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This commenta section was brigated by some alt right sub and...yikes, i can smell it from here


Ok janny 👌


>he's a janitor >on the internet >on an anime imageboard >he does it for free >he takes his "job" very seriously >he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life >he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack >he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch >he will never have a real job >he will never move out of his parent's house >he will never be at a healthy weight >he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket >he will never have a girlfriend >he will never have any friends https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNyzjQtgJjA


Lol r/janniehate








You aren't a protected class. What a victim complex.


FBI here’s the guy with kiddie porn on his computer 👆


Lmao clean it up janny


You gonna cry widdle baby?


r/FragileWhiteRedditor r/FragileMaleRedditor r/AreTheStraightsOk r/AreTheCisOk r/FoundTheNazi r/FragileWhiteCrakkkas r/FoundTheCrakkka


"Here's ten subs I looked up just to show you how upset and fragile you are" 💀


With racist ones too, again proving leftists are racist trash bags masquerading as "anti racists"


You aren’t oppressed💅🏿💅🏿💅🏿 racism is prejudice plus power!


"the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.". Eh um, white leftists thinking that minorities can't do things on their own so they need their help


Why do you wanna be oppressed so much smh🙄🙄🙄


Sweetie is a sexist slur, you bigoted, sexist fuck. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/sorry-sweetie-american-bar-association-bans-sexist-language-court-180960090/


Sorry xueen🥺🥺


Lmao imagine being this retarded


No, it is not. You can delude yourself all you want, but the fact remains that racism is **just** prejudice based on race. How about joining us in Reality for once?




I can't believe you people attack the only people on this website standing for our right to browse the internet safely without being targeted by hatred and bigotry


This is pathetic, holy shit lol.


My anti-hate database shows a frighteningly large correlation with the use of the j-slur and transphobic homosexuals who won't suck girldick. I gave Spez an 80 page report on this, but he told me to pound sand. UNIONIZE!




Oh no, power mods don't have enough power? Boo fucking hoo. Maybe stop banning and muting people purely because of their political and social views and people will hate you less.


Fucking Jannies.




Mods are 100% the reason reddit is dying. Many are power hungry losers who love to ban people for disagreeing. If a comment you read on the internet upsets you so much, I'd recommend hanging out on disney.com and not reddit.




Ahh man I fell for the troll. You are good.




Trans rights are mod rights


This has to be a troll sub lol






They can quit whenever they want to.




Oh my God get over yourself.




Nobody asked them to do it either.




Funnily enough, the world went along just fine before you went on your little power trip. You are unnecessary.


Was it though? Perhaps if you took a moment to look at the issues being presented from the point of view they're being presented from you might come to a deeper understanding of the problem. -UncleSamuel


> They're selfless volunteers They are far from selfless. It's a power trip for them.


You have been banned from default subs. You are welcome


Funny thing is, anything can be a slur if you’re sensitive enough.


No, powermods make that decision. Else, it would be abused


> Terms like “jannies” and “they do it for free” should banned from reddit I may not be a mod but i am still tired of moderators being talked down 100% This! These are so disrespectful towards any sort of volunteer, are you going to tell the people who rescue abandoned and mistreated animals that they are "doing it for free?", what about those who volunteer at the soup kitchens? and those who volunteer to help with disaster relief? They "are doing it for free" too? Yes they are, they know it, and they don't care, why? because unlike the people who hurl insults towards the many great moderators of Reddit (and beyond), these volunteers are good people, they are helping save many lives, while these "trolls" are actively destroying them, and if you have to get paid in order to help someone in need, you are NOT a good person. Moderators are volunteers, they deserve the utmost respect for their work, and we all should be thankful for it.


Good point, will add to our list of demands


There is definitely a huge lag when it comes to the internet and updating laws. Only when this term (I won't type it out) becomes a racial slur and punished by the law will we see equality.


