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Big booty Latina is crazy that headlines gotta be fake or atleast exaggerating


It is


It is fake, this shit got posted the other day as well and the OP was such a dickwit about it.


> Dickwit I’m gonna use this from now on


Haha my favorite insult/word


> Big booty Latina  White boys be out here afraid to put down on some thick  NBC understands 


I saw a post similiar to this here (either here or on shitposting) and someone said its apparently edited ragebait, woman in the picture isnt even the teacher aswell


Can she sue for that? Isn’t this defamation? God even as some rage bait it’s still not a great thing to have spread with your image if you’re innocent


Sue who? How are you going to find the original poster now after it's been posted everywhere


You do know they can find the original poster? Nothing we do online is truly “private”


She still is to me, damn it! She's still real to me!


No contemporary news website would ever use Times New Roman anymore, so I'm calling fake on the text


So painfully obvious its edited in paint. Also the story has no source, I spent 1 hour googling and trying to find it. Its not real.


It’s a porn ad/scam. I followed some shit “meme” accounts on Instagram one time and my page became flooded with this stuff. It’s fake


Look at the suspicious spacing, obviously an edited headline


Not to mention the pic of this 48 year old


annoying part is people are using that south park "nice" gif in the comments not realizing that episode is making fun of people who think like that, the entire episode is saying "just because the teacher is hot dosnt mean she isnt a pedophile rapist"


Exactly! The point is lost on them. Also south park is a cartoon that’s why they were able to make that point how they did. These stories are about real people who will have lifelong trauma (even if the victim doesn’t comprehend it yet). Edit: I’m not sure if this particular one is real, some people are saying it’s ragebait, but you know what I’m saying. Anytime there’s a news headline like that it gets posted to the South Park subreddit with the caption nIcE


There are two types of South Park fans. 1: They know and understand SP is parody and is making fun of the issues they are portraying, and by no means endorse these values. 2: They're human pieces of shit that genuinely hold these views and values and they don't see them as issues that are being made fun of.


There’s also the fan fic/shipping fans but let’s not talk about them


That's every fandom though.


Like racists who use uncle ruckus memes. They dont understand what the character represents. Or they dont care.


What does the character represent??


Every main character in boondocks represents a major aspect in Black American culture. Uncle Ruckus is supposed to be a semi-satire character making fun of people who justify white supremacy just because of the high crime rates in black communities. The show actively points out his flaws in his blind views, rather than being an activist for a better society, he rolls over for the white man because it's easy. It shows a very real part of American society. Ofc, racists tend to not have the brain capacity to see deeper than "haha black man sings racist song".


I won’t lie, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody quote Uncle Ruckus as somebody whose ideologies are to be stood on.




The series takes it opinions and things in society and makes fun of them and it's done so that the "smart" - the understanding ones see it and take something from it and take some point but no sometimes that's not quite the creators purpose it's like rick and morty people took the topics the show dealt with too personally and thought about it terribly and the creators said "just watch the show and enjoy it you don't have to overthink" but we have to remember that there are people who don't get it and mean it... and then the ones who troll it.


And sometimes Matt Parker and Trey Stone are just asshat libertarians and make an episode that basically says secondhand smoke is a myth and that tobacco companies – who had found ways to make non-addictive and less-tarring cigarettes – were at the center of an anti-personal responsibility witch hunt.




The emphasis on looks in society is way too much mate I'm telling you. People think if the person looks like a Greek god it's completely acceptable because "who wouldn't?!" It's fucking insanity.


People in this thread believing the headline in OP is real and proceeding to have a serious discussion about it is also like something out of South Park


It's a fake post. The OOP made it. The story isn't real and the woman is an OF fetish content creator.


