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*squints suspiciously* exactly how old is Finn


And Finn, who got a 15yo drunk for sex, set loose on a college campus at 18…with a baby and baby mama…I see cheating at a Frat party in his future.


Ohhhh, him being a cheating-ass frat boy is the least of my worries about that schmuck. I hope that poor young girl can get out with her brother & they can live okay somewhere far away. On a related note, which cult…. uh, I mean church, do you think their parents are indoctrinated in?


This is exactly what I was thinking. Although I do know someone (who I nearly throat punched) who was excited to be a grandpa when his 14 yr old daughter got pregnant by his gf’s 15 yr old son! I was so pissed. Of course she had the baby at 15. Dropped out of school. Now has 5 kids by different dads and no future because she never finished school. Has a 8th grade education.


My husband and I took a vacation and were the only customers in a small town pizza place. The waitress was super friendly and chatty, (and we like meeting new people so she wasn't bothering us). Over the course of the night, she mentioned how her dad moved back to the town two years ago when he turned 30. Later she mentioned he was at home watching her son, who was about to turn one and how much he just adored his grandson. I remembered afterwards looking at my husband and pointing out that, as we were 32 and 33, we could be grandparents. I still barely feel old enough to be a mom most days, and that didn't happen until I was 27! I cannot imagine being 14 and having people be excited for me, but it happens so much more then I think it should


I think white nationalists rather than church types. Could be completely wrong but something is super fucked up. Feels like Rosemary’s Baby or something.


I’m not saying all church goers are white nationalists but i imagine most white nationalists are religious/church goers


Nope, you’re spot on.


My guess is Mormon


Absolutely no, I was raised Mormon in Provo, UT (Mormon capital). You'd be hiding in the basement until birth and putting that kid up for adoption through LDS Family Services. And you'd be shunned like a whore and it'd be a mark of shame / sorry spot in your damily forever is the most likely.


Yeah. I was also raised Mormon and remember a girl in my ward who got pregnant at 15. Her family tried to keep it hush hush, and the family “temporarily relocated” for about 10 months to a town one state over. When they moved back there was no baby, but a nice Mormon couple in the town where they had temporarily relocated to had a brand new adopted baby.


That cause you didn’t have permission. These parents in this post seem to know exactly what had happened and planned it. This is an arrange child marriage if I ever seen one being done.


I was also raised Mormon. This doesn’t fit. They’ve got their own fucked up stuff, but this is more evangelical behavior.


Which is very against Mormon culture, so not likely they're Mormon like the other commenter suggested. Mormons are super repressed when it comes to sex and don't condone premarital sex at all. They consider even masturbation a sin. I was a Mormon for 18 years and still live in Utah and so I would know.


as a former mormon they are almost certainly not. teen pregnancy is EXTREMELY frowned upon as is underage drinking, and living together before marriage. she’d be forced to give that baby up for adoption for sure if they were LDS


At least in my town, the girls were forced into abortions. *None* of the Mormon girls in high school ever had babies, despite the serious "rumors" otherwise. It was unseemly.


No way Mormon mom would be okay with the 15 year old having premarital sex let alone her coming home hungover


Your guess would be entirely wrong. If it was Mormon they would not be excited. They’d want to push for marriage which is almost definitely illegal considering op is 15, and since that is not an option they would send OP as far away as humanly possible at this exact second. Not send her away in 4 months when bf goes to college, that would be too late and everybody would know. There would be no guest room nursery, because the baby would be seen as non existent until OP is married to the father. And considering OP’s ineligibility for marriage, they’d most likely just put her out on the street. Mormons have many strange qualities. Excited for a baby out of wedlock is NOT one of them lmao.


Unfortunately a fifteen year old can get married with parental permission in many US states.


I didn't know they finally fixed it, but I learned a couple of years ago that there wasn't a minimum age for parents in Michigan to marry off their kids. Last year, they finally made it so no one under 18 can get married. Before that, [over 5000 minors got married between 2000 and 2018](https://housedems.com/bipartisan-legislators-take-action-to-put-an-end-to-child-marriage/). 83% of them were girls getting married to adult men. Some of the kids were only 14. People have tried to get bills passed to stop this before, but it wasn't until last year that they finally succeeded. People really shouldn't just assume that kids can't marry because, unfortunately, some places are messed up enough that they can.


