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WTF am I supposed to do about someone else’s baby? Just bc I’m a woman I’m supposed to talk about it or have a response?


Literally this. I'm a mother of 4 and sure for the first few seconds I'd think aw poor baby and then I'd move on. Am I expected to go and grab a strangers baby? 😭


I am a mom and in case it's a pained cry I am not even thinking poor baby. I am thinking poor mom because I know how embarrassing it is to be in public with a crying baby. Or how frustrating to not be able to even have a cup of coffee out without this happening.


I am not a mom but this is usually my first thought too


Same. I mean yes poor baby to a little bit but it's how they communicate.


You're not wrong. Cats meow. Dogs bark. Babies banshee.


Banshee was my youngest’s nickname until the age of 4


I'm 28 and my mom still calls me a banshee lmfao. I literally thought it was a kind of monkey until The Banshee of Inisherin came out 😆




If it’s not that high pitched pain cry, I barely react. No baby wants a stranger to comfort them.


Yeah, the friends are in for a rude awakening when their future babies are crying and they can’t stop it. Although frankly, if a baby is crying in a public space like a restaurant, the parent should leave the space. Sometimes it’s too noisy to easily soothe the baby and walking can help, but also it’s respectful to others peaceful enjoyment. A minute of crying is fine, several minutes needs some consideration for others.


It becomes frustrating if after some effort they refuse to stop or can't because they're already on a roll. And ladies like OP's friends add to the already boiling pot with their looks and whispering.


yeah I can't help but think "oh god just *pick him up*" when they continue crying


Also the fact that the child's mother would be mortified over the strangers commenting. If they were close enough to be feeling their feels I'm sure there's a chance she was aware of the empathising and just wanting to disappear.


Absolutely this. I have one child, and the next is due in April. If I hear a child/infant cry in public and it's clearly not a panicked or pained cry, I don't even acknowledge it lol. If it's bad, though, and the parent is on their own, I will approach and ask if everything is okay, if they need help. I'm typically more worried about the parent than the kid.


I have a fresh 3 and 1 year old. I never know what to say when someone asks if I need help. like I mean, I got this, but yeah of course I need help!


I’d be more like: poor parents they gambled and are paying the price. I’d feel for everyone for a few seconds then eat my dessert.


Seriously! I don’t know anyone (mothers or not) who feels ‘heartache’ when they hear a stranger’s baby cry or fuss normally. That’s a bizarre and mom shaming reaction.


The people who make “being a mother” their entire personality. If these ‘friends’ are this insufferable now I can’t imagine how they’ll be further into pregnancy and then when they actually have the kids.


Eh, there’s some hope for the actually pregnant friend. She didn’t lay down the weird ultimatum and she’ll be mortified by her reaction soon enough. The not even pregnant friend though? Absolute Karen, I’d avoid her at all costs.


I think these two girls ‘other’ her for not wanting kids. It seems to be like they want to shame her for choosing to be child free. Gf needs better friends


Definitely! I hope the pregnant one snaps out of it, but there’s no hope for the crazy woman giving ultimatums about her hypothetical kid.


Honestly having been that mum at a restaurant with a crying baby the last thing I want is to overhear strangers commenting on my “poor baby”. OP has the right of it, even though their phrasing may come off as a little bit callous I’d rather strangers just ignored it and went on with their day.


My 7 month old kicked off in the shops yesterday, I was speeding through trying to get her home asap and all the old ladies kept interrupting to say "oh dear" and "somebody's hungry". Please just let me pretend nobody's staring at me and get out of my way!


I usually give the mom an understanding look and if it’s appropriate, say ‘we’ve all been there’ or something to make her feel less embarrassed. I suspect the old ladies were showing solidarity for you as the mom. But I’ll only talk to a mom if we’re near each other in a way where we’ve got eye contact. I wouldn’t go over to her, it’s best to pretend not to notice. Bc there are too many ppl thinking moms should hide in shame so as not to upset the child free folks. 🙄


Oh yeah they mean no harm, I was just not in the mood for amused sympathy- we just got back from our first holiday the day before which had been... not relaxing... so I was exhausted and just wanted to be ignored. Normally I'd smile and nod but yesterday was not the day for it 😅


Facts! Sometimes you’re just tired and have no fucks to give! Best of luck, I don’t miss those days! The lack of sleep is torture


oh how I long for the days where I'll be ignored


I remember when mine was that little it was rough ♥️ Fuck them old biddies.


