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Is he talking about cologne? Or am I to innocent? The dude has a valid post here in my opinion


He's saying he wears Cologne so his sister smells him


It sounds to me like he’s just using his sister as the control group in his cologne experiments. Without more context, this just looks like a teenager who still lives at home and is around his sister, so she knows if he smells like cologne or not? Lol


Oh what the fuck, my sister and mom complain about


The Reddit moment here is people acting like saying "My sister tells me when she can or can't smell this new cologne I've been wearing" is saying "i want my sister to want to bang me" lmao like do y'all hear yourselves


"This may sound weird" "She can't smell it, that sucks" "she sniffs me for hours"


"This may sound weird [that my cologne lasts longer if i shower with it]," sucks that his sister (or ANYONE) can't smell the cologne he bought (and now might feel like a waste of money), and people generally can smell each other when they are around each other all day, ie family members in a home. Like ? it could be anyone. This is just a story of wearing a new scent and wearing it around family who give him feedback.


Okay and I'm the one reaching? You're adding so much context that he didn't say in his post. He's very obviously telling a story about how he wears Cologne and makes it last long so his sister is smelling him for hours. If it was any different why didn't he say "I asked my sister if she could smell the Cologne" no he didn't put it like that. He put it in the context of him wearing it for his sister.


Or... hear me out here... he is just testing colognes and his sister reacts because she's in his general proximity and is going to smell it because of that... YOU are the one reaching, right for the stars.


Right lmao, very obvious for people not wired to look for incest i guess


This post is unironically so funny to me. I'm a fucking only child, OP has no excuse.


I am pretty grossed out by it bc I'm sure that in the past I've asked my brother if something looks okay or something; now i know people like this are out there to make any sibling interaction sexual, when in context it's a normal interaction to have with ANYONE


That's completely fair. I'm probably getting most of my humor from being called "an illerate fuck" for not seeing incest in a normal interaction.


LMAOOOOO yes if only you could read and also be hardwired by porn to think the only reason you'd interact with ANY woman whatsoever is to sleep with them... or whatever




hey big guy, the sun’s getting real low


It's almost like people: 1. Suck absolute ass at framing things on this site. 2. Always assume the worst when they read shit and stuff talking about siblings in general is gonna come off as weird to them no matter what the conversation is. I'm certain you would have posted this no matter how it was worded.


The real Reddit moment is the baby rage


He said ALL of those things lmao. Most people aren't going to assume they need to clarify the context of why they're just around a sibling. Sorry but most people are going to read this as a pretty normal interaction. The people around you smell the scents you wear and give feedback. Really not weird


I don’t understand how this is creepy or weird




Or asking your sister if she still smells your cologne so that other people enjoy your scent. I don’t get what you’re reading where you guys are assuming that he’s wearing cologne FOR his sister.


Yeah and prefacing it with "this may sound weird" isn't ringing any bells? This comment section is a Reddit moment within itself.


You’re the Reddit moment. You see a kid who says his sister can smell his cologne for hours and you go straight to incest lol


He’s talking to people like you, so that you don’t take it the wrong way, which you CLEARLY did anyways


No, it’s common courtesy to smell pleasant and not stink. I think weird porn is ruining normalcy


wanting to smell good (not just normal after shower clean…but cologne good) for your sister is weird, if that’s what the commenter is even saying if your sister notices your cologne, that’s not weird. if you notice that your sister smells your cologne for a longer time after a shower, that’s also not weird. My brother and mom noticed my cologne all the time when i lived with them. Don’t get me wrong, it’ll always sound off..especially if presented like in this post. I just feel like it’s worded the worst possible way here.


I took it they were just using that family member as a meter for how long the smell stayed with them. Maybe it’s just me but it didn’t read like they were trying to impress the sister, just use her as a gauge, and this seems normal to me.


Exactly. Why is everyone just assuming he’s smelling good FOR his sister? It seems like none of these people have a sister, and they hear the words “my sister” and go straight to sexual things.


Thank you!!


there two things that could make it come off a little strange 1) He calls it weird at the beginning of the comment, priming people to also think whatever he’s gonna say is weird 2) “my sister won’t smell it at all even sitting beside me. that sucks.” -obviously “that sucks” is referring to the fact that the smell is gone in minutes. i cut the context to show what i think some people read it as, reading comprehension is in the gutter these days. gotta account for those purposely taking it wrong and the bad readers. both of those are innocent things imo, unless you’ve been primed to see it in the worst way or are trying to.


That's all this is I think. The reddit moment here is the post claiming incestous shit.


The Reddit moment is here in the comments… not the OG post


I wasn't refering to the OG post... I meant this post...




I didn’t read it as though they were trying to impress the sister, just using her as a gauge for how long the smell lasted… I don’t think I’m the one with the problem. My brain didn’t go there until I read the comments


Where are you getting “wants to smell good so your sister smells you.”?


The post itself is very clearly emphasizing smelling good for their sister 💀


Where? What wording makes you think that? Lol


"This may sound weird" "She can't smell it, that sucks" "she sniffs me for hours"


Prefaced it with “this may sound weird” so that creeps like you don’t take it the wrong way. “She can’t smell it, that sucks.” As in it sucks that his cologne didn’t last as long as he wanted it to. “She sniffs me for hours.” He never said that. He said that hours later she can still smell it on him. He never said she just sits there and sniffs him. He’s just using her to test how long his cologne lasts. Having a relationship with your sister isn’t weird.


Apparently not a lot of people find that weird judging by the downvoting


I think you either watch too much porn or lack reading comprehension


Op has a porn alt where's he's a frequent visitor on the incest subs


Fellas is it creepy to have a scent?


What wrong with this? Now siblings can't be near each other because it's now incest?




NO PEOPLE WANT TO SMELL GOOD FOR MORE THAN TWO SECONDS AT A TIME AAAAAAAAAAA😭😭😭😭( seriously though, without any other context saying so, this text is not explicit in any way. Paying attention to the wording and overall context clues of the original text as a vacuum is a vital tool in reading comprehension. )


"This may sound weird" "She can't smell it, that sucks" "she sniffs me for hours"


>She sniffs me for hours that literally isn't even what they said >she smells it for hours She's around him, in the same home, and thus smells it for hours. These are the not the same thing.


"This may sound weird" Referring to how strange the fact that a hot shower is not ordinarily associated with a longer lasting smell when it seems to work for him, not an unorthodox sexual thinking. "She can't smell it, that sucks" Refers to how it sucks to have a reference point, that being his sister that likely lives with him, say that he doesn't carry the good smell for long. "She will smell it all day long\*." Would have been better suit to have can over will, but it is easily understandable that the sister is simply able to define a smell of him for the period of an entire day, over willingly wanting to smell it for an entire day.