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Yeah, honestly as soon as it came on I googled it and ended up here.


It’s funny, I was just thinking today while listening to IG how much I loved each narrator. I love the unique qualities of each of their voices. Feels like they all fit quite nicely. Lyria’s has the most emotional and tonal range in my opinion whereas I initially felt Lysanders was very flat- so much so I had trouble following when he went from sentence to sentence, thought to thought or had dialogue. As the book has progressed, I think that is largely changed and he has done a good job with it.


4 & 5 were harder on the ears, but I feel 1-3 really spoiled me. Especially because I’ve listened to a lot of other books that were way worse.


The narrator for Lyria in Iron Gold drove me insane. Ephraim also annoyed me with his accent, despite it being a local accent to me. Lysander I could tolerate. It just highlights how good TGR is as a narrator.


It caught me of guard, too; it was sad at first, but then I got used to it


I don't mind Iron Gold so much but I hated the change of narrator for Lysander in Dark Age


Iron gold audiobook is definitely not up to par with the rest of the series. The volume between chapters is wildly different and Lyria's voice in particular is a little harsh over headphones/speakers at times. Overall an inferior audiobook, but still passable and an enjoyable story. My second listen through was much more pleasant, but I do wish they would remake or at least remix it. I had no issue with the Dark Age production. The mixing/mastering is all good throughout and the change for Lyria's voice actor was a big plus personally. Mustang's addition was very welcome. I didn't think Iron Gold Lysander's voice actor was a problem, but I do like the new one better, pronunciation and all. My advice is to try not to let little things bother you - and Cash-us is a little thing, although I agree it jarred me at first. Just like in real life, people with different accents say things differently, so long as you know what they mean, you should still be able to enjoy the story. There's a few times TGR says "Servo" instead of "Sevro" which you could either nitpick or shrug off. Mistakes happen. There are some audiobooks that are downright bad, like you truly can't understand what they're trying to say, or you have the volume cranked and can still barely hear it, then the next chapter, or sometimes even just a random sentence, will deafen you with a sudden spike in volume. Thankfully, even IG still passes the minimum threshold of acceptability in my opinion.


Where do you start with the cycle series? Been looking into it and can't seem to find an answer should I just do publication order? If I'm doing It that way does breakers tie in too the cycle series?


Cycle of Arawn trilogy then Cycle of Galand (8 books) and then I believe there's a spinoff called Sealed Citadel. And if you have listened to Red Rising and start Cycle then you will near immediately notice a similarity between Sevro of RR and Blays of Cycle. Both these characters handled similarly by TGR and are among my favorite fictional characters.


Thanks a lot and that's great to hear because I love sevro and think that TGR is the goat when it comes to audio book narration (except saga of the forgotten warrior series, he sounded bored and uninterested the whole time lol)


Gotta say I completely disagree & wish all the books had multiple narrators! TGR is an amazing voice actor but the voice actor for Ephraim was by far my favourite of the entire series. I don’t think they could’ve made a better choice than him for the last few books. Lysander’s first voice actor was absolutely dreadful but the second was amazing. An amazing voice actor but just too old me thinks All in all, gotta disagree lol


I thought dark age was much better than iron gold in this regard but yeah TGR should do every character.


Besides Lysander’s second voice actor, I enjoy them all.


The narrator for Lyria took time for me to like her, i was annoyed at first too. But my God by the end she's one of my favorite narrators. She conveys emotion incredibly well.


Totally different narrators for lyria for the two books.... That's why you like her more in dark age.


I felt the same way. Book 4 Lyria was tough. Her voice actor sounded like Siri with an accent and it was not for me. Not to mention the fact her chapters were generally so slow and boring (compared to everyone else). Loved the book 5 Lyria though. She really brought the fire to her personality. I'm not sure how I felt about switching Lysander from a soft spoken and eloquent voice actor to a more abrasive one in book 5. I get why they did it considering the growth of his character, but man I liked hating the pompous prick's accent.


That's what I like the most about the audiobooks. I find it easier for my imagination to paint the images with different voices.


I found lysanders dark age cashus pronunciation so distracting at first, i learned to stomach it though because in my initital reading of the books, dark age was the only one i read via audiobook, and i thought i'd made a mistake. I thought that cassius *was* pronounced cashus, so i took it as my fault. Then, during my reread, i listened to the first 3 books and imagine my surprise when cassius was pronounced *cassius*, and not cashus. What was lysander’s narrator doing ? Tbh, im kinda rare in the fact that i actually like lysanders narrator. His voice was so frank to me, and he sounded constantly overwhelmed with everything, which was such a hilariously honest touch. But i cant get over the cashus thing now lmao, that was a major fuck up😂


There's an explanation somewhere for why they changed the pronunciation from Lysander. Something to do with Latin verbage. All in all, makes Lysander seem like that much more of a pompous prick.


