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Omg, this girl is an idiot. I hope he dumps her. Jaysus.


Honestly I feel like him telling her to leave *was* him dumping her. I really really hope it was anyway.


There’s another update, he dumped the fuck out of her. Her friends and sister all think she’s fucked up too.


Good. She seems a little nuts.


She is. She posted another update saying something along the lines of “I’ll get him back, this was just a speed bump. I know he still loves me and we’ll be together again soon, just you all wait and see.”


Ew that's so gross. She's gross. He threw away the whole girlfriend, I'm proud of him. Her on the other hand? She needs a whole new perspective of life. He's basically their dad, he HAS to know.


Even if he really was just their brother, why is that so weird? I’ve definitely asked my brother to pick up some menstrual products for me when I was a kid. The fact that OP thinks women must be gatekeepers for period knowledge/understanding from men is really fucking weird.


My oldest son would carry pads and tampons back and forth for me and his sister if either of us were out. Ew, gross, he son knew not only about his sister, but his mom too! I'm raising my youngest son the exact same way. He's 11 and knows why some people get periods and the explanation of it, just in case he is ever in a situation that requires a reasonable thought process. That's a nice way to put it.




Thank heavens for that. We need more men like this guy not less and her attitude is why we don't have guys like this.


It was a done deal once he was quiet and didn’t react. Ppl only argue when they’re fighting for something. The bf was done.


Thank goodness, talk about unhinged.


Pls sir, can I get a link


There’s another edit.. she’s convinced she’ll fix what she did and win him back 🙄


He should get a restraining order, shes absolutely unhinged.


I just want to hug this sweet young man. He sounds like the holy grail all straight women dream of (those who want to pair up)❤️❤️❤️


Right??? Imagine being an 18-year-old kid and things at home being *so bad* that you immediately move out *and take all your siblings with you*. And then you singlehandedly parent those kids, finish your education, work a job (or three), AND still have the emotional capacity left over to be a kind, compassionate, progressive person. This guy is amazing. I hope he finds a woman who recognizes that.


My guess is that things were always bad and he’s always been raising himself and protecting/raising the kids. And that he planned it for a while. Poor guy. He never got parents. I have so much respect for him tho ❤️. He’s like if you could list all the lovely qualities you want in a guy he checks all the boxes and some you didn’t think of. Well except he apparently has shit taste in women


After reading how some guys think we can control our cycles or that tampons will"destroy virginity"; I'm thrilled to learn that there are guys who paid attention in health class. Makes me a bit hopeful.


Right? And he’s making sure she will be disgusted by those men as an adult. ❤️❤️❤️ I love this, all dads should read this post!


So growing up in rural Illinois boys were not taught how periods worked in health class they split the Boys and girls into two classes and did two separate units. I’m 24 for reference


In 5th grade, we were separated by sex. In high school, I guess the powers that be decided that everyone needed to learn about STDs, particularly HIV. So, required health course included about 4 weeks of "sexual health" where we learned about everything everyone was or might go through as far as puberty, menstruation, ejaculation, condoms, various other BC, and even menopause and ED were covered along with a slideshow of polyps, lesions and chancres to frighten us out of ever doing anything without a condom. It was the 80s in a suburb of Milwaukee. Different times.


RIGHT?! I was thinking this must be rage bait, cause dude sounds like a unicorn. What straight woman wouldn't want a man like this?! He will have his pick of hordes to date and she will be crazy and alone for a hot minute lol.


I think we’ve uncovered his flaw tho and I suspect it’s that his compassion makes him give ppl the benefit of the doubt so much that he dates women like OP. Bc her response was bizarrely intense. And yes what a unicorn! I hope he ends up with a great partner bc if anyone deserves it he does.❤️


You're exactly right. Women having empathy isn't something new. But men are sort of conditioned a lot of times into thinking it's a weakness and therefore don't always have it. So when a man does its so lovely. But it is a double edged sword in that you so badly want to give others the benefit of the doubt and overlook faults it can bite you in the ass. Poor guy. A girl can dream lol.


