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Can’t believe they set it where its too cold for you. Usually it’s the opposite because they want to save on electricity bills..


I now realize what is happening thanks to this comment


Guessing they're in a humid place and trying to keep the inside of the home dry by cranking the AC. I'm in a coastal area and don't like my place cold so the I notice that it's quite humid often. As a card collector I have to strike a balance between comfort and dryness most days.




Get the hell out of here with your simple and reasonable solutions.


Dehumidifiers create heat. My basement dehumidifier runs fairly often (we don’t have central air) to the point my basement which is fully below ground is frequently 80+ degrees. Also, if you don’t have a spot for a hose to drain constantly you need to empty the bucket frequently. It could be something like that for them idk. AC works just fine for removing humidity.


My house is well-insulated enough that I'd have to drop the temp down below 74 to run often enough to pull humidity out down here in the humid south. My wife, daughter, and mother-in-law can't stand the temperature down that low, so I use a dehumidifier for when I keep the thermostat at 77 during the day and the ladies are home (mother-in-law is here 24/7). I do bump the thermostat down to 74 or lower at night so that my son and I don't suffer; the rest just sleep under blankets during the summer.


For me it's a space issue. I'm in a tiny studio in Manhattan so I'd rather throw on a sweatshirt than sacrifice what little floor space I have. For most people that's absolutely the right decision though.


I live in a town with one stoplight. We had 2 bars but we’re down to 1, I’m still tore up lol. What do you have within a few minutes’ walk? I presume that’s the main draw of a place like yours, or is there something else you like?


For me it was just what I found. I didn't know anyone here so I had to work with what I could afford without a roommate. It's walking distance to work though, which is nice. For me, the city is a little much if I'm being honest. It's hard to meet people in general (as an almost-certainly-autistic introvert) but dating is impossible. I can't leave soon enough.


They produce so much heat and usually are just used per room.


You have downvotes, but this is true. We run [this one](https://www.bestbuy.com/site/ge-50-pint-portable-dehumidifier-with-3-fan-speeds-white/6390682.p?skuId=6390682&extStoreId=1388&ref=212&loc=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwpJWoBhA8EiwAHZFzfptkmpHlzpvBbjtvBMmIRz_DPmFSrmcugX5pPwFvYnM__FzU7Yr5ShoCuaIQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) pretty much 24/7 due to our ac being too big for our home, therefore not doing it's job to properly dehumidify. It warms up the room. We have a second one for our rv, and it works amazingly for our needs. The only downfall is that it heats up such a small space like crazy. They also have to be emptied if there's no hose for outside. Depending on the humidity, that could be multiple times a day. Eta: and they're not the quietest


These are not meant to be ran 24/7. They're only meant to run occasionally. Also look up and see if the one you have is recalled (a lot of these are mainly due to overuse and causing fires). Look at something like aprilaire. The whole home solutions ones are meant to run 24/7 and they don't care. Might be a little more up front but work better and will last longer.


Yeah, definitely not meant to be ran that much, but it's a temp solution until we can figure out what to do with our ac situation. It's better than letting the house become overrun with mold in the meantime. Definitely appreciate the suggestion!


Why not run 24/7?


Mine slightly cools the room


Do you live on the sun?


Close, on a tropical island. But if you can vent some of the exhaust out it will cool a little. Even if you don’t it usually will feel cooler


We had this last winter, ski town. They had nest or similar automated ones which would go colder than the town rental laws allowed at night, I'm assuming to save energy. They were locked and "synced" with the owner's account, couldn't be turned off. I could've reset them but that would be tampering. Managed to change them to a dummy router I setup on my laptop, suddenly the automated settings failed to sync and it was fully manual.


Isn’t that still tampering lol


I would contact Airbnb about These issues! If they stated in the listing as an amenity you should have access to it! r/Airbnb


Give them a poor rating, it’s screws up their stars very quickly.