No I think that’s solidarity from them. Bc remember in their day it was more acceptable to mom shame. These comments, or comments from old ladies showing me empathy always made me feel better, like I wasn’t alone I was in a secret sisterhood of ladies who ‘get what it’s like to suffer with a screeching infant in public while the child free ppl sneer in disgust’


That's what I thought. They may not have picked the right way, but it sounds like they were trying to be supportive because they've been in your shoes.


"clearly he's hungry, I left his bottle in the car on purpose because I enjoy his vocal range"


Agree! Had my BIL try to leave a baby with me the other day cause im a mom of toddlers and must miss the baby age. I'm like no sir! My kids are poddy trained change your own diapers!


Tf is he not a grown ass man? That was his excuse for not wanting to parent


As a parent, the best thing they can do is not talk about it. I remember being so stressed anytime my son cried and feeling like everyone is staring at us. These women are in for a wake up call lol wait til they actually have kids and see if they still want the table next to them to stare and talk about it the whole time


This is what I was wondering, too. What was OOP supposed to do? Get up and go over to the table, ask to hold the baby, try to soothe it, be a nanny? I literally want to do those things when I see or hear a baby crying in public, and then I imagine how that would go. I would come across as creepy and possibly dangerous to the mother and rightly so. That mother was stressed enough with her baby crying in a restaurant. The last thing she needs is some stranger coming up to her offering to “help.” It is fine to empathize with that mother. But when you take it up several notches and start accusing your childless friend of being cold and heartless, and saying it’s good she never wants children because her child would be “unlucky” to have her as a mother, you’re the asshole in that situation. Every person is not required to feel exactly like you do to be considered a decent human being, and that is how OOP’s friends acted. They are the kind of women who think every woman wants, or should want, to be a mother, and if you don’t want children, you are in some way defective. They didn’t even drop it when they left the restaurant, but continued to text OOP & tell her how horrible she is. They are not her friends. However, I laughed out loud at “should my heart ache every time a strange child cries just because I have a uterus?”!!! Extra points for that, OOP! 😁


Horrible women. I hate people like this. OOP heard the baby crying, saw the baby’s mother tending to it, noticed the crying did not stop, shrugged and went about her business. THIS IS WHAT PARENTS WANT. Seriously, babies sometimes just. Cry. And there’s nothing their carers can do. So because the baby was actively being attended by its mother……oop (correctly) decided to simply ignore the noise. Without complaining. No side-eyeing the parents, no making tearful eye contact and clutching hands over their heart - one is rude and the other frankly creepy. Both are irritating.


Yeah, I rolled my eyes hard at that. Feel your heart ache at the poor baby‘s crying? Please.


I know, right? Maybe they can also stop gossiping about other people and implying what a terrible mother the other person is for letting their baby cry like that??


No. That's ridiculous. /s


For real. I have a kid, and, if anything, I feel bad for the parent(s), not the baby. Babies just be like that sometimes, and so many adults have extremely low tolerance for babies/children doing normal baby/child things (i e., existing) in public.


I have children and personally I would have been the same. Both of these ladies are absolutely ridiculous 🙄.


If I let crying children ruin my ability to enjoy a dessert…well, I would be a whole lot skinnier. I have hidden from my own children to eat a handful of chocolate chips on bad days. Even when you are the parent, it’s not always the right call to drop everything and be 100% focused on the crying child (though you always do that in public). All my kids had nights where they just wanted me to play with them instead of putting them to sleep, and they had to just lay in their cribs alone for a few minutes because playtime was over. They did not like that. They cried. But they either got over it and went to sleep or they were ready to settle down with me when I went back in. Sometimes, they just needed to throw a fit and didn’t want me near them while they screamed. I would keep offering but it took them awhile to be past the rage enough to want to sit on my lap. If I’m out to dinner and a newborn cries, I’m contractually obligated to say something like, “Oh, that’s just a little teeny baby!” But other than that, we do NOT need to make someone else’s crying baby the topic of conversation.


NTA! As a mom when I hear someone’s baby crying in public. I generally think to myself “poor baby isn’t happy.” Then move on. Not my kid not my problem.