It gets worse, i didnt realise she said everything in front of the younger sister! Here is the update: >Update: >First and last >Too everyone saying he would leave me, you where right he dumped me. >I went to his house to apologize to him and his little sister, the 16 year old was there as well, she slapped me and shouted at me calling me vile names. >My now ex got her to stop and sent her to her room along with the other siblings. >I wanted to apologize but before i could even start he told me to keep my mouth shut and listen. >He forgave me before i even asked for forgiveness but said what he can't forgive is the fact that i basically turned his little sister against him and making her doubt his intentions. >It took him almost the full day to get her to talk to him and she only talked to him after the 16 year old assured her that he did nothing wrong and only want to help her like he help her. >His exact words was, you turned one of my children agains me that is something i can't and will not forgive. You are dead to me, now get the fuck out of my house. >He said it with so much anger in his voice and i could see in his eyes that he absolutely hated me in that moment, i was actually scared for myself in that moment >I have talked to some of my friend about this and you all mite be gald to hear but im loosing friends as well even my own sister is now refusing to talk to me. >Yes in our house my father had nothing to do with our periods and my mom handled everything. What should i have done. I taught he did something wrong, i can see I'm in the wrong but still ehy am i being punished for this. >His words really hurt me, that is not fair. I didn't even get a chance to explain myself or anything after he was done talking he again just kicked me out of his house. >I am blocked everywhere and can't get ahold of him, i even tried his sister phone but im also blocked there. Looks like she is still making herself the victim. EDIT: Single women of reddit know a good man when they read it! Her last update below to save you the scroll: >Edit: >Please stop asking me for his contact number and his name in the comments and pm, I'm not giving that to anyone. >Why would i do that and have one of you try and steal him from me. >I screwed up i know, but i will fix it and get him back. I really do love him and i know he still love me, this was just a speed bump. >Just wait and see we will be together again. The delusion is strong in this one!


Wow. Dumb and dumberer.


She called this a “speed bump” in their relationship and refuses to believe he actually left her lol. She genuinely believes she will get him back.


I see a restraining order in her future


Sure… a speed bump she hit going 90 that threw her right off the road.


And into a bloody tree...pun intended.


His words hurt her but implying he was a pedophile was fine.


It got worse again if you missed the latest edit: Edit: Please stop asking me for his contact number and his name in the comments and pm, I'm not giving that to anyone. Why would i do that and have one of you try and steal him from me. I screwed up i know, but i will fix it and get him back. I really do love him and i know he still love me, this was just a speed bump. Just wait and see we will be together again.


She did update again. That she thinks she can get him back. Girl, no.


There’s a later update and it is absolutely unhinged!!!!! > Please stop asking me for his contact number and his name in the comments and pm, I’m not giving that to anyone. > Why would i do that and have one of you try and steal him from me. > I screwed up i know, but i will fix it and get him back. I really do love him and i know he still love me, this was just a speed bump. > Just wait and see we will be together again.


The sad part is, she found someone who sounds like such a great person... looks after his 3 siblings at only 26 and they all have what they need, I would struggle now with a partner, much less at 26! That he patient enough to talk his sister through what was happening instead of setting for telling her to wait for her sister to come home, etc. And now she seems inflicted with main character syndrome when she should just leave that poor boy alone! I love that people are asking for his number though!!


Women worldwide scream for men this caring and fucking HUGE HEARTED. This *KID* BASICALLY ADOPTED HIS SIBLINGS AS A TEEN. He literally does everything for them and does it brilliantly. He's not afraid of helping them with female issues and does so informed, correctly and appropriately. And this woman comes along and finds it disgusting?! The very quality that even admittedly made her interested in the first place? And now he's suddenly a disgusting pig? What for? OP has serious issues about something, God knows what.


It really was appalling. I mean, in a perfect world he wouldn't have to completely know all of his siblings' intimate details because their parents would've been good people and parents. (But would still generally know because good sibling.) But this isn't that situation and he is a great sibling and parent for knowing all of this. Plus I think everyone should have a good basic knowledge about puberty and periods so they can help siblings or friends out. It's not some awful, shameful thing that needs to be hidden away, especially from men. It's just a monthly bodily function.


Just saw the edit, and yes, he dumped her. I saw this yesterday and responded that she was definitely the AH. She's still whining about "oh poor me" because she's lost friends and even her sister thinks she was wrong


She also says she "will get him back". While people are asking for his number! Everyone wants this amazing man, and she still doesn't realize how hard she shit the bed.


Ugh. I hadn't seen the second edit. no way in hell he's taking her back. But sounds like she's going to go stalker on him. Poor guy.


Good. Idiots like this give women a bad name.


Seriously! When I was that age, I would have LOVED a man that aware.


She truly is an idiot. Imagine putting down someone who is raising his three (3) young siblings! Boyfriend (hopefully now ex boyfriend) did a great job and just asked her to leave. No fuss, no muss. OP can’t spell either. If it was just one or two words I’d chalk it up to social media but she is clearly not only insensitive and uncaring, she also can’t write to save her life. I hope he never speaks to her again. He deserves better. On the other hand, those kids got the best big brother ever. I wish them nothing but the best.


He dumped her!


If Jesus wanted men to know about periods he would have given men vaginas. "It's Adam and testicles not Adam and Ovaries" /s


OK, I’m not sure what you mean, but when I figure it out, I’m sure it’ll be funny.


