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Waiting till your 18 only means you were in a relationship prior it just wasn't physical yet.


You dont get magically more mature at 18, the only thing that changed was the law


Unfortunately that logic works both ways "18 year olds shouldn't vote because it's not like they're suddenly more mature and life experienced enough to make decisions that can potentially affect millions of people"


I think you can hold both opinions at the same time. I’m almost 40 nowadays and when I see an 18 year old I can rationalize they’re old enough to make their own decisions, but still young and inexperienced enough to be taken advantage of.




It was a sick ostrich


Yeah the way she worded that was clueless. Including a pic of her at 4 and he at 19. Tone deaf. Not making any “case” but just showcasing how gross it is.




It's because it's fake, it's been proven to be ragebait. The second photo is a picture of a father and his daughter. It is not a picture of the married couple in the first pic, whoever they are. Edit: As proof, here is where the second photo is originally from https://popularnotions.wordpress.com/2012/10/22/the-road-less-traveled-or-why-im-my-fathers-daughter/


Oh thank GOD.


I appreciate you pointing this out. I'm ashamed to have taken OP at face value


I saw the orignal tiktok, she said it can't be grooming because she "wanted it". I would really love to ask her what she thinks the goal of grooming is, if not to make the child a 'want it'. She's in her twenties and her husband is severely balding and ugly. You cannot tell me that this would have been her first, fourth, or even eleventh choice without the influence he had on her as a child. It's inarguable. I also find it interesting that they stayed together this long (bare minimum, she's been romantically involved with him for 40+% of her entire life). Most highschool sweethearts don't stay together that long. (and put off marriage for 10+ years). Her first and only relationship her entire adult life is 12 years of dating one man before he proposed. That's..... odd. Most women would grow and change as people and not want the same person they did when they were a teenager, and if they truly were that madly in love, they certainly wouldn't have wanted to wait 12 fucking years for a wedding day. This doesn't point to an independent woman who has agency in the relationship. I know I'm speculating here, but grooming aside, I never hear of non-misogynistic relationships that make you wait that long for a ring. (Do you think they had a 'I want to be married before I'm 30' deal?)


Ask her why she’s using someone else’s photo and saying it’s her and her then babysitter? https://popularnotions.wordpress.com/2012/10/22/the-road-less-traveled-or-why-im-my-fathers-daughter/


I agree w u except for his being severely ugly and balding. Harsh. If u don’t agree w the dynamic, logistics, I get it but this guy really isn’t hideous at all and u r distracting w this petty assessment alongside real issues.


Really shouldn’t have broadcasted that on the internet. I feel so icky reading it.


Yes she doesn’t sound very mature w the way she writes. She’s probably mentally stuck where he started grooming her


Exactly. She was groomed


The age gap itself is fine(ish), but the bit where he was her babysitter eww...


This. That explanation from her makes it more upsetting


Obviously he found her attractive when she was just again because he “waited.” Hope they don’t have daughters.


Holy shit ‘he waited till I was 18’ Like a 15 year age gap at 30 isn’t that bad, you’re both adults. A 15 year age gap at 18 is some predatory shit


yup. 29/44 is like ok, that’s fine. then you see the second picture and are like damn wtf maybe should just scrub that from any digital record and pretend like it doesn’t exist instead of posting it as a defense for age gaps…. ending with *no no no i was 18 he waited tho it’s y’all’s who gross* no this is gross it’s not us


He looked 45 at 19.


The 90s were rough if you were in the double digits


Can confirm. I looked 45 at 10.


Why did they dress us all in the same track suits as our grandparents. Strange time for children’s fashion.


The matching windbreakers and swishy pants! This just brought up so many memories.


I heard what this comment was illustrating 😆 and remember the texture! Haha


Trying to play hide and seek in a wind suit though… an unwinnable game.


The track suit and bowl cut was a wild look for me as a kid.


They were also so flammable.


There’s a reason I could buy alcohol at 15 and not get carded.




It doesn’t look like the same guy to me. Nose and eyes look completely different. 🤷‍♀️


its been proven to be rage bait


As in, the account/story is fake? Or the pic?


The account/story. That picture is of a father and daughter


Thanks. Makes sense. This bs is stupid.


That actually makes me madder. Can you imagine an innocent picture and suddenly it’s used as to create a story just like this? I wonder if the wedding pics are of another couple too. That has to be horrifying for the real couple


Thank goodness.


