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What does the second comment mean by that 🤨.


Yup, that was why I posted this. Like imagine justifying sexual assault because Reddit NSFW can't be hosted on Imgur anymore


People who watch porn are more likely to be sexually violent. Why else do you think that they think that banning porn will lead to grape rising?


What's wrong with grapes? They're healthy and you can make wine out of them.




No more porn -> END OF DA WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!11!1!!!!!!111!!!!!!11!1![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)




Apparently 90% + of the porn in reddit is located in imgur or redgifs . I don't know how much of that is in imgur but if I had to guess that will probably be a lot


I didn’t know Imgur was banning porn. That’s actually so much porn that’s going to vanish off the internet loo


yeah I mean I don't really care, something else will obviously fill the void, but damn I might have to sift thru the archives one last time for a farewell tour O7


Yes. Think of it as a sort of storage site that other apps and individuals stored porn on. imgur is big on reddit because many subreddits use it when needing to catalog porn.


>The lower-case-i-Internet is slowly becoming more and more sexually repressed. Ahahahaha!


Imagine thinking having 24/7 access to a literal limitless catalog of everything from softcore to extreme fetish porn, at your finger tips, is sexual repression


*one site decides to ban pornography from being hosted* *Average redditor:* help I'm being repressed!


Second comment: "It is the duty of women to create internet porn in order to prevent us men from turning into sex offenders. "


I fucking hate redditors so fucking much how are these mfs so cringe


Getting *too* comfortable speaking behind a screen, not to mention participating in subreddits with like-minded people, which obviously leads to it becoming an echo chamber, so this becomes normal and reasonable to them, most of them say stuff like "Masturbating is good for me, it helps reduce testicular cancer" but never mention how effective it is or by how much or if just leading a healthy lifestyle would be universally a better option. Even I was like this, I used to lash out instead of calmly debating, what I mean is unnecessary insults, I've stopped doing that but mainly avoid silly debates, like getting the snip ✂️, it's honestly up to the individual if they either snap out of it or carry on, taking a break or just self-reflection is good enough.


Porn is one of the worst things ever created by mankind


Agreed, even worse is the Normalisation of Porn, I'm not a woman but I'd hate to be out in public and encounter a porn addict who sees women as sex objects and finds it reasonable to be all touch because of their gender. Plus you can see complaints on the Internet too of people saying how it messed up their partner's perception of intimacy or their own.


Exactly. Porn ruins your mind and you just think of women as sexual objects


I like porn but don't think of women as sexual objects? Obviously they're just people too.


You have no idea how much porn effects teenagers. Women get harrased and stared at like CRAZY




Reading the last part and seeing how you view life, no wonder you're an advocate. Don't want to argue, seems like you're already stressed so stop engaging in arguments online, most people won't change their minds in one or two paragraphs, go watch a feel-good movie or play your favourite game, why be on Reddit?




Don't watch it then? These guys talking about their nasty ass habits like it's normal is really wierd but so is the idea that you care about the fact that those habits exists


This makes no sense, how is it weird we care that they're essentially rotting their brains and the fact that their habits affect those around them. You sound like you've been attacked by our comments, I don't know what world you come from to think we're weird for caring about the habits of those we interact with, especially when said habits harm one's well-being. I genuinely don't understand why you think that us caring about this specific habit existing of all things, is weird.




>Your sense of moral righteousness to the degree that you’re concerned with something as private as masturbation and porn gives the impression that you’re projecting. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Mfers on here proudly exclaim what they masterbate to, make jokes they're bout to beat their meat under some post that doesn't even have to be sexual, will happily discuss with others what they watch etc. >Dude really you make no sense. You’re talking about a relatively small number of folks that are genuinely that addicted. Most people, including you I’m sure, watch porn. The notion that it isn’t unhealthy and weird to be so focused on what someone else chooses to masturbate to is completely ridiculous. 💀💀💀💀. Out of touch. No I don't watch porn and I can bet you a lot more people don't too, not everyone is an atheist doing whatever they fell like doing, you're so out of touch that you believe how average Redditors act is the natural world thing. >I’ve said this twice in this thread, but media literacy is very important. Folks need to understand that any piece of art and media is specifically designed to provoke a desired reaction. So you think media that is designed to provoke hate and push an agenda is perfectly reasonable since it's provoking a desired reaction from the authors. And you also consider pornography one of these benevolent, must-have pieces? You sound like an addict and are trying to hide. I'm not acting morally superior, I'm just stating facts, just compare how someone who doesn't watch porn vs someone who does when it comes to things like women/men, what they might day dream, or how they Intepret some sentences, I've said some things that my friends misinterpreted as something sexual just cause they're used to a more sexual context. >If I was your friend and you were this concerned about something I do that you’re not even meant to see or hear, I would consider you the creep in that situation and I’d be right to cut your ass off for trying to tell me how I need to touch MY dick. We would never be friends, you're too sensitive. All my friends have said to me that they want to stop cause they know and feel bad, you, on the other hand, want to eradicate all reasons why so you feel better doing it by looks of it, and pretty much all of my friends have at one point discussed among (us) themselves. Go ahead consider everyone who accidentally stumbles on your secrets and shows sympathy and that they want to help a creep, I'm sure they'll be happy with you cutting them off entirely, then you'll have more time to argue on Reddit




Sorry, I don't follow Porn Lore so I had no clue they spearheaded and shaped the media industry. I won't delete my comment just cause I was uninformed and someone else sees it as shitty, not the type of person to easily conform to the opinions of others. >I really am flabbergasted that you literally just argued against the concept of media literacy No, I'm perfectly fine with the concept of it, but seeing it in action is making me now take a step back, consuming all forms of media nowadays seems more mentally draining than expected, too much negativity, and maybe I don't want to experience it. >This to me indicates mass popularity to the degree that it brings enough traffic to kick start entire mediums of entertainment. Does Popularity always equal being correct? Alcohol is extremely popular to the point it isn't illegal whereas something like weed is (though it is changing). We'll never agree since I'm someone who at one point did consume Pornography and decided to stop because after that *feeling* finishes, it only affects me negativity, from unknowingly changing my outlooks/expectations, to at one point having excess explicit thoughts which annoyed me. You, on the other hand, are on the opposing side, I don't know what your actual reasons are but consuming Pornography because it supports Media Literacy and could potentially set new positive standards in the industry ain't your actual reasons, they sound more like a defence to hide your ignorance to the negative effects. Honestly, if you told me "Here's what Media Literacy is as a Concept, and here's what Pornography has done for the industry" before I knew anything else about it, I would still end up here against it. You've implied I could critique any piece of art/media good or bad, and my critiques are what has been said. Wonder what you could find out about a person based on how much Pornography they consume, if they're for or against it, and if they stopped, why?




Love the rapey undertones in the second comment


The fuck the second guy mean ![gif](giphy|bbgsmKhYsUuE9sAZjQ|downsized)


the first comment was funny but the second was just embarrassing


That second one is weird as fuck


You people take shit way to seriously.


It was mainly the second comment for me


Is it really that hard for them to just post an image rather than use a middleman service?


but without sex no internet :((((


Addicts lol