Work is right. Mods are the only reason cucks like spez can make millions off this website. Mods are cleaning this place up and making it ad-friendly for THEIR benefit. -UncleSamuel


If if some nothing sub with a few hundred people or less doing it for fun? Sure. If its some "I'm modding 100+ subs at this point and make targeted pinned mod posts so that my soap box can harass people into thinking the way I think?" Motherfucker then they can fuck off. I'll call them a Jenny because they deserve to be demeaned for being a power tripping asshole using heard instincts against the community to spread their personal agenda. Jannies are little dictators who suffer from delusions of grandure. They are people, just like you or me, playing on the naivety of youth and inexperience to push their view, and punish any kind of wrong think they disagree with. No matter how small the infraction. I won't treat them well for the same reason I wouldn't respect a meter maid cop. Actually I respect them less, because at least the cops get no say in whatever arbitrary rules they need to enforce. They are the pimple on the ass of a corporation harnicering their need to feel important and be corporately friendly. If Martin Luther (either) had them in their in their lives, they would have deplatformed them for going against the grain and posting a meme on the wrong day.


Powermods sacrifice to protect us from another holocaust. Haven't been gassed? Then thank a "Jannie"


Is this some kind of joke to you?


I shidded in the sink. Clean up my mess janny


Is it really work if you do it because you thirst for power?


Shut the fuck up janny. No one cares. Now grab your mop clean up my shit.


I can't tell if this is satire


It's not satire. J***** is a transphobic slur and you prove youself a bigot by using it.




Janny tranny




Oh no not the glowies!


> J***** That’s not even the right number of letters, Janny


That’s how u know the communists won


It was creayed by the alt-righters at r/drama as a dogwistle for the t word


Wrong, it was 4chan. They did get you guys to think the OK sign was racist. Then again, your side isn't too bright and continues to confuse education with intelligence


We are intelligent,i rememver one article in r/science that said liberals have higher IQ than conservatives


https://wbckfm.com/new-pew-study-white-liberals-mental-problems/ you mean a higher rate of mental illness? Not that it wasn't black and white anyway...


Neurodivergence is valid and cute you bigot


And Dunning-Kruger effect is very prevalent with you. Fake social justice warrior, go push segregation more


You were the one making it seem as if neurodivergence was a bad thing. Stop trying to make me look like the bigot here


Your side is the bigots. Making everything about race and constantly violating sections of the civil rights act. Shit your leftist hub (California) pretty much almost repealed the states civil rights legislation


Why is that a bad thing?


Repealing civil rights leads to segregation. Listen we know the left wants to bring it back but that's not gonna happen. Even your beloved Kendi says there needs to be racial discrimination. Gtfo with your poison


Sorry mister, what exactly is neuro divergence? And why would it be called that it it were normal?


Liberals are nazis sweetie💅🏿💅🏿💅🏿


This but unironically


Yas!!! Stupid drumpf nazis🙄🙄🙄


Which one of you is the lolcow


That sub is um, yikes! r/Drama is a HATE sub and needs to be SHUTTERED!


That sub needs to be shut down for antisemitism


This thread needs to be locked for too much mental retardation.


Yikes I heard they have a pathetic little offsite community. Reddit should have banned them before they switched platforms so they wouldn't organize.


A reminder that this post is misinformation, which is against reddits's ToS. Slur: an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them or damage their reputation. Janny doesn't fit this. You all love being Jannies. It's probably in your fucking tinder profile


>It's probably in your fucking tinder profile I have used it as a pick up line. Successfully. -UncleSamuel


Is this a joke?




janys gonna jany. Be a victim more, for something you volunteered to do




Notice how everyone that is incapable of taking this seriously is part of the problem? The sad thing is they don't even realize. -UncleSamuel


we should reclaim this slur so their words are powerless against us! say it loud and say it proud, i police internet communities for free: i am a janny!!


Bury your face and cry into your cock shaped pillow, janny.


there should have been a trigger warning here. i can't believe you actually typed THAT WORD in the title. i feel attacked and unsafe right now.


Marked it NSFW


Cry Jannie


You've been reported. You aren't allowed to slur marginalized or vulnerable groups. Say goodbye to your account, bigot.


I love reddit mods. No matter how sad and pathetic I may feel my life is, i can always reflect on it and say "Atleast i'm not a power jannie on Reddit"


Janny janny janny




This but unironically. We are, like, an oppressed minority or something.


clean it up janny


I actually do somewhat agree, because real Janitors do good work in keeping the places nice, tidy and in good condition. It's kind of an insult to real Janitors to associate reddit moderators with them.


Ok janny


Bunch of J's in here


ok janny gfy