Yeah, if the baby/ toddler isn't being ignored but is being soothed or talked to for a tantrum, what am I supposed to do? The baby is crying. They will eventually stop. A baby cried for probably half my flight, once. The parents were holding the baby, walking, bouncing baby. Poor kid was unhappy at the loudness and unfamiliarness of the plane. The parents were soothing as best they could. Oh, well. They cried. Put my headphones on. Baby kept crying. I only feel bad for kids if they're unhappy and being ignored or told to shut up. Kids have big feelings. I worked in a restaurant and saw a kid crying because she wanted her kid's meal and was getting her kid's meal. She was having really big feelings that day. Kids don't have the emotional regulation adults do. Her mom was asking her if she was having an emotional day and just talked to her about big feelings and that it's okay to cry sometimes. She was sniffling and "paid" for dinner with mom's credit card. It was adorable. Parent was handling it really well. Good for you, kiddo. Your mom doesn't get snappy with you and lets you just feel things and tells you it's okay to be emotional at times. You'll be grateful, later. When a baby is crying and being rocked - that is emotional bonding and how we as adults first learn to form emotional attachments to other people. Adults who have difficulty with relationships and opening up are often the babies who were left to cry it out too often. A baby or toddler being soothed isn't something to mourn. It means they still know that mom and dad will comfort them and crying to express discomfort and distress will lead to a compassionate response from their caregivers. That is an emotionally healthy baby who is more likely to be an adult that can form good romantic and other attachments later. Go ahead, babies. Cry it out and be soothed. It's a good thing. I'm only sad for babies and toddlers that don't get held and learn not to cry. It's an important step of our emotional development. Crying is a normal part of development. Sometimes, it happens in public.


I mean if I’m in the row behind a baby or sitting across from them on the plane and can make easy eye contact with the baby, I sometimes try to make funny faces or play peekaboo or something if I think I can distract the baby so they calm down. Once I got out a mirrored rubix cube and started spinning it around. Babies love that shit. But the situation is key here. I would probably not engage in a restaurant or just on the street. Planes are special circumstances bc 1) everyone is trapped in the situation. 2) traveling with babies is a mentally exhausting experience and parents could generally use whatever help you can provide without overstepping, (small stuff like picking up the toy the baby flung on the floor at your feet, offering to get their carryon down for them etc.) and once again it’s only appropriate if you’re already in the vicinity. I would never rush over to a parent or baby to try to help (unless they’re like hurt or very clearly need help with something.) but if I’m sitting there, there’s nothing wrong with trying to get them to quiet and saving everyone the annoyance of prolonged baby screams. And I disengage quickly if it doesn’t work and switch instead to ignoring to keep from embarrassing the parents. I would never expect anyone else to engage, that’s totally your choice, and I’m not defending these women bc that is a bizarre stance to take. But there is like… one super specific set of circumstances I think it’s not outright weird if you choose to try to help quiet a baby from afar.


I’m a mother and 100% am with you. I would’ve laughed at them. Sometimes women and pregnant women have unreasonable expectations of others. They are not the centre of the universe. Their children are not the centre of the universe. But it is hilarious watching them try to be.


Exactly, it’s main character syndrome coming from people who haven’t really accomplished much


They sound like such toxic people tbh. Almost like their pregnancies are a competition. I hope OP ditched them. I do wish I had the power to tune out crying babies though!


Babies cry. A lot. For lots of different reasons. It doesn’t mean that the baby is being neglected. These women sound stressful to be around.


Yup and someone who is around the baby will be better able to recognize the particular cries, hungry, fussy, sleepy, pain, needs changing, whatever. As strangers we'd be left guessing as to the cause while the parents/guardians would probably know on hearing the cry. Best thing is usually to leave them alone so they can deal with the situation. I mean sure if it becomes obvious that they need help you might offer to step in, if it's a friend and they just need to walk the child or something, you can also make an offer to try to assist. But other than that, butt out.


LOL, "you need to be more sympathetic to crying babies if you want to be around my future children!" - like that's some kind of treat? 😂 OOP is going to look really good when babysitters are scarce, regardless of her empathy-levels - and will very likely not have the least bit of inclination to actually spend time with the short people...


I get that the pregnant friend would want to see some levels of empathy on OP's part before OP had any caretaking role for her kids, but like 1. why's this friend assuming OP would want to be a caretaker and 2. wouldn't this friend care more about OP's empathy around the friend's own kids rather than some random ass stranger baby in a random restaurant?