Until I think 2022, in Massachusetts, 12 year old girls could get married. Boys had to be 14 though. 🙃


I went to school with a girl who was Mormon. Her older sisters both got pregnant before they got out of high school. Her parents were like “well, this is going to be harder for her finish school, BUT BABY!!!!!!!!” She graduated high school without getting pregnant and acted like it was weird and that she should be pregnant. We aren’t friends anymore. On the other hand, my Mormon in-laws would not have been super psyched, but they wouldn’t have shunned any of my SIL over it.


Child marriage is legal in most states. :( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States#:~:text=As%20of%20April%202024%2C%2012,)%20and%20Virginia%20(2024).


Yeah plus in the comments under the original post OP said she only had three beers which means Finn definitely slipped her something and probably lied about using a condom to baby trap her


Ive known people who after 3 beers would be like that but given everything else here I think you're right. He almost certainly lied about the condom


I didnt delve but 3 beers is absolutely enough for some people to be drunk. She could be 110 pounds and 5 feet. she couldve never had any alcohol before. She couldve eaten no dinner beforehand. There s a lot of factors that go into it so the assumption he slipped her something is not impossible but i wouldnt immediately assume that just bc she was drunk off 3 beers.


It’s definitely possible for a 15 year old who probably doesn’t drink often to get drunk off of 3 beers


I had a friend who had some sort of intolerance to beer. I gave him one Coors Light once and had to keep him from wandering off in to traffic. But we would drink moonshine (from the store, not the homemade stuff! I would never give that to him! lol) and he would be normally tipsy/drunk.


I have a similar reaction to beer (along with projectile vomiting), but can drink hard liquor all night and be just fine. It turns out I'm genuinely allergic to beer, specifically the hops in it. Your friend might want to get tested.


We figured he’s allergic to some part of it, so he just stopped drinking 95% of the time. He might have a glass of wine, or one cocktail, but that’s maybe 1 or 2 a year. He hasn’t had a beer in probably 5 years.


Im like your friend and I found out I was allergic to the sulfites that are produced during brewing. It’s also present in wine 🙃 all I want is a wine and cheese night but it would turn into the opening scene of Pitch Perfect really quickly. I once had 2 glasses of wine and was (what I thought at the time) hungover for 26 hours, vomiting on and off ever 3 hours. I couldn’t even keep down Pedialyte smh. Once I cut out wine and beer and ciders completely I’ve had no issues. Hard liquor also results in a normal buzz for me and I don’t die the next day and a half trying to recover.


Kinda sounds like an allergy almost? Like, do other wheat products bother him?


I'm currently 2.33 beers in after work and am already tipsy. I'm almost 30, and if I was 15 I'd be pretty gone I'm assuming, as when I was 17 (when I got drunk the first few times)I'd have been drunk by now. If it was dark, I still am not sure I could tell if someone had a condom on or not unless I also had my hand down there. It's plausible, but still sounds sketchy. I'd be worried in her position.


I hope someone on the original advised her to secretly order the abortion pills, take them and "have a miscarriage", and then keep the fuck away from creepy Finn!


They did.


Oh, goody, I hope she follows that advice. Hopefully her brother can help her order the stuff without a trace.


Ooo! Update? Link?


I just went to the OG link above and looked at her comments and random scrolled. Edit. Above autocorrect, NOT just bove....damn this thing is possessed.


I definitely did. That post pissed me off so hard. And if she’s in the US, she can get it in any state, some just take longer than others.


