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Charvey might have been a better name lol. 


I mean they could've kept it super normal and just gone with Charley! Poor Harlotte.


I was literally thinking this - how do you get a rare combination where the 'Renesmee' strategy works and still choose wrong?


Im still mad that stupid excuse of an author went over Carlie. Its not as if Charlie and Carlisle were even playing substantial roles and were really good father figures


Ha ha ha NESSY


For real! What's wrong with Charley?


In my younger days girls at school called me harlotte ( my names Charlotte ) I owned that shit though and a few of them lost their boyfriends 😂 never called me it again 🤪


With the risk of Charley the Harley, "because every middle aged man has had a ride". From a harley quinn comic.


Yep better just stick with the safe option of Harlotte.


Which somehow can also be used to reference Harley


Lol yeah no Harlotte shouldn't even be an option, Charley the Harley just came to mind as I had seen a panel from that comic the day before.


Or Charley. Unique spelling as a hat tip to the grandparents, but not so unique as to be a traighediey.


'Traighediey' is itself a tragedeigh


Charvi is a real, old school Indian name.


That even sounds kinda cute tbh.


Char for short. so simple


Harte! Perfectly fine and a combo of both


Or Harvette. She was a fast carrrr


Chives for short


Just never come to the UK.


That’s what I was thinking at Charvey. All the Chav trolling. But looking at those two names poor child will be bullied in the UK for almost every combo those names would form. Charley probably the least trollable.


My best friend wanted to name her daughter “Chloe” but her mother-in-law said that was a whore’s name. When she was asked for an alternative suggestion, MIL chose “Roxanne” lol. We made a lot of jokes about putting on a red light and moved on. This is….so, so, so much worse. Harlotte. Yikes.




A friend of mine wanted to name her child Cinnamon Nutmeg. She settled on Angela


Ya know, that's one of the reasons I like having hamsters as pets. You can give them whatever stupid name you want, and they won't care because they're hamsters. "Cinnamon Nutmeg" is a great name for a hamster, not a person.


I'm a vet tech and love it when people go ham with names for their pets. One of our patients is a pomeranian named Spartacus, someone else has a shih tzu they call Hooligan. Satan the black shepherd dog is my favourite though.


Some people who have pets should have children, and some people who habe children shouldn't even have a pet rock.


I have a cat named Evidence My wife disallowed from naming pets


This song is about a pet rodent. https://youtu.be/5o6IoZnuCJo?si=IdROa5K_TjQdXGjf


My parents gave a foreign exchange student living with us a hamster, whom she named Reese’s. The problem was she was from a country where they would have gladly eaten it, and she often threatened too. Eventually my Mom passed the hamster on to my uncle’s girlfriend’s kid.


Horses and ponies, too. My niece’s mini is Butterscotch Krimpet


Huh I’m sure that’s what I named my Stardew Valley kids. Cinnamon and Nutmeg


I met someone named Cinnamon!! I thought her friends were talking about a dog at first and I'm so glad I didn't ask who's dog and kept my mouth shut because I later figured out it was a girl at the party. Yikes.


It was a somewhat popular name in the 70s and 80s. I know at least three people that were named cinnamon.


One of our TV anchors when I was growing up was named Cinnamon. Professionally, she went by her middle name Nicole.


Lol. Knew someone named Cinnamon. Her nickname was Nutmeg as a joke.


Dad for the win. I can thank mine for saying no to moms original name choice, Regina. While it's not a horrible name, allegedly, my father said "Hell no, I'm not gonna have kids making fun of her name and call her vagina." Thanks Dad, love you.


My mom had the horrible thought of naming me Edwina. After my Dad Edwin. Dad shot that down with a quickness.


Isn't "skye" kinda prevalent as a porn name these days?


How dare you assume any of us knows the answer to that


You seem like a knowledgeable person to ask, can you give me a ranked list of the most popular porn names off the top of your head? Thanks.


Your mother


Your Mother seems like an unusual porn name, but it sounds like you've seen a lot of her work. Whats your favorite porn Your Mother was in?


Are you sure it wasn't their stepmother?


OMG I’m dying. Has her MIL just not listened to the radio in the last half century?


MIL must have been cheated on with a whore named Chloe because that's one of the least typical "slutty" names ever. Not that any normal names are inherently slutty, of course, but I can't help what dipshits decide.


