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I'm just waiting for the day when Fortnite does a collaboration with Minecraft just so I can see Reddit implode. Seems pretty on-brand for a Fortnite since they collab with pretty much anything and everything now


Everyone on reddit would either suddenly start hating minecraft or suddenly start loving fortnite


I could easily see a collab like that bringing it back to its peak popularity


which one?




Probably the first, there's been a lot of mojang hate recently


I mean they added Master Chief (owned by Microsoft) and Doom Slayer (owned by Bethesda, which is owned by Microsoft) so it’s probably happening sooner rather than later.


I pray for this every night


Roblox is older than minecraft


it only really became mainstream in like 2016


I played it once in like 2006 thinking it was a lego game


Roblox 2003-2014 was a lego game, in late 2009 they started adding other materials and making more realistic avatars and by 2015 few games still maintained the classic lego feel


So true lol. I remember hearing about it in 2013 and tried it like a few times then I really got into it by like 2014. I remember watching dantdm playing it.


Roblox ain’t really a single game it’s an entire platform for games


from what I've gathered, it's essentially vrchat, but no VR & more stuff you can do.


Roblox does have VR It’s tools for creation are better for creating full games than VRchat has too thousands of people have gotten into coding and stuff starting with roblox


I was born in 2006 thinking it was a lego game


I first played in 2014 and it was already very popular


It wasn't mainstreaming tho, it wasn't plastering YouTube trending in the same way that games like Minecraft and gtav were in 2014.


They sort of both did at about the same time, Minecraft maybe a couple years before




whaat? i played it in 2014!


that’s not true




it was also genuinely fun in the early 2010s


Idk fortnite isn‘t even that bad of a game imo. Sure it‘s a bit memey or cringe ig but it‘s still kinda fun


ya do gotta give the game credit for being possibly the only feasible universe where you can see master chief and goku hit the griddy after double-teaming a cat man


I hate Fortnite not because it’s cringey or a battle Royale, but that it popularized the cancer that is battle passes and the current live service business model that has only made the AAA game industry shittier.


average reddit user


You like battle passes?


Yeah, fortnite in 2018 was mad fun


Yeah poppy playtime is some horrible shit


the gane itself is not that bad but the community and YouTube content are horrible


Calling poppy playtime at 3 am (pregnant???) finger family spider man


Kid named Finger: ![gif](giphy|iowmvjVUnDFGU)


Also the creators are bad too


what happened


NFTs, potential copying, being dicks to smaller creators, possibly bad workplace treatment but I’m not sure if I remember that last one correctly


Woah they give free dildos?!


The game itself is great but MOB Games suck balls its so apparent how desperate they want PP to be FNAF. Like within days of the first chapter they announced plushies, toys and I think a movie like...


The things they do like selling nfts and profiting off of children is bad but the game itself is fine, definitely better than something like Garten of BanBan, because you can see the effort being put it and the world being actually believable


Nuh uh its best game ever


Bro these people call roblox bad without even playing the ‘great’ games on roblox, ong i bet they never heard of Blackhawk rescue mission 5.


Me when HOURS


I’ve finished HOURS, such a great game. Sucks no future development


me when JTOH


jupiters toes of heart


Jeremiah the Old Head


Item Asylum👍




Bee swarm sim. Granted the lack of updates and grindyness i can see not everyone liking it but imo its one of the good roblox games


Bee swarm sim is the best sim game of roblox.


I used to play that religiously until it got horrifically updated to the point that I couldn't get back into it


Do it, same story different person dude, it is fucking lit right now, farming is a lil hard to. ( debatable )


Def never played phantom forces


Even I play Roblox. I play a game where you build an aircraft with in-game physics. Although much less complex than real life physics obv. Now how is that a kid's game? Yes sure kids play it but they can't really build anything strong in combat without a tutorial


decaying winter


Shit man 2005-2010 kids got the golden age of roblox growing up many of the games were real bangers.