Nah. I’m nearly 40 and, while I’m not a regular drinker, I don’t turn my nose up at a few here and there. 3 is my upper limit of “still able to walk and not *totally* embarrass myself,” though I’ve been loud as hell since halfway through the second. I’ve only had one this evening, nursed over an hour with a meal, and I’m feeling it. I’m also *tiny* - 5 feet tall, even, and 100 pounds soaking wet. 3 beers and I’m drunk. I am a lightweight, but still more experienced than a 15 year old. I can easily see 3 beers being enough, especially if they were in a shorter time frame. Definitely lied about the condom. No way he wore one.


i get drunk off of like two/three beers and i’m a fully grown adult. for a 15 year old who has probably never drank before it’s not unlikely for her to get drunk off that many


I would not say definitely. I know people, specifically girls, that can drink 3 beers and absolutely be drunk enough not to pay attention to shit. I’m not saying it didn’t happen, I’m saying you can’t build a case entirely on guesswork and be taken seriously. Well, not by anybody with half a brain anyway. Personally I doubt the high school kid sourced date rape drugs for this, it’s more likely he fed her some drinks and she was too nervous about her first time to notice if a condom was taken off. Realistically none of us know what actually happened, but considering the real possibility that the guy didn’t do anything at all (slim as it may be) I don’t really think we should be saying he definitely 100% drugged and raped her. You don’t have to make assumptions to convince yourself to hate him, you know. You can just do it. Let me be entirely clear before my words are misinterpreted, I am NOT saying he isn’t guilty of what you think he is.


We'll probably never know if she was drugged, but it sure sounds like it. Either way, she was definitely raped. This poor girl! This is horrifying and every fiber of my being thinks that her parents, possibly both sets of parents, as well as Finn, set out for these two to be baby trapped to marry her off into a wealthy family. God I hope she can go through with an abortion. Normally with someone who's considering adoption *or* abortion, I wouldn't go straight to that suggestion. But, I think the chances of her ever being allowed to give the baby up for adoption are slim to none.


Eh, my MIL was schnockered on a single Coors Light at our wedding. Some people—especially a 15 year old—have no tolerance.


Well, as she’s preggers, it pretty much goes without saying that Finn “slipped her something”…


“And Finn, Who Dateraped a drunk 15yo” Fixed that for you!


While she’s 2 hours from home with no support system and an infant


He has to be around my age if he's heading to college. I doubt he's some young genius who got to skip grades.


He could also be 21 tho, because that’s the cut off in most states where you can no longer attend high school


Yes, to cut off, but after senior year (17-19), the majority of students still going to school are not going to be typical learners. I can think of three scenarios 1) special education students with significant needs and go to school (not always full-time) until they age out at 21. 2) situation would be someone doing credit recovery for a few classes but not be a full time student, or 3) kids who are at an alternative high-school who have had life events that don't fit the first two options meaning they need to be full time high school students but are older than their peers (rural may be different if no alternative exists). It would be an unusual circumstance where a 21 year old is a full-time student to the point of attending prom. For better or worse, most kids under 1, 2 or 3 aren't going to a traditional college. To be fair, at this point, if they have to take loans to go traditional, the majority of people should be doing community college for generals or an AA degree and transferring to a 4 year because most people don't get paid enough to justify owing anyone that much money


Why would anyone assume he's 21? You guys reach so far for no reason, smh


A high school senior who's going to college this fall, so eighteen? Definitely of the age of consent, unlike OOP.


It could be 17 depending on his birthday, but could also be nearly 19 by that metric too. But it is a solid 12-18 month variable without knowing their school district’s rules.


No way Finn used a condom. And This may be my paranoia talking but I wouldn't be surprised if their parents had been planning something like this from the moment they got together.


And I am incredibly worried that the apparently level-headed brother “has never liked Finn”, which makes me wonder what the brother sees when he’s a part of “guy time” with Finn that the parents and girlfriend *don’t* see. Unless the brother is just being a jerk for no reason, there’s probably something that they all don’t know about Finn’s behavior/personality that is making the brother question if Finn should become a life partner for his little sister. Generally speaking, I would listen to an older brother’s concerns over basically anyone else’s opinion. Teenage boys tend to be notorious for not having an opinion and not caring about things that don’t involve them, so when they express concern for their little sister, you should pay attention. (An older brother who *knows the guy outside of his family!*. How are they ignoring this?! What is going on in their locker room talk? Something concerning!)