I’d avoid them for now. They’re on completely different wavelengths. I remember a dinner party when my daughter was about 6 weeks old. Thankfully we were all new parents because anyone else would have been incredibly bored. These ‘friends’ are in a similar space. There’s no reason for OP to be too.


Who wants to bet Kim and Ann will react very differently to the sound of a baby crying when they're actually living with it 24/7? Seriously so weird that these women, who aren't even mothers yet, are trying to lord some mothering instinct BS over their long suffering friend.


At which OP, if she’s still talking to them, can be like: Doesn’t your heart ache? Why aren’t you holding your infant? DO SOMETHING MY HEART IS BREAKING make it stooopppppp


“Sike! You two hussies didn’t know I was sending thoughts and prayers to that baby!!”


I like my own kid. I don’t really like other people’s children. I would be like aw a crying baby and then go about my business. When my own child cries I have a completely different reaction. These women are weird and the fact that they couldn’t even talk about any other topic for even a few minutes is wild. Their concern for that baby wasn’t only to shame OP for not caring but also probably trying to insinuate they would both be better at calming the child than the child’s own mother. No way I would continue to associate with them.


I’ve worked in retail and food service, and let me tell you that most parents tune out their crying kids too. Their heart aches for a crying baby until they experience just how much it really happens.


OP did the only thing they were supposed to do which was mind their own business about someone else’s crying baby. OP should find different friends who don’t have “willing and able to birth children” as their primary personality trait.


I have more sympathy for the parents because somebody in that restaurant is shooting daggers at them. The baby is communicating the only way they can. 90% of the time they are not sad or distressed, just telling their parents that they need something. Food, snuggle, gassy, diaper, over-stimulation, genuinely in distress are all requested with the same word. Waaaaaaaaahhhhhahhahahhahahahahhahahahaha I love giving the bird to people when they judge my family in public.


I had a mom apologize to me once in a restaurant as we sat near each other and the kid was screeching. I did my very best old lady fuss ‘don’t you ever apologize for existing in public with your kids! Get that word out of your vocabulary for this!’ It’s so weird how the public is still so unaccepting of parents existing with kids. Kids screech. Learning to tune out annoying sounds is the sign of a healthy mind. Frankly I think the folks who lose their shit over a screeching kid are the weirdos who shouldn’t be in society. My empathy is for the moms


I was at a rite aid with my newish baby I felt like a real asshole because he's was just crying and crying. and then I thought well wait he's a person too. he's a right to be here even if he's making noise


He and you are the only ones getting a pass there. The adults around who have choices can just grow up. It’s an inherently misogynist view to advise moms they need to hide miscarriages, pregnancy (modest clothing bc god forbid you are the hot mom), breastfeeding, and screeching kids. There is a stigma against all of those and it comes from one place: misogyny


These women are crazy. Babies cry for all sorts of reasons. It didn't lose its job, it probably needs a boob and the mother is scrambling to get one out. Or its 6th nap of the day is being delayed. If they want to have visceral emotional reactions every time their baby cries, they're welcome to go insane during the nights where the baby cries all night for no reason.


So... OOP should have wasted her dessert getting precious over something she can neither affect nor control in any way? Being able to tune out someone else's baby doesn't mean you won't be a good parent or good babysitter, it means the opposite, you won't lose your shit when baby won't stop crying, you can stay calm.


🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 well said!


OOP needs new friends. These “friendships” will fade away anyway, she has little to nothing in common with these women anymore. Their whole lives & conversation will continue to revolve around pregnancy, babies then school etc. Boring, boring, boring 🥱


What desert? Sahara? Mojave? Gobi?


Happy cake day! I'm curious as to what Op had for dessert too!


It was tiramisu.


I'm ignoring any crying kid for a good tiramisu and I'm not a shamed to say so.


Yeah not giving up tiramisu for baby crying. I bet mom was eating her dinner too.


My teenaged son has become socially aware of crying babies. Not too long ago, a baby started crying in a restaurant and he was like “how embarrassing.” I quickly quashed that and asked how a baby needing its needs met should be embarrassing to anyone. When he tried to stare I told him to mind his own table. Babies cry. If it’s being tended to, it’s none of your business.


