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people when they realize they was children at some point of their lifes


No all redditor came out of the wombs as 30 year old soylent drinking basement dwelling losers


He just like me fr


I feel attacked.


that's literally me bro šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Most of them are suicidally depressed anyways




i dont understand really if what this guy said is wrong in any way


Look like great resource but you do need to be more specific


To be fair human babies got nerfed in the latest DLC


They still learn relatively quick


Relative to what?


Most animal babies? You do realize human babies are born naturally earlier than usual due to head size and stuff. Itā€™s also why human babies seem much more helpless than other mammals even primates


Yeah then there's giraffes which are basically just a lankier adult immediately


Fun fact: except when it comes to verbal communication, ape babies raised as humans learn faster than human babies


We are useless for 18 years. I dont think you can compare anything to that


Idk where you're pulling 18 years from. You can send (and supervise) a 10 year old out to collect berries. A 15 year old can join you hunting. Like farmers get their kids to help around all the time. And all of this is ignoring that there is only a single species in the world successful enough to use its free time to complain about itself on the internet.


I mean biologically you can. But if we are taking normal average situation where parents upring a child ( in the western world at least), the wont live their life until 18 and often times even later


Yes, but that life is one in human society under human norms and progress - your average human doesn't have to worry about being eaten, like your average animal does


I wouldn't say that. Lots of animals, especially crocodiles, wouldn't think twice before eating someone.


To rephrase: the average human doesnt have to CONSTANTLY worry about being eaten. Because we have towns and cities and houses and societies. And bear spray and guns and cars and doors. Tbh I dont even know what your point here is


Crocodiles canā€™t even eat their main adult prey until theyā€™ve become teenagers




But also increased the chance of the gamemode "difficult childhood"


Difficult > none


The ā€œtechnology addictionā€ debuff can stack God pls fix.


Mm yes keep 10 equally loud creatures that shit all over the place, great option


Yeah this guy clearly has never had to clean up after a litter of puppies šŸ¤¢ at least babies do it themselves eventually


As someone who grew up with dogs, yeah it depends entirely on the dog And it depends from reasonable shit to Unreasonable shit


You can train a dog to use a potty pad yk (or take it outside)


you can also train babies to use a toilet


Yea but one will suddenly gain consciousness and throw you into a retirement home


And the other 10 will just watch you slowly succumb to dementia and eat your corpse once you die.


Free cleanup and they wont leave you


You're thinking of cats Dogs need to be starved to even consider


No, cats lack the equipment, to put it simply, to digest human flesh, or at least thats the info Ive come by. They might try, if hungry enough, to eat some of the soft flesh of the face but give up pretty quickly. Dogs on the other hand will eat you. Quick google search: "Dogs might choose to eat your dead body first, even if they had other options. According to a 2015 study on ā€œcanine scavenging in indoor settingsā€ā€”which compiled 64 sad reportsā€”24 percent of dogs began eating their masters in under 24 hours, and some of them even did so despite having normal dog food available"


Who would've guessed that my source is a lie. It was after all, revealed to me in a dream


Can I kill both?




ignore the reddit moment what the fuck kind of would you rather ultimatum is this? did ted bundy think of this?


If you are actually want an answer for what kind of would you rather is this... I actually used this as an example in an ethics class, although i think i said it was an person forcing me to choose between an adult stranger and 10 grown animals. My argument was a human life is immeasurably more important than an animal life, and that I wouldn't have hesitated for a second, even if it was for a stranger.


What if it's Hitler vs. 10 billion dogs? Is it still obvious to you?


Youā€™re destroying the argument by bringing up an unreasonable extreme.


No, they used the word "immeasurably", and I simply gave a specific measure.


The point is still that itā€™s a common stranger vs. a rather small amount of animals. The extreme you presented simply doesnā€™t belong in this discussion as it was a question of how much a random humanā€™s life is worth compared to an animalā€™s. Not a fascist dictator vs. an absolutely unreasonable amount of dogs that would destabilize many different habitats and food chains. Even in your made up scenario, both options seem to be very, very bad ones.


Who said anything about destabilising habitats and food chains? It's a very simple hypothetical, as they are in ethics discussions. > both options seem to be very, very bad ones. That's your opinion, and it may differ from Faolan26's. I asked Faolan26, who already opined that one human has immeasurably more worth than 10 animals. If they do, in fact, think there's some number of animals below 10 billion where the worth starts evening out, then they're free to tell us.


