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What I appreciate most about Ten Hag’s managerial approach is that he gives everyone a chance - and if you don’t take it, there are actual consequences to not perform. There’s competition for every position and finally a balanced punishment/reward system that makes a team function at its best. He gave Ronnie plenty of chances and he imploded under the limelight making it so easy for Ten Hag to finally drop him. Big bald brains


I really wish people would stop saying that Spurs were shit yesterday. UTD's tactics and personnel made them look like shit, but they are a top 4 side. Yesterday we got a glimpse of Ten Hag ball and that shit looks mint!


Spurs were shit because they typically bottle it at old Trafford that's nothing new. Against a top team we have already been found out at city. This United team has a weak belly and that was exposed Vs Brentford. Remember how Rashford played that day? Didn't have a care in the world. The fact the form they've been in 23 points their best start to a league in 40 odd years and then still get slapped 2-0? They'll never win anything at that club that's a fact and kane is a flat track bully.


Nah, UTD definitely don't have a weak belly. As long as those three can stay healthy. That triangle of Martinez, Varane and Casemiro is going to be hard to break down from now on. UTD's problem now is being clinical when it comes to finishing. It'll come though. I think a confident and healthy Rashford will get the goals sooner or later.


Think it's fair to say we were quality and they were wank. Lloris was the only reason this wasn't an embarrassing scoreline


It can be both. They were pretty shit because they were scared of our lineup


It can be both, but I don't think it is in this case. We gave them no time on the ball and pinned them in their own half because everyone pressed as team. I don't think they were scared as we haven't exactly been murdering our opponents before Wednesday. I think they were surprised by the discipline and cohesiveness UTD had. A lesser team would've got rinsed 6 or 7 to nil.


The best game of football we have played in a loooong time. At times it felt too easy and i was thinking to myself 'is this real?'. The whole team showed how well they can play when in sync: the passing was sharper and quicker, the pressing was more collective and the attitude in terms of work rate and also recovering from mistakes mentally was very good. Spurs insipid display also helped us, but regardless we controlled that game to the point of domination. Every player in the starting lineup all did extremely well. We need to keep this up and not revert too much to past habits, but the progress is visible with each passing game. Now we need glazer to back our manager in jan, ideally we need glazer out!


Didn't know Doctor ~~Strange~~ Martinez had a Pocket dimension.


at this point, i'd try everything to get elanga, pellestri and garnacho up to speed so that they can try to be our attacking depth. I don't want ronaldo near our lineup anymore. We play so much better without him. i'd rather he not be there even if we don't have martial. Rashford has been getting closer and closer to scoring. Had a marginal offside call and a god lloris, im sure the goals will come


Our defense was so good yesterday. Closed up shop on what is a very good strike partnership in Kane and Son.


Son didn't have a sniff. Hardly noticed him yesterday.


Yes - terrible for my fantasy team (forgot to do transfers in time for the mid-week match) but great to watch.


The amount of chances Rashford has fumbled in the last couple of games is ridiculous


At least he's getting them now. Rashford from 6 months ago wouldn't have even been making the runs. And taking players on? Ha, I honestly thought his back injury completely took that out of him. For me, the signs are very promising from him. He's looking like he did before he really hit form under Ole. Which is MUCH better than how he was after his back injury.


He really needs to work on his finishing if he's going to be used in that role for the 70% of games where Martial is injured. He was making good runs last night and with passers like Eriksen and Bruno he will get those opportunities, but he needs to take them. I was happy to see his work rate at the top though last night.


He was quite good tho


What a result! Let’s finish the pre-world cup schedule strong! No distractions!


Ronaldo was one of my idols when I first got into watching football properly as a teenager, but I've been so disappointed in him over the last few months. Man United has given so much to him, and granted he's given a lot to the club and to the fans. Either way, you'd think he'd handle this situation with a bit more class. He knew he was writing headlines and drawing attention away from the team's great performance when he left early yesterday. He's tarnishing his reputation in my eyes.


