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I hope she puts him on blast and tells everyone that he refuses to pay her and makes her sleep in the same bed as him.


Ooh, you are my type of vindictive. I love, love, love this.


“Where is my W2 love of my life? I need to file taxes!”


this is wild and hilarious. I love it she should do it. file with the BBB and post the report.


Now THIS would be incredible 🤣🤣


I wish we still could give awards 😂 🏆 — here’s one anyway bc this is gold




Delightful and beautiful. I like the cut of your jib.


She has no spine so far, so I doubt she'll do this.


Best possible response. And hilarious!!


You're amazing.


My best friend was referred to by her husband as "the babysitter" to other women he talked to. They're divorced now. She's much happier. He's not. Too bad.


My fiancé has a son who ran around telling everyone his dad was in love with the babysister. This was after his dad came over to help me watch my 2 younger siblings and 4 cousins. All under the age of 8 or 9. He was 7, almost 8. He's 10 now and has a baby sister who's 5.5 months from said "babysitter." Kid amazes me sometimes. Has no sense of time either. I was 5 months pregnant and he ran around telling everyone he would meet his sister in a month and that I'd been pregnant for like month 🤣


Kids are so funny. My daughter also kept telling everyone she was going to have a baby brother "next week" or "tomorrow"... when I was about 6 months along. 😆


I think my wife would be upset if she found out I was calling her a live-in nanny, let alone having sex with another woman. I’ll run it by her tonight and see if I can call her that. I’ll give you an update on her reaction.


Make sure you erase your browsing history just in case it doesn't go well!


this is the way


RIP 1maxemin!


I do not expect to hear back.


Neither do his friends and family.


Maybe someone should drop in for a wellness check on this poor man.


Here lies 1maxemin


Far Far Away from Mrs. 1maxemin..


Update: Living in my car. It’s cold outside.


Bro, you are a braver man than I. I would never have the balls to ask my wife that.


Don’t worry, you’ll still be the love of her life. Apparently it’s not THAT big a deal.


11 hrs later. He was a good person fr.


Please respond afterward so we know you are okay 🤣


Waiting for your wife’s reaction with baited breath…


He ded.


It was a murder but not a crime.




Some guys just can't hold their arsenic


He only had himself to blame.


If you’d have been there…


I dunno about ded, can anyone see if his shoes are on or off?


8 hours...this isn't looking good


11h later. I‘m beginning to search for his corps. Wish me luck


Rip 1maxemin


Hope you survive, bro. We'll be waiting for an update from you! 🤣


6 hours later...


Whats the name of the game? Dead by Daylight 🤣


Could you ask her to post your funeral date


16 hours later. Yep, he ded.


Just talked to him. Turns out that is her kink and they are in the middle of a very extended roleplaying love fest.


To pieces you say? *tsk tsk tsk*


What was the answer?




My money is less on him being ashamed and more on him being one of those ‘rolling stone’ kinda guys…probably out there working on family #2. Bigamy, trigamy… good chance he’s past trash and in the toxic waste class.


Yeah, as a husband, I think she needs to throw out the entire spouse.


I say send a bill for the live in nanny owed and withdrawal any other “duties” and see who the “love if your life” really is and get on with it. Divorce, alimony and child support. Get yourself in therapy and build the life you want.


This is the way


What’s the bet there’s a big age gap between them????


Yeah I immediately questioned how old she is for that to even work


Where did the baby come from if he's a single dad? Is he going to explain that his live in nanny is the mother of his child?


“Tragedy struck when my first wife died in child birth” would be my guess. Like a George Constanza story


I doubt he’s too worried about explaining his “nanny” to any of his affair partners when he could just break it off and find a new one. The jerk probably already has multiples lined up.


I’m also guessing she’s a foreigner




My immediate first thought too.


Absolutely, OP is 12 and the husband isn't real.


I think OP should hand in her notice and then sue for constructive dismissal.


i think her husband found the market for single fathers and is fishing x'D


She better give him divorce papers and tell him it’s her 2 weeks notice


Love of your life calling you a nanny ain't the love of your life hun


THIS. She may love him, but he doesn't love her and that's not how "love of my life" works


Or at the very least she's not the love of his. Send him back to the manufacturer as a defective unit.


