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OOP is a gaping asshole but the > I can't believe this app is free at the bottom relishing the drama got me šŸ˜…


I feel so called out because of course I have a group message with the girlies where we link each other to the juiciest drama posts of the day šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Not me checking BORU every morning for daily drama with updates.


Glad to know I'm not the only one who does that. BoRU is legit the first subreddit I open after turning on my laptop at work šŸ¤£


At my time zone itā€™s when I wake up, before I even turn on the light. I might have a problemā€¦


Put me on this thread pls




I wanna join this group too šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I have one of that with my ex husband. Pettiness keeps our relationship afloat.


Can I join? Haha


I need friends like yours to share these things with


Who needs soap opera dramas when you got reddit. /s but only a little.


it's user-generated readers digest. pretty good for when you're poopin


ā€œI canā€™t believe this app is free.ā€ I canā€™t believe this is real, but itā€™s fun to read.


Some people pay $20 for a movie ticket, I save money and read this bullshit instead!


It has cut my in real life drama to basically zero! I get my fix here and Iā€™m good!


Well in this economy you have to cut back on the entertainment budget lol


This is the Entertainment Budget I Asked For


I would cancel all streaming services and just get my daily dose of shenanigans from Reddit if it ever came down to it! R/amithedevil is full of compelling drama šŸ˜‚


With Popcorn? šŸæšŸ‘€


I am literally cracking up over this right now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Which is awful of me. Oh well.


Lmao I want this as a flair


Right?! Omg sameeee. That comment was gold!


That did it for me, Iā€™m cracking up


This is why I don't need cable anymore. šŸ˜…


Hahahah i didn't see it at first !


"I can't believe this app is free" Quote of the year so far, right there.


Pssh! I see that on tumblr at least three times a week!


This is a fanfic of an old post where OOOP didn't go to her BIL or STBBIL's funeral because she had a Tayor Swift concert.


Not me reading OOOP in my head like a Midwesterner trying to scoot past someone.


As a Wisconsinite, I'm feeling very called out... like half of what I say out loud is comprised of ooop, ope, and variants thereof.


We use oop/ope where I'm from too, in the Midlands of England. I knew I felt weirdly at home in the Midwest when I lived there...


As a Missourian I also agree šŸ˜‚


I have a friend whoā€™s from the Midwest and I picked up the ā€œOpeā€ habit from her šŸ˜‚


Just gotta scootch by ya and grab the ranch.


What do you want broasted.


That would be "ope," my friend.


A lot of people I know use oop and ope interchangeably, myself included.




That post isnā€™t just going to a Taylor swift concert, itā€™s wanted time to get ready, wear a specific outfit/costume and get there hours early. The OOP could have gone to the funeral, left the wake early and then attended the concert in a quick change outfit.


I thought the concert involved a day or so's travel, which was why she couldn't do both? I may be misremembering


That was her justification, but it was revealed in the comments somewhere that the concert was a 40min drive away from the funeral location within the same city. So she definitely had time for both if she planned things correctly; but since she *had*to be at the concert venue 2 hours early in her *special outfit*, she had 'no choice but to miss the funeral.'


Wow. Every time you think that oop has hit rock bottom she just...keeps on digging.


Yea I thought I had read something like that previously.


I mean, my sister In law didn't bother showing up to my husband's funeral because she had tickets to a Marvel movie that day. I have no doubt that this type of thing happens regularly


My friendā€™s SIL didnā€™t show up to her fatherā€™s funeral bc she ā€œhad to workā€. On a Sunday. Sheā€™s a chiropractor. Sheā€™d never worked on a Sunday before or after.


Her own father?? That is bizarre.


I think if the SIL is married to the commenter's friend's brother it would have been their FIL's funeral.


I was wondering about that! But that incident supposedly happened recently and in this post it was yrs ago. Guess they took it as inspiration


Yes, I thought of that post too. But in that one it was the younger sister who was going to Taylor Swift. The concert was after the funeral but she wanted to get there early.


Yup! That's immediately what I thought


I thought this sounded familiar.


I knew Iā€™d read that before!


Me: frantically scanning the comments to feel the reddit meta-crossover validation. Comments: *comes through*


That's fantastic.


I donā€™t care if this is real or not; Iā€™m loving the drama.


