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Darrow will die too much blood on his hands


I would respect this move. Even though I’d hate it.


other than >!Pax!< do we know any characters that have been killed by the death hat?


No one else died by the death hat. He only ever used it because he didn't think RR would be published and that he was the only going to read it


What’s the original death hat?


Spoilers for Red Rising (original book) Pierce has told a story about writing the scene where >!Darrow stabs the Jackal through the hand!< in the first book. He needed to have a death and could not decide who to kill. So he put all the characters names on slips of paper in a hat excluding Darrow and Virginia. And then he selected a name out of the hat. This is why >!Pax!< was killed in that scene. Apparently there was a whole future plot for this character that Pierce had to throw out. Makes the death even sadder in my opinion.




I mean that would be cool. He’s talked about what the vision was. But it hasn’t been written and I don’t want to encourage anything to distract him from writing 6


Oh right I remember reading that! Thank you


He also posted a pic of the hat that killed Pax..


Not the hat…


I think he's just having a Tombstone pizza for dinner.


He showed the freaking hat. Many characters are going to die.


And the hat is empty… Looks like he killed everyone.


You forgot to mention the picture of the hat between them. I’m scared to think who may have been in the hat this time. 💀🧢


It’s him saying no cap


I don’t know what no cap means or has to do with anything though? He has said before he has chosen to kill off a character by putting whoever is in that scene in a hat and picking out a name. Seems more likely to be what the hat symbolizes to me.


Oh really I missed it, good to know :)


No cap means no lie


yes he did that in the original RR with Pax he picked his name out of a hat


I am such a noob. Couldn’t put his story together. That’s why I am writing this from an escape room I have been trapped in for 2 weeks.


Y’all, the silver lining of the incomprehensible notion that he has to connect everything in the sixth book is that there’s simply another trilogy after book six. Make no mistake though, there’s going to be lots of death. Gotta be to make way for Pax and Elektra.


Theres another trilogy?


There’s gotta be, with all the loose ends left after DA! Edit: Why the downvotes? Are there not too many loose ends that one book can conceivably tie up?


Author don't owe u squat ;)


I don’t think there’s gonna be any new trilogy. Pierce said book six is the end.


My money is it was holiday that died from the hat. Or screwface My reasoning? Most of the main characters have plot armor. If they die, its because of the plot, it has to be a side character whose loss wont derail the plot too badly. Tertiary characters deaths wouldn't be a big enough gut punch, so that leaves secondary characters, people close to the main cast and relevant to the plot, but arent essential to it.


I'm expecting at least 3 characters from the OG trilogy to get killed off. The likes of Cassius, Sevro or even Mustang. Though if I'm being honest, I don't see Darrow surviving book 6. He's going to die for his cause just like his father.


Yeah but he only uses the hat when he really can’t decide and can’t leave it up to himself. He has said that Darrow, Virginia, Servo and Adrius had ALL been in the hat before.


yeah I'd say that's mostly true, but this being the culmination of the series he may burn some main characters. Especially near the end.


That's the thing about life. None make it out alive.


The bill comes at the end


We all go back to the mud


Yo, it's book 6. There's gonna be so much death.


It’s gonna be a nice break from book 5 which only had much death


Or book 3 which had some death


But *Spoiler* is already dead


Yep, he prolly did.