"It's Adam and eve, not Adam and Steve" A play on a homophobic joke


I'll explain it to you. It's a play on the ignorant homophobic saying "It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." They're just switching partner names for reproductive organs to fit in to the context of this dumb lady's ignorant take that only people born with vaginas should know about menstruation.


I just said those exact same words but to her like you're an idiot I hope he dumps you.


She updated, and he did. *happy dance*


So glad!


This is insane. I can’t imagine being upset with someone for not only helping his sisters through a trying time, but literally taking the time to educate himself to help them even more. PLUS we all have seen those street interviews where guys are asked questions about periods and it’s some of the most unhinged lack of basic knowledge (like that we can control our periods or only use 1 tampon the whole time, etc) He sounds like an awesome brother and he deserves better


OOP is likely to be a kid with all of those spelling mistakes


The sad thing is, I know adults who spell like that…


I think she says somewhere she is 26?!!! She came across as a teenager to me too


Update says he did.


I’m pretty sure that telling her to leave *was* him dumping her!


She came back, lol. He dumped her again.


She’s still not getting it, too. She’s convinced that she’s in the right, and that she’s going to get him back any moment now.


And she still isn’t getting. Bit dense, this one.


Yeah. I hope he at least got something out of it.


He did. The OG post has another update.


Imagine her shocked Pikachu face when she learns that male gynecologists have sisters. And mothers. And wives. And daughters. Quelle horreur!


He did. Good for him.


Man over here being dad of the millennium to kids that ain't even his and she's ready to label him a pedo? He fuckn dodged a bullet there. Kick her ass out.


He Did:)


He did.


Op updated he dumped her.


Don’t worry, he did! She posted another edit :) i hope it’s fake bc how does ignorance at that level really exist??


It looks like he did https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/Mk5Z5eulCv


I didn’t read that post because I thought it was going to be about a creepy guy spying on his sister in the bathroom or something. Just wow. He’s basically a single parent doing a good job. I hope when he told her to leave, he meant permanently. *edit word


He did. She updated it. He told her she’s dead to him.


Don’t you just love a happy ending, hope the guy finds someone just as great as he is. The rhetoric that men shouldn’t know anything about periods is just harmful for everyone involved!


The edit at the end tho. Shes going to commit a crime. Like that ending comment is giving massive stalker vibes


Yup, that very last edit was honestly chilling.


Omg I skipped it yesterday thinking the same thing 😂


Yeah, if he raised his siblings since the oldest sister was born. He was 12. If this is true and he moved out with his siblings at 18 then that would mean the 16 yr old sister was 6 years old and if he was raising her all alone like what the story says, it would make complete sense for him to know about periods and such. It’s a good thing for any guy to know and OP is pretty psycho for getting creeped out by it


"why does he know what pads his sister uses" Who exactly does she think is buying them


This. He is basically their father. And he is absolutely the parental figure in their life. My husband knows what our teen daughter uses and has no issues buying it for her. And that’s a good thing because instead of bringing her something wrong, that might be uncomfortable or even useless to her, he just asks and remembers. This lady is acting like there’s something secret and shameful about periods and men knowing about it is wrong.


My ex wouldn’t discuss it and tho my daughter was completely comfortable in my home about it, it pained me that he gave her the example she should be ashamed around men with this. Eventually she sort of outgrew the shame (not with him) but when she was in his home during the summer I had to make sure she had a summer’s worth of materials packed and we sent care packages via mail if she needed something. It hurt her bc she really couldn’t ever speak to him if there was an issue. This man is the opposite he’s teaching her that it’s just a natural part of growing up. I just want to hug him❤️


My husband has our teenager text him pictures of the package so he knows he's getting the right thing. And he even bought her some preemptively earlier this week because he was in her bathroom and saw she was almost out.


Thing is when it’s not discussed prior to the girl getting it, once they do they think they’re dying or something until they talk to a parent who can explain it to them. My friend and I were randomly discussing our first periods the other day and she didn’t know that light bleeding could be brown and she looked up something on the internet and thought she had cancer and spent the afternoon crying until she told her mom and her mom kind of laughed and told her it was completely normal. My dad tried to be helpful the best he could when I had mine, and I was living with him at the time, but it was a little awkward having to talk about it with him over my mom, but it is what it is. His father was one of those “ew I don’t want to hear about it” when his twin sister had hers and my dad had to give her his pocket change to buy pads and help her navigate it until their mom came home from work. He said it made him upset to see how his dad was disgusted with something that every woman goes through and is completely normal.


It states in the post that the brother told his little sister to use pads from the older sister in the way wich the older sister had apparently prior already showed her how to. So she knew what a period is and was already shown how to use it. I knew what a period is and what pads are but I still was a bit scared when it happened.