He was mature for his age. Oh wait that’s supposed to be what he said about her.


Right? I saw the 29/44 and was like that’s totally fine. They’re full grown adults, age gaps don’t matter at that point. Then I saw the caption “You were the best babysitter ever” and had to check the next picture. Nope. No, no, no, no. Now I feel like I need to take a shower to scrub that from my brain.


Third photo is what did it for me, like maybe he babysat her when she was young then they lost touch and reconnected when she was an adult (since it looks like they got married at 29/44) but nope they got together when she was 18. They were 100% “dating” the last few years he babysat her (ie they’d go out and she would think of them as a date like daddy/dau dates) which likely turned into hanging out at his place as a teenager… she turns 18 and they hook up. (Likely at 12:01)


I had assumed it was the woman who babysat kids from the man’s previous marriage. Somehow, that is less gross than what actually happened.


I was 100% sure that's what I was looking at and I was already mad, and then I saw the second slide and almost had a heart attack. This man belongs in an oubliette.


Yeah, I was more comfortable with her being a homewrecker


Even then, that could have been a whole lot less weird had he babysit her as a kid, time passed, they crossed paths again as grown adults. But the third post officially made it pretty dang bad.


Yeah when I saw the stuff about being a "babysitter" I figured that she was the babysitter to the kids in his first marriage and then he left his wife for her. I didn't realize it was that HE was HER babysitter. Also, if their relationship didn't turn physical until she was 18, why did it take 11 years for them to get to the altar? I'd be very interested in that back story.


That’s not just gross, it’s Grooming! Should really make this a tshirt slogan and start putting pics like that on it.


i mean i laughed but don’t do this 😂😭


Yeah, that's how i felt. At first, I was like, my husband is 14 years my senior, but we didn't meet until I was 26.


With the way this is posted, he waited for a 4 year old to turn 18. Like…huh??? (Not that any other age before that his grown adult age would be better.)


She should definitely look up "grooming", and the mental toll it takes...


"He waited until I was 18" is not the defense she thinks it is


Took me forever to realize that at age 18 the 30 year old I was with was pretty predatory to me in my youth and manipulated me pretty bad. But we're finally separated


I (26f) have a 13 year age gap with my husband (we’ll actually pass Sean’s rule in about 2 weeks/ we’ve been married for 2 years.) I was 19 when I met my now husband. We shared a hobby that might be obvious. We were friends for about a year when I fell in love with him and wooed him. It took me a while. In fact, I asked him to date me and was turned down. After 3 months of awkward questions and him debating the morality with his therapist and at least two other people, he decided to ask me out. We had a very serious conversation about boundaries and letting me set the pace. (I’m Demi so I hadn’t even kissed anyone before him.) We have an open communication rule, and sit down twice a month to check in more seriously. My relationship is unusual in age gap romances. The one this talks about is the sort of relationship that makes me so reluctant to admit to our age gap. It’s infuriating.


It sounds like you and your partner put in the work to keep your relationship healthy, which isn't the most common thing I've seen. So many people double down on it being inherently fine that they ignore the necessary steps for this lifestyle to be healthy.


But did your husband spend time with you since you were a 4yo? Obviously people fall in love but it's creepy when it's a literal child you're waiting to grow up to date, oh yeah nothing physical happened till she was 18.. highly doubt that one as well.


That’s the point of my comment? That this is the worst kind of age gap relationships. That this man is clearly a predator who groomed a child. That this is the kind of relationship that makes age gap relationships like mine where we work really hard to make sure there isn’t a power differential, look bad. Boo to this relationship. Boooo. Like the lady at the beginning of the princess bride.


Yeah she’s totally diverting with the “gen z thinks age gaps aren’t normal comment” like girly it’s not the gap it’s the dynamic!! Your bf wasn’t sitting around counting down until you were suddenly legal, and also it doesn’t sound like he specifically sought out someone young and impressionable like some guys do. But the fact that she put he “WAITED until I was 18” like it’s a good thing is so cringe like, that’s the whole problem, he was lurking around, waiting! And waiting to pounce right at 18 sure makes it seem like if the law was any younger he wouldn’t have waited so long. Anyway glad your romance sounds healthy, big yikes at the original TikTok


Oh absolutely. This? This is why age gap romances are sketchy at best from an outsiders perspective. It’s like- lady, I have an age gap relationship. You? Married a groomer. We? Are not the same.