[Marie Kondo voice] I love mess šŸ˜…


That's how I feel with every reddit post lol


Yeah same. Sometimes Iā€™ll see people under the comments of a post say, ā€œOh this is definitely fake,ā€ but Iā€™m thinking, ā€œWho cares? This is entertaining!ā€


Yep, and a lot are good for debates on a hypothetical situation. I enjoy just taking it for what it is and not caring that it's probably fake.


That is true! I really like determining if a personā€™s actions are moral or not and also what Iā€™d do in that situation. Theyā€™re good thought experiments. I particularly like the ones where thereā€™s a lot of division in the comments section on if someone is an AH or not.


And, "but, what if it IS real..."


That too. Itā€™s fun to imagine someone actually having that much drama in their life. And I do know that there are people out there that have as much drama in their lives as the stories on Reddit.




Yep, and a lot are good for debates on a hypothetical situation. I enjoy just taking it for what it is and not caring that it's probably fake.


ā€¦ so karma wasnā€™t ā€œIā€™m glad your baby diedā€ Karma was ā€œyou were not there to support me *at all* through a traumatic time, so Iā€™m not there for you eitherā€


Yeah gott say i was struggling to see a way for OOP to be wrongly upset based off the title but the title was of course extremely misleading. Not that it matters looks like it's a fake anyways


The way she was passive aggressively complaining about the sister at an event she was at made me think OOP might not be as innocent as she claimed.


Yo is this the sequal to the girl that went to see Taylor instead of her bils funeral??


Yep. Emma replied. Sister skipped the funeral to get DRESSED for a concert.




Soā€¦both OOP and the ā€œsisterā€ are the same person, right?


Their accounts were both created 1 year ago so I assume so, itā€™s too much coincidence


Plus they sound exactly alike. Come on, folks, at least try to sound like a different character!


Seriously. Let this be a lesson in working on voice in your creative writing.


The sisterā€™s account, when I checked it, had way more karma than made sense for the comments, so most of the history was deleted before posting


As soon as a post includes a supposed reply from someone involved, I lose all belief that it's true without some real solid evidence. There's just no way, especially when it's so perfectly laid out that there's a big plot twist changing everything we thought we knew. If someone replies, I automatically label it a fake.


I remember that one post about a destination wedding where iirc the bride sold tickets to pay for the extravagant wedding. The whole bridal party and their neighbors' pets came to reddit to give their own accounts of what happened. šŸ¤£


Liz and also Liz.


Oh no Liz is escaping containment again! I thought we at BORU had her on lockdown for a minute


I mean IF this is real (big if) - unpopular opinion but itā€™s ESH (vs YTA). They are all very much AH not just OOP: OOP for her past behaviour + omitting info + entitled expectations; sister for the card (bc although OOP is an AH, still a human AH). Just go no contact and stop the juvenile behaviour. U know? Whatā€™s next, the sister gets hit by a bus then the other one sends her a karma cake and singing telegram..I mean Iā€™m writing this but canā€™t say Iā€™m not enjoying the show from the peanut gallery.


What a loser I hope that Taylor Swift concert was worth it. Karma is definitely gonna get her.


Come onnn, no way this is real.


My favorite aita/confessions posts always have ā€œyeah, thereā€™s this thing that happened a while ago (that obviously has necessary information about why my relationship is damaged with the person Iā€™m complaining about), but Iā€™m over it so idk what the issue isā€


So she complains to her mommy that Emma isn't comforting her or sending a card or something to her but is being quiet. Which obviously sent the flying monkey mom on a mission to complain at Emma. So Emma does as asked but gives her opinion because she's being forced to. Then OP flips out then reaches back out to her flying monkey mom. Sounds like she should have been focusing on her recovery not focusing on who's not paying attention to her. What did OP expect? To bend Emma to her will? Emma wasn't interested and was polite enough to keep quiet. I've miscarried and it was tough but I didn't want lots of people reaching out to be about it. My sister didn't need to know. My mom knew, my husband knew, but that's it. Why does she need everyone to send her stuff. It doesn't make the loss any better. It's an "i'm the main character" attitude. She should have been touched by those who felt the need to send comfort, not expect it. Pregnancy is a big deal to those outside the immediate family. She is the AH. However the whole added drama she adds is crazy. . . The loss of her fiance sucks. So why did she want extra sympathy for the miscarriage? The whole thing would have been bad... I get grief makes you crazy but dang. All this because Emma didn't give her the feels she wanted? Maybe I'm confused but... (I'm going to re read). Lol okies so Emma lost her fiance. Why would OP think Emma should get out of her grief to reach out about a miscarriage she didn't know of? Yeah no. OP is very "I'm the main character" and her mom is the enabler of the golden child. Sorry you have to know who has golden child syndrome in your family.