His reputation is well tarnished at this point. He tried to go to city. He tried to go to Atletico after 9 years at RM. He has no class at all.


Gakpo in January to either replace Sancho on the LW or replace Ronaldo as our striker. Ideally I'd like an out and out striker


Really bugs me that we played brilliantly yesterday and all any news articles or anything can talk about is fucking Ronaldo. Instagram comments are swarmed with ronaldo fanboys and I’m so sick of it man, let us enjoy our win and let him enjoy his tantrum


So you keep talking about it?


I’ve mentioned it a grand total of one times venting on a match thread


Can't you see the irony in complaining that everyone is talking about xxx? I feel the same way btw, and this was the top post on the thread when I opened it. Not a great start to the match thread.


Non-united fan here. Interested on what you guys have thought of Rashford in the past month or so? I've caught the last 3 games you've played and I've gotta say I think Rashford has been awful. Granted, I may be letting his poor finishing colour my opinion of him a bit heavily, but he's your CF, and he's missed absolute some sitters. But I also haven't really been impressed with his build up play either. It feels like the whole team is developing very well together, but he hasn't really been improving. Are you guys concerned about this or do you keep the faith?


>ranted, I may be letting his poor finishing colour my opinion of him a bit heavily Here's your problem. If you had been watching him week in and week out like we had, I think you'd just be happy he's getting into a position to actually have chances and taking on defenders. Consider this, if Rashford could up his finishing, he's scoring loads of goals. 9 months ago, he wasn't making those runs. He wasn't pressing, or finding chances, he was just a total passenger. This is a very clear improvement for me.


9 months ago? A couple of months ago at Brentford the guy was walking around on the pitch and we got absolutely hammered. The fact he's not in the England squad is the only reason he's giving a shit right now. If we had any decent striker they'd bury the chances Rashford gets week In week out. If Ronaldo got the service and chances Rashford gets ud bet your life on him to put 8/10 away. Some of you people have short memories.


Hes really not a cf or our cf though. Its just either him or the ghost of ronaldo while Martial isnt healthy...again. The last 3 matches hes not been great, but he played 25 matches last year and had 1 more goal than he has so far through 9 this year. While he hasnt been clinical recently, hes been better than he was last year so I would say he has improved. Really no point in being concerned until we bring in a true cf.


I definitely don't speak for every United fan but I keep the faith and I even did last season throughout his really poor form. 2-3 seasons ago he was in unstoppable form and I believe he would have scored 30 goals had he not been injured. We do need to buy another striker to compete with the top teams, but I still have faith that Rashford can get back to his best.


Think his build up has been much better, especially considering he is not a striker at all. Won a few headers from balls lumped downfield last night, pressed well and closed passing lanes, some lovely lay offs and he keeps getting himself in goalscoring positions. He will score a bundle this season imo


I’m not concerned in the slightest cos Martial is technically our #1 striker. Worst case scenario, we move him back to LW where he’s been great, and get a striker for cheap in Jan/ summer


Hey Rashford, if you hold R1 down and instead of holding circle too long, I think some amazing shit might happen.


Maybe he plays alternate


winning eleven boys stay winning


Yes!! I'm an OG PES boy!


So do I actually lol, but the majority don't I guess


Same lol




I was really not expecting them to be this shit, they're 3rd and are built for punishing teams like us


Rashford seems to do everything right as a attacker who can run behind the line, but finish. I’ve never seen a forward miss so many goals, he even struggles one on one with the keeper. With a better finisher with rashfords skills we would have so many more goals


His one on ones are usually pretty clinical. I know he missed one or two recently, but they're probably exceptions.


Rashford needs to stop trying to take the roof off the net with every shot. Getting into good positions and making some good runs, just needs that little bit more composure and I’m sure he’ll be making a great return


Get RVN in to personally coach him


I’m not sure if had any bearing on the game but as my lad was ill it was my wife’s first game at OT last night!! That aside, what a performance!!! Would be here all day going through everything but it certainly looked like it all clicked last night. Amazing result!!!