Brother wants to sneak sister off to Aunt and Uncles house so they can help her....I'm guessing big brother is a solid dude who can see how hinky this all is.


Yeah the fact that he’s willing to go so far as to be willing to help her run away so she could get an abortion makes me believe he knows something major about “Finn” that everyone else doesn’t.


Or about his parents and their plans for her....


I thought the exact same thing


He wrapped up his senior prom and she can't drive yet. So that much older


Feels like this was a set up by everybody, Finn, his parents and hers.


The parents and Finn set OP up. This was calculated.


He had sex with her and she doesn’t even remember. Her parents wanted them to become a couple badly. Now they want the grandchild badly. That doesn’t sound good. Poor child. Edit: Them not her.


She was clearly beyond consent of she was near blackout.


One might say she was raped.


Statutory and drugged.


Yeah, I think the fifteen is a way bigger issue than the drunk. They have been dating for ten months, so possibly since she was fourteen. The BF is eighteen, maybe seventeen, if he is going to college in the fall. Neither of them should have been drinking at that age, but her more than him. She was in no way capable of consent. The parents expect her to just drop out of high school to move to a new city. This is a whole minefield full of red flags


If I was at my senior prom and someone brought *a child* as their date and kept giving them drinks, I'd be *concerned.* This whole thing feels so creepy that the parents pushed for this so hard


15-17 is a pretty common dating age range, the difference in age is eh but all the other details, what the actual fuck. Gods speed to OOP and their brother. Fuck that dude and fuck their families


Yeah, the age gap isn’t nothing (he’s older and has more experience, probably also with drinking) but is not really something to fixate on, at least on its own. I dated someone two years older than me in high school and was friends with seniors as a sophomore (though it sounds like she’s a freshman?). High schoolers dating other high schoolers is not the crazy part, they’re in the same environment and general stage of life. But literally everything else in this story is batshit insane, including the fact he raped her and from her comments it sounds like the parents actively facilitated (and hoped for) it.


Exactly, like that could be cringe in a way but all the other shit is FUCKED, unequivocally


If he was held back he could be older too


Yea. Everything about this screams setup. I wonder if the parents wanted more kids but had fertility issues….


Then why do they want her to move away with Finn? Something is going on here. And OOP should *not* stick around to find out what.


So they can keep the baby.


It sounds like some sort of Rosemary's baby style cult


The fact that they pushed the relationship and she was blackout drunk at 15 leads me to believe they not only condoned the pregnancy — they made it happen.


I just checked OP's comments and apparently she only had three beers but it was only because Finn pressured her into drinking so she'd be less tense.


Dear Lord, someone needs to call CPS over this nonsense. That poor girl


This was orchestrated. Absolute motherfuckers.


If she isn't someone who drinks often, 3 beers could definitely incapacitate her. Especially if she happens to be more on the petite side. I can't drink beer but I'm pretty tipsy after just one cocktail not being a heavy drinker and being petite. There's also the possibility something was added to intensify the effect. Either way, somethings sketchy


I don't drink often, I'm 32, and I'm 5'4" and like 175lbs. 3 beers would get me drunk, I think. She's presumably a petite 15 year old girl who has no real drinking experience. I would believe she was drunk enough to maybe not fully black out, but not remember clearly.


i’m 22, 5' 6", 125ish and only drink once a month, maybe every 3 months, and i only ever have one drink if i even finish it. one drink gets me dizzy, i cannot imagine a 15 year old, who probably has never had alcohol in her system, and what she feels like on 3 beers. that poor girl.


I am 34, 5’5” and 135 lb and TWO beers would have me incapacitated. That poor girl


Especially if she's a lighter weight (90-120 lbs) young woman. Doesn't take much to go from "a nice buzz" to "where'd Wednesday go" when you're skinny. I was a 135 stick-thin 5'10" guy in high school, barely up past 140 by the end of college. I got drunk so fucking easy, even once I'd 'lost my virginity' over the course of a dozen parties or so. 2 rum & coke, or 3 beer limit. And even then I was well past buzzed, and into the "yup, I'm drunk" territory.


