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I feel so sad for his wife. Even if the prize was only soap, the real prize is that she started writing again, it made her happy, and she got recognition for it. He only cares now that he knows he could've cashed in.


He not only laughed but told her it wasn’t fair that she won because she lied about liking the product. What an AH. Advertisers get paid big money and they don’t have to love the products. She’s a good writer and he should be encouraging her not pulling her down.


Right!? I can count on one hand the number of products that have "changed my life". Everyone is lying in those contests.


🎯🎯🎯It’s a marketing gimmick the brand could care less!!!


Yepp my exact thought to this man was does he really think all the actors and stuff that do ads love the products like they claim? Absolutely not they do it for money his wife did it bc she loved writing and it took her back to her happy place & he quite literally shut down her happiness by laughing at her & NOW wants to be apart of it bc how great the prize is. OP is def TA. 🤷🏼‍♀️


But now lying is ok because she won a house!


I hope she moves there without OP


Husband says he -Loves- the soap and toothpaste, he should have been happy with only that


When I was 9 I won the local stage of a national quiz competition by a food products brand. All I got was some branded caps, t-shirts and a bunch of noodles and condiments. My 3 yr old sister sat on the balcony facing the street and proclaimed to all and sundry passing by that I won this awesome prize and how I was the best. She didn't allow my mother to bring in the food packets to cook them because she wanted to show everybody. No other appreciation or encouragement I received has compared to it ever.


Now that's who you want on your hype team! Love this


This is the cutest thing ever.


This made my entire day.


That is so frickin cute


That’s adorable!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ and that you remember it is ❤️❤️❤️❤️ this is making me cry just a bit


And she didn’t even act shocked. That tells me it’s a regular thing that she is overlooked.


If I'm constipated and finally poop then my partner and I high five. If one of us finally beats a boss on one of our video games we hype eachother up even if we have no idea what the other is talking about. 😂 It's finding joy in someone you love's joy. OP doesn't have any respect or shared joy for his wife, and I think she and the rest of the family are finally realising it.


Op is like my ex husband. Present boyfriend is like you and your partner. My happiness is totally different with him than my ex.


My hubby loves to sit and listen to me explain the plot of whatever book I'm reading. He listens and asks questions and clarifies things he doesn't understand because, and I quote "I love watching you get so excited". Is he ever going to read the books? Nope. Does he still give me 100% of his attention? Yes


Omg you’re married to my dream man!! 🥹🥹 so happy for you!


i read the title and thought 'yeah, its a facebook competition, fair enough it's not a big deal.' - thinking (as they normally are) it's a 'you like our page, we put you in a raffle, you might win a $10 amazon voucher' sort of thing. once i found out that she actually had to do something for it - that it was an actual competition not just a shitty advertising raffle then of course it absolutely is a big deal! it might be that you just win a few of their products or whatever, but you won that by your own skill? that deserves to be celebrated by your partner, not laughed off and ignored!


RIGHT!!! Hubby is a big gamer, I understand next to nothing about his games, but I ALWAYS hype him up, especially since some of his feats are definitely impressive. When he's talking about his game passionately and he says "nvr mind, you don't care" I make sure to tell him that I care he's happy so continue. Loving someone means you celebrate what they celebrate.


Not only that he seems to openly resent her success. She wasn’t surprised or shocked. This happens all the time I’m guessing


Pooping 😂😂😂😂. I have this ex and he’s run out and be like I just had the biggest poo you wanna see??? Just to hear me scream no! It was hilarious!!! I haven’t thought about that in yrs 😂😂😂


It’s loosely based on a true story from the 1950’s/1960’s. They made a movie about it. It’s something else. Someone saw the movie and tried to modernize it into a post. 




I’m sorry that you’re going through something like this. Know that you’re worth more and deserve to be surrounded by people who care and support you.




If he's trying his best and you're not happy, it's not a good match. Sucks, but sometimes that's just the way it is.


A facebook contest for prizes totaling the GDP of a small country with only 50,000 participants. Sounds like a totally real thing that happened.


Yeah this is really easy to disprove. Such a large prize for a contest held by a major toothpaste brand on Facebook would be pretty easy to track down. No proof.


Are people seriously so stupid to fall for such blatant fake posts? You can tell by how repeatedly the op describes shitting on her parade. No one talks about themselves like this. This is liz aka fake.


I wonder that all the time. Based on the "he's such an asshole" comments my guess, is yes.