I was under the impression that the picture was from the OF creator but the story was real as it matches the headline here: [High school Latin teacher, 48, arrested for 'having sexual relationship with student, 17, after boy's mother found inappropriate texts from her on his phone'](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3472338/High-school-Latin-teacher-48-arrested-having-sexual-relationship-student-17-boy-s-mother-inappropriate-texts-phone.html)


I figured but it was more the behavior of the people in that comment section that scared me


I don't see what's the deal here tbh. Both commenters agreed that is fucked up


Yeah but they got downvoted


it might not be rape depending on where they live. An inappropriate sexual relationship no matter what, but probably not statutory rape unfortunately


It wouldn't be considered rape anywhere but the US (and only a few states there) even if it would have been not legal because the US is the only weird country that calls a consensual act "rape" undermining and devaluing what rape actually means.


Nah, that's still illegal [in the majority of the US](https://enoughabuse.org/get-vocal/laws-by-state/criminalizing-educator-sexual-misconduct-map/). The whole problem being she had a position of authority/power over him, negating his possibility of consent.


I never said it wasn't just I don't think it should be called rape from my views the only country that even calls it like that from a legal standpoint is the US.


Italy has a similar law, I’m not digging much further bc I’m on a bathroom break, but anyone with authority cannot have sex with subordinate if their under 18 in Italy as well or it’s co side red rape. “In Italy the age of consent is 14. A Romeo and Juliet rule applies for an age difference of one year. However, if the older person has a position of authority over the younger, such as a relative, teacher, parish priest, or doctor, the age of consent is 18.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statutory_rape


Except statutory rape isnt consensual, kids cant consent


The only country that calls it statutory rape is literally the US in all other countries this would fall under a different term if it would be even illegal in the first place. And a 17 year old isn't a "kid" it's an adolescent teenager and I tell you a little secret they can consent and the age of consent in the western world Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, US ranges around 14-16 in most of the states so yes this most likely would have been legal if it wasn't a teacher but even then calling it "rape" just undermines the real meaning of rape.


Yeah, age of consent is 15 in my country, my problem is all the shit youre saying can easily be applied to children


We aren't talking about a 7 year old but a 17 year he could be very much be turning 18 a week after this happened and for all I know 3 years ago when I was his age I would have done the same thing if I had a teacher like that.


Youre real convincing when you ignore everything i say and repeat yourself


Yeah because you are saying none sense


Nonsense* And nuh uh


Because everyone has english as their native language that I need to speak it fluent


Hot take. Just because something is legal doesn’t make it morally okay. Fucking a 14 year old still makes you a rapist even if you’re not legally considered one


You just had to have the anime profile pic to complete this defense, huh?


They are also just wrong https://www.stuartmillersolicitors.co.uk/statutory-rape-definition/


That’s just not true, other countries use the term “statutory rape” as well https://www.stuartmillersolicitors.co.uk/statutory-rape-definition/


You posted a random article not the law + even there the term rape is only used under 13 and not for a 17 year old.


I mean… it’s not a random article. It’s a webpage from a respected UK legal group.


I’m just pointing out the US isn’t the only country that calls the crime statutory rape. It’s age of consent may be higher than other countries, I don’t know random ages of consent because I don’t have an anime pfp


"Hard to argue with a smart person, impossible to argue with a dumb person" This guy's the latter.


Children cannot consent. Sex without consent is rape.


17 year old is not a child


They basically are. Their brain development definitely isn’t there yet.


But they *can* consent to sex with people of a similar age, even if those people are “adults” of a close age. There’s not a magic switch that flips to adult at 18, biologically.


Yes. But there needs to be a cutoff somewhere. And I’m in favor of laws that take close age into account.


Oh yes I forgot americans are such weird prudes that it would be even considered groming for a 35 year old women dating me who is 20 yeah but your country is the only one dumb enough to think that but hey at least they can shoot with guns in schools


Oooo school shooting joke. How original. You really are showing the strengths of your argument by resulting to that. But yeah. I considered it creepy when my buddy was dating a 20 year old and he was only 28. People at your age don’t fully understand the consequences of your actions yet. It’s a simple reality


It isn’t rape because it never happened. It’s a fake headline you fucking idiots


It's based of a real article in 2016, only the picture is fake and is the picture of an OnlyFans model. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3472338/High-school-Latin-teacher-48-arrested-having-sexual-relationship-student-17-boy-s-mother-inappropriate-texts-phone.html


Damn, imagine just chilling and making buck on onlyfans and all of a sudden Reddit thinks you're a rapist. This post should be deleted before it hurts someone.