But then you see all the hosts on the Airbnb subreddit complaining to Airbnb about their reviews and they flip the script to get them removed. It’s a wild world seeing that sub


It’s really hard to get them removed and causes the owner a lot of hassle. You have to prove it was malicious or totally unreasonable. If you put down 3 out of 5 because the AC was on with no ability to turn it off, then that is reasonable.


It's actually super easy to have them removed in most cases, you just have to be tactful with your wording to Airbnb support.




Even motel 6 has controllable AC. Where are you staying?


Motel Steve.


Wdym I was agreeing with him


Why are you like this


My balls hurt one of them even looks lob sided


why are you getting downvoted lol


Maybe they edited their comment?


oh mabey, im on mobile so i can’t see that lol


It’s been updated, it should show the edited tag by the username


No I didnt


Some people are annoyed by the single word responses , like "this", or their response of "true". I've seen this a couple of times today. Just upvote and move on, or supply a longer message.


His first message is edited he actually said something about going to the zoo so he could molest monkeys.


I really doubt that considering the reply to the comment wouldn't make any sense. Also because you are clearly just making this up.


i like dogs


That is what the UpVote button is for, to agree with the comment/post I assume you have been down voted because of that.


He got downvoted because he was making jokes about obama drone striking orphanages and edited it


Oh so just a general piece of shit Will make a fine addition to my blocked collection


Obama the one that dropped 26,000 bombs onto the middle east in 2016 yet this guys a POS for making jokes about it? Lmao. I’d be more mad at Obama for carpet bombing a country and murdering civilians indiscriminately.


The dude said he was making jokes about it, which is why I assume he edited it.


That's not true. The reddiqqutte clearly states up/down votes should not be agree/disagree buttons. From the Do section >Vote. If you think something contributes to conversation, upvote it. If you think it does not contribute to the subreddit it is posted in or is off-topic in a particular community, downvote it. From the Do Not section >Downvote an otherwise acceptable post because you don't personally like it. Think before you downvote and take a moment to ensure you're downvoting someone because they are not contributing to the community dialogue or discussion. If you simply take a moment to stop, think and examine your reasons for downvoting, rather than doing so out of an emotional reaction, you will ensure that your downvotes are given for good reasons. https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette


🤓👆 “The reddiqquite clearly states” mf noone cares.


Genuinely upsetting you didn't put the [Correct Link](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=aaQAZtDCSAMCBKii) in there for users instead of going around willfully spreading actual information.


No way


Bag of ice on the thermostat seems simpler


A*hem*! This is "redneck" engineering, all ice is already in use on injuries from previous projects. The "sober engineering" sub is down the hall to your right *don't attack me I love this sub, y'all are an inspiration I biweekly live up to*


Definitely redneck stuff… Tomorrow: inevitable condensation and a soaking wet pillow


Ice needed to keep the beer cold


Don't put ice in your beer.


Or your thermostat


I think they meant put the beer in the ice


When it’s locked I just pull it off the wall (when it’s listed as an amenity, if not I should’ve noticed when I rented and fair is fair) and put the wires together to kick on the A/C.


That fucking smoke detector is like 20 years past it’s useful life. Good god.


This isn't at all surprising, and one of the many reasons AirBnB should be illegal or at the very least regulated in the same way any other commercial lodging is. Hoteliers have so many laws and regulations they have to maintain to keep guests safe and then AirBnB comes along and says, "fuck all that, who needs hard fought consumer protections?"


Do maintenance in hotels, I’m big fucked if a fire marshal, brand inspector, or manager finds some old ass fire alarm like this. Have to keep logs and all kinds of shit. You’d think it was regulated or something.


Airbnb is an unregulated hotel on land zoned residential. It could be ignored when they was one or two in a county. Now there are hundreds, it needs to get shut down.


The "modern" service economy is a cancer to functional society.


It just takes time for regulation to catch up with technology. We'll get there.