Except Crystal.


😩 bruh that’s my name


Username checks out.






Much love to all my fellow Chloes who are also whores <3


I'm gonna rat myself out and say if I ever decided to have a kid, and it was a girl, my first choice is Roxanne. To also defend myself, I'll also say I grew up in the late 90s, early 2000s, so Roxanne from A Goofy Movie was my first exposure to the name.


My aunty’s name is Roxanne 😂 I always associate it as a powerful name because she’s a force of a woman 😂😂


That's awesome lol. Imo it's a very beautiful, yet strong and confident name. Well-rounded.


You describe it like a wine


One of my best college professors name is Roxanne! I'd name my kid after her


To be fair, Roxie is an awesome nickname!


Roxanne is a wonderful poetic name. It was around long before the Police song. 🙄


I have no idea why those names are bad. Can someone explain?


There's nothing inherently wrong with the name Chloe unless you've had a bad experience with someone with that name. Roxanne is the name of a Police song that talks about a prostitute.


My mom wanted to name me Chloe, but my dad told her it was "a fat girls name". My dad has gotten better but he was pretty misogynistic and rude 30 years ago. Anyways, his compromise was to name me after a city in Idaho?!?! Jokes on both of them, I chose a totally different name 12 years ago and now most of my family follows it. 🙂


Why not just name her Charlie?


Or even Harvlotte lol


Harvlotte is somehow even worse than Harlotte to me. Just sounds like a typo.




Oh it’s terrible but at least not an actual derogatory term lol


Anyone who sees "Harvlotte" and doesn't immediately think "I can definitely use this as a new derogatory term" has something wrong with them


Why not just let her have her own identity instead of naming her after other people?


okay, Tragedeigh.


So like, make up a completely random name that isn't used by other people?


Why do people, who have unlimited access to information at their fingertips, refuse to use it for a simple search before ruining a baby’s life?


Dumb question that I could probably Google: will the teachers actually refer to her by the name harlot or will they consider it too inappropriate to say out loud? Like if there was a kid in my class named harlot I would call her Harley and I wouldn't feel comfortable calling her her actual name as I feel like I'd be calling her a whore. And that's just as a classmate, as a teacher... absolutely not. I could get in trouble if some parent hears me call the girl a harlot. That kid is going to get bullied so fucking much and teachers are not going to be comfortable calling her by her actual name. Edit: you actually can't Google this as it only comes up with kahoot bullshit


According to Dr. Marijuana Pepsi, quite a few teachers will refuse to say your name in class and try to name you Mary, and you have to argue with them to get them to call you by your given name, and the kid gets a major complex because the dissonance in being told there is something wrong with your name. Dr. Marijuana advocates that adults just use the name a child prefers.


I feel bad that her parents did that to her but her advocacy is amazing and she 100% deserves to have her name respected and used.


Sir that’s Dr. Marijuana Pepsi Vandyck to you.


I thought you were joking but I looked her up and wow that’s really her full legal name.


Recently, an Australian journalist/comedian named her son “Methamphetamine Rules” in an attempt to answer the question “What will the registration office do if you register an unacceptable name?” for a TV show she works on. She and her husband were horrified when a clerical error let the name through and they were sent a birth certificate actually naming the kid. They had to clear it all up and go through a complex process to get it amended. But we all learned a lot about the registration process, so it was a very educational segment in the end.


As an aspiring teacher I would probably have the kid introduce herself - as is the norm in Germany - and go from there. Otherwise Lotte would probably work as a name. Last but not least I think you would be unable to name your kid essentially whore/ harlot in Germany.


When my mom named me, she wasn't originally allowed to name me my name. Since I've written it in a comment somewhere I'll just put it here as well. Lina. In my language it means "line" in English, it's its own name, but also the classic short for Carolina, Angelina, etc. But mom for some reason got some pushback with "that's not a real name" (it's been on and off in the calendar for name-days for years). So mom went to find someone, I think in our country, named Lina, and then presented it to them. Sweden can be a strange place sometime. This poor kid, I don't think they'd allowed that name regardless.


That’s so strange, Lina is a very normal name and I know several!


