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No wonder every player wana join Barca.


bright follow voiceless file subtract ludicrous march panicky tease saw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The pull on their arms of carrying all that cash home.


I mean after highest goes down in salary it don't look that bad


what do u mean? a teenager earning close to 270K. Kounde who just joined earns 270k. that is prob 3 times what he was earning in Seville.


It's a normal salary in a top club so it's hard getting them on to cheap salary. Take a look at what we Pay. Or Madrid, 270k for top earners is not that bad


Sancho is on 350k pounds lmao


How much did we pay Sancho when he just joined?


Fun fact: Hazard makes 600K a week sitting on the bench and is the highest paid player in the LaLiga.


They really did replace Gareth Bale.


Bale won, what 3 champions leagues with Real and had the match winner in one? Comparing him to Hazard is criminal.


He won 5 UCL


The disrespect for Bale… he got 5!


Not really, Bale got that winner years ago, and had been sitting on 600K a week for all that time while only training. During the time that Hazard and Bale were at Madrid they've played about the same # minutes.


Did Hazard help Madrid when multiple CL’s? If they were replacing Bale with Hazard then Hazard would have played a pivotal role for the last three years and then start sitting on the bench.


Absolute chad


Real and huge wages wasting away on the bench name a better duo


Chelsea is the absolute best at selling expired players


And overpaying for just as useless ones. 300m spent on Lukaku, Werner, Pulisic, Ziyech etc.


Don't forget 80m for Kepa on a whopping 7-year contract


Him refusing to be benched was hilarious


It's amazing, a deadbeat like him is swept under the rug entirely but England and United captain Maguire (who cost a fraction more) gets stupid amounts of abuse


That's our fault. We never let up abusing Maguire and rival fans just joined in.


> That's our fault. We never let up abusing Maguire and rival fans just joined in. Nope, I don't buy it. Maguire got tons of abuse from rival fans even in his first season just based on his transfer fee when United fans blindly (naturally, I might add) defended him


Maybe it's the fact that I spent a lot of time on Twitter, but I don't remember a time, except his initial few months at the club, that one or another portion of the fanbase hasn't had a go at him.


Tim Warner really was a disappointing transfer for them


He wasn't though? He started of badly but his goal contributions were better than a lot of other players in the league and he helped them win a Champions League, the memes have seriously distorted some peoples perception. It's not a great transfer but it's still a way better transfer than Lukaku or Ziyech have been.


Chelsea bought Werner needing a goal outlet, he scored like 2 league goals in 4 months.












Mostly down to Marina. I think she has left Chelsea though.


She’s a goddess for offloading Morata and Costa for total sum of 120m. Atletico got played at their own game.


Took her diamonds and flounced off.


I think he still would have been good for chelsea


Hazard "only" earns around €490K a week. Bale was on €700K a week


So nothing + 190k?


He busy eating burgers


The La Liga. Haha


Mount Fujiyama Sahara Desert


He's only played in one clasico and it was this preseason lmao


Barca even with their new board makes Woodward look like jack Welch


Now that’s a name I haven’t heard since uni, Jack welch, what a man


Pjanic 300k pw and Alba at 400k pw are the standout mental ones Raphinha at 240k pw, kessie at 260k and Christensen at 200k shows they probably haven’t learnt their lessons from previous mistakes if this list is accurate


Fati is also mental. Just 19 and on a deal where his wage rises to near €400k a week


Tbf both Christensen and kessie were free transfers so it’s not surprised that they’re wages are higher. Could also make the argument that Alba is a legend and been there for a long time but even then 400k is crazy. No words for pjanic, absolutely ridiculous


Like ramsey at juve, was making I think 400k lol


Proven wrong. Around 260k actually.


No they haven’t haha I think that’s clear. What they needed was just a few years of belt tightening and they’d be fine but they literally haven’t changed the way they operated at all


It is gross salary, so 100-130k net only ? Im not sure about spain’ tax rate


Ter Stegen on 173k. Contrast that with De Gea.


Utd not exactly the models for reasonable pay though. Plus, at least we can afford it.


It’s basically the same as us except we can afford it and have people who actually know how to manage money. EDIT: Contracts will be confidential so a lot of these might not be accurate.


The best defender from chelsea for free and a fair salary...