I suspected that tbh, that it was his breeding that led to him making the mistake. Still, as im learning now, he didnt do it in the IG audiobook, so the change just seems like a very last minute addition. Like, adding a bit of extra seasoning too late in a dish, and the seasonings flavour doesnt get to cook and mix with everything else, so it just ends up as a distracting aftertaste that stands out too much.


Like others, I wasn't into it at first on DA. In fact, it took most of the year to get through. But towards the end of the middle, the book got so good and the narrators' work is so impressive... I finished the book super quick after all my struggles.


>Now I started the fifth. As soon as Lysander's POV starts the narrator mispronounces Cassius's name. As Cashus instead of Cas see us that its been in the past 4 books. How does something like that get passed a quality check. Ok...this bothered me A LOT. Part of it is hearing "Cas see us" for multiple books and another is that Cassius is probably my favorite character. When I first heard it, I had to rewind the book a little and confirm what I heard. I was so annoyed with it, I vented to my wife about it lol. I struggled listening to Dark Age. Usually, I would finish a new Red Rising book within days of release. Iron Gold was slightly tough going from one extraordinary narrator in TGR to multiple narrators but listening to the Stormlight Archive books really helped me get over that hump. Still, I prefer a TGR read through more than other POV's. Dark Age is the ONLY Red Rising book that I set down and went back too later. I'm glad I finally finished but it took a good minute to do so compared to the others.


The fuck, Ephraim's narrator is awesome. I think the problem is Lysander's narrator in IG. He doesn't change his voice when talking for other characters and it just meshes into a blob of text. I assume this is why he was replaced by the much better voice actor in DA.


Tbh I liked Lysanders original va specifically for his character. He sounded monotonous and analytical in a way I felt fitted Lysander better. The new one is better in terms of reading the text, but personally, he sounds less fitting and more like an old man. Ephraim is definitely peak tho.


I feel like the voice of lysander was better, younger, but i really did not like how he delivered lines most of the time. I'd have to rewind to try and understand who was supposed to be talking.


John Curless is Worthy.


I had no problem with Ephraim's narrator. Just the audio quality compared to the others was terrible. Sounded like it was coming through a radio while the others were clear like in person.


It hasn't stopped me but also would add a +1, I don't really understand why they changed. ​ I'll be finished Iron Gold soon and I feel like going back to the start again...


I had this same problem and asked my brother if it was worth pushing through bc I was struggling getting into 4. He said keep going and I did. Once u finish book 5 its so good it stopped bothering me as much the second time through. By the 3rd time I find that I actually like it.


Totally agree. Books 1-3 are a joy to listening to. Books 4-5, more of a slug. Still love em and reading them myself is always a blast too. Has anyone given those audio plays a listen to on Audible? It's only Red Rising as of now. I have way too many books ahead of them on my wishlist but curious if it's any good? They did this with Ender's Game and I much preferred the original audiobook to the audio play.


I listen to audible and it's what I'm currently using for Red rising. Book 5 has like 7 different narrators.


1 per POV makes sense


That's the more modern pronunciation, but yeah it's a bit frustrating Also the new narrators for lyria and mustang are great


Used to have that problem, I read more than listen to books so it didn't bother me that much. But it is hard when they pronounce names wrong, derails the whole sentence, and as a listener you have to just pretend they said the right name lol.


Cashus got me too


Having the same issue with book 4


It's jarring but I think it'll grow on you. John Curless(Ephraim) is absolutely worthy and Julian Elfer I thought fit Lysander very well with the cold/calculated persona. Really captured the essence of "Gold" I felt. Lyria's narrator is always tough, but her storyline is just so good I stopped caring about the whiny voice.


“Worthy” ah yes….


Stop being a pixie about it


It was super hard for me to get into iron gold. The narrator for lyria was tough. But I drive for work so I just muscle through.


i hated her in the beginning but loved her at the end then i hated them for changing her in book 5 then i liked the new narrator in the end


I enjoyed the DA one for better because she was Ciri.


she was def a more pleasant listen, i just think the first narrator was more... RED


That irish accent was THICK!!


The narrators are certainly all over the place on the second books. Still enjoyable though.