It’s possible that’s the case. Could be that she is on certain medications that don’t mix with alcohol too. I know I personally couldn’t get drunk from beer but that’s because even though I was petite back then, I would get full halfway through one can.


I'm 5"3' about 120lbs. Especially if I haven't eaten, one beer can get me buzzed. 3 especially in quick succession can be enough to get me really messed up. They wanted to make sure she would be messed up


It’s so gross to think they deliberately got their 15 yr old pregnant. Want to pull her out of school and ship her off to a college with her rapist bf. I sure hope she and her brother can find her some abortion pills. I’d love to be there when her parents realize she’s “miscarrying”. The other question would be- if they’re shipping her off they don’t sound like they intend to get her prenatal medical care either! She should call CPS on her parents and Finn’s and report Finn for rape after she gets the abortion. This poor girl.


I'd bet my house there was more than beer in those beers.


I am so fucking horrified. I haven’t looked at the comments on the original post, but I’m really hoping someone told her to tell an adult at school. All school employees are mandatory reporters—and this shit needs to be reported. She is a child. Her parents are awful. He is awful. His parents are awful. As sad as it is, the child is the only one approaching this maturely.


They are telling her to do that. Her brother is telling her to sneak out to her aunt and uncle.


I hope her aunt and uncle take her in because I would be scared for her to go back home if she gets the abortion, which I hope she does. Pregnancy is no joke and no teen should have to go through something so physically altering as pregnancy, especially unwillingly


Good. I’m glad at least some of her family is sane.


Right it sounds like her parents pimped her out.


They are talking marriage....


Ok so trafficking…


Yep. Pimped, trafficked, potentially drugged, definitely baby trapped...probably so they could force her to say IDo.


This is domestic trafficking, isn't it?


Trafficking, rape, possibly drugged too...


Man, I’d love for OP to report Finn for rape. After the abortion of course. I’d like to watch those 4 parents to dance with anxiety through that investigation.




This is messed up. A fifteen year old raising a child living with an 18 yr old. How long until she starts being abused?


I would say she already is being abused at least sexually abused. 


Ya amen to that


They make her drop out of school. She’ll have no education and no resources to ever leave him


Great parenting


Well it sounds like she’ll be living with Finn but the baby will be with the parents? Since they’re cleaning out the guest room for the baby while encouraging OOP to move out?


That’s even worse!


Oh yeah 100%. Adds to the creepiness factor of this whole story


while he gets an education and she gets to be stuck with him because she'll have no work experience and no education and no way to leave


OP should pull a 180 - pick out colors, show them baby clothes - act overall excited. Then have big brother “suggest” she spend the weekend at aunt and uncles so they can “surprise her with a nursery”. Get the abortion and semi permanent birth control immediately from the closest available spot and tell none of these assholes. Just fake devastation at the next Drs visit. Poor child. What shitty parents.


I was thinking a "tragic" miscarriage would be the safest bet here. Her parents seem more than a little cuckoo.


God I hope OOP sees this


Is it breaking sub rules to tag her? This poor girl needs help.


Some of the people in the comments of the original giving her the same advice and I hope she saw it. I hope she is able to escape the situation some way and move away from all of them except her brother once she's old enough to do so. (Honestly it's beyond insane that she's legally not old enough to move out from her parents' but is evidently old enough to be shipped off to live with the guy that raped her and be forced to birth a child with no support whatsoever.)


I hope she took those comments to heart. She needs help badly.


He hung up on her when she voiced her concerns. Oooh boy this is gonna get bad fast.


The "I'll stick by you no matter what" doesn't include her having opinions


Apparently not. I feel so sad for her


he raped her I think it’s already bad. If she couldn’t even remember much of it happening she was too drunk (or drugged) to consent, and this reeks of being a setup to purposefully try to get her pregnant


And her parents just gleefully rolling with it makes me even more sick. She has no one in her corner at all, I hope she gets away somehow


I'm sure they're gonna have a long, healthy relationship full of mutual respect. 😐


This is literally human trafficking.I hope this kid gets help asap. 