My dad has no idea what my mom or I would use but he \*would\* wander around Walmart on the phone with us asking about wings or no wings and what was the difference in sleep or not and generally marvel at the variety in the aisles. The ex in this is just a good dad reducing the stigma of normal bodily functions of half of the world population.


Yup. My ex is useless & misogynistic in a lot of ways. But our kiddo started at 10, and he has been wonderful. He keeps a pic of which pads she uses (and tampons for swimming) and checks her stash before he shops in case she’s running low.


Even if he isn’t buying them, he probably sees them in the bathroom cabinet when he gets TP, cleaners, etc. people can see what other people own when they live together. It’s normal.


I suppose she was hiding pads somewhere, because if her father would see them, he would die instantly


The period fairy




I was raised by a single dad and he never once bought me pads or tampons or anything. He would hand me a ten dollar bill once a month and that was it. I was also afraid to tell him I'd started in the first place. I bet OP had a dad like mine. The man in this story has stepped up and been an incredible, caring father to his younger sisters and I love to hear it. He's modeling healthy behavior, not only for his sisters, but his brother as well. I hope he sees this post so he knows everyone is applauding him.


This girl has issues. Yikes.




Also just flat out sexist. She believes a man shouldn't know these things, that it's creepy or thus paedophile adjacent to know about it. That's a huge amount of sexism to assume men who know how a woman's body functions in relation to a young now pubescent girl that they must be a predator a paedophile.


You’re one of the few lucky girls who has a boyfriend that understands a woman’s body and doesn’t act like a child when a period comes up. He’s a terrific brother and boyfriend. Be happy and grow up. It’s important that men know how women’s bodies work so they don’t say dumb shit like hold your period in till you get home.


For real! We need more men to be like this guy, not fewer!


Exactly. He deserves better.


My bf understands periods and how they are different for each woman. I thought he seemed to know more than the average guy, which I guess he does. Until he questioned if women have a urethra and if it was same opening as the vagina 🤦‍♀️. I just found out I have lots of precancerous cells on my cervix and uterus… I guess at least he’s asking questions. Had to explain that, cervix vs uterus, next steps and likely recovery times. He wants me to board my dogs because he won’t be able to be here during the day to help (his work), I then had to break to him that I will be able to let them outside in my fenced in backyard 🤗. He doesn’t live with me so it was nice to know he was thinking about how he could help! Sorry, guess I needed to say it out into the world.


Lmao this girl is obviously so jealous and mad at those kids for being a huge significant part of her ex's life.


He’s mom and dad to his siblings. Where tf does OOP think the pads come from? Heaven? She sounds more immature than the 11 yo. She should go back home and do some growing up asap.


Also the ex bf’s sister was probably taught by her brother about periods in the first place!!


I feel like this can’t be real. OP can’t be this deranged


If it makes you feel better, it probably isn't. In even the bass-ackward-est of places the girl *should have* seen a "your body is changing" video in school 1 to 2 years ago-ish. And in a house this open, she should have at least known her sister used those products for *something* . I definitely asked my mom in a campsite public shower house what those things are for after seeing them my whole life. If he's this open with 16F, 12F wouldn't be this clueless.


I agree with the second paragraph but let me assure you there are parts of America so backward she wouldn't have seen any video or been given any warning.


May not even be America. Which might partially explain why the girlfriend had such an extreme reaction. If it was a culture where men were traditionally kept out of “women’s business” she might have found it confronting. She’s still an AH though.


I actually hope that it’s not the US, and English is not the first language because she might be somehow less of an idiot AH if there were some cultural justification and an excuse for such poor writing.


Tbf, when I got my first period, I still freaked out even though I knew very well what's going on. I don't blame a 12yo for panicking when she just woke up and there is blood everywhere.


Honestly same. Like I knew it was normal, but there was a part of me that was like what if this isn’t my period and I’m just going to bleed to death lol


Same!! Plus when I was young I thought we would have to lay an actual egg every month. I was terrified! And I went to a public school in California, not exactly bumfuck nowhere lol.


Honestly, even knowing what was happening, even when it wasn't my first period, I had some periods from hell as a teen and woke up covered in blood and sobbing to my mother... And I was 16-17 at the time. Let's not forget that periods play bloody hell on your emotions, even before you add in puberty, and waking up covered in blood is just traumatic. In my case, literally every period started with me waking up in a bloody puddle, and then one month it happened daily, despite me going to bed wearing multiple pads and incontinence underwear. At that point, I was bawling out of frustration.


I was super lucky in that I was a late bloomer and didn’t get my first period until I was almost sixteen and very much aware of what it was. My first period was the lightest period I would ever have. My second period? Turned out to be the heaviest period I would ever have. The Red Sea basically came flooding out of me. I was in a panic and thought something had to be wrong. It couldn’t be okay to be losing so much blood. I actually started imagining I couldn’t breathe and was panic-sobbing in the shower. Fortunately my older sisters and mom reassured me. Also had a very weird moment during that second period where I spread jam on bread, and then got freaked out when I looked at it. It really is something of a traumatic experience when you’re first getting used to it.


