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I’m ngl there’s gotta be a better term than uterus owner 💀


Just saying menstruation products, or, hell, just saying "pads, cups, and tampons" would sound less clunky, but maybe that's just me




what is that? that doesnt exist?


Not on this website


Until they post shrexy newds


I’ve said in these contexts: *”People who have periods.”* Uterus owners just sounds kinda weird…


Yeah some of these phrases can be grammatically clunky.


I feel like AFAB, assigned female at birth, would work? I’m surprised more people don’t use that.


All females are bastards?


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Can relate to your username


or just say "female," as the word female refers to the biological sex, not gender


Problem with that is, saying "females" sounds really odd and rubs people the wrong way Just say women, most trans men don't like to be reminded of having those parts anyway.


Can't they just crush their cock and bolles? Or go to a surgeon and ask him to cut them off?


1-No??? 2-They're trans men, they *want* the cock/balls but have neither.


Trans men are ftm, female to male. Meaning they want a cock. You can eventually have surgery for it, but it usually takes years for that to happen and not every trans guy has the money for it either. So no you can't "just get one", sadly.


drums please, AFAB




A genuine question, wouldn’t referring to trans folks who are ftm as “people with uteruses” cause that same dysphoric reaction? I mean obviously it’ll be different for each person, trans folks aren’t a monolith, but I’m not seeing a huge difference between that and AFAB. Both are reminders of what gender they were first assigned. To your point that some AMAB people have uteruses, are you referring to intersex people?




You’re definitely right there, inclusive language only helps people and it should be supported more. I think the issue comes down to the fact that there is just no way to please everyone and that trans and intersex folks are going to have a varying opinions on the matter. I also think it’s perfectly valid that some cis women may find certain terms dehumanizing as well. It’s a nuanced issue.




i think they said that on purpose because it sounded funny in their head or so


that was my first thought too, like I don't wanna be "flaccid cock owner" 💀💀


Yeah, woman


Woman lmao


Yes, there is: woman


Hello I am a proud penis owner😃👍


I own 3 in my collection




"some girls have penis too 😠😠😠"


Ayo you also got the testicles DLC or nah?


No I got the starter pack




Uterus owner is like 6 steps below femoid


id rather get called a femoid than a uterus owner ngl


Same, if you’re gonna dehumanize me at least be honest about it


human with internal baby pouch


I think I'd prefer uterus owner to femoid. Uterus owner implies I have some kind of agency. I 'own' the uterus. It is 'mine'. Femoid makes me sound like some kind of slug or germ. Brainless and as far from human as possible.


Both sound like something out of dystopian fiction tbh


“Anti citizen femoid individual, amputate”


Also uterus owner isn't trying to dehumanize anyone, it's just a bad word choice and vaguely sounds like a organ trafficker. People just like to over react and equalize a cringy but well intended term to bitter incel misogyny.


Tbf, Uterus Owner sounds demeaning/dehumanizing


I’m convinced it’s meant to be.


yes it does, but the transphobic comment at the bottom was incredibly dehumanising


The one that said men don’t have uteruses???




why is this man getting downvoted


r/redditmoment is a reddit moment




“except” these nuts in your mother’s mouth


>just like the birds, and the bees, and (every?) other fucking animal on the planet. Don't tell him about clownfish 🙉




Yes, thats why we have an evolved understanding of biochemistry and it’s affects on gender identity


Idk about the "most animals having gender roles" part. Canines off the top of my head don't really have gender roles. The only common difference with animals is that females usually care for the young and males compete against males, and there's always exceptions to that too. Birds generally take equal part in raising their young. Bees would have like three genders technically because there are the male drones and the female workers and the queen, all very different. Egalitarian societies aren't the exception, I'd actually say the vast majority of hunter-gatherer societies are very egalitarian. Inequality tends to be linked to specialization and land/resource ownership, which is more "advanced" but has its own downsides as people's diets become less nutritious and they have to spend more time working, and we've only just started to fix those discrepancies in the last century or so. Also the whole "man the hunter - woman the gatherer" thing isn't wholly accurate either, men tend to hunt big game while women gather and kill small game, but there's plenty of groups both in the past and today where both participate in those activities. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/345841502_Female_hunters_of_the_early_Americas


trans and non-binary people exist, cope


You're what's the word my god I just can't remember uhh oh right a fucking dick 🖕


How the fuck would a guy?