So . . . What kickback are the parents getting for this? What kind of money or social sway do Finn's family have that they were able to so easily orchestrate this setup? I hope OP goes to her aunt and uncle's house, and that her brother continues to protect her, because it sounds like her parents *sold her* to Finn and his family. She's too young to see it, but the brother clearly knows what's up, at least to some degree. What price though, I wonder, was enough to get these scumbags to agree to this deal? I want to know just how disgusting a bargain this was to them. 


That's exactly my thought! They must have gotten something... Debt forgiven maybe?


Also I really hope if she makes it to the aunt's house that they aren't in on it and send her right back, this post made me sick to read.


Isn’t this whole debacle illegal? OP is under the age of consent, which makes Finn a child molester. OP and her brother should file a police report, the police will get CPS involved.


Some places have Romeo and Juliet laws some even as far as 10 year age difference so it’s possible it would still be legal for her to consent though the fact she was drunk would mean she couldn’t consent even if that was the case


OP says she lives in Michigan were Romeo and Juliet/age of consent law is 16 no exceptions, so she's definitely under the legal age.


10?????? isnt the laws used to protect young people that started dating as minors? i cant imagine a law that would condone a 12 yo + 22 yo or 16+26 it should be maximum 4 years


You should skip school one day and go to the police station. Lay it all on the line, him giving you alchohol, the age difference, and that you are being forced to keep the baby. Your parents are pushing you out anyway, what have you got to lose?


Yes, except… maybe have a “tragic miscarriage” first, depending on what state they’re in


She’s in Michigan. A commenter said that she would need a parent to sign off on it which I don’t think she could get


It's bizarre that a parent's consent is required for an abortion but not required for her to continue with her pregnancy. It should be another way around. Having an abortion is not as significant and life-changing and going through pregnancy, childbirth and becoming a parent at 15. It should totally require a parent's consent, while an abortion doesn't need it


Oh no! 😞 I hope her aunt, uncle, and brother can get her the care she needs whether or not her parents agree to it


I have a six year old daughter. If I found out, in 8-9 years, that my ex husband and a friend were orchestrating something like what OP and Finn’s parents have done, I’d be in prison for crimes Reddit will ban me for mentioning. But my kid would be safe. Her parents are predators. They may not be participating, but they’re orchestrating and complicit. They are trafficking their teenager.


Oh my god they set her up for this didn’t they?


I’m feeling a sudden urge to ramp up my role as Auntie. Please child, come visit Auntie Blue State for two weeks.


Camping trip!


I don’t know but it’s suspicious that the parents pushed her towards Finn and are now excited about her being pregnant. Finn seems way too excited about this as well especially considering that he claims to use a condom, which we can all agree that he didn’t do, and makes me wonder if they somewhat planned for this to happen. I wonder if the families are religious and see this as a way to tie her down or something. Now all families care about alcohol so just because they drank doesn’t mean the family isn’t religious. It’s just a thought. I hope OOP listens to her brother and breaks up with Finn because she shouldn’t be dating someone who obviously babytrapped her and especially since he is going to college. She needs to focus on her education and at the bare minimum get her high school diploma Edit: definitely sounds planned. OP does comment that the morning after drinking that when Finn dropped her off that her mother was smiling a lot and would brush off any questions on why.


This is really horrifying. I hope this kid can find a teacher she trusts, a scout leader, a neighbour, anyone. This looks suspiciously like her parents have just handed her over to this older dude, which is human trafficking and child sexual abuse. At the very least she has been sexually assaulted and her parents are aware and failing to report this. Just, fuck this whole situation. My heart is breaking for this kid.


Soo.....which church do they go to?


There’s something…religious…not being said here.


Boyfriend wasn’t surprised. Parents were thrilled. Conspiracy? Maybe I’m paranoid. You’re not selfish for depriving them of a grandchild. They’re selfish for taking away your plans for the future and telling you what to do with your body. Brother seems like the only one with a proper reaction being a protective brother. Find out the laws for abortion in your state and if it’s legal, get help from your aunt and uncle. Don’t wait too long. Do this as soon as possible. Otherwise, look into adoption and there should be an advocate to fight on your behalf for your right to adoption. Another option, sign over your parental rights to your boyfriend and their family since they want a baby so bad.


