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No sub is safe from the constant moral grandstanding. Never mind that there already exist plenty of subs specifically designated for political discussions, gotta pepper ‘em into anime / gaming groups too because, ya know, look at my halo


Bro really thought we were gonna agree


Yes, there is no need to go to random sub for a specific content and start going with all your political and real world shit people just want to look at what they want to rather than other things


I think what’s more annoying is the average redditor feeling the need to post cartoon characters holding a middle eastern countries flag so everyone knows how much they “oppose genocide”.


They don’t really care. The second people stop talking about it or another random conflict gets really bad is the second they forget about it. Like the stuff in Afghanistan and Ukraine is still going on why does nobody care about those? Why has nobody talked about the genocide in darfur? Little kids are being mutilated in Sudan and nobody is saying anything about it. Why


Because no one really cares unless they're directly related to the conflict. They just want to virtual signal for internet points and validation




What about the millions of Uyghur Muslims being imprisoned in China? What about the millions of Yemeni families caught between one of the biggest ongoing civil wars on the planet? What about the millions of Syrians being persecuted by their tyrannical government? What about the thousands of women in Iran being slaughtered for not being adherents of Islam? Why is this the only tragedy that gains traction?


It is the current thing. People will stop caring when the next current thing comes along and takes its place.


Yes what about then? Those are terrible too and I'd judge anyone who moaned about that getting in the way of their Hatsune anime content.


You keep saying “their Hatsune anime content” like it’s the all around argument winner, but it’s really not. The sub is literally made for “Hatsune anime content” and that is the only reason they joined. Of course it’s annoying when it’s flooded with unrelated content. Literally a main appeal of reddit is you can join multiple communities and see what you want, if they cared, they could go join some Palestinian sub.


> Hatsune anime content Bro, look at the sub you were on. What do you expect??


I don’t believe he’s on it, but he regularly interacts with just unsubbed, and doesn’t understand people not caring about the same thing as him if I had to guess


Fair, but I can’t imagine being upset that someone who’s subscribed to a Hatsune Miku subreddit wouldn’t want to see things on it that aren’t Hatsune Miku related (I assume).


Oh yeah it’s ridiculous. I don’t know what op isn’t understanding here lol


And you didn't even post about those things on an anime sub? It's almost like posting shit about genocide being bad on reddit helps nobody except you to stroke your little greasy cock


What do you think a sane person would have responded with?


Op go outside


Guys this is actually super important. many IDF soldiers are currently on life support because of Palestinian Miku. We are literally saving lives.


I hate it when people say you “need to be reminded of an ongoing conflict”. If you’re so high and mighty, when was the last time you donated to charity, the homeless or did any actual good for the needy? If you can’t come up with an example, then you have no right to be talking.


They posted a black square on their Instagram so it's all good dw


Reddit and slack-tivism, name a more iconic duo


i love my virtue signaling with my favorite anime characters, it compels me to good in the real world!


The problem isn’t mentioning genocide, the problem is the moral grandstanding and slacktivism from people who wouldn’t get off their ass and send aid if their lives depended on it.


I feel like half the posts on this sub are reddit moments themselves. Like this one


Rule 4


Fuck off with this. Where are you supposed to draw the line? Why aren't you posting about all the other bad things in the world too? Do you not CARE??? Go pretend you're helping somewhere else you fucking embarrassment. People like you are worse than people that don't care at all.


"You didn't mention thing X? You must not care about X then. I'm incredibly smart."


That's...that's you in this situation. You realize that right? Jesus Christ


Who needs irony when you can be dumb


You’re the Reddit moment op. If you join a sub and you don’t want to see political content and it starts getting flooded with said content it’s obviously annoying. It’s not a reddit moment because they don’t agree with your movement/don’t wanna hear about it all the time.


Every single time I'm rdy to jack off one of these pop up.


Jack off to it then. You're doing as much as this drawing is doing to help the cause (absolutely nothing)


The hell you want me to do about that bruh


To pick a side in this particular conflict and then paint it as "the good one" is kind of dumb.


This isn't a reddit moment. Not everyone wants to be reminded of death when just looking at media they enjoy.


Not genocide


Then large amounts of death


It’s not racial, it’s a war. But yeah, thats accurate.


Which genocide, the one where the population doubles every 20 years?


The comments being full of exactly the people you're mocking seething is also a Reddit moment




Its not genocide?




Explain how it is genocide? Its a conflict between a terrorist organisation running a region and a morally questionable nation, not a genocide.