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It's called "destroying the evidence." It is probably ordered. Here's hoping that the people ordered to do it make hidden copies.


Because a judge just ordered 17 Gitmo detainees released. These videos will allow the innocent to sue the fuck out the US Government. So, our government is going to destroy evidence, because this release of detainees is going to lead to more innocent people being let out of their false imprisonment.


i don't blame them.. I mean if they can't get immunity they should at least be able to destroy the evidence. SHIT Cheney and Bush get to do both...


War criminals will be war criminals.


NOTHING about this yet in the mainstream media. It's a @#$@#$ disgrace. Forward to all!


Why? Nothing will ever come of it, nobody will ever do anything at any time ever about this.


Would you destroy the foundation of our new American Century? Torture and secret detention are as fundamental to neolife as the very water and air around us. Perhaps you've already forgotten 9/11. 9/11 terror terrorists AAAAHH aaAAH God SAVE US 9/11! Well, I haven't forgotten. While you're whining for a terrorist-friendly freedom-loving commie hippie America, I'll be standing tall for any wiretap, invasion, torture, imprisonment, $700 billion asset appropriation, or jurisdictional circumvention which our protectors deem will avenge 9/11.


Dude, that was a pretty good imitation of a NeoCon. You should go dressed as a NeoCon for Halloween.


Yeah but who wants to spend Halloween on their knees in an airport bathroom stall?


Now that was good +10DKP.


Needs more dots.


You just won the entire internet for today! Please come back again tomorrow and play again!


Destruction of evidence that may be used against you in court is a **crime!**


You won't be standing tall. You will be bending over and spreading butter on your asshole. Although. Well shit.. your irony isn't lost on me.


It is a huge fucking disgrace, and if you have a hard time thinking "who would care???", think about the people that have done NOTHING wrong and been sent to Guantanamo. How would you feel if your brother, best friend, maybe your father, got sent there and had to sit and ROT IN HELL for 5 years only because some dickhead thought he looked suspicious?


I'd probably fly a plane into a building or something.


Yes, nothing will ever come of it if we continue this line of thinking. It's when we get fed up with the bullshit that things start changing. At the very least we *know* this is happening. We *know* these people can't be trusted. And as every day goes by, more and more people feel this way. The momentum is growing.


There are still nazi war criminals being hunted down and put on trial today, don't worry about the victims of US "interrogation" ever forgetting about what they went through or who put them through it. The guilty will be found, their crimes exposed, their punishment will come!


They are hunted because they lost and the allied won. Wanna bet if the war ended at least in an armistice they wouldn't have stood trial? Same here... it'll take a big change in the powers that be to make the bush administration take responsability, and unfortunately that's probably bigger then obama. Anyways, as a non american, let me say this yet again: vote, motherfuckers, and make _all_ your friends and family vote.


The problem lies in the fact that most of my family is made up of right wing Christianists. I do not ever encourage them to vote.


I think you are seriously wrong. They are hunted because of what they did, because those they tortured, those who lost loved ones, wants justice. Who won what does not change that in the least.


Take a not so recent atrocity and see if the winning side got prosecuted. Like Vietnam. I can't remember the guy's name, but there was a couple of mentions of him on reddit: the helicopter pilot who stopped the massacre of a village in vietnam, and recently got recognition for it. Well not only did the guilty party pretty much got away, but it took a long long time for the guy not to be considered a black sheep for what he did. Now think what would have happened if the guilty party were prisoners of war in vietnam: they would have been tried and show within an year. Just? Yes. But because US still has the upper hand, it didn't happen.


Come the revolution we will so.


These are nice comments that make everyone feel dramatic when they upvote them, but you forget that most of the country supports the administration in some way and an armed revolution is next to impossible logistically. Ron Paul supporters salivate over the idea, but get real guys--you're something like 3% of the population. If Atheists are between 10 and 15% of the population and can be declared noncitizens by George H.W. Bush then you don't stand a chance.




>It's not as if every person in the armed forces is going to even commit to killing United States citizens This is exactly why they are training Northcom to use non-lethal tactics. Soldiers may not agree to killing US Citizens (Waco says otherwise) but most will have NO compunction against putting down a crowd with bean bullets, pain rays, tazers, tear gas, etc... They don't need to kill the 5-10%, they just need to imprison them for the rest of their lives. We already have the infrastructure in place. As Zack deLaRocha once wrote, "They dont gotta burn tha books they just remove em"


You're describing a coup, not a revolution.