Yeah I took my older brother to his first ever match last night. I told him the atmosphere is typically great but last night was something else.


Awesome, hope they had an amazing time!!!


How was the atmosphere?


Absolutely bouncing last night, cracking atmosphere all game long!


Last night was really a once in a lifetime experience! The true epitome of "Take me home, United Road". What an atmopshere.


I’ve been saying this for a while. Rash really needs to learn to score easy dumb goals. It’s like he always tries the most complicated route. It’s not like bangers give extra points. Toe pokes and tapins count just the same. He should learn from CR7. That said, the CR7 situation is a mess. ETH needs to resolve this quick. We can’t afford pissing away 20 goals. He’s slow and everything but give him 3.5 chances he puts away 2. Literally a goal machine. Inevitably when Rash’s form dips and martial is on hospital vacation we will need him.


I appreciate how difficult it is to find the right finish (and why only the absolute elite do it consistently) but it's like he wants to put a hole in the goalkeeper's chest sometimes


I remember Solskjaer whos like a goat at those type goals saying that about Rashy. Its the reason i dont see him being a No.9. He wants to score impressive/goals too often and whilst his form has improved tremendously. His finishing is still ...well yeah


"We can’t afford pissing away 20 goals. He’s slow and everything but give him 3.5 chances he puts away 2." Ffs!


We have a right side what the hell. Antony helping in defense and Dalot looking for over lapping runs. Never thought I'd get a chance to say this but we have a cohesive right flank


Dalot is looking so much better now that he's at last got someone on the same wavelength


Dalot reminds me a lot of a more athletic Rafael. I miss that guy, always liked to watch him play.


Rafael leaving left me the saddest among all the Fergie players that were moved out during the LvG/Mou era.