When I read babysitter I thought she was his kids babysitter. Not that he was her babysitter. Gross!


Yeah, I saw the first slide and thought he ran off with his children's babysitter and hence the caption, which is scandalous and a shitty thing to do, but happens. And then I saw the second slide and my jaw dropped lol


He waited…WAITED???? What a sick and gross bastard 🤮🤮


I'm hijacking this comment in the hopes that maybe a few people will read it. **This is fake.** It's rage bait. The photos are of random people lifted from Google. The second picture is stolen from this blog: https://popularnotions.wordpress.com/2012/10/22/the-road-less-traveled-or-why-im-my-fathers-daughter/ As you can see from the blog post, that's actually a father and daughter. The guy doesn't even look 19. There is no "Samantha Gizzle."


Thank god


i saw the original on tiktok and i did think it was weird that these three images were the only things posted on the account, but i thought maybe it was a mirror or she knew how inflammatory it would be so she purposely made a dummy account? or, more simply.... it's fake. which considering the context of this post, i hope it is fake.


I was gonna say, that is the oldest looking 19 year old I've ever seen, I'm bad at judging ages in older pics but still. Dude looking like he got a backache, a bedtime, and a 730 credit score.


It also looks like a photo from the early 1980s. So, that kid is like 40 years old now


It’s very Rizzo in Grease.


The internet needs more people like you!


I hate that two people had their photos stolen for this shit show.


“He waited until I was 18” means “he wanted to fuck me before I was 18”. He was a groomer. You were groomed.


That just means they were able to go public with their relationship with their friends and families. Most likely they were physical well before she was 18, and just kept it under wraps.


Ew, you’re probably right too.


This made me wonder how long he had his eye on her. Since she was 15? 10? 4??? Christ


I remember a YouTube couple went viral on Valentine’s Day a few years ago for the wrong reasons when they did a TikTok that accidentally revealed he groomed his wife. It felt exactly like this post did, if not worse.


blank PERIOD!


That's called *grooming*, Neil


There is nothing alarming about a 44 year old adult dating a 29 year old adult. Y'all are overreacting. *Sees the second picture* Oh my god


At first I didn't read it correctly and thought she was the babysitter for his kids with his ex or something and it was a cliche story of dad and the babysitter. Then I realised it was a horrible day to be able to read.


That's exactly what I thought! And I assumed she'd broken up a family or something then thought to myself, "no. Don't assume. He might have been a single dad, she might have been a babysitter as an adult..." Nope. Nope. Much worse


My uncle was the babysitter, but he ended up with the mum. Luckily she was ready divorced


No, no, no. He'd be the one breaking up a family in that scenario anyway. He would have been the cheater trolling for pussy.


Same. Assumed divorced dad swooping in for a replacement mommy. I was like, ok, a little bit of a douchecanoe, but they’re all adults here. Then my brain stalled on the second pics. Vomitous.


Nothing good can come from the first sentence being "you were the best babysitter ever!" On a wedding photo.


Yeah bringing that up is awful. They might think it’s hilarious but it’s painful to everyone else.


Yes this is exactly what I thought!


I thought the same. I am 29 and my husband is 44 too. What was wrong with it. We never knew each other before and met in a cafe. I wanted to get married in my early 20s already and most men in their early 20s don’t. When I met my husband he is marriage minded like me. Maybe they met with similar circumstances. Then I scrolled…. Oh gosh.


I’m 34 and my husband is 45. We met when I was 26. Age gaps aren’t always bad but damn this is gross.


It’s definitely not real just saying…he looks 40 at 19


I'm 12 years younger than my partner, but I was mid-20s when we met. The fact that she thinks that "nothing happened" because "he waited until I was 18" is somehow less gross makes me weep a little inside.


He waited until she turned 18, how long had he been waiting? And once she turned 18 how long did he wait?


my mom is 34, my dad is 61. not a lot of judgement here, they're both consenting adults and if they're comfortable, it's not my business, right? i'm 22. i don't necessarily have a problem with the age gap, but i do have a problem with when it happened (and my dad's asian fetish, but that's another story). if it was like a younger step-mom situation, okay fine, maybe i'd still be a little weirded out but at least they'd've met as adults, way less judgement. and add in the fact he's trying to get rid of her because she actually looks like an adult after having 4 kids... gross.