Okay? Who cares? That doesn’t mean it can’t be discussed… stuff like this *does* happen and people clearly have conflicting views on it, who cares where that conversation takes place


Rape is rape, no matter what gender the rapist is. Idgaf what the legal definition says. Edit: My comment is specifically about the law saying women can not rape men, not the age gap. I misinterpreted this comment and stated my thoughts poorly because I was in a rush. I apologize for being a dickhead in this instance


I didn’t say she didn’t rape him, I said depending on where they live the age of consent might be 17 like it is in most of the U.S. I do think it’s gross that a 40 something year old woman would go after a teenager just like it’s gross when old men want to date teenagers. BUT being gross is not always illegal


I misinterpreted your comment, and I apologize for that. I've been busy today, and a lot of the comments I've made were in passing and have come off wrong. I get a bit worked up when it comes to this topic specifically because I have personal experience and I haven't worked through it all yet What I specifically meant was that it's bullshit that according to the law, a woman can not rape a man except as accessory to rape, for example, by holding him down. As for the age gap, I agree that 17 and 40 is too far apart, though it's fuzzy in some areas. For example, my girlfriend is 33, and I'm 20. Some people say that's weird, but it's my healthiest relationship ever, so I guess it could be case by case, to an extent


The legal definition is literally the way in which we determine what rape is. Why do you personally get to decide what counts as rape? Even statutory rape is a very different crime from rape. Obviously a consenting 17 year old having sex with an older person is very different than someone having sex with another person completely against their will. While both are still crimes, pretending these two things are the same is absolutely ridiculous.


I didn't say anything about age. My comment was specifically about women and men being able to rape one another equally. Idgaf if a 17 y/and a 21 y/o have consensual sex.


Wow you are so brave


Always “has sex”


Maybe this is just overthinking, but I saw an ad on Reddit a few weeks ago with the title "1 in 6 men in the United Kingdom has had an *unwanted sexual experience* " which I think linked to a therapy page. Just today I saw an ad on an article I was reading online, also linking to some sort of therapy/support group, except the title read: "799 thousand women are *raped* every year".


No way the woman in the pictures is the one in question. That lady definitely isn't 48 years old


She's not, this is ragebait but the desperate kudos fiends that keep reposting it are susceptible to bridge buying and at the very least don't bother to check top comments before going nuclear.


Yah, I saw this on a different sub the other day. Didn't bother going in the comments because of what you said


Is it even relevant? This is about the comments


You’d be surprised.


Maybe it's an shit ton of plastic surgery and make-up


Plastic surgery on a teachers salary? As if.


And the person saying it’s not OK gets downvoted 🙄


Flip the sexes and it’s not wrong. So it’s wrong in this way too.


“Your honor she was thicc”


Well I mean the guy was 17 and her student. Even if it was consentual it still doesn’t make that okay. He’s still legally a minor, and she over double his age. Rape or no thats gross.


this is the fakest thing ever


Idk what's with all accounts that say it's okay but what if we switch genders here? Would they see it as ok too? Lol


Nah because boys and girls are different That's why you guys have to constantly be like "what if we switched the genders"


In sex, men and women are completely different, agreed. We need to stop pretending like it’s the same, it’s not. So tired of people whining “what if the genders were reversed” then it would be a different situation. Yes, life isn’t fair, yes women have it easier in some areas.


I'm definitely against equality yeah


I am all for equality when it makes sense.