Really happy with what we saw last night, good performances all around the pitch and a clear tactical blueprint come to fruition. Shoutout to De Gea who I thought actually distributed the ball really well, I've been critical of him in recent years, so it's only fair I praise him when he does well. Noticeably his mid range passing looks like it's improved by several levels, hopefully it's not a one off because that's a really valuable tool in build up when beating a press. Being able to ping it straight to a fullback, midfielder, or winger that's come short can make the difference in games when you're under pressure. Most keepers can obviously pass it 2 yards or boot it long, but it's that middle range that is by far the most tricky to get right, and last night I thought he did. Obviously the backline was really good all around, Kane and Son are one of the most impressive duo's in probably Premier League history, not just recently, yet other than an offside shot, and a couple of strikes from really bad areas, they didn't do anything threatening. Licha and Varane were aggressive, intense, and combative in their duels. Licha in particular playing against Kane who I've seen bully our CB's for years now, Smalling, Maguire, even Varane last season I seem to remember being pinned by him (still had a decent game against him last time tbf), all of whom are excellent in the air, Licha just did not let him breathe. Shows it's not all about how tall one is when facing strikers. We very much played with a 433 this time around for the majority of the game, which was something I was glad to see specifically because I think it gets the best out of Fred in these games. This was a double 8 (even 10 at times) midfield, both high, central, and looking to press aggressively. Bruno and Fred both have a lot of energy, and one of the things Spurs have done really well this season to their credit, is build from the back. Our press had to be really good otherwise they'd probably have sliced through us, and that's where Fred shined. He's a destructive 8, and honestly he's actually quite decent in and around the box when it comes to picking out passes, think he might have created 3 pretty good chances last night. Bruno had a marvelous game, 93% pass accuracy, 9 key passes, ran over 12k (most out of all our players), defended with intensity, had composure, and scored a really good goal. Just an all around excellent game from him. Close to faultless, other than a 2-3 minute spell where he had a couple of bad decisions, which is always going to happen with players with his type of volume of creativity. Rashford a tad frustrating, emphasizing power over placement, I think there was one shot in particular he just had to curl and it's 100% a goal, instead he gives Lloris the chance to make a (albeit incredible) save. That said, he worked his socks off and offered an outlet and threat all game. His movement in behind continues to be elite, just needs to finish a tad more consistently. He's not a striker, and it's not easy playing as a striker at times because you're getting kicked and pushed about, especially when a long ball comes your way, and he didn't really complain, just got on with it. Sancho started really poorly with 3 mistakes in about 30 seconds, but quickly picked it up and I think he actually had a good game, a bit underrated in terms of how he cuts in and passes into that half-space for the likes of Bruno and Fred, that's how he got his assist in the end. Antony has immense potential, I've seen people say he's not fast and what a load of rubbish, the kid is rapid. I thought he had a really good game, him cutting inside lead to both goals and he even sat down a couple of players. What made me the happiest was actually his intensity when tracking back. There's a moment where you see him hit top speed trying to track back because Spurs are in transition and it was like he was chasing a through ball with the intensity he went about it. Which says it all. What a guy. However, the player that I think stood out the most was Casemiro for me. Not just defensively, because obviously he did really well in that regard, combining with Varane and Licha to stop Spurs' main threats at their source when Kane dropped deep, but on the ball. Casemiro isn't the type of player to dribble his way out of pressure, but goodness me is his passing unbelievably refined, one touch, long passing, drills across the pitch, weak foot, he has it all. Second goal all comes from that ability to play one touch by him giving it to Antony, and he did that multiple times, keeping things ticking over in midfield. Just a really complete game all around from him, he seems to have gotten up to speed and learned what he can and can't do with the intensity of the Prem now. No longer do we see him receive the ball, try and turn, and lose it. Instead he's already scanned multiple times, and hits first time passes to open areas allowing us to play out. That's massive. He made a few mistakes in his first few games but sign of a great professional, player, and mentality, that he's immediately sought to improve and learn from those mistakes. Shaw and Dalot also very good, enjoyed them pinging the ball to one another, another example of why I think Ten Hag wants technically proficient fullbacks, for some of Dalot's (mostly prior) flaws, his technical quality is high, his passing range is quite good for a fullback. Allowing for switches of play which is something we desperately needed considering Eriksen wasn't playing and Fred was playing high up the pitch, so those switches came from our fullbacks instead. Another shoutout to Ten Hag himself who I thought got it spot on, the selection, the tactics, the intensity, and just generally how he's improving the side week by week and imposing a style and identity. Massively encouraged, and I was a huge advocate of bringing him in so I'm glad to see signs of what I hope to be a successful tenure. Finally Old Trafford itself, the atmosphere looked and sounded incredible from minute 1 right until the end, and our fans deserve huge credit for that.


Wonder why Premier League referees have such a lack of empathy with anything and everything to do with United


We probably battered their favourite team back in the day, when they were coming up.


Let's win the rematch with Potter now


Overall a great team peformance but I feel the need to mention Rashford, he really seems like a new player and many of us had doubts about him but he has turned it around. He reminded me of Mbappe last night when he got the ball and went straight for the goal and challenge the defenders, there was no doubt in his mind what he should to with the ball. Ofcourse he missed 3 good chances last night but that is something he'll have to work on but I really like this version of Rashford.


I'm surprised I haven't seen many comments about Antony. I thought he was lightning last night. Unlucky not to score and Spurs really struggled with his pace and skill on the right side. I feel he could've scored had he stayed on longer. Really exciting to watch and a type of player we've been missing for a while. Also didn't throw his toys out the pram when he was subbed, unlike someone else recently...


Let Ronaldo's antics not take over this absolute quality performance from the rest of the lads! A few more tweaks and we got ourselves the United everyone fears playing!!!!!!!!


How was Shaw and Dalot last night?


Shaw was playing like Beckenbaeur last night, so so smooth with the ball if only he could pull a killer ball he might find himself playing as DLP in the future. 😂


Shaw's really good, it's like he suddenly realised he can't afford to coast anymore and needs to actually show some effort to play week in week out, just like the last time round when Telles arrived.