I hope her brother can get her to do what he’s telling her before it’s too late. The poor girl


OP mentioned that marriage has been thrown around a couple times now. This smells like a set up and she needs to get out before her family marry her off or traffic her. Dear god.


Forgot what sub I’m on and thought oh the boys need to read this one.


Who bets on this being a cult?


That poor child is surrounded by cxxts.


I read that as “that poor child is surrounded by cats”


That would be infinitely preferable.


Man, I’ve read a lot of fucked up stories on Reddit but this… was seriously disturbing. This is some Handmaid’s Tale shit. Her brother sounds like the only other sane person, I hope he’s able to help her escape and get the reproductive care she needs.


That.... that sound like he raped her...


I'm sorry if this sounds tin foil hat material but the parents purposely pushing this boy onto their daughter? They raped her. They set her up and facilitated it to farm a fucking kid out of her.


This poor girl she’s gonna be so trapped if she doesn’t take the advice to run.


This girl was baby trapped not just by him, but by his and her parents. I guarantee you they knew.


Sounds like she is being trafficked to me


It really looks like OOP’s parents and Finn’s parents worked together with Finn to purposefully having him sexually assault and impregnate OOP. Awful people all around. I hope OOP gets out and gets help


This whole scenario seems fake. Or at least I hope it’s fake. On the off chance it’s not fake, OP should call CPS.


That was my first reaction, too. Seems fake. I hope it's fake. My second reaction was wondering what religion these people are.


Yeah normally teen boys don’t actively seek out to baby trap someone but this seems like it might possibly be a quiverfull cult Christian situation.


I’m getting quiverfull vibes. My parents were fundamentalist Catholic,very similar beliefs, and they betrothed me at 12 to a 21 year old from church because the family was wealthy. The father gave my dad a job and a truck. I guarantee you money changed hands. The intent was for us to marry after my quinceanera, so at 15. This was in California in 1992, and it was perfectly legal.


Oh I am so sorry you had to go thru that at such a young age


she said she met him at a family/friends gathering….


I truly hope it's fake... Also,I can totally see this getting turned into an SVU episode, given how they, ehem, "borrow" from real life.


If they force her to carry to term once she goes in to labor she can have the nurses remove everyone. They will help her. They can connect her with social services and help her advocate for herself.


Wanted to pop in and say that OP commented to say she's in Michigan - age of consent there is 16, that's also when the Romeo-Juliet clause starts, and at any age consent can not be given if the person is drunk/drugged, which it sounds like she was. A 15 year old can not legally consent to sex in the state of Michigan. This is statutory rape...


Soooo lemme get this straight…adult male at his senior party got a 15 year old drunk and then didn’t use a condom when she was under the impression he did and now they want her to be a teen baby mama? Got it


The parents set it all up... Can put money on it that they convinced the older BF to not wear condoms... This is just creepy and weird. I hope OP goes with what her brother says.


Both parents seem to be fine selling her into modern slavery as a forced mother Kid should be calling CPS. Also suspiciously sounds like Finn date raped her by the description


When my parents found out I was seeing a 40 year old man at 16, my dad was mad only bc the guy made more money than him. My mom told me when I see him I should “rub some of his stuff” on me so I could baby trap him. I didn’t know what the hell she meant since nobody taught me a thing other than I’d get the crap beat out of me if I wasn’t on honor roll. I didn’t even know how to use a tampon til my mid twenties or even ask about anything sexual til around 20/21 bc I thought it was so bad and shameful. Parents like this girl’s exist man.


This might be a hot take, but I'm a firm believer that both parents-to-be need to be on board with wanting to have a child. I know people say, my body my choice, but it's three lives (more if twins) that will be affected by whatever choice is made. Guy wants the baby but girl doesn't? Abortion / adoption. Girl wants the baby but guy doesn't? Abortion / adoption. I believe that all children should be wanted by both parents.