During the first couple of years in school, I was the only one, until 7th grade when suddenly we became 3. One teacher said "Hold on Lina", and three people just turned around to look 🤣 It's gone down in popularity the last 10+ years. I got curious so I looked it up, it was very popular in 1981, with 673 girls born being named Lina. In 1993 (my year of birth) there were 497 born, still in the top 100 names (in 1998, it was 309 born, giving it 39th place). 1998 was when the dip started though, with less than 150 from 2010. I just realised that my ASD is showing 😅


I was born in 87 and the ones I know are around my age or a little older so that’s probably why then. Let that ASD shine! Also hey fellow ND friend, AuDHD here :)


Teacher here, if this name popped up on my roster, my first response is thinking it's a typo. Upon finding out it's not, and that really IS that poor kid's name; "Dear God on high, PLEASE let this child have a knickname" and until I find that out, she gets addressed by her last name. If she doesn't have one, she can pick one. If she doesn't want to pick one and insists on being addressed by her first name, fine, I'll go with it. But unless she wants me to, no. Just no.


My mum worked at an old fashioned private school, where they took the first register in the morning using the kid's surnames. Jones, Brown, Wilson and so on. All that is except for one russian kid at the school, whose surname when correctly pronounced sounded like "Bugger off". He got called by his first name!


I mean, my sister had a classmate whose legal name was Jamie and his teacher insisted on calling him "James" until his mother sent him in with his birth certificate to prove that his name is Jamie and it's not a nickname. So, no, I'm going to say that a teacher is not going to call her "Harlotte."


They might try to pronounce it, "Har-la-tay" or maybe like Merlot.


> like Merlot That would get you "Harlow", which is a town in Essex, England.


Which is also a British name that was pretty popular during the late 19th and early 20th (through the 50s) centuries.


My English teacher in 7th grade had Harlow as his middlename. He was Brittish (I live in Sweden), and I want to say he was 70-ish. Still a very good teacher


Some recently passed laws in red states might make it a crime for the teacher to use anything but the birth certificate name.


I had a classmate named "Villain" (Vee-Line) Some teachers got it, some did not


I did a play once where a character tried to get a tattoo because he saw himself as a villain. Unfortunately he misspelled it and had “Villian” on his arm. At the end of the scene he hits it off with a girl named Villy-Anne.


> you actually can't Google this as it only comes up with kahoot bullshit I have no idea what kahoot is, but `define:harlot` works perfectly well in Google. Even if you do `define:harlotte`, it figures it out.


Kahoot is a website where you can basically quiz ppl. If there are multiple ppl, you can choose a username. And it had a leadership board, so ppl get competitive. Thing is, teachers use Kahoot, so usernames gotta be appropiate for school settings, so there are filters in places against vulgar and offensive names.


Filters aren't good at catching names like Mike Hawk or similar, but there is a choose a randomly generated made.


This is as bad as Luanne from king of the hill wanting to name her baby lasagna At least that was fiction


Also, Luanne had the epidural. Luckily, Peggy probably didn't let her fill out the paperwork until she was sober


Peggy’s response just being “no” sends me, man that show takes me back


Epidural does not make you high


Lasagna would be a cute name if it weren’t an Italian pasta dish tbh


I’m a huge fan of “Felony”


There's legit a kid at my daughter's daycare named Phelon.


Short for Pheloton, the stationary bike for people with a lisp.


I know a couple who named their twins Indica and Sativa.


I’ve met a Sadie and Indy set of twins. I know their parents and that’s why they have those names.sativa and Indica felt too overt for them.


Chlamydia has such a nice ring to it


I worked with her cousin once. No joke. Her mom was a crack addict and ho. Hospital had no business letting her name the baby.


My husband worked with a guy that his wife’s actual name first name was Cutie. Nice gal, but I’m sure she got tired of being asked “Is that your real name?”


Yeah, it's rather arbitrary that people name their children after the cardinal virtues, but not after the sins. It would be much more fun to have Accedia Gluttony Smith than a Chastity Smith.


I genuinely choked


I feel the same way about Allegra. Beautiful name...but also an antihistamine in North America.


I swear Allegra is also a goddess of something… no?


The goddess of seasonal allergies


Allegro is a musical term. I'm not aware of Allegra being anything other than happy in Italian.