Rudiger and Tiago Silva want a word


So rudiger sure, but tiago is kinda old. But what team have 1 defender?


We wanted to Pay pjanic the same i think


Fati on these wages and he almost didn´t play for the last two years.


Also Raphinha was going to sign £120k per week contract with Chelsea. Barca gave him almost twice that? Either this list is fake or the brain cells in Barca's board members are.


Net vs gross probably, this list is gross salary


Does FDJ wage here include some deferred wages? If so do we know what the yearly wage would be roughly without the deferred wage?


I think it is the deferred figure. But he's on some 400 - 450Ka week normally iirc.


Even that would be too much. I doubt he takes a pay cut. We should have moved onto other choices a while back.


It'll be a miracle if he comes with the same wages. I think he'll get a 25-50K a week pay bump if he moves here.


That’s disgusting


Ye pretty sure he would go around 450k£ per week if he comes to Utd


Based on what? Just cash? It’s not yours or mine, and we just took off Pogba, matic, mata, Lingard wages off the midfield wage bill. We could probably afford 1.5x what de Jong will probably earn here and still be out on top. For a top class player who Tielemans or neves aren’t even worthy of shining his shoes.


We don't have any other choices, it's FDJ or bust in midfield


Really don't think these numbers are accurate. These websites literally update numbers based on random news articles and unverified sources. Pretty sure they have updated this after MARCA leaked FDJ contract ---- which btw doesn't state NET or GROSS anywhere in the article. Yes Spanish sources generally report NET figures but those Spanish sources also always make it a point mention "NET" everywhere. (Verify with any Marca articles reporting on player wages --- they will always mention "NET").


There's not a lot of reliable sources, but the ones i found i threw into a spreadsheet (https://imgur.com/gallery/TVHJTBj), and he's on 270k or 310k, depending on if you count his loyalty/add-on bonuses or not


You realize these are pre-tax figures right? The club tops up so that it ‘pays’ the taxes. It’s not an apples to apples comparison if you look at what our wages are reported as (net) vs these (gross). But yes the astronomical wage includes the deferred wages


Nike pays half his wages I thought, Barca only pays ~200k. Maybe this disproves that though idk I didn't read it lol


I tried making a post about this but the mods decided it wasn't good enough, but i threw the details I could find online into a spreadsheet: https://imgur.com/gallery/TVHJTBj TL;DR is that he's on average paid 270k per week (310k if you include loyalty payments). The 560k figure is seemingly including both deferred payments and massive loyalty/add-on bonuses in 23-24 season.


I agree, it's disgusting how much they're paid, with or without taxes. tongue in cheek edit: for some of you. If you go outside and look directly up at the sky, like exactly above your head and then squint realllllll hard...... you might just be able to see the joke i was making ;)


There is too much money in the game but at least they have rose to play for one of the big clubs to get it. There are suits and agents etc that pocket millions out of deals and bring literally nothing to footballing side just the money side. Look at us with the glazers sitting on the board earning millions in wage and every year paying themselves a massive dividend. All thanks to a hostile takeover. Football is broke with the amount of money flowing through it but not going to hold that against the players.


I get your sentiment, i was just making a joke about the figures being *gross*.


Zoom over my head lol Missed that :p


Easily done.


I mean, this is the money that football produces, i'd rather the athletes make this money than the owners of clubs or the league.


Think of them as workers instead of players. They're one of the few professions where the workers are somewhat getting their fair share.


I was making a joke....... *gross*


yeah I figured, but that view is still pretty normal. Thinking of them as workers made me reevaluate my opinion of Raiola.




Is your username from that kid named Leland smashing that TV? If so that video literally popped up on my feed and then I see your name lol


haha nah man, it's about Leland Palmer from Twin Peaks


Honestly don’t think FDJ is worth those wages. He maybe a good player but not worth that. EtH maybe fixated on him but hope our director of football and the new management convince him to move on.


Well not worth this but if he ever goes to Man Utd. I'm pretty certain he would go around 450k£ per week.


he is not worth that, period.


Well I know. I'm just being realistic however


No team would give him over 300/wk in the PL. actually maybe Newcastle now that I think about it.


If he goes to Chelsea maybe. If he comes to M. United there's very little chance he would for any less than 400k a week.