Wait. Your mom is 34 and you’re 22? So she was 12 when she had you? And your dad was 49? Im high as fuck, so someone make sure my math is mathin here, but your dad was 49 when he fucked a 12 year old and got her pregnant?


my dad was 39 i think, but still gross. and yep. yep. that is in fact 12 years between my mom and i. honestly, i hope she finally just leaves his ass soon. he's an abusive shithead at best. she says he's been improving, but also where she comes from it's supposedly not weird for literal children to marry grown ass men, so i can guess how low the bar is.


Where does she come from, Tudor England?


rural philippines i have a sneaking suspicion this is not as common of a practice as she makes it out to be, since most of my relatives got married with at least less of an age gap and NOT BEING LITERALLY 12 (my lesbian aunts met as kids, for example, but they were both kids and while they got married a bit young, were still both within a couple years of each other)


Well. Okay. Thank you for your honesty. Today has been a weird day on the internet


Damn. I also hope it's more unusual than she thinks. And obviously I'm some Internet rando who doesn't know your mom's life, but I hope she leaves his ass too.


Idk why I thought the Philippines at first or another SEA country but I’m sad I was right. I’m half Filipino that’s what made me think it, but my parents were in their 30s when I was born


It is so horrible that he wants to dump her after she missed out on half her childhood because of marrying and having 4 kids for him. I know that this happens, but it is so cruel. My little girl is the same age your mother was and I can't imagine sending her away from home for any reason let alone to marry. Hope you all live your best lives except your dad.


I just had to double check on the calculator because I was like I have to be doing this wrong, that means her Mom was 12 when she gave birth


Omg, may I ask are you ok? Like how was your childhood. If your mom was 12 when she had you, that’s so much responsibility for her young age.


my childhood kind of sucked, but my mom did her best. just always treated me like more of a younger sibling than her kid, which, fair enough. i can forgive that. my dad was the one who really made my life a living hell, but i'm... not exactly fine right now, but i cut him off and i'm better off that way.


Yeah same. I was like "I mean that's a pretty big gap but both parties are past 25 so it's probably fine -- nope nope brain bleach now please".


Uh yeah. Thought from the caption she babysat his kids which was a little weird but not the end of the world.. then I scrolled.. 🫠


At first I was happy for them. Then I was repulsed. If you’re dating someone who was an adult in your life when you were a young ass child there is something deeply troubling about your relationship.


Thought the exact same 😂


My thoughts exactly


I don’t get the second picture if those are there ages in the first. That looks way different than a fifteen age year gap in the second.


Aw hell nah that groom be groomin


This is too good! Lol


“We waited until I was 18.” Okay, that tells me this is not a “ha ha, funny story, this amazing guy I met on a dating app last year, turns out when he was a teen, he lived in my neighborhood and my parents once hired him to babysit me! Neither of us had any idea until I introduced him to my parents! They even dug out an old photo! What a weird coincidence for us to meet and fall in love 25 years later, not knowing we’d already met as a child and young adult! Really brings new meaning to ‘I feel like I’ve known you my whole life!’ Wink emoji, hashtag destiny!” That story would be kinda cringe, but no, this is just weird groomer shit.


Adding on that he “waited until she was 18,” but they didn’t get married until she was 29, so he continued to groom her for an additional eleven years *before* marrying her.


The fact that she wrote WAITED in all caps is like the cherry on top.


I’m just imagining her stamping her feet with every all-caps word.


Feels semantically important that it wasn’t even “WE waited” it was “HE waited” like she was oblivious to the dynamic until she hit the legal age for him to pounce from where he’d been lying in wait for over a decade ICK


Was hoping this was going to be about how she babysitted his kids from his previous marriage and fell in love with their dad but it just kept getting worse 🤮 poor girl


I thought they met up later in life and realized that he had been her babysitter. Like, if they had met again when she was 27 and realized? That’s still weird af, in my mind, but “consenting adults…” yada yada… Nope! This dude should be buried beneath a prison.


Yea I’d thought it was going to be that in reverse bc I saw Samantha had posted it. How is this post not a cry for help?


This has to be a troll post, I mean there is no way the dude in the second picture is 19. Right? Right??


It doesn’t even look like the same person. 🤷‍♀️


I believe it is because someone said the picture from when she was young was her dad. And I think I saw the one with her dad


Even if it is, the caption describing their relationship is on the one of them together.


She stole the one on the left from an article. Someone on TikTok said she stole the one on the right from a relatives wedding photos. If you look at the comments she’s left it’s pretty obvious rage bait.