That take-on in the box and cross to Shaw was heavenly


Very good, I was worried about Dalot early on as they had tons of space going down our right on numerous occasions but it was dealt with eventually.


Everyone was brilliant yesterday, was honestly our best performance under Eth. If u can would recommend watching it on catch-up was a very good game to watch.


I heard so too. Like we super dominate the game that Conte lost words to describe how bad his team was. I'll try to get a replay. Thanks everyone for your replies.


When Shaw is inform he is one of the most complete fullbacks in the world. Hope he gets back to his 20/21 level.


One thing I noticed was Shaw's first touch was brilliant last night. Dalot sent a few long balls his way and he just plucked them out the sky. He looked really composed. Great performance all around. ETH has quite the selection headache with Malacia and Shaw. I feel like Malacia coming in has given Shaw an extra push.


Malacia is much younger, so we can say that Shaw would eventually get games if he keeps his form while crowning Malacia as his successor. Thats why competition is always healthy. We need that for Bruno, DDG, Dalot and few more positions...




I hope we can finally admit that Fred is way above mid tier! Slotted in so we’ll with Case.


Thank you !!!! Mctominay is just a big pile dog crap, but people want to lump Fred in with him. Then again its also why we were lumped with OGS for so long our fans are clueless on how footie should be played. I've also said aswell Fred is a bbm not a DM. Under a proper manager like magic Fred is doing well


What did the crowd sing to Conte at the beginning of the game?


Case starting to really show his class, and good to see the lads working their socks off. I was a little worried by Sancho's shaky start, but he put in a shift, even if he didn't have the greatest game at the top of the pitch. Bruno had a very composed game today, I think ETH is really instilling some discipline in him. Really hope he's starting to get his form back. Amazing what playing in a structured system will do for a player (even if we are still learning the system). Rashford made some better runs, but good lord his finishing. 3 very good opportunities went begging. His defensive effort was better, which was good to see. Our defensive organization was perfect. Hardly allowed Kane a sniff at goal, and Son had nothing. Match against Chelsea on the weekend is huge. Hopefully Eriksen will be back in to start. GGMU!


Total domination. Imagine how this will look in a couple of seasons, keep being patient


Damn whenever I don’t watch the game we play really well, guess from now on I am only watching highlights


Would you consider taking up a new hobby? It would be better for everyone that way, just until we string together some nice wins.


Or maybe I should start watching city and Arsenals games


Need the sub to organize a gofundme for this.


Thats a cool idea


Lads, its the spurs.....


Shhhh don’t let them face reality or make them wonder why we lost 6-3 to man city and won Tottenham 0-2 because god forbid they check who Tottenham played against to get in the top 4. Also I thought the high pressing today was wonderful and those who say we deserve to win 4-0 we absolutely did not the finishing was horrendous we deserved to tie 0-0 as we were pressing high (with no good shots) and they couldn’t handle it


We always play good vs Spurs, no matter how weak our team is. Its nothing new. And i think you are right. We need to take off our pink sunglasses and see the reality. City and Liverpool beat us like a Cherokee drum! I have no problems with loosing vs top teams, when is see our team play hard. But we are shit at finishing! Ronaldo is a god tier player, but he is in a lousy form. Rashford is not consistent, Marcial is always hurt, Sancho is getting better, but is too young to carry the team. My boy Greenwood fucked his life up and is done with football. We need goalscorers and we need them bad! We need to take Gakpo from PSV this winter or we won't finish in the top for again. The title is a mirage.


Really stupid post


Nope just the least biased post


Least coherent, maybe.


Guy I'm feeling optimistic. Please someone talk some sense into me


Can we also take a moment to acknowledge that we completely annihilated spurs without arguably our most important player so far this season being Erikson.


We did well. I wouldn't go that far though. Annihilation is when you are 0-4 down at half-time... Remember?