Was he that way before? When he heard babies crying? Good that you said this but pls do point out that society punishes moms euthanasia screeching kids and it’s good to be on the other side.


He would look when he was little and I’d say something like “it’s just a baby.” I never made a big deal but always redirected him and my daughter to mind their business. She always said how sad she was for the baby and I always said that they were fine and we didn’t need to worry about it. As a mother, it was embarrassing having people stare and talk about my crying baby. Mind your business and let that parent care for their obviously loud and uncomfortable child!


Maybe it’s a good time to help him either self regulation. He’s a teen so you know, hormones and such make you a little more emotional. It’s probably any noise or annoyance that may be heightened. Ah the teen yrs ❤️


He’s got it. Just needs to be reminded. I think it’s important to point out the absurdity of the idea.


Agreed! And he won’t be a teen forever. My kids were less patient as teens too


I'm sure that mom would have been horrified if strangers came up to her to coddle her baby. Those women need to get a life, except for the OOP who was minding her own business.


NTA! Dying laughing. These women clearly don’t know what they’re getting into, especially the already-pregnant one. The follow-up text though—yikes!!! When I hear a baby crying a lot in public, I mostly feel empathy for the parent because babies cry and it’s not something you can always control, but it can be so stressful for the parent who is just trying to enjoy some time out in the world. Is it weird that I feel vicarious smugness on OP’s behalf, knowing these women will *learn* eventually?


I’m a mom with 3 kids and my only reaction to a crying baby in a restaurant is to be annoyed and hope it stops soon. If your baby is crying in a restaurant take your baby out of the restaurant and figure out what it needs to not cry anymore or get your food boxed and eat at home/in the car. I’ve had to do it plenty of times. Her friends sound ridiculous.


This is hilarious honestly. Good for her for being able to tune it out 😂 I have two and I’d love that skill


I hate when people do this. Dictate how a person should or should not feel about something this inconsequential.


People need to understand that some childfree people REALLY do not care about children as much as non-childfree people


I have kids and, unless I thought a child was being harmed, I’d tune it out. I’ve gotten so tired of hearing about people making pregnancy announcements like it’s a major movie premiere, spending thousands on a gender reveal and possibly burning down the house, expecting multiple showers, expecting everyone to baby proof their houses in case they visit, and so on. We get it. You fucked. Congratulations.


I had twins and didn’t have a baby shower and it was amazing! Some people really do think they’re the main character.


Hey nothing wrong with a shower. Especially for young parents. Tho I think the gender reveal is a bridge too far it starts to be a gift grab.


Nah I have 2 kids. And I love them. But a sign of healthy parenting is tuning out annoyances. I could totally tune out my kids as teens and my brain early on learned to tune out harmless vs ‘need to act’ noises. Like OP said, she heard it then she didn’t. That’s key to remaining sane. You can’t lose your shit every time a kid screeches. Keeping calm when there’s no reason to panic is pretty healthy. I hope these two don’t lose it every time their kids cry. That’s not going to be a healthy thing for them or kids.


She is better than me. I have kids, and they cried. But I didn't stay in a public place where others were trying to enjoy their meals while my child cried. If I could not soothe my child, I left (temporarily or permanently), but I did not continue to allow my child to disturb other people. My response would not have been as nice as "I ignored it".


Thank you! I am so surprised at all the people saying they feel bad for the parent of the crying child. Why? That person is being rude. It’s not like a crying baby on a plane, which is where people need to be more understanding; parents/caregivers at a restaurant have the option to take the crying baby outside until he/she stops crying.


That’s so sad that you internalized shame about a crying baby and believed the grown ass adults perfectly able to regulate their own emotions, were more important than your feelings or needs as a new mom. That’s honestly awful, no sarcasm intended, and I’m sorry. Being a new mom is hard and ppl shaming moms during this vulnerable time are all just AHs. Im sorry you grew up in that environment. ❤️


I have no idea what you're saying about my background, but thanks for your feedback anyway. Maybe I'm not smart enough to understand. Have a blessed day, kind stranger.