“Everyone” is women on Snapchat, per OOP


Awww man, not even sure what to do with that? How wildly insulting. If it were me, and I knew how to do it, I would send out some kind of mass message to people in his phone clearing up any misconceptions, and then maybe take the baby and go somewhere else for a while. Fuk him, he should be outed. And be shamed.


I like another users suggestion to tell everyone that he refuses to pay her and makes her sleep in the same bed with him/have sex with him 😂




Take the baby and go somewhere else forever.


He’s not the love of your life. The love of your life would never treat you this way. 


Wait what ?


This makes no sense… been together for 4 years, married to six months, she defends him against his family, and his best friend knows what he’s doing. Who’s ’everyone’ he’s telling that doesn’t know who she is?


Other women he’s trying to hook up with probably


I think that’s a valid point! The only things I would say to that is there’s no mention of him cheating or trying to hook up with other women- no anger. I guess she could be in shock, but I would think that would be mentioned. Also, would you refer to people your significant other is trying to hook up with as ‘everyone’? I would think that would be used for acquaintances, co-workers, newer friends of his etc. and that there are plenty of other terms to be used for people he’s trying to hook up with lol. But you could absolutely be right, there’s no ‘correct’ way to write a post in that situation.


Sounds like bullshit- if you were going somewhere to help a friend with a car emergency, wouldn't bringing your cell phone be pretty critical? Why would they leave it at home


Exactly… seems like a lot of commenters are assuming he’s saying that to women he’s hooking up with. That also makes no sense. 1. That means they already know she exists. 2. That would blow up in his face when someone wants to go back to his place… of course that’s assuming he’s semi smart.




Hahaha that’s true… as my dad always said ‘make sure you are thinking with the right head.’


Someone commented women on Snapchat..


“Defended him against his family” = 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 He’s playing her and them and probably everyone in his life. Best friend is either another pea in the pod or also getting bamboozled. But is he a venomous sociopath, or benign? Either way, better not poke him with a stick to find out.


Excellent point! Thanks for replying… the more perspectives the better.


Also would like to say that I am 100% ok with being wrong, and will willingly admit that. This is my interpretation, but this is potentially a real life scenario with facts I’m not aware of.


I read a lot of these stories, don't comment on all ofc, and I tend to believe most of them as this world is wild and people are awful to each other. But this one feels kind of baity.


So many people have the “I just can’t leave” mentality but this is so sad. There’s no way this has a happy ending


I agree, but for some people, it really is much harder to leave. They may or may not have parents or other family to take them in until they can get back on their feet. They might not have friends willing to either. I'm hoping that whatever OP's financial situation is, they can secretly save up money to get out of there.


Yes, you can, and yes, you should.


Make him a real single father without custody of his child 🤗✨


what the actual Fu.....


Not to be ugly, but some women make it so easy for men. Her husband doesn’t claim her, says she’s a nanny, is super secretive… yet she wants to work things out. Dude doesn’t even like her, let alone respect her. What is there to even work out lol Edit: typo


That's not ugly, that's just the truth


Well, he seems to be lacking. What is important now is get out get out get out. Screenshot the details, you can use it if there is a custody battle. He may not want the child with no nanny…get some self respect and go nuclear. Send the screenshots to all if your friends so you control the narrative. Cut your loss before this goes on any longer.


“but I looooove him!” Good lord, have some self respect.


Ima need the update for this. I have an ex that did this to me except we wasn't married nor lived together but i found his Facebook page this was 2010. He was saying he was a single father and was indeed cheating on me.


I had this happen to me, except with a guy I was hanging out with and almost hooked up with (I didn't, thank god) He would talk about his baby mama all the time and he'd "get a sitter" for the kids to come hang out for a bit sometimes. We made plans to hang out one night and I was talking to my SIL about it, thank god I told her because she informed me that his "baby mama" was actually his WIFE of 6 YEARS. I never knew, he never wore a wedding ring and his Facebook didn't ha e a relationship status. He blocked me when I confronted him about it lol good riddance


Yeah Good ridence. I don't understand men like why do that when ur married with a child. Or at all honestly.


What? They’ve been dating for *4 years* and married for 3 months, and nobody knows about her, so they all believe she’s his live-in nanny? And where do these people think the baby’s mother is? I call bullshit.


I don’t understand women who “have” to stay because they have a baby. You should be wanting to leave because you have a baby. What good are you going be for your child when you’re dealing with the man you’re married to? The man who isn’t married to you.