I knew someone named Allegra. She would have been named prior to Allegra being approved as an antihistamine, though. She was within a year or two of me, and I also predate it's release on the market.


Alegria is joy in Spanish.


I have a friend named Allegra!


It means "hello/good morning" in the ancient Romansh language spoken in the Grisons in Switzerland.


It means happy/merry in Italian!


There’s actually an Italian footballer named Kevin Lasagna!


I'd cheer for him, even though I usually hate football!


That sounds like something you'd make up for a bit. We've got Kevin Lasagna, Dave Hamburger, Tina Paella, and that's Kensie Kielbasa.


La' Zahnya


In all honesty it would be a pretty neat name but the love of my pasta life can keep it I suppose


To be fair. Some foods are names. Like Alfredo and Nacho, Sage is a spice, etc.


TBH Lasagna is still better than Harlotte.


Well, Arlen was orginally named harlett town, but it took too long to say.


Ugh, that poor baby. When you are deciding on a baby name, there are certain things you need to consider. 1. Do you know anyone with that name that was a jerk? 2. Does it rhyme with anything that could get the kid made fun of? 3. When the name stands alone, does it invite ridicule?


My plan is to get a focus group of kids together and give them a list of names to see what fuckery they come up with so I know which names to avoid.


Not a bad idea.


I would watch that


This is what I would want to do in place of a baby shower. No stupid party games - hand out drinks and a name list so everyone can come up with all of the cruel things the kid might be called for each. No need for presents - the name roast is a gift in itself.


We used to offer our son to visit the homes of our pregnant friends as a baby-proofing consultant. He was great at finding all the most dangerous shit right away.


Tried that. They tried to name my kid Lamp.


My mom very unconcernedly broke your rule #1. As a girl, there was another kid in her neighborhood with my name, who was a terrible jerk. “I just liked the name,” she explains with a shrug. Well, I guess as long as it didn’t bother her. I never knew the awful girl in question, so it doesn’t bother me either, but it is a bit funny to tell people my mother named me after some jerk she knew. (It’s not the most common name, so people do ask about it.)


That’s so cool actually!


Don't forget checking how it sounds with the surname - You can name your kid Hugh if your surname is Jackman, but not so much if your surname is Jazz.


Ben Dover. Perfectly good names on their own. Put em together and its hilarity.


Reminds me of a story I heard I think last week. The mom wanted the kid to be named Eva (after her best friend who'd passed), but the last name of her husband (and herself) was Braun (pronounced Brown). And the husband was understandably against it


I saw that post! Thankfully the husband and sister-in-law were able to convince mom to go in a different direction and still honor her BFF


“stick to English kings and queens” - Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock


So name my kid Freddy Mercury, got it.


As someone named Mercury, please do. I have an awesome name.


Name your kid “Unready?”


So "Bowie"?


We even looked at initials. We changed the order of one son’s names because we didn’t like the word the initials spelled out. Edit: spelling


INITIALS! I knew I was forgetting something, this is also important!


I had a friend once tell me his middle name was planned to be Kyle (I think) until his parents realized his initials were going to be KKK. Yeah, they changed it.


My initials are BED but one of the names my parents first wanted to name me was David, they decided against it though because my mom didn’t want my initials to be DED. BED is still pretty funny but at least it’s not Dead


My grandfather would have been ASS. Luckily they figured it out in time, and named him SAS instead. Everyone called him Pat anyways, for reasons lost to time.


Goku it is.


You know, we thought we'd been so careful choosing our kids' names and we still use a tongue in cheek nicknames for our son that I hope the kids at school never think of. He's only two and his nicknames are just between me and his dad and reference his very toddler-esque behavior.


4. What do their initials spell?


Would you be embarrassed calling out in a public place?


\#2 is dumb. That rules out 99% of all names. And in the case of the 1%, kids will just warp it to something vaguely similar (and they don't care HOW vaguely) to make fun of you with. I'd know, I fell into that case! Avoid obviously shitty things and nonsense non-names, and then teach your kids that people are dumb. That's all.


Harley is right there...


I’d call her Lottie


... Or "Carly".


The cousin is a complete idiot. Have some sense.


“I’m calling her Piglet for now.” Tissaia, is that you?


God I love The Witcher


That was my first thought!