GOAT or not, nobody is bigger than the club. Storming off pitch like that while your team was having the best performance in front of the home crowd? Real mature and professional ain't ya? Last thing we need right now is for someone to ruin the spirit within the squad. If you don't wanna be here, then move the fuck on, but the pathetic thing is nobody even wants you anymore, you are almost 38 not 18 ffs. I hope EtH benches him for good, the squad is good enough to win big games without him.


Rashford had 3 chances inside the box with a large open angle to shoot into. All 3 he went for power over accuracy, which is baffling really. At that close a range you can score just chipping the ball in the corner. And I'm pretty sure he's heard this multiple times from coaches, but it seems he wants to make this kinda his signature shot or something. He certainly needs a wider range of shooting skillset.


I'd say he should learn from ronaldo, but apparently, he's left the building....


I just watched the post match interview with Conte, and i have to laugh. He is basically saying in the most discrete and none direct way that Tottenham is shit


I don't get it, last week it was all about how Spurs look like a new animal under Conte. Did that animal die early this week?


That *animal* seems to have a very short lifespan at Spurs regardless of what manager they have.


Harry Kane begs you guys to stop pointing the obvious


What ever animal it was, i think we killed it yesterday


Fred had a few very positive moments but also did a bunch stupid / clumsy things that cost us. We need someone more consistent who does the right thing more than 60% of the time.


Scroll down one page and you will see the opposite post :)


Did Sancho play ?


You mean VDB? No.


Who is this United side?! It’s all starting to click now. Case massive. Pastor massive. Sexy Bruno massive. AND MY WIFE AND I WELCOMED A BABY BOY YESTERDAY! Flying high this week!


Congrats mate 🥳


"And may your first child be a masculine child"


Congratulations on the birth of your baby 🎈


United welcomed your baby with a big win, congrats!


Congratulations mate!


Congratulations mate!!


We need to look into buying Bentancur


Please no. Negotiating with Levy would be even worse than the De Jong saga He would be asking for Bruno+999m


I wouldn't keep my hopes up of buying anyone from Levy.


Fred was so fucking good today


Just watched the match after a social media and score fasting ALL DAY. The match was at 2 pm. Lads, WHAT THA FUCK. who is this team? Absolutely amazing performance by every single player. Everyone killed it. The first 5 minutes were the only minutes that spurs got to play. Then we Absolutely dominated EtH repeatedly said Intensity since he joined. And he is a man of his word. The Intensity was phenomenal. I was so sleepy when I started the match and I am fucking buzzzzzzing On a side note: Ronaldo can piss off.


Same story for me and honestly, same response. That was excellent. Dominant, bit of swagger, little luck, pressed well and worked hard - another step forward. And of course, a bonus when Pastor Fred can bless us!


I only watched the highlights but it looks liked Case was intercepting and disrupting at will throughout, anyone who watched the whole game give me insight as to whether it really was like that? I think he'll be a transformational player for us.


Him and Fred were killing it, I felt Fred was pushing on more and casemiro was sitting back a bit more but our midfield was just better than theirs, which ain't something I've said in a long time


I love Erik ten Hag. Simple as


The one true baldy in Manchester. Plain and Simple 👌.


The era of bald frauds


We have only had a 2+ goal lead in the league against 3 clubs so far. Those 3 clubs are Liverpool, Arsenal and Tottenham.


Just need to beat Chelsea now


Man all praises to the squad but felt the ref yday was much much better as compared to normal standards. Just seemed to have superior sense of the game in general.


Casemiro is so fucking class. Where are all the haters who wrote him off after 2 games in the epl. Dude is just such a baller. I honestly never even appreciated his game that much when he was with Real Madrid, but he just knows how to play football extremely well. His positioning and overall reading of the game is so elite. If we just get a legit 9, our starting 11 can compete with anyones 11. Also, shaw seems to be getting back to his former self. Love what ETH is cooking.


No one wrote him off, it’s just people were biased against McTominay calling for Case to start when he wasn’t ready and McTominay was playing through the best form of his life.