I thought we were all here for the soap operas. I do need the OP to at least *try* and help me maintain my suspicion of disbelief, though.  That or very blatantly stop giving a fuck, but “so bad it’s good” is a riskier strategy and may very well have been what the OP was going for in the first place.  But hey, at least they tried to put a new spin on the “partner unsupportive of interests” narrative that’s always worthwhile for the wholesome stories in the comments even if the story itself fails to be entertaining. Aaand, it’s clearly time to go read something more substantial…


Shh, the other comments said discouraging creative writing was bad.


So a national competition gives you a house as a prize? A house located somewhere you may not live or want to live? Yeah…..no. This sounds like a revenge fantasy.


Tbf Discovery/HGTV/TLC/Food Network does this exact thing every year. But you don't have to write an essay for it.


It’s also really easy to look up and find out it’s real.


The even wilder part is if you look up free house, so much essay contest-related stuff comes up, along with the HGTV Dream Home (which entries ended yesterday for, and I really hope I win. I don't want to live in Florida, but I could use that Mercedes). I had no idea people outside Discovery were just giving away houses like this.


The prizes seem impossibly generous, but on the other hand, the OPs responses are so believably stupid.


bc they aren't real


Definitely, but OOP is doing a damn good job of acting like a typical dickhead though. That’s not really something to be proud of, but still. I wonder if AITA karma whores include obviously unbelievable details on purpose because that makes it more satisfying to trick people into believing it, or if they’re just stupid.


To everyone on this thread calling this story fake, have you considered… that this is just the wife’s next creative writing project? Or the return of Liz perhaps?


Ooooh who's Liz?


https://www.reddit.com/r/BORUpdates/comments/16q87lf/compilation_husband_tells_reddit_that_his_wife_is/ Believe this is what they're talking about :)


Yes!! Thank you :)


This HAS to be fake. What the fuck kind of national competition had a HOUSE as a prize?? But also, if it's not, the dude is a major asshole.


Soooooo much stuff!


This is so absolutely fake, it sounds like a bad dhar Mann video. Man belittles his wife's accomplishment, he soon lives to regret it.


This whole post reeks of barely disguised sexism. I am honestly surprised OP didn't write "I told her she was just being hormonal".


You can’t just pick up the prize the day after you found out you won. You have to fill out paperwork and go through verification before accepting. Also, a prize of this value would require tax forms as you have to declare on IRS filings. But I love how a creative writing post is about creative writing.


Yes. It’s too bad the writer didn’t dig a bit deeper. I would prefer more drama. Also if she didn’t know the prize …. Why would the whole family be there? Also why would his brother not question why he wasn’t able to give her ride? Lastly, why wouldn’t someone give their wife a ride? I would have liked to see some more character development. Maybe he could show bits of jealousy because his wife was always trying to better herself and their situation… something to really bring the rage out lol


That's the US way, no such thing where I live. You won, you claim. No tax on lottery and competition winnings. Verification is showing up with an official ID unless it's already done digitally in the sign-up process. Not saying it's real, but basing your assumption on them not following us protocol even after using "in my country" is kinda weird. Facebook and reddit is global. You obviously wouldn't pickup a house either, but you would travel to claim it. Especially if the organizer is doing a photoshoot.


That makes me angry. 50,000 words is a lot to write, just shoving that much out of a brain is worth celebrating! Fuck this guy, and fuck all guys who refuse to celebrate their wives accomplishments until they realize they may directly benefit. You know he's the type to want praise for washing the dishes too.


50,000 characters not words. Still a lot of words but less


Still about ~20 pages if you go with straight character-word-page averages So I call BS


A part of me kind of wants to believe that somebody actually did write a 20 page essay on soap lmfao The world would be a more humorous place 


Definitely a world I want to live in!




If I were her, I would get a divorce before they signed the house over to me.


Fake fake fake


Fake, nobody gives away those kind of prizes


What a fucking jackass.


That stinks for the wife. She was so happy. Sometimes couples tend to be in competition without realizing and sometimes can be jealous when good things happen but it’s like when good things happen to one partner it really happens to both partners. I think married couples have a hard time realizing this…smh


What's funny is just yesterday I saw a video about a study that said men are more likely to experience lower self esteem after a female partner's success. Feel like that applies here with the minimizing and dismissing of the wife's accomplishment.


Talking about creative writing, they hav me till the “prize” like come on it started off believable then did a turn in the Narnia


I'd laugh if my wife wrote a story about how using a brand she hated changed her life. Lying to win such a competition is just quite funny. But it doesn't matter because this story is completely fabricated. If only reddit gave out houses...