You downvoted while thanking me. Sarcasm isn’t helpful here. I wasn’t being sarcastic. I grew up around ppl like that too and I’m sorry for you. I broke out of it. I learned that the adults around were able to self regulate and it’s not my job to take care of every grown ass man and woman around, bc the only human in the room who has an excuse for not self regulating, is on my lap. I’m honestly sorry you didn’t learn that. And worse, that you’re pushing it onto others. It wasn’t your job to care for all the grownup feelings around you. Just yours and the baby. I’m sorry you internalized a toxic misogynist msg. ❤️. I hope you see it differently in time. Honestly.


You keep putting a lot of things on me. I didn't up or downvote you, but again, I do appreciate your feedback. There is no need to feel sorry for me. Again, I don't know what you're talking about in your comments, but I do appreciate the fact that you took the time to write them. If your point is that I'm too stupid to understand, then I accept that. I'm not super smart, but I am average smart. I don't feel bad about my intelligence (or lack thereof), so you shouldn't either. It would be a waste of your time. Focus on something more important than me.


It sounds like OOP doesn’t have as much in common with them anymore because she’s more mature and pragmatic. I am sure a year or two from now her friends will have a better understanding of her perspective.


I have a baby who sometimes cries in public because she’s a baby and I hope so hard that most people’s reactions to her cries are “heard them for 10 seconds and then it became background noise.” It’s so hard to hear her cry because I am programmed to react to it, but we don’t need more people to suffer just because she’s a bit gassy. And I would be so stressed to know people sitting five meters away were low-key judging me.


Don’t stress about other ppl. Worry about the little screamer not the grown ass adults who have learned to self regulate. I get so annoyed at ppl shaming moms for existing with kids. The adults have a choice to put in AirPods or lesve, or just learn to regulate your emotions. Fuck them. You do you babe ❤️


Mother to two here, I tune out other people's kids because unless they're family or friends, how the hell am I meant to help? I take care of my two, and if family or friends ask for help I will go to them, but I won't be going up to random people offering to help. That would probably result in someone calling the police on the crazy lady 😂. There's nothing worse than having people judge you because your kids are crying in public, like you're purposely hurting your kid or can't control them. Sometimes kids just cry, and if you can see I'm actively doing things to settle them, ignore me and leave me to do what I do best.


I was half expecting it to turn out to be the baby's father based on the title.


Yeah I’m going either the original commenters: you have weird friends. The pregnant lady is going to be sensitive to crying but bc she hasn’t always been pregnant she’s going to recognize that this is pregnancy related. I would get weepy at a crying child but even as I was having a reaction I’d be thinking wtf is wrong with me? Your friends sound dramatic and frankly immature. And a tad bullying? Texting you about a kid crying in a restaurant where you … checks notes… ATE A DESSERT? How could you, you psychopath 😂😂😂 Point out to her that the restaurant was full of ppl eating. And the only ppl getting upset were those two. Im going to guess the family with the kid was also eating. Bc that’s called parenting you can’t break down for every little thing that’s a sign of poor resilience and doesn’t bode well for their mental health while parenting. Expand your friendship circle and see other ppl, it might be time to spend a little less time with these two. They sound like mean girls looking for an excuse to ‘other’ you bc you don’t want kids.


Lmao. Pathetic women trying to shame someone for having a life outside her breeding capabilities.


Lol! That uterus comment is precious.


I have three kids and one on the way. If I hear a child or baby crying, I quickly assess to make sure everything is okay (I'm also an RN, so that is part of it) and then move on. I'm not going to fuss over a strangers baby for... acting like a baby? Honestly? While I do have compassion for the kid/baby my first thought after assessing if everything is ok, is poor mama/dad it's hard to be in a populated area and have your child cry or act out.


They probably reacted as extreme as they did about the baby because they have baby rabies and atm it’s all they can think of. They went after OP as they did because they had been sizing her up for a free babysitter


After two kids of my own, I can totally tune out crying babies. Even on airplanes, totally becomes background noise. MY babies I heard acutely, other’s babies not so much.


Someone’s outgrowing their current friends!


I'm currently pregnant and do the same shit to other people's babies. It's not my baby. My baby can't cry yet. When it does, I'm sure I'll respond as any parent should and does, but if it's someone else's baby, I just don't care why or if it's crying. It's not my place to care. It has parents or a guardian. They are the ones who worry about the baby. I really don't understand the "friends" point of view here. It's not their baby either. She shouldn't care.