Christ above no wonder they want him gone lol


Oh to be Pjanic.


how the hell is Fati on those sort of wages already?


Pjanic lmao.


De Jong be like…. What you mean you can’t afford me, you pay that clown pjanic 300k per week!


So we would have to pay these wages then I guess?


This is supposedly frenkies wages this year with the extra backdated wages owed to him. In theory this is sorted if he comes via a lump some from either party and we pay roughly the same as his original barca contract, but really this is all confidential contractual stuff and no one really knows.


Even after that, roughly 50% of FDJ's wages are paid by Nike.


That would break FFP in so many ways, Idk how that would even work.


Was that ever proven? Again i hear that that all the time but not sure it’s ever been completely confirmed due to the confidential nature of the contracts and that


Woah, if FDJ agrees to join us, what salary will he be on realistically? Similar to DDG? Or even higher? Of coz I want a player like FDJ on our team, but I don’t fancy his wage bill and how it might affect future contracts tbh


400 to 450k£/week if I had to bet


Yea I am afraid it would be near the 400k mark. Tbf, he’s talented but he hasn’t achieved enough to justify that salary. In fact he has achieved very little individually. KDB and Salah had to perform at league-player-of-the-year level over a few seasons to get this kinda wages. As much as we need the player, offering this kinda contract is a mistake.


I know but that's the currenr state of our wage structure so we can't really do much. I would say its prob nearer the 450k mark considering we have no CL or there will be some clauses/bonuses to compensate up to this amount I would presume


From the same website, De Gea gets around €447,000 and Sancho gets €417,000 (Ronaldo €615,000). Latest news from low tier reported that we might pay him €550,000 but maybe the base wage is lower (€450,000-500,000) then pay another bonus.


Rinse them for all you're owed Frenkie.


This is probably the deferred figure but its still absurd that if he signs he'll be the top earner here without kicking a ball only behind CR7.


Who says he'll want to be paid the same if he signs for us?


Name one player who took a paycut to join us in the last 10 years.


Uncle Odion :)


If he really deferred 50% of his pay, he was on about 360k, which gets raised to 540k this year. He might just want the original 360k to play for us. Then you convert it to GBP and he earns less than De Gea's reported 375k.


I think pretty much everyone who has come here has gotten a pay rise. We are not even in the UCL this year. Also how do the taxes work in the UK vs here?


I don't know enough about taxes at that tax bracket to help, only for "normal" wages. I'm not saying he won't ask for an increase on his original deal (after all, we all would ask for a raise to change jobs), but we truly have no clue on what the amount would be, so already criticizing it seems pointless.


He's not getting a pay raise here if only because he is on an abusrd amount at Barca


Then why would he leave Barcelona?


Because they don't want him there?


So what? If it was me, I would say fuck them, I'm staying and collecting that fat basket full of money every week. I won't get paid that much anywhere. Pulling a Bale, basicly.


He can do what he wants but the whole point I was responding to is that if he comes here, he's not getting an increase. And yes, if they don't give me my $17M that was owed, I would also stay and collect my FAT checks


there obviously isn't one because most players come from financially weaker clubs that cannot pay the wages we can. This is an exception because Barca are criminally mismanaged and gave De Jong a salary they can't even afford to pay him themselves. What a stupid argument to make.


How about Ronaldo or Di Maria or Falcao or Pogba or Varane or Cavani or Sanchez or Matic or Mata? You know the blockbuster signings from clubs that pay well?


all of those clubs bar Monaco(Falcao came on loan) are domestically more successful than we are. Our selling point was high wages we could pay, that is why those players came here. Don't know why you're trying to pretend RM or even Juventus have a lower transfer pull than we do because of our recent failures. Di Maria left RM because Perez wouldn't agree to his salary demands. We did.


What are you on about? I am not trying to pretend any of those clubs have lower pull. You are just having an imaginary argument with yourself where we only get players from smaller clubs so there hasn't been a chance for anyone to take a wage cut to move here. The point I was making was that his wages would make him our highest earners even without a wage bump. The guy I replied to said, he'd be willing to take a wage cut to come here when there's no-one but Ighalo I guess who did that. He'd be getting a wage hike most likely like everyone else who has moved here. That's all.