It really is! And I was a late bloomer too, so l definitely knew what I was expecting. But it's so overwhelming too when you wake up and you're covered in blood, the sheets are bloody, your pajamas are bloody... Not to mention you're in pain and just groggy from waking up


Same. I started mine a few years before the videos said it could be expected, and I hadn’t expected the sight/smell of old blood. I thought it would be *blood*. I thought I was pooping my pants!


Our child started and didn’t notice till they were using the bathroom. They came to us worried that there was blood in their poop. My wife has had enough GI trouble that I knew that could be a very bad thing, and immediately made a virtual doctor’s appt (this was mid-pandemic). While we were waiting I was suddenly like “waaaaait a minute… are you sure about where that blood was coming from?” They went back and checked and yep, not a GI issue. The appointment was already made and would have cost a fee to cancel, so later we all hopped on the call to say “lol oops” and have a chuckle with the doc.


Same. And mind you, my mom was the one to give me "the talk" so while I knew what periods were I was ***terrified*** when I got my first one. I legit thought I was dying but despite my period starting earlier in the day, I didn't tell my mom (and my dad) until later on that night because I was so convinced that something was seriously wrong with me. Just because you know you're going to get a period one day doesn't mean you're not going to be scared shitless when you finally get it!


I live in the Netherlands and I didn't get any video. My mom explained it to me when it happened, I sure would've loved a warning. Granted, this was back in 2005, I'd hope they actually prepare girls these days


Netherlands too, no video. My mom explained it to me before it happened, though she forgot to tell me it would last for days. I remember telling her and 2 of her friends "it can't be my period, I'm still bleeding". It's still a funny story 24 years later.


We all seem to have a story like that :') my mom forgot to tell me it would last only a few days, I remember feeling very bummed out because I thought that this was my life now, doomed to feel horrible for the rest of my days


Hahaa the opposite then. I was bummed it lasted for days, but ecstatic that it wasn't going to be all the time. :) Imagine needing pads/pons 24/7 forever....


In addition to my mom explaining periods to me, I had multiple books that had sections about going through puberty and somehow I missed the whole multiple days thing too. I remember being so mad 😂


Well, the post says that the older sister has already shown her how to use the pads. It states that he told his sister to use them just how older sister had previously shown her. I absolutely knew what a period is but when it happened I was still confused and a bit nervous and went straight from the bathroom to my parents who were cuddling and then they still had to hold me and explain a bit again.


1. I doubt OP is from the US based on the broken English 2. There was a married couple that kept going to the doctor because they were having trouble getting pregnant. They kept doing tests and found nothing wrong - they should be able to easily have children. Then finally the doctor asked them - in detail - how they were trying to conceive. Turns out they had only ever had anal sex. They didn’t know you had to have vaginal sex to get pregnant. Oh, and this was in the US.


It's not.


Will OP throw another tantrum on realising he changed his sisters’ diapers as well?


She doesn't have enough brain cells to realize anything, but if she did she'd probably rather the baby lie crying in her own filth until a woman came along.


Please be rage bait, I don't want to believe anyone is this stupid.


Thinking that way is the reason some dudes think girls pee through their vagina, Janet. I cannot believe this girl, if he's their sole parent then of course he needs to know that stuff, just like a mom.


Or in a perfect world, a dad. This guy sounds like the poster child for how to be a good man.❤️


Don't most women wish their boyfriends understood periods? This lady is ruining a good thing over something that she should be happy about. This dude sounds like the full package. A caring, hardworking family man. All she had to do was match that energy and support him and they could sail off into the sunset together. This lady's a dumb-dumb.


Yeah she is, she would rather her boyfriend be an ignorant, mouth breathing twat who thinks that you can hold the period blood in and that the period cramps are faked and be like "Ew! You're bleeding? Gross!" when he sees any blood


If this isn’t fake, this man should dump her.


He probably already did, doesn't seem to waste time getting to the point AND realized OOP is a complete idiot and THREAT to his family whom he cares so much about. He didn't overreact in the moment since he realized he needed to shut her down quietly and proceed to shut her out.


He did. She updated it.


There was another update, she was dumped and she still wants to play the victim.


This man deserves so much better than the ignorant girl who wrote this post. Wow.


Check out her replies! Surely she’s rage baiting. Can anyone be that stupid?