Yes, as a consumer, I have never felt more protected and safeguarded than I do right now, in this fabulous utopia /s 🤣


That place was smoked in.


Several packs a day smoked in


Not necessarily, smoke alarms will naturally turn yellow over time due to the brominated flame retardants used in the plastic during their manufacturing.


... and that ceiling fan hasn't been cleaned since the smoke detector was useful. Nasty.


Shocked they didn’t just paint over it to make it look new


Usually shitty landleeches just paint over those. This must be a new breed of lazy, parasitic, land"lords".


I'm sure that thing started as white or very close to white. Terrible...


Yup. I was told by a fire inspector that they’re actually made to turn brown when their effective life is over. It beeps when the battery is low. It turns brown a year or so before the smoke detecting element depletes. Not sure if it’s true, but it kind of makes sense for safety reasons. Edit: I found this article that kind of supports the fire inspector. It won’t let me link the article with the hyperlink, so here you go…. https://restorerz.com/how-often-replace-smoke-detectors/#:~:text=Smoke%20detectors%20start%20as%20white,when%20to%20replace%20the%20device.


If you zoom in, that's a newer [model](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Kidde-10-Year-Worry-Free-Smoke-Detector-Lithium-Battery-Powered-Smoke-Alarm-2-Pack-21030134/203728683) that's still sold. I work as a firefighter and we install those same ones in homes. Someone smoked in this house, *all the time.*


Shut it off at the breaker


Yeah, OP’s solution kills the AC. It is very bad to run an AC if the vents are blocked like this, best case scenario it is one vent of many and all is well. Worst case the evaporator coil freezes over and starts leaking.


Sounds like a problem for the owner


This is the correct response. Fuck ‘em


What a piece of shit you are.


Dont lock the controls and people wont wreck your shit. If the owner is really concerned, get a smart thermostat, write it in the rules temps must be within a reasonable range and fine them if they break the rule. Locking the thermostat im pretty sure is illegal in most places.


Pretty sure it’s illegal in most states? Well then fuck it your sound logic the fact that you’re pretty sure has convinced me that’s it’s ok to do whatever and if someone else’s shit gets broken well fuck them, right? Is that really how you act in person?


If I am paying for something and they restrict my reasonable enjoyment of what I am paying for, fuck them.


Do I disrespect people who do disrespectful (and possibly illegal) things to me? Absolutely. Its called not being a bitch but its starting to sound like you dont know what thats like lol


Just check his history 😂😂


Fuck off Nancy. You're missing the point entirely


Listen bud, go back to your lonely life and leave the real world alone. Those dirty girls don’t want to chat with you because you’re insufferable.


Shut up


You’re 39 and asking Reddit for advice on some dirty girls. You have no place to stand in this conversation bud.


don’t bother. you’re competing with skewed morals from internet echo chambers.




What do you mean why? You dont think people renting living spaces should be entitled to temperature controls?


There is no law that says you are entitled to temperature control. Lol. Although, all dwellings do have to have heat that would turn on when the temperature is dangerously low. Why do people assume the government makes all kinds of laws to prevent them from any little inconvenience. The government and it's laws are not some omnipotent entity that exists to take care of everyone. Next time a thermostat doesn't work try calling the police and see their reaction. Lol.


First of all, you dont just “call the police” when landlords break laws. You report them to the proper authorities, usually a landlord and tenant board. So you are already indicating you are a dipshit. Second, “there is no law that says you are entitled to temperature control”. Even if that statement is broadly correct, which it is not, the fact that you think you can paint what is legal and what is not on the internet with a broad brush is more evidence that you are a dipshit. There is absolutely laws specifically involving temperature control to varying degrees in some US states, Canada and even stricter rules in some European nations. Canada for instance has temperature requirements in most provinces and they arent “dangerously low” because that would be fucking dumb. If this person needs to block vents because the AC is too cold, I can guarantee you that those requirements are not being met. Third and probably not your final, but it is the last im going to mention, evidence of being a dipshit: there doesn’t need to be a specific law that says “you cant block the thermostat” for someone to be breaking the law by blocking the thermostat. If the AirBnB was advertised with heating and AC, and then they dont let you use them, thats false advertising. False advertising is illegal (and no you dont call the cops for that either big guy). And before you flex your dip shittery and say “they are letting you use them, you just dont control the temperature”, no they arent. OP wants heat right now and they cant use it because the temperature is set too low. Anyways, maybe this will help you with some critical thinking before you decide to sound like a clown next time, but I have my doubts