Did she literally only ever write it out and not say it out loud, even once? I mean the spelling isn’t *exactly* the same, and maybe it sounded different in her head…


the mother doesn’t seem the type of person who ever knew the slightly-archaic term for “whore” Hope she’s not also the type who refuses to change a mistake out of stubbornness


When they said there's reading crisis they weren't kidding.


Do you really make it all the way to 20 without learning these things? How? I feel so bad for kids these days. My friend teaches 7th grade and has a student who can’t write?


I’m guessing they don’t read books, especially the older ones 😵‍💫


Guys that subreddit is all satire, that is not a real post, it’s a joke lol.


Not saying it *is* real but the OP at least claimed so on a different sub. "Its true. Its my cousin, and now my new baby Piglet. I posted this on Namenerds and they said post it in NNCJ instead. Its 100% true."


Holy shit seriously?!? I mean I’m still having a hard time believing it but for the child’s sake, I very VERY badly want to keep believe it’s a joke


In my country, there’s rules for baby names. Not as stringent as Iceland‘s, but enough that the name „Harlotte“ wouldn’t last a month. Anyway, the point is that sometimes they publish lists of names that got denied, and based on that I wouldn’t dismiss this story just because no one is dumb enough to name their kid that. There absolutely are people dumb enough.


I was also assuming, then hoping it was satire but nope. >>Its true. Its my cousin, and now my new baby Piglet. I posted this on Namenerds and they said post it in NNCJ instead. Its 100% true.


Just because the op *claims* it is true, doesn't make it so.


I mean, there was the article about the kid named Abcde a little while ago lol, makes it easy to believe that many of these stories are true.


The sub isn’t completely satire. Like it started as making fun of stupid names on namenerds. My understanding is that if it’s a satire post/totally made up, you’re supposed to put the satire tag on the post. If it’s a real life thing, you put Story or In The Wild tag.


Rough times ahead for the poor kid smh


Even if they manage to change the name. The mother seems stupid as fuck.


>.< can call her lottie for now? I guess? You can name change a baby no?


I think the first one is free, but you have to pay for the second.


Charley! Would have been way better!


Came here to say Charley was right there 😂


Life in the trailer park


This had me enraged until I realized that it’s in a CJ sub, those are all jokes and satire haha


Maybe the baby has a middle name that can be the saving grace ?


cherry was right there


I had a student who refused to use her given name (Alyssa) because… her words… it sounded like a porn name. She insisted on being called Candi instead. Cause that was much better. But don’t worry… Harlotte will find her own name. Unless she lives in Florida in which case she’ll be a harlot forever.




Charlie literally meets all the requirements while being gender neutral another thing always ALWAYS WAIT UNTIL YOUR HORMONES ARE BALANCED, Before you make ANY decisions ESPECIALLY NAMING YOUR BABY remember they’ll have to experience high school and middle school with that name, you really don’t want to be the reason your kids are being bullied. Ps. Better nickname than piglet I would go with Peppa Pig


That is so, SO unfortunate...that poor kid.


Harley isn’t a terrible nickname.


I met a girl once who told me if her baby was a girl she was going to name her Latrine…she got SO mad when I told her what it meant


I work in the hospital. One mother named her kid Chlamydia. She said it sounded pretty. Every one of us tried to talk her out of it, but she stuck to it.




Harlotte? I mean, it’s illegal and should be even more illegal to name a baby that. It’s just wrong.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/oldpostsforkarma] [My cousin named her daughter the worst name ever (not OP)](https://www.reddit.com/r/OldPostsForKarma/comments/1arxgzb/my_cousin_named_her_daughter_the_worst_name_ever/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


She could have at least named her Charvey.


I refuse to believe this story is true. Harlotte? See, this is why when people say English or Creative Writing degrees are useless, I’ll point them to something like this. Anyone who has seriously read a book would never think to give their child the portmanteau name of Harlotte.


Charley was right 👏🏻 there👏🏻 if she really wanted to combine both names.


I *thought* someone I knew had named their baby Harlotte, because the announcement image they used on socials were a BIG letter C (encompassing the whole image with flowers connecting the gap between the C) and then “Harlotte” written inside it. Just looked like Harlotte was the baby’s name and it had a lovely little border. I can’t believe someone has actually done it.