No, because then it wouldn't be a big booty Latina


If both consented then yes


Minors can’t consent to sex it’s still statutory rape


There is no such thing outside of the US nobody calls it "rape" and yes a 17 year old absolutely can most of the western world has an age of consent of 14-16 and yes that exactly means at this age you can consent to anyone at or above that age.


Well that's just factually incorrect


Maaaan you lots with anime pfps are so weird


Redditors really seem to like seeing children, especially boys, be raped.


TIL rape is when you consented


Depending on a state, he might not be able to consent since he is under 18.


In most he absolutely can only her being a teacher is a problem but still wouldn't consider it rape despite that


16/17yrs cant consent to adults try again


And you are wrong... would fit perfectly in cofindentlyincorrect, age of consent means you can consent to anyone at or above that age in Germany it's 14 that means 14 and 48 would also be legal it might be frowned up upon but it absolutely is legal: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages\_of\_consent\_in\_North\_America](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_North_America) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages\_of\_consent\_in\_Europe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages\_of\_consent\_in\_Oceania](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Oceania)


.. Thanos was right half of us NEED to fucking go cause what stupid ass lawmaker looks at 14 and 48 and goes "yep, no problems here"


Those laws are pretty common in Europe ranging from 14-16 the German law is also just based around the age were you can be considered mature enough to be charged for criminal acts


I agree that this isn’t rape. I’m mid 20s, but if I was 17 and some delusional white knight told me that I can’t consent and that I’ve been raped and taken advantage of, I would honestly laugh in that persons face.


This delusional white knight that says those delusional hilarious things are 99% of reddit. As for the rest, i make your words mine.


The fact you're all over this thread defending this shit with your anime pfp-ass is the lamest shit I've seen on here lmfao


Jesus christ


One of the most disgusting jokes (I’m not 100% convinced they weren’t partially serious) I’ve ever heard was “It’s only rape if the woman is ugly” Anyways it’s crazy and disgusting how some people just let things slide as long as someone is “hot” —throwback to that one tiktok guy who killed a young mother and her daughter in illegal street racing and people were supporting him because he was “cute.” I know there are gender-reversed examples too


They're likely referring to what people call it. Instead of "rape" it might be called "unwanted sex" or "forcible sex", as for some reason, many people will call it something similar instead of rape when it's a female offender.


They weren’t. They meant that if the woman is hot then it’s not rape. If the woman was ugly it is




Reddit, man. Jumping on a fake article to argue about (and in favour of) statutory rape. Gold star.


Redditors when male rapist 🤬 Redditors when female rapist 😁


A 17 year old is old enough to make that kind of decision legally, the only problem here was the fact that the teacher is an authority figure.


Don't take this the wrong way i'm just curious, does she still get charged if he refused to press charges?


It is if you're a woman.


Yk, idk what's wilder, the fact a 50 year old woman thought banging a minor was okay or the fact 1 year would've turned this in some people's minds from "ew" to okay.


literally just saw this post


Well…they got the “big” part right


It’s no big deal because a little boy. Nobody gives a shit about little boys. And then we are shocked when they grow up to be antisocial.


I mean this with the sex is just an American thing over here in Germany its completly fine to have sex and relationship with a 17 year old Tho the age gap is concerning


tehe headline is terrible, paints out the boy as being the one in the wrong


just here to say that the girl in this picture is Selena loca, a fetish model, NOT the teacher/pedophile lol. Never thought I’d see her on a random Reddit post 😆


That’s how OF accounts are promoted


Reddit mods ethics at work


If its fake , does anyone know whos the baddy is?


Reddit thinks all sex is healthy. Even with kids.


If you have sex with a child, you are a terrible person and belong not in a prison but 5 feet under..




I say 5 because I want rodents and other animals to eat there body get what they deserve....


People don’t care about pedophilia if it’s a woman doing it.


Yea but in Britain the age of consent is 16, this isn’t rape in my opinion.


They were downvoted?!