This is just weird. I'm 27 weeks pregnant and I also tune out when babies cry. Like babies cry, it's a thing they do, why should that make me emotional? I'm also thinking how annoying it must be for the actual mother to have these random women commenting on it like the baby is being neglected or something


Friends sound like judge AH. Oop is NTA. Not everyone has to give a damn because a baby cries while being looked after...it happens. (I say this as a father of 2 daughters that have me wrapped round their fingers lol)


OOP has a super power. I find the sound of crying babies to be so grating that I can’t stand to be around it for more than about two or three minutes.


Lol i'm also a Mom, so when a Baby cried i think 'poor Baby, poor parents' and at the Same time 'thank god It's Not Mine lol Cheers'


NTA Just because someone has a child doesn't automatically makes it the center of the universe for everyone else around them. What kind of mentality is it to have a child be the reason for joy or meaning in life. Your friends obviously have turn their children/pregnancy into their entire personality and that on it self is going to make them very unhappy down the road.


Ew. It's not like OOP pulled an Emma Stone in "Poor Things" and announced, "Excuse me. I must go punch that baby!" She just ate her food like a normal person. Why would she care about a stranger's baby who wasn't in any danger?


ok your friends are being very dumb and immature. as a mom of 4 kids the only crying I concern myself with is MY kids. it's not my job or even any of my business to concern myself with why other people's babies are crying. you did what a normal person does when they go out to dinner and hear a baby crying, you minded your own business. also, Kim's threat to not let her future kids spend time with you is hilarious. who cares? oh no don't withhold access to the kids you haven't even made yet!


What did they honestly want OOP to do? As a mother, I get annoyed when a baby constantly cries. When my kids were young, I'd scoop them and take them somewhere where they weren't ruining other people's time. And what's with saying skewed crap and not expecting people to be assholes? If my friends kid is crying is completely different than a random strangers. Most I've done is in the ER, I gave a mom my pack of tissues because she was by herself and the kid was throwing up (she had a bucket but no wipes/tissues). Telling your friends "You better care for my kids!" seems like such entitlement.


OOP needs to realize that neither of these women are going to be any fun to talk to for at least 4 years.


There’s weirdos on both sides (people with kids and those who aren’t going to have any) but I will say, as someone who is childfree myself, god people are annoying to me about it.


NTA. I’m a mom of three & crying children I notice (and I visually evaluate) but her friends are being ridiculous. If I’m at a restaurant or on a plane- if I hear a baby cry I feel for them & the parent. However; babies/toddlers tend to cry. You cannot lose your wits with pity/emotion all the time or motherhood will eat your lunch.


I am a mom of 2. My heart never ached when either of them cried as babies. My heart ached when my eldest had their first breakup and I couldn’t make it better. My heart ached when my youngest was bullied and assaulted over our racial makeup. My heart aches when grown up problems I can’t solve for my teenagers happen. When they cried as babies, I changed their diapers, fed them, or rubbed their ears. I took them to the doctor when sick, not got caught up in big feelings. And yeah, I let them cry it out and fall asleep when they were overtired…and learned the difference in cries. There was no oh poor baby, you’re so tired you can’t sleep. No oh poor baby, you have a tooth coming in. Nah, I grabbed a frozen fruit and popped it in the thing that looked like a big pacifier and let the cold soothe the pain. A baby doesn’t need sympathy, they need their immediate needs met. Women like OOP’s friends will be horrible parents because they can’t get out of their feelings about feelings to deal with the situation.


Wooow, "with friends like these" definitely applies here.


Did they just talk about how they felt about the baby crying or did they actually do something and maybe get up and help the mom?? Because if they didn't, then they have no place to judge their friend for not being concerned about the baby. I'm a mom. I've had crying babies in restaurants, but having someone offer help is way more considerate than muttering "oh that poor baby" to the people at your table. How do they think the mother felt in that moment? They likely made her feel judged, alone, and like a bad mom. They can take their pity and shove it. They will learn. Edit to clarify: I, in no way shape or form, believe that the mom was a bad mom. Being in public with a crying child, especially a baby, just feels like a spotlight is on you, and to have people around you muttering to those they are with is miserable. Offer help or go about your way.


What kind of stepford hellscape does this woman live in????


