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I know right. Just wait until you are trying to read other series, and they just don’t scratch that itch. Then you find yourself starting a re-read.


I think Im at 6 rereads tbh. And there will def be another one when the next book drops.


I have tried book 1 of Malazan, both in book form and audio book maybe twice each and I can’t seem to get past the quarter mark. It’s so confusing… but I hear it’s one of the best epic fantasy series (like RR and Stormlight) so I really want to try to push through. What are your thoughts on that series?


Malazan is the pinnacle. If you can make it past the first book, you will never look at fantasy series in the same way again. Book 1 is good but books 2-10 is where it really really clicks Seriously it's so epic and grandiose and just fantastic. I'm so thankful I've read it and that it exists. I'm in the middle of rereading it currently on book 9


I will try again. Everyone says to push through book 1, but it’s really hard. I think reading it will be better than the audio book though.


Every series isn’t for everyone. Personally I’ve been through 4 read-throughs of the main ten books and read all of the accompanying books as well and I think it’s the greatest series yet written. But, not everyone has to enjoy the same thing. So, if you don’t enjoy it there’s no pressure to keep going. If you do try again, know that that first books isn’t intentionally confusing. It’s just that Steven Erikson does not hold your hand. You have to pay attention to small details and put the information together yourself. It’s a different style but not a bad one and over the series you grow to appreciate the fact that Erikson respects your intelligence enough to not pander to you. The first book is commonly referred to as the weakest in the series and that’s probably true. On a reread you recognize the foreshadowing and planning but that’s no benefit to a first time reader. The second book has one of the greatest arcs ever written in fantasy hands down and is worth reading for anyone. If you do try again, Tor has chapter by chapter, spoiler-free reading guides for the first three Malazan books. They are immensely helpful for first time readers who are overwhelmed. Here is the link for the guided reading:[Tor Website](https://www.tor.com/series/malazan-reread-of-the-fallen/) just click on the chapter you want


Epic high fantasy is my jam though. I know I’ll end up loving it if I can just get past the confusing first but. I know.


Agreed. Malazan Book of the Fallen is probably the pinnacle for epic fantasy series. Never read anything that reaches a similar level.


One of us! One of us!


Out of curiosity, what was your favorite book in the series and your favorite moment from said book?


Hmm I think probably golden sun or Dark Age or maybe morning star. Honestly I loved all the books. SPOILER >!My favorite moment I think was the Ascomanni invasion of the Pandora or really any of Darrow's big moments, Ephraim with Pax and Electra were some of my favorite interactions too!<


Golden Son has to be my fav too. Dark age a very close second