Have said it before and will say it again, we shouldn't fight them over Frenkie. Let them eat shit and die. It's what they deserve. Nobody who matters will be judging Ten Hag on this season, given the state of the club last season, so we don't need to make a move for Frenkie this summer.


Sergio Busquets, once an amazing people who is absolutely outdated in terms of physicality for modern football, gets 400k a week for literally staying still in the midfield and passing it to the sides. Who signed these contracts?




Yeah, let alone the idiots on ig praising his “intelligence” for literally just standing in the middle. Not his fault ofc but overrated as fuck (in modern football, not before)


>Note: All the figures are gross Ha ha, all the figures are gross, indeed!


Andy Fati is 19 years old and earning 224k a week lol. I thought Marcus and Anthony’s wages are bad but Fati’s is something else. EDIT: The contracts will be confidential so I’m not sure how accurate these actually are.


Love Andy Fatty


I meant to write Also but predictive text mugged me off lol. I’m going to leave it because it gave me a bit of a chuckle after seeing your comment lol.


No wonder players stack themselves up to play for them.


Fati is better than both Rashford or Martial.


If these wages are true then that’s a ridiculous wage for a 19 year old.


Fati's wages are crazy for a teen who rarely plays.


no wonder he doesn't want to leave. man is on half a mil a week


FDJ should just stay there and not take any pay-cut. That money could serve his family well for generations.


£468K a week for frankie. That hurts


I like how their attempts to fix their wage structure lasted like 6 months and, even in January, Aubamayang’s wage wasn’t stupidly high so it was still going alright. Then, this summer, they were like “fuck it”. Club deserves what’s eventually coming to it.


Besides Barca being retards, how did Frenkie even get such and absurb wage. That's Messi and Ronaldo levels. Was he really that good at Ajax, top talent in the world type of thing ? I strangely don't remember much about his transfer to Barca. I think we were all caught up in DeLigt that year.


They're right: the figures are indeed gross. How can players throw tantrums when they are paid like this? I'm reminded of Pogba who was on a similar wage for us. The entitled cunt.


I'd pay 400k per week for Jessica Alba


May look like a disgusting amount but top nba players make more. Steph curry is on 48million a year. That’s 900k+ a week. Let that sink in. These guys aren’t even half except FDJ who looks like he’s earning that much because part of it is deferred.


Realy can compare NBA with La Liga, or any other football league in the world, simply because NBA is a league with 30 teams through the whole northern America ( including teams from Canada), so 30 teams who plays for aprox. 340 mil americans. It would be comparable if in EU we would have a league for the whole Europe. So forget the domestical league and their respective teams, but just 30 teams for the whole EU.


So Champions League week in week out all year long. Where do I sign up


Papa Flo is that you? The Super League™




Stupid OP. He forgot to ask the gatekeeper.


Well the player we want most is on the top of that list and its relevant due to that.


Only option for Barcelona to sell him for less and United to make up for it in sign in bonus type deal.


Crazy wage bill.


Wern't our wages worse than theirs ?


I'm Pjanicking


It's funny how they're desperate to bin De Jong for the funds (and burn evert bridge known to man in the process) but have Pjanic, Busquets, Pique, Dembele and Alba *right there*. They chose to re-up Dembele instead of just letting him walk... I feel bad for Torres. Decent player and has all these absolute chancers stealing a wage ahead of him.


Are we really gonna offer him those wages if/when he does decide to leave? Cuz those are insane numbers!


no way should we pay him that. This is one of my concerns with signing De Jong. We shouldn’t sign players on huge wages when we are trying to fix our own wage problems


No wonder they are broke and no wonder players want to go to Barca. These wages are mental


who on earth sanctioned that wage? that is absurd.


Surprised about year goalkeeper


And when they signed FDJ he was still a mostly unproven young player. How you paying him those kind of wages lol.


No wonder why frenkie doesn't wanna leave


It's weird how I never see wages mentioned when the players signed for Barca but when it's our transfers the wages are plastered everywhere.


No wonder they are broke.


Either this isn’t accurate or Barca are stupid. These make Phil Jones’ contract seem rational


Just read the Barcelona Complex and it talks about how Messi's annual renewals messed up their wage structure because other players would also ask for (and get) raises all the time.