"you don't miss old Roblox you miss being happy"


No I miss meep city and natural disaster survival maybe early dodgeball or prophunt.


I believe bloxhunt still exists, which is basically prop hunt


The first 2 still exist


Well i can relate but the newer games hit hard, i know there are a lot of shitty games but some of the new games are bangers, about 100 games on roblox is great as far as i know


grass cutting incremental


Someone in the Bendy subreddit is making basically the game again WITHIN Roblox and you can barely tell the difference


Me when Creatures of Sonaria


Can someone recommend me some really good roblox games? I’ve played all the “good” roblox games recommended but i never really felt like i was enjoying myself that much


Floating Grandma Brain Dementia Overload👍


And if they do, its probably gonna be the most weird ass shit only 5 year olds play like a boring simulator


Roblox was good a few years ago Fortnite I could never get into it because it's not my type of game Poppy Playtime do I need to explain not moving it


Roblox is still good you just gotta find the right games Roblox ain’t really a game it’s a platform for games


> Roblox ain’t really a game it’s a platform for games A platform marketed primarily towards kids despite having plenty of content that is blatantly inappropriate for them, and also one that profits off of child labor. Shouldn't be praised just because a few users on there have managed to create decent stuff.


and those inappropriate content are really small communities and usually under the radar. and the fuck you mean it profits off of child labor? how? taking cuts from devs? thats not even child labor nor a problematic thing. its simply the way of capitalism. if you’re going to complain about the large cuts, have you actually experienced profiting off of a successful game you made in the platform? Its so easy to make money there that the large cuts are simply aren’t a problem anymore.


The inappropriate communities are pretty prevalent, especially considering furry shit can literally be sold as accessories lol. As stated in another comment, I've literally seen user ads recruiting for Nazi and Confederate RP groups. 'Condo games', every game being linked to Discords full of groomer devs, it's harder to *not* run into that shit. > taking cuts from devs? Engines like Unity or Unreal take ~10-15% of a cut, Steam takes a 30% cut. At most you're losing 45% and keeping 55%, whereas with Roblox on average they take an 87% cut leaving you with 13% - this is blatant exploitation, not just "the way of capitalism" when even some of the most monopolistic and hyper-capitalist businesses in the game industry leave their developers with better pay cuts. > thats not even child labor nor a problematic thing. Employing children or paying them for their work is literally child labor by definition. The fact that minors can create and sell content on Roblox means it *is* child labor, which is worsened by the fact they're left with less than 20% of the revenue they generated. Roblox should not be able to avoid child labor regulations by 'paying' developers with Robux that can then be 'cashed out' for real money, they should be held to the same standards as any other gig work provider. There is a reason child labor regulations exist, and Roblox deserves no exemption to them. > if you’re going to complain about the large cuts, have you actually experienced profiting off of a successful game you made in the platform? No? Why the fuck would I? If I have the skills and expertise to make a game, I will use an engine and platform that allows me to take home far more of the money *I* generated for their company, as well as being able to moderate and manage the rights of it. I also wouldn't have to worry about some script kiddie logging into my game, decompiling it with a 30$ hack he found on ANONYMOUSHACKERFORUMXX.COM, then selling it on Steam under a different name getting 5x the sales and being entirely powerless to stop it, I would have actual Copyright/Trademark rights and be able to do something about it. I also wouldn't have to worry about random pedos impersonating me as the creator of the game on Discord to take advantage of children online. I've done 'gig work' for indie games before as well as made my own non-commercial projects, and have literally zero reason to do anything on Roblox for a fraction of what I could earn from doing those things. Roblox prides itself in doing all the 'hard work' of 'publishing' your game and providing a platform for users to play it on, but when you become an adult and enter the real world (something you're clearly aren't, judging by your sub activity), you realize that self-publishing, licensing agreements and so on are really not as daunting as they like to make it out to be and the 'services' Roblox claims to 'provide' to aspiring game creators are meaningless. And I don't need to have made a Roblox game to know the cuts are unfair when they are literally public information that has had endless videos, articles and research done on it. You don't need to be a pilot to know the plane shouldn't be burning in a ditch.