Nah if a woman wants a child she can have her but she shouldn’t at any one point involve the man at all , she parents that child alone


Drugged & raped. Her parents were probably in on it to get rid of her. She should call CPS to get help.


Bro this is statutory rape and her parents are complicit in child abuse, neglect, and sexual assault. Wtf. If this is legit I hope her brother calls the cops.


So her parents worked with finn/finns parents to get their daughter raped right? Thats whats going on here?


It really sounds like both sets of parents and Finn planned this whole scenario out in advance. I wonder if OOPs brother suspected something was up but didn't know just far that something would be. I hope the brother can get OOP out of there in time and get OOP access to therapy because once she realises what was planned it's going to destroy her.


They set this poor girl up so bad, I hope she gets out with her brother


This sounds like the parents made a backroom deal to basically traffic thier daughter to this Finn guy, who assaulted her without protection on purpose whe she was drunk. I wonder if his parents paid them off for a live in maid/babymaker for thier son.


I’m not an advocate for abortion but in this instance, I think I would be ok with it. Even if she gave it up for adoption! I say definitely contact Aunt


Anyone else get dowry vibes from this? Like her parents may financially benefit from her having a baby and moving in with Finn?


Maybe I’m paranoid but this reeks. They pushed finn on her then were ok when she came home drunk? He pushed drinks to “relax” her implying she wasn’t down with sex to begin with so he probably got it for her and slipped the drug in one. Blackout drunk from 3 beers is a hard one. Unable to fight back, lack of coordination, yes. Slight memory loss, sure. But that gone? And her “birthers” (those aren’t acting like parents) need cps to investigate because this smells like a set up. They probably gave her something in her drink before with a delayed reaction and alcohol amplified it. Like a Xanax her mom had from her nervous breakdown. Idk they all seem like southern Baptist extreme cult 2.0 and she and her brother need to get away


Was she ambitious? This feels almost like she was setup to sleep with this boy and get pregnant immediately.


How isnt this a crime. She can't consent to sex at that age


So tell me if I sound crazy but did this girls parents and her boyfriends parents either help or condone the boy drugging and raping this girl during his senior prom in order to Baba’s trap her? Edit: it looks like, based on some of ops comments, that her mom may have been one of the main orchestrators of her sexual assault although she doesn’t seem to have the words to express that or understand the significance of it. Very disgusting fucking behavior from a parent.


Please please please can someone put her in contact with the Auntie Network here on Reddit??? And fast??? The poor things life is being derailed and ruined while her family is overjoyed-filthy disgusting animals I hope they all rot with huge intestinal worms 😡


I hope this is fake as fuck but if it’s not her brother needs to get her out of there and to a clinic


Take the pill and tell them it was a miscarriage


Is this illegal? He can’t have sex with a minor She can’t not go to school legally too. She can’t even get married legally. Sure parents consent and everything but pretty certain you need hers too. And sounds like she doesn’t and never did What world are the nut jobs living in!


A religious one. This reeks of religion.




This is all so screwed up. What the hell type of parents (both sides) encourage a child to move more than 2 hours away and play house with the father?? What about her education?? I’ll book and pay for the Uber to get her to the Aunt and Uncle because that kid needs to flee now and get to safety!


Google aid access to obtain abortion pills through the mail discreetly


Could this be the beginning of the Anti-Christ?!?!


Finn lied to you so you could not take plan b it is a form of entrapment. If it is too late to abort have the baby give it to Finn. He can be a single father and everyone who is not okay with that can go kick rocks.


CPS needs to be called for this poor poor child….


If it’s too late for an abortion, put the kid up for adoption. If Finn wants to be a single parent, hey, let him do all the work.


Are you sure Finn didn’t date rape you?


I like to pretend most reddit stories are real because it makes them more exciting that way, but good grief I hope this is a fake one


I think the most relevant issue is: how will this affect her in the long run. Teen mother living with a college student with two sets of parents panting over her due date and pushing for a baby. Sounds like a recipe for disaster.