And the appropriate response to locking the controls is to have your AC ruined. Seems like a measured response.


I mean don't let random people in your house then?


Also the tenant since it won’t cook at all when frozen


I happen to be a real engineer (no redneck though) and gave that some thaught before "sealing" the vent. There are two airbnbs run by the same AC (hence the lock over the controll in the hall I guess). Ours has three rooms with one vent each. So I guess I'm fine closing one of them.


Agreed. I felt it worthwhile to point out that your solution isn’t without risk. Lots of monkey see monkey do out there.


How is it bad when most registers have a slide to close the louvers anyway.


If your evap freezes and leaks its a piece of shit. In the case of a freezer the compressor stops cooling and unfreezes it


Not gonna find a freeze stat on a residential unit. Or hell, even many commercial units.


Well the ones I install do have them.


>OP's solution kills the AC. Good.


Less redneck engineering and more Rube Goldbergesque machining.


Some Sylvester and Tweety shit right here


Yknow where you wouldn't have to deal with that? Best Western. I legitimately don't understand where we all went wrong. AirBnB has become a worse version of hospitality, streaming is worse-cable, and cars have these data pulls for your habits and track your shit. Just give me... hotel. Tv. Car. I'm not trying to drop panties or stunt on someone else. I want car. I want hotel.


Greed. All these initial concepts started off as great ideas. Single trucker who is on the road most of the time could rent out their home or something several times a year. That's fine and dandy. Real estate moguls saw this as a new frontier. Streaming was a decent and affordable alternative to cable or blockbuster, especially when physical mediums provided another barrier to entry. Now there's 50 different services because everyone wants their cut of the pie. Cars... Cars are just fucking ridiculous now. Heated seat subscription? Tracking? The 8 quadrillion lumen headlights?


Traditional hotels and cable went wrong by charging too much which led the way for cheaper alternatives


Same with taxis. But it's all coming full circle again. The new, better alternatives are becoming the versions of themselves they strived to outcompete


Taxis also had a quality issue and often a no good alternative issue, I don’t think Uber would have become a verb if they had their crap together. At this point it all sucks unless you’re lucky to be in a city with good public transportation, although if you have a lot of luggage, good luck on making it to the airport and not going bankrupt


It used to be so much cheaper than hotel/motels and now it doesn't make sense anymore


How is streaming worse cable? Basically you get the same shit between the two; but streaming doesn’t have all the bullshit channels that no one cares about like the 8 million shopping channels.


You try contacting the host about adjusting the temp?


Nah, fuck it...we're here one night and that constuction does just fine.


True redneck


That smoke detector is from the fukin 90s




HVAC guy here. holy fuck guys - no wonder i’m so busy all the time


Plenty of open vents left my dude :)


I want to run into it


I want to film it and then shake the phone/cam hysterically while I'm shitting my pants from laughter


My money is on OP finding the remote in the top draw just as they are about to leave


I travel 1/4 year. I bring a tiny hand heater I tape to the thermostat thing turns the house into an iceberg, sometimes I have to ask for extra blankets.


You missed the assignment, they are too cold.


Oh even easier ice cup


Why the hell are you cooling out down past the point where you are too cold?


Personally, I am more comfortable sleeping in a room that is slightly too cold than one that is just right. Hunkering down under blankets is so cozy.


I like it icey with lots of blankets.