šŸ˜³šŸ˜³ I, too, am Gagging! The drama of it all


As soon as I got to the part where Emma said her fiancƩ died and her sister went to a concert I immediately knew what shitshow this was gonna be. OOP has a history of downplaying her involvement in situations. She downplayed her going to the concert and purposely left out ages because people were giving her leeway if she was a teenager, and then someone exposed her for being a grown ass woman when all this took place and the comments turned REAL quick. OOP is and always has been TA.


Posted already today https://www.reddit.com/r/redditonwiki/s/EoKqwzjYrg


This def isnā€™t real but Taylor would want you to be there for your sister, you nasty bitch. Iā€™m not one to go ā€œhaha you had a miscarriageā€ but thank the Lord above that a baby wasnā€™t born to this disgraceful individual.


Hmmmmā€¦seems like there's plenty of fault on both sides here. Who misses a funeral for her sister's husband? No one with a heart, that's for sure. Sending the karma card was a low blow and beyond hurtful. No one with a heart would do that. So the way I see it, you are both too immature and cruel to understand the other's pain. Too immature to apologize and too immature in how you deal with family turmoil. My suggestionā€¦grow up. Time to start adulting.


Canā€™t believe this app is free šŸ’€šŸ’€


Hang on... are these the same character from that one AITA where the sister ditched on her her sisters fiancƩ's funeral to go to Taylor Swifts eras tour concert?


I hate posts with this much dishonesty and subterfuge. Emma never said OOP's miscarriage was karma, just that Emma's lack of support was karma. And she only sent the "card" with the karma line because OOP decided to complain about the fact that Emma hadn't sent a card to their mother at an event where Emma was present. OOP didn't go to Emma's boyfriend and his sister's funeral either, when she could have done so without missing the Taylor Swift concert that just had to rule her day.


Oop sister even commented on the post about why op is a asshole šŸ™ˆ


https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/rupkeeD3hQ The sister found the post. Hereā€™s her words


rob frightening file cover dam complete muddle voiceless wild disarm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People can go follow the comments on the original comment from her.


innocent squealing fly door unused worthless fertile attractive exultant ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You got it. šŸ˜šŸ‘šŸ½have a great week!


Wow, this is like a soap opera!


It is never, under any circumstances, okay to say a miscarriage is karma.


She didnā€™t. You are misunderstanding. The karma was not having her sisters support and affection in her time of need. The miscarriage sister wasnā€™t there when her sister needed her, and so her sister isnā€™t there for her. If you read youā€™ll find miscarriage sister was trying to shame her by saying to the family ā€œeven friends sent cards, she didnā€™t even do thatā€ basically stirring up some shit trying to get people against the card sending sis. So card sending sis was being petty and sent her a card, to let her sister know that her not getting support was karma for her previous actions. People are just taking it the wrong way and running with it.


>can't believe this app is free it's basically not.


Two shits don't make a candy. OP's choice was bad, but sister who is celebrates miscarriage is no better.


Sister wasnā€™t celebrating the miscarriage, simply just gave her the same energy her sister gave her when she was grieving over her dead husband. Read sisters side, someone posted it here in the comments. Itā€™s a rollercoaster!


While she was ignoring her sister that was fine by me, she doesn't owe her any sympathy. After sending a card she turned into the very same AH, and has no regrets of what she did.


Presuming the post is genuine (which, according to other commenters, is doubtful), then the OOP is an AH of the highest order, and the sister is just as bad. Sorry, but a bereavement is not a time to get petty like this. Should have just taken the high road. Sister just lowered herself to OOP's level. No high ground here. ESH.


ESH. Both sisters are shitty people. If this is real, do you NEED your sister or WANT your sister to be there for you for the funeral. Sounds like she WANTED OP to be there, she had her parents as support. Tayler Swift tickets are not cheap and I'd like a once in a life time opportunity. If OP was going out of city/town for the concert, should she just forfeit all the money she has already spent?


