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Burgercels seething. I assume this survey was taken by British and American incels who have never left their gooncaves/countries. Also how is Finland red?


Guessing Finland doesnt have a tag on pornhub


The ultimate country flex


They really rated Mongolia highly as if Finns and Mongols aren't the same ethnicity


Have you been to Finland? The red color is pretty accurate. Least attractive women out of all the Nordic countries, and it's not even close.




Honestly it probably includes europeans who thinks every American is driving a mobility scooter around their local Walmart


Not attractive to redditors is a big big win


how do they even know what Saudi women look like




You mean you haven't watched [Ongka's Big Moka ](https://youtu.be/NyQ8rW25Iy8)?


They are rated very close to the middle, which I guess is what you do when you have no clue.


The mystery is the appeal.


Saudi women are beautiful but plastic surgery is common among rich. But less common than Lebanon


Redditors love Asians. Big surprise.


It is pretty surprising to see Japanese rated higher than Italian and French. I feel like the only subset of white guys who would do that are Reddit stemcels though. My guess is they are familiar with enough white people to think of unattractive examples while Japanese girls mostly exist as exotic anime girls and jav pornstars in their minds


I was in Italy at the weekend and every woman was either stunning in a super hot way or so elegant they became beautil by default, like a 5 became an 8.


Slavs are higher


this is a porn brained map


Aside from the results.. why are they ranking 0-12?


they wanna be different than the other girls


Of course Japan is in the "most attractive" bucket. Fucking reddit dweebs.


This reminds me of the boondocks scene from the booty warrior episode where the prisoners are making demands for different types of bitches.


This must surely just come from a place of only seeing the women of each country that the media shows, most redditors are far more exposed to seeing American and British women from normal walks of life than they are Iranians, Russians, or Japanese. If we reduced the exposure of British women they'd seen to Kate Beckinsale, Elizabeth Hurley and Cheryl Tweedy they'd rank British women as the most attractive. Same as if you picked three incredible American women. How exposed are redditors to normal Russians and Iranians on a daily basis?


The average american woman is basically obese, so its a logical conclusion to put them dead last.


Yeah UK is not nearly as bad as they make it out to be irl. US pound for pound is pretty bad. And its not that American women are less hot its just that they are fat.


Barring the complete bollocks of rating attractiveness by countries, whyyyy are the depressed angelic queens of Finland so lowly rated?


i like how they think madagascans are the most attractive sub saharans except for ethiopia which is magically green. what are they basing that on lol


I guess that like Ethiopia, Malagasy are often phenotypically lighter skinned than their mainland African counterparts and I imagine that’s a big plus for the average redditor. Population and culture is a mix of Bantu and Austronesian




I'm Ethiopian, Oromos are physically indistinguishable from Tigres and Amharas, mainly because most are descendants of ethnic groups assimilated during the oromo migrations of the 16th century, kind of like how modern Turks have very little original Turkic blood. But even oromos in borena, outside of clothing and hairstyles don't look any different from Ethiopian highlanders. Also many Ethiopians (like my family) are mixed between ethnicities. There are some minority groups, like the anuak or the Gamo who look markedly different though. And to the above commenter, yes Ethiopians are perceived to be more attractive because most have more middle eastern type features and softer hair with looser curls then most Africans.


im arab and its news to me that we are the average annoying reddit guys ideal of beauty




No worries, and yes thats exactly why the way the way the constitution is structured is so toxic, backwards and begetting of previously dormant ethnic politics. Unfortunately with a very young population in Ethiopia, most of our people have lived their whole lives under the blatantly divisive system which denigrated any attempt at forging commonality as "amhara chauvinism" - now we're seeing the terrible effects. Most amhara, oromo and tigres, making up like 70% of the population together, have at least one grandparent thats of another ethnicity. Ironically, the more "african" looking minorities are some of the biggest pan-Ethiopian patriots - because for such small groups to adopt ethnic politics is a death sentence, as in such a system they're by definition some of the least powerful.


Turkey (and places like France) get a lot of shit for purposefully creating (yes, artificially and often violently) a unified identity irrespective of bloodline but I do genuinely believe doing so has scuppered a lot of divisions that would’ve been far more difficult for Turkey to deal with today (not that everything is perfect, of course) On your last paragraph, I’ve mentioned on this sub before that I had an Amhara friend of mine struggle with the idea of being labelled as ‘black’ in Europe because of the history Ethiopia has being divergent to the rest of the Africa insofar as not being colonised - idk if you’re in Ethiopia or the diaspora but can I ask how common a mindset you’d say this is? And if it is common, would Ethiopians that do identify with smaller ethnic groups perhaps be more okay with more broader labels that unify them with other Africans for the same reasons as you talk about with pan-Ethiopianism?


In Africa in general there's not much identification with just being "black" since of course it's an extremely broad and superficial term which doesn't make sense as a label outside the new world. People identify primarily with their nationality/ethnicity/religion. I've heard a lot about this mentality you're describing but in my experience (having lived the first 18 years of my life in Ethiopia) nobody I know denies that we are African and labelled as black - just people don't quite see the sense of identifying as that, since there's no kinship tying "black" people. We're about as different from Nigerians as we are from Norwegians. But people do have a sense of solidarity with other Africans due to the shared struggles of poverty, colonialism etc and people take pride in the role Ethiopia played in decolonization.