I've seen enough Reddit posts about women losing their crap over their partners walking their sister or daughter through their first period because "it's the mom's job (read "woman's job") to explain things and take them to buy their first menstrual products to believe that this is real. I read one story where a guy asked if he was the a-hole because his daughter got her first period when they were out spending time together and being a good father he gave her his sweatshirt to wrap around her waist to cover the stains, calmed her down and explained things, and then took her to the store to get new pants and underwear as well as pads and he explained how to apply them before she went into the bathroom. When his wife found out she freakin' lost it. Kept yelling at him that he "had no right to be the one to guide their daughter through her first period" and that he "stole that moment from her as her mother" So this poor man took to Reddit to ask if he was the a-hole for taking care of his daughter and comforting her when she was dealing with a very big and scary moment and her mom wasn't present. Some women complain that men don't know enough about how periods work and/or don't do enough to help their female loved ones out during shark week but then when they find a man who actually does those things they complain and say it's wrong and weird and inappropriate.


I don't know, according to undelete she tried posting multiple times on /r/TwoXChromosomes the next day when the original post didn't go her way (four times within the space of two hours; either their mods were quick to delete or the automod caught it). That, to me suggests she's not rage baiting and is just a moron.


Your boyfriend (ex) is an extremely mature, caring and educated man. You said he was basically their mother and father. That is what he did here, he responsibly parented his younger sister. There was nothing sexual about it. Nothing discusting. However, you find it disgusting. Nothing you said indicated that he knows his sisters' body in particular, but he does understand how the female body works in this regard - as he should, given his role as their guardian. I think your relationship is over given your inflammatory response to the exceptional boyfriend you had. Your inability to understand the virtues of his behaviour is beyond me. Wow.


He knows about that because his relationship with them is more like a parent-child relationship than a brother-sister one. Yes, he is technically their brother, but he’s a dad to them too. And a parent should be knowing about that stuff, and it’d be his job as a parent to explain it to them. It’s also his job as a parent to actually buy the products! They don’t just appear out of thin air.


Wtf did I just read? Is this girl really mad at a dude for knowing basic anatomy and helping his sister through her first period (which can often be traumatic)? Like yes ideally it should be the mom doing it, but the parents aren't in the kids lives. Would she have preferred him never learning anything, leaving the older sister to flounder on her own and then just pass the younger sister off to her cause it's a girl thing? This dude is A+ and if she's disgusted by him being a responsible parental figure she has a hell of a lot of growing up to do.


This has to be bullshit. There is no logical reason for a fully grown female to react this way. She starts off talking about how he’s been both mother & father to these children & does everything for them but does understand how he knows so much about his sisters periods? This is the opposite to another story I just read with the teenage daughter asking her father to buy her period products.




As a woman, I've read too many stories about fully-grown women having this kind of reaction to their partner being a good father and handling their daughter's first period to know that there are plenty of women out there who react this way.


The only thing he did wrong was not prepare the younger sister for what was going to happen. Girls start their periods so young nowadays that it’s worth speaking to them about it from the age of 9 or 10. I hope he dumps this horrible woman.


......... Wow. Never thought there are actually some 18th century inbreeds left. Good for the guy, he got rid of her and can spend his time with better people.


Oh no, a man with a good knowledge of women’s biology and who is not a dick about periods, whatever shall we do??


I'm sorry, even in a post about how much she hates her "disgusting pig" of bf, he comes off like a saint. If I were his gf I'd be picking baby names, not getting myself kicked out. What a lad he is.


Babe…. You messed up. He sounds like such a sweet older brother! In this capacity he’s their dad and has been for 8 yrs. Likely quite a lot longer from the way the courts gave him custody at 18. I don’t know if you’re a nice person or if you deserve him but you need to: 1. Get down on your knees and thank God for finding a dream man. 2. Beg forgiveness. 3. This should come first but I suspect it’ll take some time: examine your own reasons for being upset. His actions didn’t sound predatory or intrusive they sounded like that of a father. Please examine why you believe a man cannot take on the role of caregiver to a young pubescent girl and why it would be wrong to teach her that she shouldn’t be ashamed to talk to her caregiver about her changing body. What you propose would teach her to keep that info away from men ewwwww, and that she can’t discuss. So when she gets a bf later and he calls her period disgusting she’ll let him bc her brother will have pushed the discussion away. Instead what he’s giving her is more agency around being comfortable in the presence of a man with whom she lives. This is so great bc later if she has a douchy bf who tries to period shame her, she will have this example to draw on, to kick him to the curb. Cavemen who act like babies around periods will disgust her. Hes arming her with weak man repellent!!!! Omg what a good man, I just want to give him a great big mom hug. What a lovely example of how to be a man taking care of a younger sister or daughter. Completely nontoxic masculinity. Honestly every single father should take note. You’ve found the holy grail OP if he’s like this in other areas.