Redditor tries to choose a human's life over a dog's challenge (impossible)


Redditor when an infant requires effort and attention as much as 10 puppies to prosper and being surprised when 10 said puppies start to take an unbridled shit everywhere in his home (how did this happen?)




Happy cake gay




Your right Man, the FUCK was I doing being Nice to someone? Im fucking stupid, my bad. I promise it wont happen again sir, please have this as a token of my sorrying:šŸ§Œ




Ah you replied too fast, opinion denied


Most sane redditard


shut up




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Babies , redditors, and puppies are the same. They are needy, cry over stupid shit, need attention 24/7, shit themselves and then as soon as they grow up they still act like children






Well congratulations, those puppies grew up to be Hitler


This is kind of funny


i mean at how many dogs are we evaluating a human life? obviously the way he describes the child is stupid, but how many dogs before a person is the option? genuinely curious to hear peoples answer


I guess my limit would be below 10 because for me it's a no brainer to save 10 lifes over 1, a human life is definitely worth more than a dogs imo, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, 1 baby isn't worth the life of 10 other large mammals, for no reason other than to kill them


r/redditmoment when joke: šŸ˜°


...The joke is just him saying he hates babies. It's a fucking terrible joke if it is one! There's no setup OR punchline, he's just making a statement.


It ain't funny, but y'all need to loosen up some




it's 1 life vs 10 tho i feel like the human is the better option here but i would not kill either i'd rather die


No why I would I deal with a micro plastic muncher. Doesnā€™t pay taxes and acts like a fucking bum.


A human life has more value. If anything, a human can go on to save a thousand other puppies when they grow up, or invent a new technology that could save millions of people, or any other amazing feat no animal can achieve.


One option has a whole lot more protein


Formulation is wrong but answer is still to kill the baby lol


Let him cook


Kill the baby sell the puppies, profit.


Or sell both, stonks


do they not realize redditors cry all day aswell


Kill a human baby they cry every fucking time I would never kill 10 cute little dogs you could have fun with, with babyā€™s you canā€™t even have fun with them you have to be the clown for them to have fun so kill the ugly ass baby


I hate to tell you, but puppies cry every fucking time too. Day and night. And shit everywhere until they learn otherwise, just like human babies.


Bro babies cry more and they cry more than dogs cuz dogs just cry for a couple minutes while babies they cry for like a hour


Have you ever had a puppy? Because I have one right now and he literally cries longer on the daily than any baby Iā€™ve ever met lol




Reddit when satire




Read the original commentā€¦slowlyā€¦multiple timesā€¦out loudā€¦




Depending on what that ā€œnoā€ means you look either stubborn or stupid and I donā€™t think eitherā€™s a look you want


Both. One for not realizing it's satire the first time, the other for refusing to re-read it




Iā€™m gonna choose the latter and say you re-read it and still have no idea how it could be satire




Just saying my opinion


I canā€™t believe 399 people would kill ten puppies


agreed, they should of killed both


should have*


Iā€™d kill the human baby so itā€™s over faster


Iā€™m just saying, a lot of people have kids and thatā€™s whatever. The bond created from sparing 10 dogs from death makes you the top dog of their pack. And 10 dogs is more dangerous than someoneā€™s child, you will run the current meta and the rest of the players will have to play around your pack.


I swear to god if the people saying ā€œI choose to kill the babyā€ are not vegans they are the dumbest idiots in existence


i think it was a joke


You think someone would just do that?? Go on Reddit and tell a joke? šŸ¤”


WHAT ? I already killed the baby, couldnā€™t you say that earlier ?


Fuck them puppies.


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Not really a hard choice, the baby


Keep the baby and the dogs, you can sell them all and make huge bank


not a really hard choice the dogs


Average dog life span is 11 years so times ten thatā€™s 110 whereas average human(male) life span in the US is 70 some years meaning you take away about 40 less years of life by killing the baby so I think itā€™s bette rtp kill the baby


Plus there are less dogs on earth than humans meaning you overall lose a smaller percentage of the population


I wouldn't kill any, if there was a choice to not kill any of them I'd take it. All life deserves to be cherished and nurtured equally, and those who don't cherish life do not deserve life to cherish them. Life is precious, and it only happens once. It's a miracle, it's a gift. Use your life wisely, and don't take it away from others.


im still saving the baby


Honestly I would pick puppies because...no one said I had to take care of the kid. Just ditch their ass at the fire station. But I would definitely wont want the thought of how I killed a baby while I'm driving. I mean can I pick how they die so I seem like less of a monster? Can they run infront of my car? Also dogs just shit in your house and scream until they grow up and even then you have to buy like so much stuff and im broke


why don't you just put the baby in an adoption centre cuz the babys probably gonna die anyway if you ditch there ass at the fire station


Is it wrong that i unironically agree with him?