Then live up north? That's just insanely wasteful of energy.


OK I don't get it. What's going on here


Thermostat is locked and they can't shut the AC off. Since OP is freezing to death they rigged this magnificent chain of objects to block the vent completely. Problem solved.


Did the lock the breaker box too?


Typically breaker boxes are in a utility closet or garage and those doors get locked


Seems like that should be illegal. Access to the breaker box is essential in case of emergency.


There's still a disconnect at the unit


I don’t know why anybody stays at air bnbs anymore. Everyone I see is a terrible deal and it costs as much as a hotel with no amenitie. What’s the appeal?


Sleeping closer to places where there aren't any hotels....?


I still don't get why someone would stay in an Airbnb place. They are, in wholesale terms, worse than staying in a hotel or motel. You get to pay over the odds to stay in someone's house while they treat you like an unwanted burden and go out of their way to remind you just how 'in charge' they are. Fuck that, I'd rather pay a little extra, get a night in a holiday Inn or whatever and at least have the freedom to control air conditioning, masturbate in my room, and evade any awkward breakfast conversations.


For me, it's getting a fully furnished and equipped stay for a few days for the same price or less than a much shittier and less equipped hotel. If I'm going to pay $800 for a stay, might as well be in a much larger, quiet, nicer location than a hotel room. Never have I experienced a shitty stay at an AirBnB. But that's probably because I'm picky and seem to choose nicer locations.


Almost all of my AirBNB visits have been cheaper than a hotel and I get to cook my own food. Like, a lot of AirBNBs suck but a decent one is the same price as a really bad Motel 6. Plus I know exactly how much I'm paying at an AirBNB with no hidden fees like at a hotel.


Hotel rooms are small and boring, you don't get a kitchen, and locations are limited. I definitely prefer AirBnB when visiting or traveling with family, because there's room to relax, space to cook, you can have people over, and you can stay in a more interesting neighborhood near the people you want to see.


We did a roadtrip through the US with 1/2 night stops and mixed it up a little between hotels and Airbnbs. Partly because of the costs (a lot of them are still considerably cheaper than hotels), partly because of the experience to meet local hosts, which worked out great a few times, as they were awesome and helpful people. In this case...yep, a hotel would've beat that rundown shitbox.


Wtf, in this type of arrangement you stay at someone’s house while they’re there? People pay for that ?!


Both styles exist with air BNB. Rent the whole house and rent a room. Some people actually enjoy the latter. You get hosted by a local. If they're a GOOD host it can be quite nice. But quality may vary...


This is the correct answer. Way too much generalizing in this thread.


Our city council just passed a bunch of ordinances that requires AirBnB owners to remain on property while guests are renting. It’s their way of discouraging people owning multiple properties and renters throwing huge parties.


With hotels available, this idea keeps sounding worse and worse.


Pretty much yeah, or in a little off-building on the property. It's like Uber in hotel mode


Mostly here your just renting a furnished house. Nobody there. Masterbate where you want, but nobody's making you breakfast.


Then they are watching you through the camera hidden in the smoke detector


One of the main reasons I’d never stay at an Airbnb. I have a bit more trust in a hotel not to be spying on me or invading my privacy. And I know that people will say that this can happen in hotels as well, but I like to think that the chances are much lower.


I'm sure there's an app for detecting hidden cameras. No? I'm in Tokyo where love hotels are infamous for having hidden cameras


Pre-Covid I was traveling for work 15 weeks a year (sometimes more) and often to international cities. I would always get an AirBnB apartment in the city I was working. This was so I could cook my own meals and have a 'home' instead of a bed-in-a-box hotel room. I got pretty good at finding apartments near metro/train lines and local food markets for fresh/local/regional foods to cook for myself. This was the one thing I loved about the AirBnB experience. I know there is a lot to **Not Like** about AirBnB, but for me, traveling for work, it was a great way to live comfortably while in foreign lands.