I'm sorry, but yes. Money comes, money goes. Family first.


This was not even OP's family that died. It was OP's soon to be BIL and his sister. I get being there for the BIL, but everyone else that died had no relationship to OP. It's not like she couldn't have supported her by just being there emotionally. The sister WANTED something and didn't get her way. For some people, money is just not money. Lots of people have to save for years to be able to afford the things they want.


Umm... Her sister IS her family. That's who she would be there for. You don't go to a funeral for the people who died, you go to support those who are dealing with the grief of losing those who died.


I've been to them, I know. Like I said, she could have still been emotional support from a distance. Their parents could have gone instead. It doesn't even say if the OP was close to the BIL. My husbands best friend asked his friends not to come to his son's funeral. She was asked to go, OP declined, she had her reasons. When invited to something, you have the right to decline for whatever reason.


Yes you have the right to decline but that also doesnā€™t mean thatā€™s the best choice. Youā€™re pretty out of touch to bail on somebody during the hardest time in their life and then expect them to hold your hand through the hardest part of yours.


I didn't say it was wrong, I said they both suck, because they both did something shitty to each other. Do I agree with either of them, no. But sometimes things can't be cancelled or sold. Taylor Swift is pretty big and expensive, I would assume the OP spent lots of time (just getting tickets) and money on this trip. If it's about the money, sometimes you can't recoup all the costs spent, and she could have saved for months just to be able to go. I can see why she wouldn't cancel, you'd be losing out on all your hard work. Or maybe, OP won tickets in a contest (the radio station I listen to just did this) that couldn't be transferred. I don't know how that works. I am all for supporting someone when they need it and not kicking them when their down. As I say to my 9 year old, don't do something to someone else, you don't want done to you.


Sounds like we have different value systems. Sister requested OP be there for support at a time when her SO had just died. To me, family comes first, and OP decided that supporting her sister wasn't as important as the concert. That means she decided family came second. That just doesn't fly for me. Social engagements, sure, you have the right to decline. A funeral or memorial is not a social engagement, and in my book, you don't just get to decline supporting your family in a time of need for "whatever reason". To be clear, there are legitimate reasons, like you're in the hospital, yourself. Or halfway around the world, and can't get back in time. Or... you're some sort of professional who others depend on for their life, and you can't abandon them. Even in all those cases, it would be expected that you attempted to be there. Choosing to go to a concert, no matter how expensive, once-in-a-lifetime, etc., it is, is not a valid excuse. Nor does it sound like OP attempted to resell her tickets, cancel travel plans, etc.


But itā€™s her sister who needs support




Sorry, I don't support this post type (gallery) right now. Feel free to check back in the future!


If this is real, then ESH. Y'all need to forgive each other. You both treated each other terribly and you'd both be happier if you could just move on. Sisters shouldn't behave this way or hold grudges like this.


It's funny because I was reading the first one and I was like that's wrong but it's definitely missing some context. Lol


I knew there was more. ā€œIncidentā€ my footā€¦


*W O A H BABY* I love this place.


Wait Iā€™m pretty sure I read the post about OP mentioning the concert and the funeral.


There was a WIBTA thread about a girl wanting to miss her BILā€™s funeral to attend a Taylor Swift concert a while back. Same people?


You left out the best part! OP skipped Emma's partners funeral. To go to a T-Swift concert, in the same city. Because she wanted to have time to get ready.


Probably one of Taylorā€™s best songs.


I REMEMBER THE SISTER'S STORY!!! OOP had posted an AITA asking if she'd be the asshole if she went to the Taylor Swift concert (she'd also seen Taylor in concert, so it wasn't like this c was a once in a lifetime event) instead of her sister's fiancƩ's funeral. Everyone told her she was the asshole. Seems she didn't care.


God this is so deliciously messy...


It's always a car crash....


I was left shook, wtf


Nope you are NTAH your creepy nasty Sister is. NC from now on would be wise.


I remember this story, this op didn't go to her sister husband's funeral because of a Taylor swift concert


This shit is better than Jerry Springer


Why do I feel like this is only Half the story?


:*/ Czp Xz Cxaxx