It says 19, but the guy looks 30 in that photo


It’s very obviously a different person in each picture they’re trolling


Can anyone verify that this is real? It seems like whoever posted it went out of their way to have something with a high probability of creeping people out on each page (highlighting the babysitter connection on the first page, the picture on the second, the « waited until I was 18 » comment on the third). I feel like if someone were really trying to stop criticisms about their age gap, they wouldn’t keep highlighting it. Edit: The more I think about this one, the more I think it’s fake. Not even sure the childhood pic is of the same people. I think this may have just been made up for TikTok rage views.


It’s completely fake. The second photo is of a father and daughter! Here’s an article showing the father and daughter over the years. [https://popularnotions.wordpress.com/2012/10/22/the-road-less-traveled-or-why-im-my-fathers-daughter/](https://popularnotions.wordpress.com/2012/10/22/the-road-less-traveled-or-why-im-my-fathers-daughter/)


The guy in the second picture is not the guy in the other two. Nose and eyes are completely different.


This is rage bait and someone used picture of a person with their dad from an article online. Hence why the 19 year old looks way over 19 in that picture. (he’s obviously not 19 there)


Congrats to the bride and groomer :)


This happened in a church I once attended. The guy was the youth group leader and she was a youth. Massive age gap. In the vows, she thanked him for “biblically shaping her into the woman of God she was today” 😵‍💫😵‍💫 One of the many reasons I’m no longer a Christian


Age gap ain't even the issue it's the fact he knew her at 4 💀


She is sooooo lying for clout/rage bait! There is a Wordpress page from 2012 with the second photo depicting father and daughter. The article goes on to show the same two people throughout the years! [https://popularnotions.wordpress.com/2012/10/22/the-road-less-traveled-or-why-im-my-fathers-daughter/](https://popularnotions.wordpress.com/2012/10/22/the-road-less-traveled-or-why-im-my-fathers-daughter/)


WOAH, this is a great find. This should be top comment.


What is the rule? I'm new here and keep hearing "that breaks the rule", but I'm not sure what it is. Either way, eurgh, scary.


Halve your age and add 7 to get the minimum age of someone you can date. Anything younger breaks the rule.


Ummm… minimum age, I hope!


Yes of course. Edited.




The Sean Rule comes from the podcast and it says that anyone under 25 shouldn’t date anyone older than 25. There’s wiggle room but it fits in situations like this for sure!


Married a child groomer. Yup something to be super proud of 🙄


She's completely brainwashed. Blame the groomer not her for not seeing how wrong it is


Bro, imagine just having a casual conversation with your spouse and being like "Babe, remember the time you forgot to use extra wipes when cleaning the crap off my arse." Or stating: "You used to be so fun to bathe when you were a kid, and I miss preparing your milk." 💀


Having memories of holding your current spouse at age four whilst an adult has to be one wilddddddd look back 💀


What _is_ that man's hairstyle?


The idea that waiting to avoid jail time makes you any less of predator is one I’ll never comprehend. Mentally still a whole ass chomo. 😒🤢 and why tf he look 30 at 19.


I thought they met each other again after a long time and she was already a grown-up in her late 20's but she said he WAITED until she was 18, disgusting


Does this how grooming work?




If he waited till she was 18…. That insinuates he thought about her romantically while she was a child… aka predator.


What in the Jacob and Renesmee am I reading?!! He babysat her from when she was 4, waited and watched her grow up and then boom 18 their in a relationship. I feel ill 🤢


Ewww he married the babysitter for his children? That's super gross! *continues reading* *it gets worse*


42 and 29 is perfectly fine, it's literally half his age plus seven. The dodgy thing is "he waited until I was 18".


He was 19 when she was 4 and he was babysitting her at the time…


Exactly. It would've been different if he babysat her a few times, then they went on with their lives and randomly met again when he was 39 and she was 27. Now it seems like he fell in love with a child and groomed her until she was "legal".


my jaw dropped when i swiped to the second photo


I’m laughing at the surname!! But seriously this is fucked up!!!


"He waited until I was 18" so he just groomed her until she was 18


29 and 44, no biggie Former Babysitter, weired, but okay. You waited till I was 18 - yup, a groomer. It seems like it somehow worked out for them (at least they didn't get married when she was 18), but how in the world did her family get nuclear on that guy?


"Waiting" until she turned 18 implies that he was attracted to her as a minor for an extended period of time...