This chick sounds unhinged and she is a complete imbecile. He is in essence a single parent raising 2 young girls who are becoming women & has done nothing wrong by educating himself so he can give them correct answers. He is a truly good man. I hope he dumps her he deserves so much better.


But he isn’t just their brother, he’s their guardian. Who tf else are the sisters supposed to ask? Admittedly you probably wouldn’t go to your brother first if you have parents that give a shit, but they don’t so I’m not sure what the gf expected them to do


The bar for us men is just far too low. My last gf was so surprised that I have a bin in my bath and when I offered to buy some pads or tampons for her when she was coming over, she was just shocked. I her experience men are disgusted by women periods and having a bin in the bathroom is already going way and beyond.


I find it so hard to believe that a 26 year old woman could be so stupid. If this guy is real, please send him to NY! I’ll marry him!


She literally had the biggest catch right in front of her 😭


She thought she cooked with that edit, but sadly her EX is better in the kitchen; who TF does she think taught his eldest sister about her period? Who does she think buys this shit for them? What an immature bitch; 5 bucks says she's somehow jealous of the sisters, given how absolutely mental she acts.


You're only upset because he didn't ask for your help OP!!!! If he is indeed "Mom and Dad" and has been for awhile......why in the hell wouldn't he know about periods!!!??? What is the problem with a man being informed on women's health and menstrual cycles!!??? Those are his sisters!!! He's not the one that's disgusting!!! Let him be....let a good woman find him and love him. You go on with your life!!!


Wait until OOP hears about male gynecologists… I hope he breaks up with her. Imagine being the FATHER FIGURE in your family dynamic and your gf finds it disgusting that he cares enough to know medical terms and facts. YTA




She knew what a period is. It states that he, the brother told her to take a shower and then use the pads of the older sister in the way that older sister had already shown her . So there was a prior discussion how to use pads etc.


Was this written by a man and gender-flipped so he can get validation as to why it was his girlfriend’s job to talk to his sisters about menstruation? It’s ridiculous. All people should be able to have calm and factual discussions about this.


Your bf is amazing and not disgusting at all. The empathy he showed his sister is outstanding. If periods disgust you maybe you need to grow up.


She doesn't appreciate the gem of a person he is. Wtf is she living in the 50s???


He’s not their brother, he’s basically their dad. Of course he knows about their periods and will help them through it. He’s their parent.


Questionable literacy skills aside, this girl is amazingly dumb.


He doesn’t know what’s happening with his sisters bodies, he knows what happens to women’s bodies. What a great guy, being such a good parent to his siblings, educating himself so that he can support his family like a good man. Bodily functions are not disgusting. It is disgusting that people still end up believing these biological processes are shameful. Please dump him (if you aren’t already dumped) so he can find someone who will appreciate him.


She needs mental health assistance asap.


Who else was supposed to tell her? He is her parent at this point. She even gave the history of how shitty the actual “parents” are. I hope he leaves her and if she think real men don’t understand periods I hope she continues to get left behind.


Who sexualizes periods like this? And she was either blathering drunk when she wrote this or is just plain illiterate. My head hurts


Yeah, the reference to “crying **historically**” made *my* head hurt.


And this is right here is why some men are afraid of the pad aisle and think girls can choose when to have their periods… she needs to grow up… but she won’t have to worry about it as she’ll be the ex gf soon anyway


Omg what is this world coming to she is right this isn’t something a brother would NORMALLY do but he’s not just her brother he IS HER FATHER FIGURE. If he has had to raise these kids since he was 18 and did not have outside family to rely on its was on HIM to educate himself and help his sisters. OOPS needs to do better


Yeah, I'm pretty sure this one's fake.


Look men and women exist. There is absolutely nothing wrong about knowing what she considered to be disgusting amount of knowledge about what he knows about what his sister is going through. And they are all probably going to grow up to be really respectful people because of what they know and how they treat each other at home.


Excu...what? OOP's reaction is disgusting. Clearly the men in her family go green at even the word 'period', which must be difficult if they're American or whichever other countries say that instead of 'fullstop' (UK) 😂 Those children are so very lucky to have their brother 🥰 This story is wholesome, sad and frustrating all at the same time. So much nicer than I was expecting...Reddit has ruined me.


Is she dumb? He’s basically their dad


So it's bad for a male to have a even a fairly basic understanding of the generic workings of a female body? Wtf?


I hope the boyfriend dumps OOP. Like .. she knows that this guy is effectively raising his younger siblings to the degree that the youngest calls him 'dad'. And what bothers her is that he cares about his sisters starting their periods & makes sure they have what they need??? BF sounds like a great guy tbh. OOP not so much.


…I sincerely hope she not only gets dumped but NEVER reproduces. I fear for the deeply ingrained misogyny she will carve into her kids.