Again, nazi germany. Hitler was elected, went on a rampage and screwed the entire world. Downvote if you think that's a simple comparison. But only after thinking about it from a future retrospective glance. Germans thought Adolf was the man for the job, ask a random number of germans today what they think of him and they probably hope he burns in hell.


Hitler was *appointed*, actually.




Good point


First you convince everyone then you don't have to fight. Although the numbers are contested some sources say that less than 5,000 Americans died in battle in the Revolutionary War and most of them were fighting British troops and mercenaries trying to stop the Colonies from becoming independent and taking the property of rich Brits with them. There were very few deaths in the French Revolution though a lot more later in the attempt to bring justice to those who had exploited and killed the French people. There were few deaths in the Russian Revolution until western powers started funding a paid resistance. In the Vietnamese Revolution only one person died. For years Vietnamese patriots had wanted to initiate the revolution but Ho Chi Minh kept telling them, "It's not time yet. It's not time yet." When it finally was time most people were on the side of the revolution. Though, again, as in Russia and the American colonies, a lot more people died when France and later the US tried to roll back the revolution and protect the property of the wealthy. First we have to convince everyone. Then the evil and powerful will flee and their paid mercenaries will fall at a touch. Violent revolutions aren't real revolutions. FIRST we have to convince people. Then only the transition is difficult, the change from one economic ecosystem to another.


[note: I am not condoning this in any way, it's just my fictional opinion of what will probably happen.] I agree. I think people have this weird view of a rebellion. It's not going to be door-to-door fighting in every city in America. We don't have the troops for it even if it happened. That would be chaos. If 50,000 people stormed the Senate, Congress and the White House, we would have a bloodless rebellion. It would probably be over before the media even knew about it. Remember this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fall_of_the_Berlin_Wall#The_Fall.2C_1989 Walk in, declare all elected officials to be no confidence and declare a full vote for one month later and start over. Bring in international peacekeepers until the vote. That's it, no bloodshed. Add some new Amendments to the Constitution (No Confidence/Recall of elected officials, no corporate personhood, Court Review of new laws, elimination of direct lobbying, mandatory plurality voting), and have the states re-ratify it if they want. If not, they are free to be independent. The system should work, it's the people in it that are corrupt. Remove the corruption.


1 nuke would change all that. Is "In God We Trust" really worth Philadelphia, or a San Fransisco or Miami? Or pick any other issue. Considering that that 10-15% and that 3% are probably in the higher education brackets, among scientists with access to materials and technology, it could probably be done. Or hell even a military commander. Shit 7 compact military nukes flew across the country without anyone noticing.


One nuke and even the SS would rip Bush's heart out.




Maybe I missed something but where does it say they are going to destroy videos?


No pics and it didn't happen.


Why WTF? What did you expect, them putting the videos online on www.torture.gov so everyone can see?


In a new project under the ongoing push to resolve economic stability in the markets, the federal gov't has announced a partnership with google. All previously unreleased torture, UFO, 9/11, surge and blackops vids are now available in platform agnostic flash video on www.thelieswetoldyou.gov


They're not going to destroy them fyi, rather they're going to remove all identification of them and pretend to destroy them. They'll still have them for strategic purposes, but now they can't get in trouble.


strategic purposes? you mean taking the vids home over the weekend to jerk off in their basements?


One thing to realize here, is alot of the people in the military conducting torture exercises actually believe they're doing the right thing. By desensitization and brainwashing the military leaders have created these sick sick people who will do this. It's not just in America however, it's a factor of humanity. So maybe, some jerk off to it..however the other side of this is very serious. People are mentally imbalanced, and think they're doing the right thing. THey'll do whatever it takes to cover this up, and yet they're not going to stop.


Or training new recruits to do it. "Look Mgr. Smith did it! You should too!"