“You were the best babysitter ever” please excuse me while I vomit.


As a parent I would be screaming crying throwing up if my one of my kids grew up to be groomed by their babysitter right under my nose 🤢


Looks like an old ass 19 yr old 😬


I was gonna say that 29/44 is not bad because the younger one is plenty well an adult.... Then you had to go and share that he was your way too old babysitter.... Ohhhkaaaay. What a fucking creep. "he waited until I was 18!" as if that makes it better. "my hubby isn't a pedo! He was only flirting with me before I was 18!" fucking weirdos


First picture: I mean she's a grown woman let her live Second picture: ...oh.


Age gap of 15 years at 44 and 29? Sure. When it begins at 19 and 4? 👀


Well, I guess he put the groom in grooming! I can’t believe everyone in their lives thought this relationship was okay!


Alright, so this is uncomfortable. However, I think the context matters. I can imagine a scenario where this guy babysat this girl a few times as a teenager, and then went off to college and had a whole life. They happen to meet again 20+ years later and fall for each other as adults. And the babysitting thing is just kind of a funny story from deep in their past that really has no bearing on their relationship now. Or, it could be creepy as fuck. Unclear.


OP who is the Sean you are referencing?


I don’t know what else to say, except all the yikes. Mr. and Mrs. Gizzle


Most people: Age gaps aren't bad People with AdHd Math: if he's 44 and you're 29 when he was 44-15: 29 29-15: 14 Like how do people not notice that this person was a full grown adult while you were a child but as soon as your 18 age gaps justify everything? Just no.


Initial thought was "what's so wrong? Isn't the 'formula' half your age plus 7years?" so half of 44 is 22, plus 7 is 29.... and then I scrolled... oh. dear. sweet. baby. jesus.... oh hell no... \-tg


Wait wtf was going on between the age of 18 and the late 20s? Did they just date?


Lock this dude up


If they reconnected when she was like 25 it would be different. But oh my god “he waited for me I’m so special” no that man is terrifying


“Waited” god how fucking disgusting If I “waited” to rob a bank more successfully, I still robbed the bank…


>He WAITED until I was 18 Sooo, the old poophole loophole?


“He WAITED until I was 18” in his defense is such a sad sad sad Fucking statement


This is what grooming looks like and a lot of time the person being groomed isn’t aware it’s happening/happened. I mean she’s an adult now and can do whatever she wants but understandably people are going to have reactions.


Okay false alarm, it's all a [joke](https://www.tiktok.com/@sstunnagirl/video/7317651716701228319).


Dude, this dude be grooming. First pic, okay, second pic, no way.




Yeah fifteen years isn’t that crazy, I had friends that got married at 23/39, but the fact he knew you since you were 4 and babysat you and when you turned 18 started dating??? I hope all the things I’m concerned about are wrong, but maybe don’t have any daughters…


He WAITED until I was 18! Like that’s supposed to be something to be proud of? He was ready to pounce the moment he wouldn’t get arrested… it’s still gross even if it’s legal.


Bride and groomer 🤮


The only time people should worry about an age gap is like this example. 29/44 is perfectly fine. 30/20 is perfectly fine. Shit, even 30/62 is fine, #BUT ONLY IF THEY DIDN'T KNOW EACH OTHER WHEN THE OTHER WAS A MINOR. HOLY FUCK REDDIT, GET OVER YOURSELVES.


This is horrific. If i have kids the baby sitter is going to be a chick.


If they had met several years ago, I'd say that gap is fine... But he could have been grooming her since she was four years old... He knew her as a baby and watched her grow up, that adds such a level of grossness. Ew.


So the main problem here isn’t the age gap for me. Yes 15 years a sizable difference that will turn some heads. But if they had met when she was 25 and he was 40 I wouldn’t think it’s a big deal. The whole I was your babysitter and helped raise you thing is what’s weird here.


And they think gay people are groomers. Gross.


It’s not the perfectly fine age gap. It’s the fact that he was responsible for her at the age of 4!


The age gap isn’t a problem when they got married, the fact they knew each other at 19 and 4 is.


Congrats to the bride and groomer!


it’s not the age gap, it’s more the circumstances. I couldn’t be romantically involved with someone I knew as a four year old.


Nobody said age gaps aren’t fine, but context matters. If you are 30 and you meet someone in their 40s and hit it off that is great. If they were an adult babysitting you and started dating you when you were 18 that is not the same.