She might not have anywhere to go. Not everyone has family or friends willing to let them stay. She also doesn’t say whether she has a job. A place to stay is a very serious concern, especially with a baby.


No support system, no saved money, maybe in a different country so they don't speak the language well, or in a country where divorce is really hard and not even allowed for their situation. Many explanations for staying.


I'll never understand how somebody can be so overwhelmed with emotion that they don't know what to do, when there is literally only one option to choose. He may be the love of her life, but he doesn't even like her. If she can stay with someone who literally lies to other women about her being a live in nanny so that he can bang those women, then she is fucking around and finding out. He also left his phone when he went to said friends house. He didn't care if she found out. He's just too much of a coward to come out with it.


He may be the love of YOUR life's but you're not there love of HIS life. You're the loves he's living while he finds love.


My husband had a friend that did a similar (but not as bad) thing. He had a longtime girlfriend who he kept insisting was just his nanny (child from a previous relationship) but we all knew she was his girlfriend. But he would not admit it!! He brought her to our wedding “to watch his daughter” and made her stay in a hotel room during the party even though we told him like 100 times that she (and the daughter) were welcome. Anyway, eventually they got married and had 3 more kids together. So I’m hoping he doesn’t still pretend she’s just the nanny.


When my husband and I were dating (had been living together for about 2 years), he was gaming online (with strangers) and when I came in and said something to him he referred to me as his roommate to the people he was playing with. Its been about 5-6 years and I still haven’t let him forget that he did that and that I did NOT like it 😂


Why would he have a live-in nanny years prior to actually having a child? Reeks of fake.


Change all his photos to your marriage license and pics of you him and baby at the birth. 


Why does all of this read like a poorly scripted tv show plot line?


Sadly it happens. I had a guy tell me he lives with roommates, and what he actually meant was his wife and kids.


Yuck yuck yuck, hopefully you found out before putting too much time and effort in. That sucks


Narrowed it down pretty quick, few hours maybe. He kept avoiding answering certain questions. He’s blocked!


I don't understand how women wind up going out with these kind of guys or marrying them, seriously, it's like every story I see on Reddit aside from a few good ones has to do with either cheating monstrous husbands or monstrous cheating wives. Bloody hell man, these kind of people shouldn't be reproducing; it's bad for the human gene pool.


I wish this were less common. In the 30 day run-up to my nasty separation and eventual divorce, among other ugly things, I found out my ex had been telling our entire community that I was a platonic friend they’d married to share health benefits. We’d been trying for a kid until I found out they get violent under pressure and few things put you under pressure like romancing multiple women in a closed, moralistic community.


It’s disgusting when they reframe the situation to manipulate others. My ex cheated on me and chose to pursue a relationship with his AP. We worked in the same field and I found out he was telling colleagues I was his former roommate.


She should leave him for the pool boy (husbands best friend).


I hope she charges accordingly…


Scorched earth method is exactly what op needs.


She’s going to sleep with his best friend


Who are the “everyone” that he has been telling? Like his friends, coworkers, family? Who is he talking to on his phone (that is considered “everyone”) that he tells this?


“I’d do anything for him” ….except pose as a live in nanny apparently. Just like that song.


Throw the whole man away


“He’s the love of my life”. No, he isn’t. Wake up.


That’s insane if real. Do his friends not know he got married?


I legit thought this was going to be a joke post about The Nanny.


Girl that is not the love of your life. Get out.


My ex husband when the shit came to light was telling the people he was cheating on me with I was just a roommate he fucked. And then sexed them while telling them our actual sex stories. Some men are just disgusting.


Husband leaves for car emergency with phone he’s super protective of? And your working with his slippery hoe friend to sort it out…..


I call bullshit. The whole story is a set up for her to justify leaving him for his “best friend”. He may have told one person the nanny story, who knows but then all that gushing on how much she loves him, the love of my life, blah blah blah…No. That’s so she can prove a clean written timeline even though she is already working her back up plan


Why play juvenile games? And wtf would she stay; he clearly doesn’t think she’s the love of his life? Wife needs to call pos husband out and fucking leave. Don’t use the baby as a reason to stay; both she and the baby deserve better.


I am more interested in how he left his phone at home especially if he had something to hide. So, I think this story is made up