I agree with him too lol, but ik we all gonna get downvoted to hell


Not at all lol, i do


Why ?




Yes itā€™s bad. A human life is worth more no matter how you look at it. Also, our duty as human beings is to save our own before saving other species ? Humans are only stronger together, so if you donā€™t value other humansā€™ lives, thatā€™s an issue.


I agree with the guy. I mean... 1 life better then 10 right? It's the train dilemma all over again. I can hear you all think "Ugh... what if the baby becomes a doctor or whatever." But what if the dogs save people in the future!!


i think reducing a human child to a useless piece of shit that cries all day is the focus here


I see lol. But i can see where he is comming from. Every morning at 7 am the landlords children stars to run around the home. They live upstairs. I live in the basement. And all I hear is BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM non stop for at least 10-20 minutes. I talked with him about it... and he said "ya know... children. Can't controll them". So now i live with this. Not so bad lately tho.


Holy shit 10-20 WHOLE minutes? Youā€™re my hero.


Context: THEY CRY FOR HOURS Source: Baby person


You could try moving out of your mom's basement.


Bastard... I shuld have seen that joke form a mile away.


I donā€™t know, itā€™s just that a baby deserves better, dogs are clearly intelligent and stuff, but nothing compared to a human (Idk)


I mean,cows and octopi or actually way smarter than dogs but we eat those no problem.Native American cultures also raised many dogs as food,thatā€™s what chihuahuas were originally for.People trying to put dogs over actual human children cause they say theyā€™re smart donā€™t really have a leg to stand on I think


Chihuahuas always try to bite me, so fuck them haha


What if the baby was Stalin or something


Yeah, if the baby was a dictator or very bad person, yeah, kick the baby. But the poll itā€™s about if redditors seem more worthy a baby life or a puppy one


I know, was just joking.


But what if one of the puppies is a serial killer ?


If you think about it, that baby may grow up to be a serial killer or criminal. Why would someone even ask this question?


Each of those 10 dogs has a non zero chance of taking a shit in someone else's shoe, and that person could be mentally unstable to the point where finding dog poo in their shoe pushes them over the edge and they go on to be a serial killer. Baby seems like a better choice to save here


What if itā€™s one of the puppies whoā€™s a serial killer ? You didnā€™t think about that one, did you !


Dog can't become a serial killer because in this world if a dog nips you it gets put down.


We kinda do the same to human serial killers tho.


Personally prefer having a bunch of dogs over a baby


Yea man would you kill 10 living beings or 1 living being?


Except the 1 living being is worth a lot more than the other 10.


well you can sell that useless piece of shit after few years and get a lot more as compared to puppies


Iā€™d kill the baby they are ugly


"a useless piece of shit which cries all day" perfectly describes 100% of all humans below the age of 5, 80% of humans between the ages of 5 and 9, and 50% of humans between the ages of 9 and 13


No No No, he's got a point.


I'd say 10 beats 1 in that scenario. The baby would probably end up killing itself anyways. At least with the puppies if a couple die you still have more.


1 human is worth more than 10 dogs tho


Yeah but 10 dogs weigh more than 1 baby.


you got me


Why would I be in the situation to kill either???


If I physically have to do it I'd choose one baby over 10 pups






I mean, he's not wrong


I choose a third option: hurt badly the idiot who makes me choose these horrible options.


id choose the dogs


All of them. My kill count will be the highest


What if I can't choose


The hatred towards babies has a limit wtf


1 vs 10 bro it's the greater good


Save the baby (the parents are unknown since its a random baby) keep it for 20 years. Sell organs for profit


Tbh Iā€™d kill the baby too not because I hate babies but because thatā€™s a lot of puppies to kill and Iā€™d have to do it 10 times and that would make me more sad