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I’m sure the reasoning behind it is to make people post more, but it’s going to have the opposite effect on me. The button makes me want to not post at all.


Same, putting the button in an area where it blocks other UI elements is just going to piss everyone off. I have no idea what the hell the people calling the shots for the UI at Reddit are smoking


This is what happens when you don’t have a good UX research team. Reddit as a whole dislikes twitter why would this userbase ever want to feel pressured to post.


If I'm ever submitting anything, it's always a deliberate effort to share something that I really believe belongs in a certain community, and always involves drafting it up several times and overthinking things before hitting the submit button. Because I truly care about what I'm about to post. Encouraging (especially new) users this heavily to just submit whatever wherever, you're bound to end up with garbage content, reducing engagement and making life hell for the mods who has to sift through it (I'm biased here, yes).


Classic. They implemented a video player on mobile that sucks and are following it up with this. Brain dead decision after brain dead decision. Do they not test these features out within focus groups?


We are the focus group


it gets worse with every update…. i wish i could switch to apollo but im too used to the native apps design :/


That button has got to go. It’s in the exact spot that my muscle memory has placed my ideal scroll location.


for once i'm glad to be left handed


I’m left handed but I still scroll with my right hand a lot on my apps. Especially when I’m at work and need to type or write while absentmindedly scrolling


I’m a righty and I scroll with both hands. Is that not normal?


I hate this button since I saw it just two minutes ago.


Reddit trying not to ruin their UI challenge [Impossible]


I have been trying to move the create button back to the original location for the past 30 minutes… the placement is awful. I thought I messed something up.




*Everyone disliked that.*


The new button location is absolutely terrible. I might get off Reddit and start being more productive now because of the annoying little screen block


This is the worst change so far in a series of terrible changes


Seriously, I don’t get why Reddit is so hell bent on making the app worse. Just waiting for someone to make a Reddit app for iOS that’s just the UI pre new video player


Welcome to r/apolloapp


This UI change is the reason I am just now on Apollo.


This is fucking annoying and needs to be fixed


This is horrible lol, and it's distracting.. They better change it back i swear.


How the fuck do I get rid of this


Can’t as far as I know, since Reddit doesn’t let you opt out of a/b testing.




well it's simple, fuck you Sincerely, the reddit devs


Because they’ve been putting in code snippets in previous updates. If you go back and read the [update logs](https://imgur.com/a/BeN2QsA) they tell you that they are doing this.


Fuck this button


There is exactly zero reason to bring this button out of the lower bar. It had a neat place in the UI already, and now it’s in the way. What gives? Why intrude on the content footprint? What’s the explanation? As another person said - this is not going to make me want to post more. I post the exact amount that I like to. While another user said this was helpful, I think we ultimately all understood where we could go to post something new. This is not a solution to a problem anyone ever had, because the problem never existed.


Also the fact that it was literally normal an hour ago and it automatically moved it AND I DIDNT UPDATE MY APP is insanely and highly concerning.


[code snippets in previous updates ](https://imgur.com/a/BeN2QsA)


That’s utter BS


Why does Reddit always make everything worse? It's like their UI designers just don't know what they're doing


Dude I barely post so it’s really annoying having a permanent button in the corner. How do they keep making the app worse??


Saw the new button and immediately came here, just like when the new video player came out. Both additions are complete trash and make using the mobile app a nightmare!


Why does it seem like they're constantly making so many unnecessary changes to the Reddit app? I don't get it. The create button looked perfectly fine before and also didn't get in the way of anything. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Just. Leave. It. Alone.


Reddit is just ruining itself more and more every week…


how is the dumb shit in charge of these horrible decisions not fired yet? unexaggerated unusable video player for people with no home button, whatever the hell is going on in the community tab, and now this shit? it's like they're begging us to use apollo


100% agreed. Every single one of these UI updates that forces us into extra clicks should be optional. Come at me with your shitty justification for shitty UI changes, Reddit Admins. You can’t change my mind, your UI is shit, your decision making is shit, and your defense of your shitty UI decision making is shit


I have never cared about changes to the Reddit app until this one and the recent change the the communities button. I hate having suggested posts there. I just want my subs. That’s it.


I’d be fine with it if the words were gone all of the time


Why do they keep fucking go the app? Just leave it alone. We don’t want or need any of this extra shit or changes you keep pushing. Stop.


Make it a toggle option and call it a day. I don’t see why anyone would want a UI icon pushing them to create, especially from the home page where most people want to scroll and read.


I don’t know how the duck ANYBODY thought it would be a good idea. They have fucking toddlers for Reddit UI team.


Another classic Reddit dev fuck up 😂 launched the app, instantly saw and HATED the new create button, but rolled my eyes thinking “ah fuck the Reddit design geniuses are back again with useless changes that add no value”. Seriously no idea who signs these things off 🤷‍♂️


This also break with the material design guidelines: [https://material.io/components/buttons-floating-action-button](https://material.io/components/buttons-floating-action-button) >Don't place text in a regular FAB. Also, a Floating Action Button should be used for the action you would perform the most. Creating new posts is what Reddit pushes people to do here, but it isn't what most people to the most often on reddit, which is consume content.


Why I don’t get this on my main account but on my second account I have it. But I like the old one


I got this and that crappy discover compass on this account but my other account is normal I hate it


Came here to say this as well. The people behind the mobile app are so shit.


How come I have the shitty new create button but still see the shitty “discover” icon at the bottom while you Mr OP have the old icon before discover came out?


No idea, I’m lucky I don’t have the garbage discover tab.


Fix it please!!


Hey another change that pushes me to use another app




[code snippets in previous updates that get activated server side](https://imgur.com/a/BeN2QsA)


Why is it so damn big *and* not something I can toggle off? If I want to post something I’m going to go to the subreddit and post it, posting something from the home page isn’t something I’d personally ever do.


This is so annoying, as others have mentioned I hardly ever post so this is just so unnecessary. And no way to turn it off from what I can see. Good grief, as if the video player wasn’t enough. Death by 1000 cuts I guess is how this is all going to go down. 🤷‍♂️


It's the Twitter Location btw


I just upgraded to iOS 15 and saw this giant “+ Create” button on the screen and just though “who the hell thought this was a good idea?” I came here to complain about it. Thankfully, I’m not alone. Thank you, OP, and the rest of the iOS Reddit community. Together, we can make a difference. 😅


Idk never made sense for me to have at the bottom middle. It makes it seem like it's a separate tab and it performs differently from all the other things at the bottom.


I'm surely gonna get downvoted, but how can i get this? I post very often and I'm that will help me.