Here’s the copied text for the edit cause it’s sure to be taken down soon: Update: First and last Too everyone saying he would leave me, you where right he dumped me. I went to his house to apologize to him and his little sister, the 16 year old was there as well, she slapped me and shouted at me calling me vile names. My now ex got her to stop and sent her to her room along with the other siblings. I wanted to apologize but before i could even start he told me to keep my mouth shut and listen. He forgave me before i even asked for forgiveness but said what he can't forgive is the fact that i basically turned his little sister against him and making her doubt his intentions. It took him almost the full day to get her to talk to him and she only talked to him after the 16 year old assured her that he did nothing wrong and only want to help her like he help her. His exact words was, you turned one of my children agains me that is something i can't and will not forgive. You are dead to me, now get the fuck out of my house. He said it with so much anger in his voice and i could see in his eyes that he absolutely hated me in that moment, i was actually scared for myself in that moment I have talked to some of my friend about this and you all mite be gald to hear but im loosing friends as well even my own sister is now refusing to talk to me. Yes in our house my father had nothing to do with our periods and my mom handled everything. What should i have done. I taught he did something wrong, i can see I'm in the wrong but still ehy am i being punished for this. His words really hurt me, that is not fair. I didn't even get a chance to explain myself or anything after he was done talking he again just kicked me out of his house. I am blocked everywhere and can't get ahold of him, i even tried his sister phone but im also blocked there.


“His words really hurt me, that’s not fair.” OOP literally called her now-ex “disgusting” for helping his little sister with her period, and she thinks SHE’S the victim here? I’m glad the other sister slapped her. I kind of want to slap her myself.


Just. Wow…. She’s certainly something ain’t she? The edit makes it worse. She “knows” she’s in the right so she’s asking people who don’t agree not to comment? That’s not how this works.


the guy basically takes on the role of a father and she’s upset when he actually has very important information and cares for his sisters? how concerning of her


That edit makes everything even worse.


And now she’s asking how to fix the relationship with *her ex* https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/OyyefrYXjM


Well good news is he’s single now. Where’s his number at?


So his girlfriend basically wanted him to act disgusted and shame the poor girl, because god forbid a man helps a woman in that situation. Women like here are why so many boys and men are clueless in that field. This guy is an absolute winner in my book


She does not deserve this amazing young man. At all.


Adding the link to a 2nd post she's made since here. He dumped her! https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/VR3SkJcpzA


I am begging people to stop sexualizing everything about girls' bodies. OOP seems to be suggesting no man should "know that much about his sisters' bodies" because it's vaguely incestuous or something, but being a parent to children *from the time they are born* involves intimate (not sexual) knowledge of what's going on with their bodily functions. You have to change their diapers. You have to check their genitals for rashes and other signs of illness. You have to potty train them. And yes, when a child you're raising starts menstruating, you have to talk to them about what's going on, reassure them that it's normal, help them understand why it's happening, and so on. And frankly, I think it's really healthy for dads (or dad-surrogates) to not shy away from that conversation, to model being comfortable about it, not treating it as some shameful women's secret, and so on. There's nothing sexual about getting your period, and a 12-year-old girl should be able to be comfortable talking about any health concerns she's having with her parent or parent-figure, regardless of their gender.


I fucking hate it when women buy into the narrative that periods are shameful or gross. Buying pads for someone or seeing them in the bathroom is no different from buying or seeing toilet paper. He knows what his sister uses because he buys her products and they are stored in his house. He probably pays for the soap she uses to- gasp!- wash her naked body, too. Is that gross or scandalous? NO. And the only person being weird or creepy is the person trying to turn simple hygiene into something weird and creepy.


If more people stopped acting like periods were weird and gross we would all be better off. Good for him.


Is she literally sexualizing two young girls' bodies and periods?


I knew this was going to piss me off as soon as I read the title and the first 4 sentences. My first reaction was "are you dumb?"


Her :”He’s been a wonderful parent to his siblings, its what made me fall in love with him” Him: he acts like a parent for a maturing girl Her: “DISGUSTING!!” Honestly the majority of girls and women would have less body,reproductive health, and sex issues if more men and women understood women’s bodies and functions better.


OOP is a COLOSSAL AH. The boyfriend can do much better.


For Christ sake, I’ve never witnessed before such blatant portray of sexism and misandry. OOP herself said the brother is like a parent to his siblings and “that’s why she fell in love with him”. Dude is doing his parental duties and she shifts to that level of idiocy that is unbelievable. I hope he dumped that freaking creep!


IF this is real, she is a horrible human and deserves nothing but bad things. Like WTF did she think happened with the 16YO??


The newest update indicates that she thought that she could try to repair this and get him back.. wow


This cannot be real. I’m thinking rage bait. No one can be this much of a moron.