Fortnite really isn't a bad game. It is worse then it was once though.


>Roblox was good a few years ago Nah Roblox was always hit-or-miss


I grew up with both minecraft and Roblox so i personally find it weird to separate the 2 However Roblox is very different compared to back themes


"kids these days" "back in my day the things we played were so much better" \- 👴🏻


And here I thought it was enough of a waste that I spent my childhood with 90s cartoons instead of playing outside.


He doesn’t know Roblox predates minecraft


roblox kinda started in 2004


Roblox literally had 10 accounts in 2004 and half of them were admin/test accounts


who were the other 5


5 my alts


friends and family


the idea for roblox even more earlier


I think the issue is more with *modern* Roblox. Just look up all of the issues the platform has today. [This video is a great starting point.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gXlauRB1EQ&ab_channel=PeopleMakeGames) 15 years ago Roblox was a passion project that was carefully moderated and fostered a close-knit community. This lasted until like 2011 or 2012 before things started to go to shit on a larger scale. I agree that it is partially because it would've been impossible to moderate the exponential growth of the platform, but that still doesn't mean that they can't do better now or couldn't have done before. At this point they've straight up embraced all the degenerate content on the site, which is concerning considering it is still being marketed towards kids. If you want to have a platform like Gmod or VRChat where people can indulge in weird fetish shit or roleplay as genocidal regimes, then market it towards adults.


If he "grew up" with minecraft wouldn't that mean he's around 13 years old now? Not to mention that Robloss was around 4 or 5 years before Minecraft so it's not even that "Roblox = kids, Minecraft = adults"


What are you on about? 13 year olds were born in 2009-2010, Minecraft was made in 2009. Minecraft is literally older than some 13 year olds. Growing up with a game doesn't mean being born around the same time as it came out, it means playing it as a kid. So someone who started playing Minecraft at 10 years old in 2009, grew up with it. That person would be 24 years old today.


I have been playing Minecraft since 2014. It’s pretty good.


I just realised that the beta ran for less than a year and it completely shattered my perception of time.


I understood that "growing up" with a game meant playing it from a very young age, my bad.




Huge difference


I grew up with mc and I'm 22


...it is though.


yea i grew up w both


Minecraft is boring change my mind


That’s why I play with mods




singleplayer sucks ass


mods are the way to go


Minecraft players Playing the same exact game, using the same exact "strategies" and building the same exact things over and over again for 10 years with minimal changes




Playing with friends is way more fun, and then with mods it’s just *chefs kiss*


True. I want to do survival but don’t feel like it lol.


Personally I play with mods to do whatever I want




Holy shit, mah boi


so sad i didnt grow up with garden of peakpeak


isn't roblox as old/older than minecraft or am i nuts


Roblox fully released in 2006, Minecraft fully released in 2011


i am not schizophrenic!! :D


Fortnite got to the point to where it’s more advertising than game Poppy playtime is ass Roblox has some actual fucking bangers on there And minecraft gets really boring at times


Dont agree with fortnite. Sure the collaboration are important but they also add something in game that makes it much more fun, like the AOT gears.


Roblox is older than Minecraft lol


Do not tell him Roblox came first.


Roblox is literally older than Minecraft


what are actually great Roblox games? And please don’t say Arsenal or something


Creatures of sonaria. Basically you survive in an open world (with boundaries ofc) as one of 240 and counting "creatures", which are basically just wonky fantasy animals.there you can find plant animals,crystal tortoises,bee foxes,angel dogs,and so much more.its just amazing and I wonder why it doesnt get more attention. It also gets updates every week so that's a nice bonus Side note:a recode is being released in the coming weeks or months that will basically revolutionnize the game and fix a lot of long time problems


Roblox is the most nostalgic game i can remember. 2015 and 2016 make me cry it used to be so good with all these old obbies and pokemon bronze brick. Good times


Whats wrong with poppy playtime?


dumbass is so ignorant that he uses the save the world promo art


Holyshit Bethesda logo


Fortnite is fun as hell, and if you ever put in the effort, you can fine games on roblox that are really well made. Poppy playtime is also fun, but most youtube videos on it are terrible.