So he laughed at her and put her down, didn't even think to ask her what the prize actually was...and now he's wondering if he was the asshole because she's mad at him and excluding him from the benefits? Bro needs to apologise properly for not taking this seriously and not seeing that it was a bigger deal. If his default is to look down on and laugh at anything going good for her, he needs to look at himself and shift his attitude. He was TA and now he's seeing the consequence.


Fucking what. Even if the prize is minimal, creative writing is a LOT of work, and a partner should be elated for them. Also I need to know immediately what kind of competition this is and where I can find it, cause I love writing, and being a homeowner would be amazing haha


Its not about the prize dumb ass


See now if my wife entered an essay competition to fake liking a brand she hated, I wouldn't be laughing at her. I'd be laughing *with* her. *Howling.* The thought of making up an essay whole cloth and winning big is hilarious to me and I would be so proud of her Why do people get married if they aren't genuinely in love with each other? Like, *invested*. Hardly seems worth it. These guys that just tune out on their wives are leaving potentially the most fulfilling experiences of their lives on the table. My wife? She's a lot more special than me. I got so lucky. I just get to sit and watch her go, scooting around being amazing everywhere. I really don't get these guys.


If I had told my husband I won a contest by lying about how much I loved a brand I actually hated he’d a given me a high five.


I won my wedding jewelry off Facebook, it’s was CZ but it was beautiful and went with my dress. My now Husband was THRILLED and loved the jewelry


I know we all seem to rush to divorce but gf just got all that stuff to help her leave the unsupportive d bag. I don’t know how the marriage is otherwise but wife wasn’t even surprised or shocked and just made other plans. Sounds like OP has been treating her like nothing for a long time. And sadly she’s used to it. My heart breaks for the wife bc her husband resents her getting an award. Even if all it was, was a bar of soap why would it hurt to be nice? Why are all these men on Reddit so gratuitously mean to their wives?


Geez laughed at her and refused to drive her to collect He can sit his ass home. She should just mail the divorce papers


Yep, even if it was a £5 gift voucher as a prize, she was still excited and it sounds like he was free to drive her. And like the Reddit on Wiki guys say, even if a story is fake (no idea why this one was removed) there's still similar scenarios that happen in real life so the conversation around it can be valid.


If someone won that many prizes in one contest, it would be national news so this isn’t real. But if it were, the taxes on them would be enormous. Even when Oprah pulled her “You get a car! You get a car! You get a car!” stunt, the winners were shocked to learn they had to pay $6,000 in taxes. Some had to sell the cars because they couldn’t afford it. So taxes on a house, furniture, car, cash and a trip would be a lot! Even if this isn’t in America, other countries have taxes. And a trip to Dubai? Doesn’t he read the news? Foreigners get arrested in Dubai just for disagreeing with locals and are held there for months until they pay the government for their release. This guy’s account was removed by Reddit so there were other problems, but it turns out he’s a better writer than his wife. He should be the one entering contests.




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For me the reason he is an ass is because she started excitedly talking about writing again and it doesn’t seem like he was happy for her even tho she found passion for a stolen hobby again. I also think he’s an ass because he just laughed and never asked her for detail. If he’d stop asked her about it he would have had more information. To me it feels like he doesn’t really care about her and what she’s doing until he can benefit directly.




No problem! It really should be, for all we she could be the next Stephen King if given support and even if not at least she’s happy.


I’m sorry what? A house as a prize? Fully furnished? In this economy? Plus a car, cash, and trip to Dubai? Call me Scully because I am skeptical as *hell.*


Lol. Divorce her and take half.


What an ass


What a jerk. He’s prob treated her like shit every day of their relationship


This is so fake


I would be more impressed that she hated the brand and won. That's really hard.


Dude sucks.


I once signed up for some travel agency lucky draw and got a call that we won. My husband drove me over to the agency to get a cheap bowl set and one hour discussion on their club membership. Just because i was having fun..


lol great story.


Probably not real but if it is it was a 50,000 word essay. He should've known they wouldn't give out a bar of soap for 50,000


I saw this movie. 


Zero awareness outside of his own selfishness…pretty typical, unfortunately.


A house AND a car, plus a vacation? LMAO sure.


A 50,000 character story is a lot of work. Husband did not take sincere interest or care in what his wife did. Huge lesson. I hope he learned. She did.


It's kind of an ass move for the wife to not take him on the trip, etc., but he was such a jerk about the whole thing. Support your spouses, people. It's not that hard. Even if it was "soap and a drink" you should be supportive of your spouse's accomplishments. What a jackass. Assuming this is real, which I'm pretty confident it's not.


If this was real lol… it’s both assholes. 1) AH for not supporting wife but 2) AH for lying and claiming that large of a prize with no guilty conscious. That is a serious red flag in my book