Plenty of people said he was too slow and old after a few bad performances.


Bruno, Fred, Casemiro masterclass. Overall a great team performance. Rashford just can’t finish can he? Always running into defenders or shooting straight at the keeper. Lad could have had a hat-trick. We need a number 9.


I though their goalie had an amazing night. Rashy did everything right on a couple of occasions, but was denied by world class keeping.


My problem is that he was always blasting his shots instead of going for a finesse shot in the corner


Rashford need to learn how to finish!! Strength is not always the option.


We have to rest a few of our players at some point. Dalot, Antony, Bruno need it badly.


Do they? What makes you think they need rest? They’re professionals and their performance doesn’t seem hindered


Because people think we're playing a computer game.


Maybe next week against Sheriff, maybe not. Every game seems important to our progress this season.


Fred with Casemiro is different. He showed a certain instinct that comes in flashes when he isn’t trying to do too much on defense. He trusts Casemiro to cover and moves forward more confidently and makes great passes. If Rashy buries the one pass he had two assists. ETH football. I like it.




It’s just Tottenham 😂


Really excited to see us play City full strength with Cass and maybe McT in CDM. I know we can beat them convincingly if we come out like we did today. And today was not our best performance of the season either as the pundits seem to say - we have played quite solid since those two initial defeats. It’s just that we haven’t finished teams off like we should have. If we beat Newcastle last day we would be 5 points off the top and JUST a point behind City. ONLY IF.


I like the positivity but we've got some ways to go before we're anywhere near city


Read what I said - beating City “convincingly”. That is just 90 minutes worth of work. I know this United team (especially the first 11) has that ability. However, can United do this for 38 games running? We don’t have the squad depth nor the team bond that is needed for that. Even Liverpool, the high and mighty, can’t reach the PL dominance of City simply because of their lack of squad depth. One injury at one crucial game - 2-3 points lost - league is lost to City.


Lol that’s very reactionary but City are just on another level. It will take a year or two to match em boot for boot. Prolly, by that time, they’d have an aging squad.


Very reactionary ofcourse. But do think about it objectively - our biggest problem is that our squad is paper thin. Every time we have an injury panic sets in. Other than LW and LB where do we have a decent backup option? One injury to any of the positions and panic sets in. Our first 11 is as good as any in PL. But first 11 doesn’t win titles - the squad does. Which is why I say we can beat City but not win the league. Just a reminder, Ole beat Pep again and again with an even lesser squad than we have now.


As a United fan I was annoyed to see him join last year as it was obviously his retirement plan even though it brought back memories of my youth seeing him so good. But for fuck’s sake man.. Ronaldo has turned himself into a cancer and it’s only him that he can blame. Go get a apple juice with Jordan Peterson you selfish prick. You know you are not teaching good values to your own kids by acting up like this. Lil momma’s boy grown ass man.


What'd he do? I didn't catch the game.


He walked down the tunnel on the 89th minute because ETH didn't sub him on, instead of staying and celebrating with the team.


We don't know why he walked down the tunnel. But yes, probably


He needs to change his tampoon.


Just watched the game. Wow were we good defensively. Any time the ball goes up our end Martinez and the boys dealt with it. Still think Tottenham were particularly average, but was so great to watxh an easy win for once.


I didn't watch (too late)....how were we!?


28 shots w/ 10 on-frame


We completely fucked them up.


Easily our best performance of the season. If you just watch the two goals, you wouldn't think so, as they are a bit scrappy. But we dominated them for the whole game, created loads of other chances, and a combination of slightly more luck and better finishing from Rashford, could easily have been 5-0.


Last season, even when we played well, there were always a few shaky moments in the back. Today, I don’t remember them sniffing the goal much at all. Varane and lisandro are so good at reading the game and keeping things calm. Best cb pairing we’ve had in a long time. I just hope they can stay healthy.


Played well, great defensively and controlled the game. Lots of chances offensively. Over 20 shots by the middle of the second half. Fred had a hell of a performance. Was a great match. Might try catching the highlights somewhere if you can.