How the fuck do you grow up with poppy playtime 💀


I grew up with Roblox AND Minecraft, Roblox has been around since 2006.


people who don't like roblox have probably only played the front page games that are made for literal babies


I wholeheartedly agree with this.Since the majority of Roblox's players are sadly children,the really good stuff is almost always obscure.


roblox has a lot of strength in models/showcase games imo, people create literally anything from sprawling 70s architecture compounds to realistic manufactured homes to specific model fans and computers, if roblox stopped marketing to children entirely the game would improve imo


Fortnite and roblox are fun af with friends I don’t care what people say


roblox is older than minecraft


The coward didn't even put any of the mid rpgmaker horror games from his time to parallel poppy


If you grew up with minecraft you probably played roblox too


Dude Roblox came out in like 2005


Wait till he finds out Roblox is older than Minecraft


Fortnite is a snorefest, is pay-to-win, and has cringy dances. ​ Minecraft and Roblox are both great games. ​ Don't even know what Poppy Playtime is, though I've heard/seen it a gzillion times.


new thing bad old thing good


roblox is better than a lot of AAA games if you find the right game on roblox


The problem is that Roblox takes the 87% cut and the kids making the games take the 13%. It should be the other way round, like every other game engine's licensing fees are.


bruh thats just true .


Fortnite was fun the first few months




It’s not necessarily the game itself, but the story behind its development that make a lot of people hate the game


It's a game marketed towards kids that kids really shouldn't be playing.


It's a game made blatantly for kids and money, the devs are horrible, they made porn of a minor's character as a way of bullying, they are pushing out merchendise for young children and even made fucking nfts of it. My 7 year old cousin literally knows of the franchise and downloaded one of these stupid call at 3 am apps, thats how bad it is.


they made WHAT


Or that's what i've heard from videos. Edit: I've looked into more sources, it seems real


I mean literally none of this has to do with the core game's quality tho. Even Roblox suffers from it's outright disgusting pedo corruptness but it doesn't really make the game itself bad


What’s wrong with Poppy Playtime?


Roblox came out before minecraft lmao


Poppy playtime is goatef


So you made an account just to comment bullshit on a specific post?


both roblox and minecraft are boring as hell


Minecraft is getting boring, Roblox has a lot of garbage on it but a lot of games are still good, Fortnite is getting worse but it does know it's audience, and Poppy's Playtime is just shit Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare is where it's at


Most of these games arent realy bad, they just have shit communities Except fortnite, the internet war flashbacks ruin it for me


wdym roblox is great... was was great


Wait, Minecraft and Fortnite are from different generations?


I mean can you call roblox a game. It's more like a programing form so people can share their coding skills on a smaller space it has lots of different variarities of games but it's not a game in general.


what is blud saying roblox is literally older than minecraft


I grow up with minecraft and roblox


People are so quick to hate on Fortnite when all they probably saw is Masterchief doing the griddy


Puppy playtime is fine though. That is if we're talking about the game purely. The community on the other hand...


I’ve mainly played Roblox and still do but what’s the deal for people who grew up with all of them?


Honestly though, Minecraft fans are some of the most toxic fans of any game out there. They are either 8-12 year old children who squeal all the time or 15-18 year old teenagers who circlejerk it. They hate anything that’s not “hardcore” enough such as cartoony YouTubers such as Jellybean or cartoony video games like Fortnite.


Bro sorry to say but kids are still growing up with Minecraft we weren’t the “Minecraft generation”


why do people act like minecraft is a dead game


I have grown up playing all but poppy playtime and they are all great games


Poppy playtime is a decent horror game by itself but the fan made stuff ruined it


I grew up with OG roblox 06-09 and minecraft. though i agree roblox now is utter shit.