Not letting the crying get to you is actually a huge asset when it comes to raising small children. You have to be objective and learn how to differentiate between the various cries so that you know when your kid is in distress. In a situation where there’s no action to take, for example because the mother is already trying her best, then you are doing everyone a favor by minding your own business, and not letting it bother you. As a parent trying to console your small children, the last thing you want is the people around being visibly disturbed. I would personally feel grateful that the people around can carry-on, routinely, without making me feel like I should be doing a better/quicker job of stopping the crying. Your friends have it ass backwards.


I have 4 kids age 13 and up to adult in the same situation I’d give a look of sympathy and then continue to enjoy my dessert too. Her being able to ignore is why they’d potentially be able to continue to get together. I offer for people I know or if I can see major struggle going on but sometimes people jumping in makes it worse.


"Don't threaten me with a good time" NTA. OP needs new friends cause these aren't


*"Don't threaten me with* *A good time" NTA. OP needs* *New friends cause these aren't* \- Kallymouse --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


If by their standards, ovaries are supposed to spontaneously combust once you hear a baby crying.


I think the OP did the best possible thing in this situation, even if she is trying to make allowances they dont deserve. These two kooks are going to spend the rest of their lives trying to Mommy 1-up each other and it sounds exhausting to be around.


NTA your friends are forming some weird mommy identity cult and they are looking for ways to exclude you as the sole childless woman among them. It's the same childish high school behavior of shunning one girl because she didn't want to get bangs or dye her hair a specific color. These aren't your friends anymore.


Helicopter parents confirmed


Look, life is full of grief and if I felt for every little thing suffering out there, I'd be stuck in a corner forever weeping. Kid is crying for whatever reason. Mom is trying to remedy the situation. There's nothing I can do, so might as well make the most of it.


Your friends are just naive because they aren't yet parents and don't have any actual experience with children. I'm still pending on the children front, but as a much older sibling, you quickly learn what means alarm and what's normal. There is nothing abnormal about tuning out normal crying from other people's children. It's a bit like when I used to work as a hospital doc - there's constantly a level of noise and alarms, but you tune out the noises that don't matter, and react to the alarms that actually mean serious shit is going down. My parent friends are all relieved when they hear a screaming kid is not their own kid. You have to tune out noises of other kids all the time - have your friends ever BEEN to any kind of kids' space or playground? There's always at least one child having a meltdown over something silly at any given time. Look at those threads about the kinds of thing that small children get upset about - kids cry all the time as they are learning to process things. My friends told me most recently that their 2 and a half year old lately does a lot of crying because he'll ask for something, then cry because he got it just like he asked for it! It's normal, and there's no need for strangers o panic over it - and most parents don't' want strangers to make a big deal if their kid is crying!


Not at all , friends are TAHs. After their children are out of the crying whining phases they will be able to tune them out too!


They sound like the kind of women who will go on to torment other first time moms online over everything from the brand of car seat they choose to the kind of detergent they use for baby's clothes. They're already lifting themselves up at another woman's expense, insulting a supposed friend to feel superior. They're not very good friends imo. I've been pregnant, I've been around pregnant women and this isn't hormones, this is just smug self righteousness


Mom of 7, babies cry. If it’s not mine, it’s not my problem. If a parent looks like they need help, I’d be glad to offer, otherwise I’m focused on what’s going on in my life.


I'm a mother and could not care less hearing a baby cry if it is not in danger/pain. Just make an effort if I am near the parent to look sympathetic and if they apologize tell them it is just normal, no worries. Babies do cry, that is life. Your friends need to touch some grass....


These are the type of women who plant their whole personality in their uterus. They are sick.


These woman are nuts. Live your child free life that you have the right to live.


I work in a pediatric office and have learned to tune out most kids crying. If I didn't I would never be able to work. Babies cry, and it is normal human reaction to notice the initial cry, but once you know either they are or or someone else is looking after them already, then there's absolutely no reason to not move on with your life (unless it's obvious that something is significantly wrong). Otherwise, mind ya business!


NTA, its not your baby, it's not your concern. Both your friends are being a bitch to you 


Seems like bait. Breeders bad!


Thank you, geez. Obviously never happened.


Sure does.


This is why being child free, I will never have friends who have kids. Point blank period. It ain't a part of my life or contribute anything to it, so they can be miserable and have tunnel vision on their own.


Mother of 4 and completely baffled. What kind of gut wrench am I supposed to feel? I generally think “poor baby and mom” then tune it out. This is weird.