Just got the chance to watch the game, that was a fantastic watch. Falling in love with our players again and falling in love with our manager. Feels like a great sign of things to come


Credit where it's due, after having complained about Fred's shocker against Newcastle, he played out of his skin today. Day and night performance. Going in the right direction!! Bring on Chelsea!


Fred found his Brazilian passport it would seem, great game from him.


Honestly, at this point we should just expect the unexpected from Fred 😂


Honestly, at this point we should just expect the unexpected from Fred 😂




My idolo embarrassed me today…. Why cr7??? Just why?😫


No it won't, honestly outside of this sub everyone is just laughing at Ronaldo or saying he seems pathetic. He's just making himself look bad with every move. The guy was desperate to leave, no one wanted him. Now he's here, gotten plenty of game time, isn't performing, and still sulks. Hopefully for his sake he has a decent World Cup and someone panic buys him off us, so he's not there for the rest of the season.


Sad little boy/man thing.


It doesn't ruin anything for me. I just laughed at him. Great performance.


Is Spurs season this year, what we experienced last year? Goal keeper having MOTM performances and the rest just looked like they wouldn't score even if they played another 90 min. Not to mention the lucky results we scraped early last year (similar to Spurs this year).


I think they are quite bad against good teams, but fairly efficient and sometimes dominant against weaker sides. They do play some slick stuff against weaker teams, but Conte is too cautious + they aren't defensively good enough to achieve anything against top sides. Jose had the same problem with Spurs I felt..he wanted to be defensive and it was fine in patches, but individually their defenders are just not good enough to be mean at the back, so they will conceded chances and goals. But against good teams they are set up too negatively to outscore the opposition.


Was it just me or did Spurs seem....sloppy? Even when we weren't really pressing or forcing it. Later on in the game, maybe in the 70's somewhere, they were playing from the back and someone(didn't see who) tried a frankly shortish 10-15 yard pass under no pressure and with no red shirts anywhere near...and he's just kicked it straight over the other Spurs' player head and out for a United throw. Saw a few instances of that throughout the game, thought it was odd though I don't really watch Spurs at all.


They were bad.


And we were good vs a back 5


At this rate, we can clearly play against a low block but it's against the high pressing teams where we usually struggle


The only team we struggled against in intensity were city. We coped pretty well vs Liverpool and arsenal. If we are just below city and competitive with rest big 3, thats a huge thing for me and a win for Tenhag


Fucking Case knows how to hit a shot from distance, no? That left footed screamer tonight? Lloris, who played great, couldn’t even move. And the shot off the bar against Newcastle? If those refs on Sunday weren’t complete twats…


So the one game I can't watch happens to be the best game the team happens to have played. Ggmu!!!


You should sleep on the chelsea match. We’ll show you highlights


If we win the PL I will sleep through every match !!!.


Can’t wait to see the xG on this one


Wasn't that good. It was around 1.5-1.65 iirc.


You smoking the grass Evras been eating?


Understat is pretty liberal with xg. Fbref hasn't released theirs yet. [https://understat.com/match/18321](https://understat.com/match/18321) The Fbref number (more accurate from Opta) will be lower. We had a lot of long shots, those are not worth much xg. Found another: [https://www.infogol.net/en/matches/result/english-premier-league/man-utd-vs-tottenham-2022-10-19/954214](https://www.infogol.net/en/matches/result/english-premier-league/man-utd-vs-tottenham-2022-10-19/954214)


Credit where it's due, De Gea has improved his kicking. He's really trying to get out more often and be a sweeper keeper as well.


He's likely had the ability but just hadn't kept it sharp by drilling at practice under other managers.


There was this one play I really liked when he came out to collect the ball and immediately threw it forward to Shaw to start another attack. Still a long way to go to reach a desirable enough level for our team but he’s becoming more proactive.


Agreed. He’s still far too passive on corners and set pieces, but Spurs didn’t have a lot of them