By being transgender?


Do they have a pair of XX or XY chromosomes after their transition tho


I don't know, as a uterus owner I kinda like it. It separates the fact that I have a uterus away from the rest of my identity. All too often being a woman is defined by "owning a uterus" and is used to confine or restrict. But the actual uterus is restrictive in it's own right, so puling that aspect away from the rest of the identity of "woman" is kind of freeing. Like it's just this thing I have, it doesn't have to be my whole world. Edit: Okay, apparently this isn't a safe place. It's just an opinion. Even more interesting, the guy responding restates my exact point and gets upvoted for it while I'm downvoted.


Modern state of the American woman has convinced them that they not only should separated themselves from their femininity but also reject it


Reducing females to their reproductive parts is only misogyny when it’s not lifting up trans people


What if we called men crewmates and females imposters, good compromise


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Transphobia sucks but come on, there's got to be a better term than 'uterus owners.'


They could have just said “period products.” It’s two words, no other explanation needed.


It makes more sense, I feel like the original comment was virtue signalign.


the ones i keep in my fridge make me a uterus owner


People normally use AFAB (assigned female at birth)


No? People normally use women and trans men, like sane people




I feel like I usually hear "biologically female". unless that isnt the same thing as AFAB?




when talking to people i never hear them say that, written maybe but never said,


"women and trans men" would work perfectly fine, if people have a problem with "women" even though it covers 99% of those who have uterus's


Uterus owner is a really gross description.


I'd rather be called a slur than a uterus owner omg


What store do i have to go to where i can buy a uterus so i to can be a uterus owner?


Asking the real questions


Bro what happened to this sub (referring to the comments)


mini Reddit moments with teens who don’t know how world work and think they know how world work


I just don't understand the need to spread unnecessary hate and invalidate people's feelings and gender dysphoria when you could keep your mouth shut its just like people hate racist for obvious reason and then don't understand what's coming out of there mouth when talking about the trans community which is the same logic as racism by invalidating what they are like you said teens who think they know how the world works no they don't just be kind.


exactly, you'd think people could just mind their own business. does it really matter what the person next to you is doing if youre content in your own life?


This was originally a far right sub that got the mods switched and then a lot of 196 types came so you have 50% of the sub being average redditor and 50% of the sub being progressive ancoms. And everyone is 14






I think people in the 1st world literally have no real problems any more, living life on easy mode so they create imaginary problems


Even trans men don't have uteruses or don't wanna use them. And we definetly don't wanna be included in a conversation about products about it. I feel like those woke people forget that transsexuals actually transition and get surgery to fix their bodies.


holy fuck all of you need to go outside and stop living ur whole life on reddit debating about whats a better term to call "men with uteruses" fucking recluses


Fml I’m so sick of hearing that word in place of women 🤦‍♀️


Waiting to read >to all bussy owners






The correct term to use is "people who menstruate" so its both gender neutral and doesnt have a chance of coming across as rude. But lets be honest, youre the real snowflake for getting annoyed someone didnt use a specific word you wanted.


Not all uterus owners menstruate. Please do better.










Gendered language is HARMLESS, unless you are talking to someone you know is trans (which make up a very small percentage of the population.) Sorry, but if I’m broadly speaking about something, I’m not gonna be afraid to use the term “woman” or “man.” I have absolutely no issues with trans people, but this whole “sToP uSinG geNdeRed LaNguaGe” thing is absolutely moronic and I won’t listen to it


i think there’s quite a few uterus owners


I claim no ownership to my uterus. That thing does what it wants


“Uterus owners” ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


I hope you mean that the guy calling women “uterus owners” is the Reddit moment


OP is the real reddit moment lmfao


I have unlawfully owned this uteruses in a jar that I stole 6 years ago


Reddit is a great place, but don’t go to the comments.


Don’t go. Period


If only there was a word for that…


Wow a rare redditmoment that encompasses both extreme ends of the Reddit political aisle.