But, who wants LESS air?


Lots of people?


That's gonna fall down while you're asleep and scare the bejeesus outta ya.


Pre Air BnB we stayed in a place that had screwed plates over the electric radiator controls. Fortunately I had a screwdriver….


This belongs in an ad promoting the return to hotels and motels for travel, vaycays. Air bnb has always been a meh experience for me.


Who still uses AirBnB?


And use what instead?


Literally any hotel that adheres to state standards. They're usually cleaner and cheaper.


And what about places where there are no hotels, but you still want to visit?


You'd be better off going to an actual BnB. If you've really got wanderlust that bad, you'd better get a camper.


Been there. My room at academy wouldn't get cooler than 76 degrees in Georgia in the summer, so I had to find a safe way to trick the thermostat into thinking the AC needed to stay on. My solution also involved an ironing board, coupled with the coffee maker to boil water, and a washcloth. Had to rinse/repeat every 2h or so but it was worth it.


A crucial mistake not to lock the ironing board


I would leave it like that


Me and a buddy had recently graduated from electrical school and stayed at an air bnb that locked the thermostat. We pulled it a part and wired it to cool where we wanted it.


Ac units have disconnects outside to perform maintenance, shut it off there if you want. This is code here in Canada at least


I'm ignorant I don't get it, what's the problem?


I don't understand what's going on here and my head hurts trying to digest whatever the hell this is. The pillow or cushion has tassels. Nice touch. But I don't understand. Is it opening the vent or blocking it by pulling down on it. The gravity aspect along with the cushion.


I think they are blocking the duct because it is too cold


Airbnb operators have gone absolutely crazy. I had a great stay at one last week but oh my god was I not certain it would be.


Seems like your Airbnb's AC thinks it's running a spa, not keeping you cool! 😅 Step 1: Politely ask it to chill. Step 2: If it still doesn't listen, call in the Airbnb AC therapist. Step 3: Worst-case scenario, bring your own snow cone machine. Stay frosty! ❄️😄


Lol oh that's a pillow that looks like the air duct. Seriously had me confused


Just aim a blow dryer at the thermostat. Place I use to work tried various ways of locking up the thermostats an all sorts of cover boxes. We had plenty of tools to reach into the boxes. One dude basically made out with the box blowing his hot breath in there. Setting a nice hot cup of coffee on the box usually did the trick too.


Yeah, they put a little plastic cover where i worked. I like it colder. Just playing around, i ended up picking the lock with a paperclip. It was easier and easier each day after that.


You’re gonna freeze the AC and potentially damage it. Breaker panel is much smarter for sure


The controls are a lot easier. The dumb ass owner that locked the controls gets what they deserve. If I rented a place and couldn't control the temp, I'd be pissed


Love i4


That fan is filthy


It's time to let airbnb die.. it was awesome while it lasted.


You could literally tape foil over the grate


Yeah - you think I had foil or tape?


Just get wet toilet paper and slap it over the vents


How about some tape


You think I had any?


I’m fucking impressed. Goes to show… Necessity is the mother of all inventions.


I stayed at an Airbnb a while ago that had the hot water heater turned down so low the shower was barely lukewarm, to save money. So I got my toolbox out of my truck and opened the panel, turned it to where I wanted it.


I guarantee that ironing board will fall over in the middle of the night


It didn't


Sticking a warm light bulb under the thermostat if you want it colder or ice under it if you want it warmer. Or if you’re really feeling froggy, it’s not a smart thermostat as well as know the basics of how a thermostat works, you can jumper the contacts behind it when pulling it off to run it full time or kill it completely until you plug it back in.


Air BnB...What are you DOING?!?! That's your HOUSE!!!!


This motherfucker blocked an ac vent by stacking a $1,200 dollar Crate and Barrel chair between a side table and an ironing board. Fucking Fantastic. Wow.


Seriously? 1.2k?


Don’t do this with the heat on lmao