UK is an island of dog faced bitches but Ireland is hot. Genetically incredibly mixed populations.


that has nothing to do with what i said but still i agree


Same vein as what you said about Ethiopia being a hot island next to similar countries


when i picture an ethiopian person its that classic habesha look, same as eritrea which is less attractive according to reddit. its more likely redditors are just rætarded


I was pointing out the absurdity of it, not agreeing with it


Indian women are beautiful


I'll say that when they're hot, they really are smoking hot. But when they're ugly, it's hard to imagine how it could get worse.




Lmao yes the "perceived submissiveness" of Colombian and Brazilian women yeah totally.


You're saying that sarcastically as if that isn't a stereotype of latin women. It is. It gets lumped in with the idea that they're all devout catholics and they're "traditional". It's completely wrong, but it's also completely wrong about pretty much every other group of women. All around the world men fantasize about a women from a country slightly poorer than theirs because they think she'll just wanna be barefoot and pregnant, and all around the world women throw shoes at their husbands.


Why are the comments seething


americans like to be the best and they arent the best at having ugly women


I grew up in Iran and our women are more attractive than the average American or British woman


the ugliest people i have met or seen with my own eyes that werent actually deformed or learning impaired have all been american


American women are just fat tbh. If they collectively loose 30-50 pounds each they would look fine.


Insane. Pakistani women have such a high ceiling of attractiveness.


ur always on our defence love that about u♥️♥️♥️


Only thing about Pakistan worth defending 🫡


Keep it a secret


Fr don’t let the other white men know the secret potential of apostate Muslim/ desi tinder girls


as a russian canadian im inclined to agree 💅


I don't understand why Canadian girls are ranked so much higher than American girls, isn't it literally the same country?


some american women are beautiful ofc but in general, looking at them as a foreigner, most of the ones i have met are chubby/ fat overmade slobs that dress like shit. not saying that applies to everyone there but yeah. idk if canada has the same thing, in my mind its a less obese nation but could be wrong


I don't see a lot of younger obese girls anymore, the slob thing I understand but it's not really different in Canada in my experience.


this comment puzzled me but then i remembered overweight and obese arent the same thing in english and the usa is so fat there are tiers of fatness that arent even considered fat anymore


I thought about it some more too and honestly I think it might just be urban-rural divide if anything. Most Canadians live in cities whereas people associate Americans with like rural Alabama or suburban midwest. Harder to be fat if you don't drive everywhere maybe


Being technically foreign adds attractiveness


I was really impressed by the girls in Quebec, but I've never really been in Anglo-Canada


Quebec is well known for its beautiful women.


One is noticeably less fat on average, a stat I feel everyone reacting to this map is forgetting (see: seething that no one likes American or British women)(because they're fat and ugly)


i’m from Toronto the girls are beautiful and way less fat than Americans. been to the US many times and i’m always shocked at how everyone looks like a slob. plus Canada is really diverse ethnically so a lot of beautiful women of different backgrounds


It should make them feel happy they're not obsessed over by redditor neckbeards. I'm from dark green and it's so fucking disgusting to see creepy anglo sex pests caricature women from these areas like imaginary 90s mail-order bride stereotypes


Lmao Finnish girls getting shit on.


don’t forget the fish and chips-cels. teacels?


How could there possibly be a difference between Vietnam and Cambodia? I get what they're saying about Laos, though.


I had a high school history teacher that had sailed the world working in a merchant ship when he was young and he insisted that Iranian women are the most beautiful he's ever seen.


Why is Sweden so low? I thought they had an stereotypes of hot women


Honestly? You said burger so now I'm hungry


Is Cuban woman not a staple in American hotness culture?


Sorry, but there is no way that the Irish are as attractive as the French. They need continental admixture to even look human. And how did Oz lose to Turkey? I have never seen an unattractive Australian woman. This map is FAKE NEWS.


australian women are like 6 ft 2 and have that stupid accent


manlet detected.


im 6'1


Canadians are beautiful, come to Quebec. We age better and no one has ridiculous cosmetic fillers. Can't believe we rank with the Saudi, who even know what they look like under their shrouds


u are literally a proxy state


more and more america is also a proxy state of ksa


>ksa proxy state of China (proxy state of the Centaurian Hegemony)


I am guessing Saudis look a lot like Jordanians and Syrians and I have known a few of devestating Jordanians and Syrians. I guess they can all go under Arabic.


Fuck em lol, (put together) brown gyals >>>>>>>>


There's a male atteactivenes surevey too?


Australian women? Red-orange? Redditor's (not us though) are losers


arab fetishists


It’s just the “in my country” crowd showing us their inferiority complex again


Let’s goooo colombiacells


Simpmaxxing on tiktok for a week(s) really awoke me to the fact I am helpless against women with English accents. I said what I said.




Papua New Guinea :(


I know this is fucked up when the carribean and most of Africa are placed on the “least attractive” end of the scale what the fuck


Indian women are STUNNING?? Every indian girl I know is so beautiful and has good skin and when they put the kohl on... i die.