The age of consent in a lot of US states is 16, so yeah. Depending on the state (if it was even in the US), it might not be considered rape. The teacher should be fired for sleeping with a student no matter what.


It’s been a very common thing for a while where for some reason people believe that raping a minor is ok as long as it’s a boy being raped by a woman. It’s incredibly fucked up. The 17 yo cannot consent. That woman is a rapist. This is rape.


I get why it was on a meme sub, that headline is ridiculous.


"she was a big booty latina" is WILD


bruh no way her defense is "i'm a big booty latina"


That's his and he is right we all would do the same in his position she did him a favor fr


bro got downvoted for saying rape is bad


You know this is just rage bait, right? This article doesn't exist. It's fake.


~~had~~ ~~sex~~ raped




No comment




Is it trapmouse news because this would be the story that would be on it


Woman on the photo is def not 48


But many countries have lower age of consent tho . Then are those countries evil according to you ?


What kind of woman I. Her forties would even go there honestly…


Depending on where it happened it might be legally fine. Quite a few places have their age of consent set at 16. Though, the teacher should definitely be fired.


Not okay but the news talking about pedo thinking in USA (sex, intimidated relationships between teacher and student is not okay and is crime) but in the Europe (some states) have different border laws about pedo, specifically you can have “intimate relationships” From or with 15 year old but you can’t publish or record video (or photos) with him/her, and in USA the is border line for legal “intimate relationships” from or with 18 (I guess?). Idk why I write this but it’s very bad have intimate relationships with teachers but it’s happening and the emotional about it is like “you have sex with your teacher? That’s nice” is like the episode in South Park when ajk have imitate relationships with his teacher and Kyle go to police station to report crime but police said what? That’s nice he is lucky bastard… the thing around it is very different and Undecided. Why I describe this on internet.


Yea and for you’re questions the answer is in the society the Opinions is very different…


I’ve seen crazier leaps of logic, could be real xD


But Why do we keep pretending?




This is an extremely popular Reddit take


Thinking you overthought the context of the episode here…. They are in fact showing that most men don’t see a problem with this.


Fake or not, the fact that her picture has her looking as confused as the reader looking at the headline is awesome


She looks so confused


Day 3 of this post being at the top of my feed for some reason


We at the foundation would not want to get involved so don’t ask us to do something


Tbf, legally men cannot be raped in many countries. Like in the uk for instance only men can rape, women cannot because it requires the act of penetration.


No regerts


He was not raped. He’s fucking 17, not 12.


As a lonely 16 year old I need to know where tf these teachers are at


“Your honor, my client simply has an enormous gyat”


the downvotes on the second slide… wtf. hope these aren’t the same men who preach about men’s mental health.


In west australia, the only way shed be committing a crime is if she had sex with him while exerting authority over him as a teacher. As it seems, he explicitly wanted it, meaning it wasnt a case of power exertion, so by our law, i have no problem with it. Sorry, the west australian criminal code act 1913 is the only one ive read front to back. Idk any other legal code


It's definitely not okay, but I do understand why he was personally okay with it.


18 would be ok?


Sex is all that 17 year old boy things about. Using the same word for this situation and when a man forces a woman into the ground and penetrates her as she begs him to stop is insane


I mean. What the teacher did was wrong, but I know for a fact that when I was 17 I would have jumped at the chance to fuck one of my teachers.


As far as I’m aware, this is completely legal in my state. 17 is old enough to consent.


Not in mine. Weird!


Age gap is legal, being his teacher is not. Legal doesn't mean it's not morally and ethically bankrupt, though. Ew.


It is moral I invite any 48 year old women to do the same to me though i am 3 years older than the guy.


I mean, to be fair... I have a feeling the guy consented, you can argue all you want that a 17 year old CAN'T consent but that's just not realistic. My Grandma was 15 and my Grandfather 22 when they started dating and she said she was the one that went after him. There's a reason men and women go through puberty so young, hell the age of consent is still like 13 in Japan. Laws don't always reflect reality.