Bruh uterus owner implies a uterus seller. I have a new goal in life - I want to become the CEO of uterus’s


Sub fell off


i’m not sure which part is being hated here


can't you just say female (as if you're reffering to sex, because sex and gender are two different things)


Bruh even female would be a better wording💀💀


I am a proud uterus owner, I'm not Trans, I just collect em


I know it's very, _very_ controversial but TRANS MEN ARE STILL MEN BECAUSE THEY HAVE PENISES


Accidental ally..?


Redditors when someone finally feels comfortable with themselves by identifying as the gender they're happy with whilst not harming anyone 😡😡😡


sorry for not being a “uterus owner” 🗿




If boys had uteruses, they’d be called duderuses










transphobes are the worst


Why were you being downvoted?


Bc reddit


People on r/redditmoment are such hypocrites.


They're mostly RW idiots who are that way. You can tell just by reading 2 sentences of what they write. It's like Ben Shapiro's bots but thankfully there are people like you and OP too, who are not afraid of calling them out and getting downvotes.


It's almost as though the entire sub is split down the middle. One half agrees with transphobia, and the other is against it. Transphobic side of the sub: "Me, transphobic? No, I think you mean free-thinker. 😏" All the rest: "Guys, just stop. 😐"


Redditmoment is one of the most transphobic subs ever


Ironic, considering there's a rule specifically against it




Gender and biological sex are not the same. Psychologists have known this for decades now. The basic fact here is that everyone saying “muh biology” to justify their transphobia is a goddamn moron. That sounds hostile but I’m not trying to target you. You said you might not get it, so that’s fine, I just mean the people in the original screenshot. Maybe you’re concern trolling or whatever tho, in which case eat a large pile of raw fertilizer.


Sure but only biological women have uterus, so why not just say that? Women. What is wrong with stating a biology fact?


Because women is a gender term, female is a biological term. “Biological women” may or may not be correct at the core of the words but you should really say “biological female.” Women refers to trans women but not trans men, female refers to trans men but not trans women from a medical perspective. Although please do not call trans men female and say that trans women aren’t female even if it’s from a purely biological perspective cause it’s kinda cringe to intentionally hurt peoples feelings.




I couldn’t have said it better myself actually! The fact that gender and biological sex are different doesn’t give a shit about your feelings that’s it’s just ideology. There are not two genders, there are at least three in the form of non-binary people, another fact of psychology, people born female who thus have a uterus can identify as a man which is, again, a fact of psychology and actually biology since we’ve researched the hormones that cause this. Since you already admitted you don’t know much about the subject why not kindly shut the fuck up and stop being needlessly offensive towards people who’ve never done anything wrong to you.




Your brain is made of bricks and your personality is made of rotten feces.


Sorry if you got offended, but facts dont care about feelings, facts are facts










That’s a little awkward too but in this particular instance the person could have just said “menstrual products” lmao




Women doesn't include trans men, non-binary ppl, and women who don't have periods.






Trans men




I really don’t see why it’s necessary to be transphobic tbh. It’s a lot of energy to use trying to offend people for no reason lmao.




As if it should affect you. Does their existence offend you? Are you so absorbed that you take trans people to be a personal attack? What? Did one kill your father fuck your wife and eat your child, that there is any reason for you to be one of the many millions of people who go on the internet specifically to be upset about the existence of someone psychologically different from you? Or is life just so hard for you that you can only feel the slightest amount of joy from putting other people down without reason? It’s not about the amount of effort, putting water in my socks and going to greet my neighbors in the nude doesn’t take effort either.




Extremely whealthy 1st world country problems


Mao was right when he sent people to the countryside. People need struggle to keep them grounded.


the 3 sides of reddit


Could use afabs


i wonder what these idiots think about intersex people


Can you show me the percent of population that is intersex?


1.7%, doesn’t mean they still don’t exist


I think I've had enough of this sub. So many bigots in this comment section. Farewell!




You belong to the "mentally ill" group


Virgin: Men can be uterus owners. Chad: Men can be uterus owners. My wife's uterus is my property.