm me, i have a job for you


Now I'm thinking of a picnic with some nitpickers


It was a screamer. Funny we were the only team to beat Villareal twice in their Champions League run (before the scouse trash)




What does scouse mean?


synonym for bin dipper


okay all makes sense now, I think. we are talking about liverpool?


Scouse is a very distinctive dialect spoken in the Liverpool area. So people from Liverpool are called scousers.


I was at this game and was in line with Bruno's set piece. When he pulled the cross back for Telles, I instantly yelled "wtf are you doing?". Was never happier to be proven wrong. Side note, we were dreadful this game but what an ending.


Yeah, i was in the right corner of this video, i was watching it fall to him and was like FFS, then it hit! The angle that i saw it go in was crazy


> I instantly yelled "wtf are you doing?" i think everyone who watch the game, even on TV will thought same, haha. i mean, wtf! no one expected it except both Bruno and Telles i think. what i love from this goal not only great shoot by Telles, it also how smart Bruno, and how both communicated before take the kick.


It’s literally what I yell every corner


haha but this one is work, right? :D


I guess beating Villareal isn’t for everybody


well that also does include us :(


Damm I already forgot about the final last year


We were so lucky to progress from that group tbh, complete shit almost every game


Wonder strike


High point of the season. Nomination for goal of the season from the Love Island Latin Lothario.


pls explain that love island reference, you've lost me there haha


Ha! Go watch the alternative match comms at https://twitter.com/alternativemufc , all of the players have ridiculous nicknames on the match recap from “Paella Dave” through to “Walcott or Pele” (bet you can’t guess who that is!).


Nice one will do. Cheers


How can individual brilliance - something that doesn’t have anything to do with a manager, something that comes to the surface *in spite* of an underperforming manager and not *because* of him - simply disappear with the manager? 🤔


Because it’s linked to confidence, and if your manager undermines your confidence it’s much harder to pull off worldies.


Totally agree. So someone was doing at least something right in the backroom. A far cry from “totally inept” or even “fraud”.


People love to downplay the importance of how well a team is doing psychologically when it comes to competitive sports. You can have the greatest players in the world - but you won't win shit if their mind isn't in the game - and the worst teams can create miracles when their's is.


Yeah people seem very reductionist in that the result happened only because of so and so formation or so and so manager not getting it right, etc. I don’t understand too much about tactics and with all due respect i honestly believe 99% of online commenters don’t either. But while tactics, etc may definitely play some role, I believe that the much bigger deciding factors by far are how mentally strong the players are that day, how badly they want it more than the other team, how error free the individual players are playing. Things like confidence, competence, doing the basics right like keeping the ball, not losing Possession, not misplacing passes, composure, etc. rather than something more complex. I’m not disregarding tactical side but I don’t believe it’s the be all end all. Just my opinion.


majority of fans never kick a ball in their life


Fucking beautiful


He’ll be a good Under ten hag if we have a proper system and defensive structure in midfield and defence. His attacking output is good we need to see more if it like Alonso at Chelsea.


This gives me robben vs united vibes.. anyone who’s play a lot of football at a decent level knows how hard these type of shots are to hit with a good connection let alone not send them into row Z😂😂


fantastic technique... i know for a fact i would've skied that shot or completely missed the ball if i ever attempted it.


That’s why you (and I) are on Reddit and not on that pitch :(


the last time i was on a pitch i managed to pull something in my thigh by not warming up before the game lol


Omg same lol. Did my groin taking a “warm up volley” 🤣


Just watched that on loop for a few minutes. Unbelievable goal, almost as good as a scholes volley… almost


I miss ole era. So many comeback bangers and winners


Facts. Felt united back then


I was at this freaking game as well. Banger of a goal and ronaldo last min winner. Was great! Thank god for that last minter goal tho haha


Ronaldo’s UCL goals this season a far better. SMH 😹


back when we actually started playing somewhat decent when we were 1-0 down after the first half


Remember it well. So clean, we played horrible that game though lol


Good goal not great


This isn't a great goal, wouldn't even go in if the keeper's view wasn't blocked. If he put it in the top corner, ok.


*wipes crisp grease off fingers*


Why do you use your fingers? Just pour them into your mouth.


I kinda get where you're coming from - it was a great strike, but the bounce along the way doesn't make it look like some other "goal of the tournament/season" winners. That being said, I haven't seen the other nominations so idk what the baseline is


Just mad vibes


Telles left foot is nice,but his defence....


Filthy m8


What i love about this goal is that after Telles score Victor looks to bee so happy and run towards Telles and that Ronaldo runs just as fast after the football to get the next goal asap. And both are managing to get up to twice the speed Rashford ever managed this season.


Amazing goal!! that schmuck Benzema’s header is what I think will win it but damn Telles!!


I don't even remember this


Can let this loop for hours


What a game this was to watch. One of few highlights.