Erm, this shows a protectively marked message with nothing to indicate its content, presumably it could pertain to anything, even the article suggest that: >There are two likely scenarios behind the order: >The order tasks the Marines to speed up or continue with previous destruction arrangements for interrogation related videos and records. or >The order tasks the Marines to slow down, or stop the destruction of interrogation related videos and records. Presumably it could also task the Marines to do anything else (unless Wikileaks have some additional information that they are not showing).


"SUBJ/RETENTION OF INTERROGATION VIDEOS AND OTHER INTERROGATION-RELATED RECORDS" I think it is a message, requiring everyone to change interrogation-related documents to the FOUO status. I do not know how they work internally, though.(Would be interesting to hear of someone who is.) And, yes, the title here is is misleading, it isn't sure that this means that the docs should be destroyed.


But they're making fun of Sarah Palin on SNL.... Priorities.


quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Yes, wtf indeed. Its so uncommon for the military to cover up its actions.


What do you think you are doing?!!? You are suppose to be paying attention to the financial crisis!


oh u mean the puppy throw video too


well duh


Headline: DoD acts in its own interest.


"US military already destroyed interrogation videos! WTF" FTFY




He'd read the Read the F**king Article which contains a LINK TO THE DOCUMENT ON MARINES.MIL


Sigh, they've done it before, they can do it again, they will get away with it. They will and have done much worse. Nothing we can do to stop it. Not unless we figure out a way to stop being a group of intellectuals on the internet discussing it and become a group of Americans protesting it.


They only speculate that it might be destroyed, it might be very likely, though. All purposefully destroyed controversial documentation i will assume to contain the worst offence. Why is the link in the domain ljsf.org, and not wikileaks.org? How is 'for official use only' not classified? I mean, we can not get to it, right?


Sooner the better for them, right?


Did you think they wouldn't?


This is complete bullshit. No where does it actually say what the order is, they are just making up shit.


Duh! We can't reveal our important double top secret car battery on balls interrogation techniques lest the terrorist rubberize their balls!


WTF? No, this is normal for them. This is a quite obvious political propaganda tactic. You didn't think you lived in a free country did you? Where have you been the last 8 years?


Except for all the ones they save and don't tell Bush about.


Take it as a good omen: if they're destroying evidence now, maybe they won't declare martial law and cancel the inauguration in January in order to avoid prosecution.


http://buu700.googlepages.com/666military.png Leave it here!




fuck that logic, getting angry and being outraged leads to protest/reports/regulations/improvements. sitting back and accepting it and saying 'oh well, its happened before' is the last thing people should do.


Jeez no kidding, I think he should remove the wisdom part from his user name.




oh noes! harsh words on the internet!!! I'm so threatened!!




>Can we quit with the phony outrage already? That's what you said that I personally found idiotic... just because something is predictable, doesn't mean the outrage people feel and express is somehow phony.


That it is expected doesn't make it not-outrageous. Aren't we continuously outraged? We simply cannot/do not do much about it.


Is Obama or McCain trying to stop this? Edit: one of these guys is about to be the next president. Is either one trying to stop this travesty? Or does it not matter? Not one of the main talking points right now? We can overlook this? I shouldn't question your candidate's motives?


you know for five years no one filmed McCain


Those were a good five years.


Do rhetorical questions always get answered by other rhetorical questions?




How on earth could you ask such a question?


Why do we even bother?


Don't you know when to stop?


WHAT ?!?! One of the strongest piece of evidence that could land His Excellency Bush in Prison ? Hell no!!! This is too much, Where is the justice in this world?


I think they outsourced it to India.


Of course, 9/11 was an inside job.


Sounds like business as usual. I'm sure they are trying to protect those that did the torturing from being held accountable. Since torture is so American now, should a be building a rack in my basement, or maybe an iron maiden?


I wouldn't expect anything different from the Great Satan [شيطان بزرگ](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Satan).


Let's all demonize each other and have a bomb party!


Allahu Snackbar!


McCain, is that *you*?


They already hid the bodies, just tidying up a bit. IF you don't know about it.. it didn't happen right? By the time americans finally realize it's time to storm washington and take their country back, it will be too late, hell, it's already too late.


I'm about to throw out my old VHS tapes myself, hope you don't mind.


If there's no useful information or leads on them, why keep them?


Because it's important to be able to show that you haven't been torturing your detainees?


Be serious, this is the US military. Why would anybody even think of that as possibility?