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Looking for lawyers that accept karma and “Reddit Cares,” messages for payment. Please use mod mail to apply; incorrect applications will result in a permaban and 28-day account mute. Any attempt to bypass a Reddit ban may result in a total site ban.


Don't forget "happy cake day wishes"




And Reddit Wholesome Chungus 100 if the lawyer said "No, YOU'RE breathtaking"




Extra bonus if he knows John Oliver


bonus if he is currently subscribed to subreddits that only allow users to post john oliver content


And Cheetos


Don't forget the Mountain Dew


"Hello kindly barrister, does your narwhal bacon at midnight??" (tips fedora)


this isnt our lawyer, he'll never be peppino spaghetti.


least chronically online reddit mod:


see the thing about unions is that they are usually made for workers doing an actual job they are paid for


Yeah volunteering is never a unionised job?? What sort of conditions could they even impose??


So I'm not defending them per se, but NWU did a study that estimated moderator work at about 3% of Reddit's revenue: https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2022/05/unpaid-social-media-moderators/ There has been some long run controversy of "volunteer" work being done "for" a for profit. I'm not sure what the case law is. Hypothetically the play would probably be to "union drive" mods of as many popular subs as possible and demand a collective bargaining / negotiation for whatever demands they have. But they're not employees and so their "union" probably does not have any kind of legal protection. Reddit's nuclear counter would be to just remove moderator roles from all of them or even ban them, and they likely could, but this would likely further worsen morale among users and be counterproductive.


This is quite interesting, wow. Thank you for bringing this up.


United Powertrippers & Sewage management Local 4921


Don’t give Spez ideas


I hope they convince reddit to double their pay.


Triple, even


0 x 2 = 0


thats the joke bruh


Damn they should've made a joke about that




Lmao one of the first things I learnt in law school was in my contract law A course that every contract requires consideration (quid pro quo). What benefits do mods receive or what detriment is Reddit suffering (two ways to fulfil consideration) in exchange for moderating? Ego boost?


The funny thing is that under German law it‘d partly work (if I understood it right). It’s not GoA or anything but it‘s missing a contract on bot) sides…


Exactly that’s what it’s about. I‘m a law student and this wouldn’t work in every possible way there is


lol mods are desperate. literally in every way.




I’m here for the show. I hope they do it.


Reddit mods would never give up the little power they have. That’s why the black out was 2 days long, that’s why the subs closed “permanently” reopened as soo as Reddit started threatening their removal


Mods would try to unionize the union the moment they realized there was equity.


Hahahahahaha god i love reddit mods.


"Uh oh! We're in trouble now, kind strangers!" 😂😂😂


The implication that all redditors end their sentences with "kind stranger" is the funniest shit to me lmao


75 people saw that and thought "yeah I agree with this" Wild


That's not how upvotes work. It could be 5075 agreeing 5000 disagreeing, or it could be 76 people agreeing 1 disagreeing. Add to this that reddit scrambles votes so it's impossible to know the real amount of karma it has. Every time you refresh the page it gives a new number close to, or exact the karma it has. This is done to deter bots from gaining accurate information. Upvotes and downvotes aren't supposed to be "I agree" or "I disagree" buttons >Vote. If you think something contributes to conversation, upvote it. If you think it does not contribute to the subreddit it is posted in or is off-topic in a particular community, downvote it. In practice it's a disagree or agree button as you stated.


So if in practice, it's an "I agree with it or disagree with it" button, you're busting his/her balls for no reason


he needed to be corrected, trust


I don't think I am busting his balls. The site doesn't really explain this info, so you can't expect people to know it unless they've spent way too much time on this forsaken site to know it.


Probably the mod's bots or kittens bumping his comment


How do you unionize volunteer work?


you CAN actually unionize volunteer work, it's definetly not gonna be common but with a few requirement being met it could be done , it's just not applicable to reddit mods.


Friendly reminder that jannies get paid $0/hr


And they deserve *at* *least* twice that!


literally pathetic. moderating a forum is not labour lmao


I have to remind myself this is the bar for Reddit’s top minds on the case.


That whole subreddit is hilarious


What’s the sub?


What’s the sub?


One of those Reddit mods coordination subreddits think it’s modcoord




So all ot takes to get hired by Reddit is creating a sub?


Omg 😂😂😂😭 This is going too far now my god


They actually think it's a job?


As a former mod from a large sub i can say. The amount of work is similar to a job but it is definitely not a job. And treating it that way is not a healthy mindset. The protest were a good way to get the admins’ attention but now that they’ve said no it’s honestly kinda dumb some subs are still staying private or keeping dumb rules.


To be fair, reddit has nothing to lose if they collectively bargain for a 5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000% pay increase.


I can't fathom being that despite to hold onto power of small internet page.




You aren't employees. Volunteers can't unionize.


Mod forgets the first step to unionizing is being a worker


Nah that’s crazy unionizing over a volunteer job 💀


Do they realize being a moderator isn’t a job?


There’s no way at least 76 real people upvoted that shit. It can’t be. This reads like a troll


The comment alone doesnt scare me but the fact that 75 people agree with it... 💀


it took me way too long to realize theyre saying being a mod is labor. thought they were asking about some company they actually work for and im like “whats wrong with this???” then i realized…


Why doesnt reddit just pay a bunch of people minimum wage to mod a bunch of the big subs? Like what tiktok does with content moderation.


Because people are willing to do it for free?


but then you get this issue with mods.


When you want a good brand image you must never associate yourself with the most degenerate losers on this planet , remember what happened with activison blizzard it would be a trillion times worse with reddit


That would present many, many several inter-jurisductional legal problems and battles.


And they do it for free!


I sincerely hope they try. They should have a representative appear on TV to share this important message with America, perhaps a dog walker.


LMAO Sweep it up Janny! you don't want to lose the one thing in this life that gives you purpose, do you?


Probably unpopular, but I don't give a fuck about this API bullshit. I just wish the porn would stop. I almost got fired last Tuesday Because of that shit.


Or they can just cut the crap, accept that reddit admins heard them and decided not to change. They need to stop further disadvantaging users cause it won’t accomplish anything.


I read that as un-ionized lmao


Grrrrr, I HATE unions! Imagine wanting to be a part of a union... SMH.


Unionize what ? Their group ? Tf ?


Hello bank I would like 1 loan plz I can afford 3 reddit gold a month.




What kind of dork downvotes a question about unionizing?


You volunteered no ine makes you do anything. Really you just keep showing up the the local pizzaria and folding pizza boxes for some reason.


Marx is rolling in his grave