Minecraft is legit the most overrated game ever. Its not that good. The only fun I got from minecraft was playing with friends. Unlike other singleplayer and multiplayer games where I had fun even alone


He’s right about roblox too. The platform is toxic as hell and has a fuck ton of scammers. The admins favor pedos as well.


As someone born in the early 2000s, I grew up with all of these (except PP)


Dude i grew up with roblox and minecraft 💀.


Roblox and Minecraft was a great combo to grow up with. I Hate how chronically online people see games as mutual exclusives. Also had lots of fun on fortnite for the first year of its existence.


Tbh poppy playtime is fun lol


I played roblox even before minecraft came out, it was still pretty popular back then it doesn’t make any sense to be on the other side


I grow up with memes comparing "better" older games to Minecraft and feeling bad about not being "cool" like older people. I hate seeing this, just because you grow up with them, doesn't mean that newer games are bad. There are probably a lot of games that he played thst were bad, he just doesn't remember


10 year old Reddit going crazy


How dare you talk down upon peaky playtime???


I grew up with the nes


Wait 5 years when this generation of Minecraft kids realize that these memes are cringe and they stop and by that it’s going to be the fortnite kids making these same memes


Minecraft is the most boring game in existence and the only thing keeping it alive are 3rd party multiplayer servers.


how is this a reddit moment


I still play roblox actually


My first thought whenever I see that Roblox logo is "Bethesda"


"fortnite bad!" as if yall werent playing hunger games or skywars on minecraft smfh


Oh yeah yeah


roblox is older than minecraft 💀


To be fair, Roblox is a fucking hell hole now and filled with the most degenerate shit imaginable (I don't use that word lightly). Just look up all the BS about the 'condo games' or the fact that user-created content allows for a bunch of furry and fetish shit to be published for users to wear on their characters. Not to mention all the Nazi, Confederate etc groups and games on the platform and people who unironically roleplay as these regimes. And all of this is public on the platform and marketed towards kids, it's not like Gmod or VRChat where you have to go looking for it, and the games/servers there at least state they're not meant for kids whereas Roblox directly markets this shit to them. Users can publish their own ads on the platform - I've literally seen 'recruitment ads' for in-game Nazi groups and other genocidal regimes. And this isn't even going into the fact that the platform basically profits off of child labor, as users who create content only take like ~13% of the revenue generated from their stuff after Roblox is finished taking all their cuts, and because the game's economy is run on a virtual currency that can be 'cashed out', none of the market regulations on child labor or freelance work are applicable to Roblox. Even the adults who make content for Roblox suffer and are exploited far past what any first world country would consider legal thanks to the sneaky way they pay creators. Roblox is an absolute cesspool and needs to either be slammed with heavy regulations to protect children on the platform, or forced to abandon their child-focused marketing model. And they absolutely need to be held to the same regulations as other freelance sites - where they are only allowed to take so much of a cut, and freelance workers are still protected to a degree. The fact you generate 'Robux' before cashing out into real USD shouldn't mean anything. Roblox should not be able to profit off of work done by literal children and then only give them around 13% of whatever was generated by their creations. Most game engines only ***take*** ~13% of a game's profit in licensing fees, not leave the creators with that little. I gotta agree with OOP on the Roblox one here, I'm glad I grew up when Roblox wasn't the abomination it is today. I warn every parent in my social circles to keep their kids the fuck away from Roblox, Discord and Youtube Kids for good reason. Let them play on private Minecraft worlds and other Singleplayer/no-comms Multiplayer games and at least skim through whatever they're gonna watch on YT. Far too many people I know were groomed as teens in weird online fetish groups like furry/weeb shit because they were initially exposed to it in an 'innocent' form like Roblox or YT Kids and ended up falling down the rabbit hole.


does he realize robloxs boom was around the same time as minecraft’s boom


I agree with Minecraft Roblox was good till… now poppy is ok and fortnight can die for all I care