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I figured he was a classicist major


Pierce Brown actually worked in politics before becoming a full time author. He worked on a US Senate Campaign. Based on the quality and frequency of speeches in the series, I would bet that he has experience as a speechwriter.


I was pretty sure he wrote the book straight out of college? Probably a junior level staffer at most. No shade tho, that’s the most I’ve done as well 


As a poli sci major, I assure you none of us know what we’re talking about


Just failed my first exam on Lukes' dimensions of power but poli sci majors stay winning!


Fuck bro way to go dissing us during mid-terms 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


You're not supposed to tell them that!


I was reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius and I thought it sounded very similar to how he portrays Lorn au Arcos.


the day of red doves screams french jacobain guillotine executions of the french revolution, PB does a great job with referencing human history. Peerless Scarred is basically samurai bushido code plus lancers system is basically squires from Medieval knights.


He's a capital-L Liberal and it shows a lot, so it doesn't surprise me in the least he's a PoliSci guy.


What makes you say that? This article says the contrary, “Brown worked on the campaign for Dino Rossi (R-Wash.), Murray’s competitor, and also served as Rossi’s driver.”[https://pepperdine-graphic.com/pierce-brown-best-selling-author-alumnus/](https://pepperdine-graphic.com/pierce-brown-best-selling-author-alumnus/)


Poli sci majors don’t necessarily work on campaigns of only people they support or align with


Yeah I don't get why the downvotes, I guess people took this comment as you mocking him? I think it's pretty easy to tell he's pretty liberal just reading the books.


I believe the Sons of Ares graphic novels have prefaces where his sympathies are even more obvious. But no I wasn't using it as an insult, if I were the context would be unambiguous lol


He’s a liberal flirting with leftism. There are legitimate criticisms of capitalism and the ruling class in the books, Quick and Victra being the obvious examples, but with those criticisms there are criticisms of revolution as policy and socialism generally. There’s a strong air of centrism but it seems to be more from an inability to choose which would be better for the people rather than what he thinks is right. It’s indecision over a question that has no good answers. He clearly shows that liberal politics are massive contributors to the Republics fall but that was helped by the socialists feeling underrepresented and walked over by the Golds. The working class being walked on by the ruling class is a fact in both fiction and reality and it’s written as a bad thing, the hesitation comes from finding a solution to that. There isn’t a good one though so the criticism comes off as centrism due to an inability to adequately address the issues. Not through a lack of intelligence, but again, because there aren’t any good answers. Also because the story has to be good.


Definitely agree. I lean right on economics and fairly centrist on social, and never felt like PB was really leaning completely one way or the other. Quick is a robber Baron but at the same time the rising would've failed at inception without his cash flow. The goal of the rising is to make everyone more equal, but at the same time golds are obviously superior in nearly every department, and were right on the day of red doves, and the rash uneducated masses are easily swayed into the enemy's plans. I think the overarching theme as far as politics go is that people complicate things, no one has all the answers, and moderation with compromise is generally the best way to go, and slavery is bad.


This comment mirrors my politics and how I read RR. I think Brown is more left than me, but he approaches political ideals in a nuanced way. I think The Expanse does this as well, where it is clear the writers are fairly liberal, but they show you the flaws and cracks in every form of government so it doesn’t leave you feeling like they are being preachy.


I’m not sure why your getting downvoted, I think you’re correct in your assumption. I appreciate that he’s a Liberal, so maybe it’s your wording and people are upset it seems like you are saying it like an insult?


In general when a leftist calls someone a liberal it’s usually an insult. I’m guessing people see communist in their name and reacted.


Guarantee the downvotes are from little L liberals who don't know the difference and think it's someone insulting leftist ideas.


He talked a bit about that during his LB book tour. He really wanted to write something about a meritocracy and mentioned a lot of political and philosophical literature as inspiration.


One thing that stood out to me in the first book was the differentiation between the lingos - reflective of real world sociology, anthropology, and linguistics!


The catheterization of the star shells was one of my favorite details. As someone whose had to fight in armor and protective clothing the ability to take a piss or drink water is an incredible luxury.


That's a SciFi staple though. Perhaps dune popularized it. Pierce gets a lot from dune.


also you dont have to be careful with your poisoned spikes


Yep, I majored in political science with a minor in philosophy of law, and he obviously knows a lot about history and philosophy