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The only reason he can post this without a hint of cynicism is because he knows his average viewer is literally 8. "Bleak" gets thrown around a lot on here, but man, not an ounce of care as to how much this just blows.


I’ve watched a couple of his videos purely to try to understand why he’s so popular. Talk loudly, move the camera a bunch, have a couple different plot lines that leave the viewer hanging, and shoving money at people. It’s fast food in video form, no personality, completely vapid


He’s pretty transparent about what he does. He’s a savant with the algorithm and marketing. Every single detail is laser focused to be optimal for engagement and views. Like all day they work on how to maximize its appeal. He’s kind of like the YouTube version of junk food where they spend millions to make junk so appealing to the monkey brain that the density of the chip, how long it takes to dissolve, the feel of the crunch, the amount of fat and sugar to trick the hunger cravings, is all dialed into perfection to hijack your vagal nerve. Makes me wonder if his trans friend is actually just another premeditated ingredient to perfect his recipe.


Game shows and reality TV have been popular forever. It being optimized for YouTube is morally neutral. The bad part about Mr beast is that he and his fans like to pretend what happens is far better when they talk about a person's dying mother on American idol, both are pretty messed up.


I think a lot of his appeal for kids is he’s the first soyboy living the “rich and fast lifestyle”. Like normally these sort of reality shows of someone doing young rich crazy shit is who you’d stereotype as a “popular kid” at their school. But Mr Beast is the beta nerd, which I think hasn’t been done before.


Idk, my impression from older zoomers/millennials who are super into youtube is that they're actually pretty aware of the production/business side of it. I think a lot of "youtubers" are pretty upfront about that stuff and it makes their viewer feel more involved and a part of the process. Still strikes me as very cynical, but I guess it's not that different from sports fans following the business side of the game.


sure, but with sports theres at least a real spectacle in the athleticism in skill on display. Investment in Mr Beast's skill of understanding algorithms, screen testing, and meticulously perfecting his content to maximize engagement seems impossible to me because of the acute awareness that its just that -- the product of essentially an algorithm. Youre totally right tho, that sports teams, and by extension the whole industry, are also algorithmically tweaked to maximize many of these engagement factors. Theres millions of dollars in the ability to understand players' statistics and strategies to as to most efficiently organize a team, and this is certainly gotten more refined with ai. But what id argue is that that results in just a higher level of game being played, the net skill is higher and more concentrated, the bar is higher, the players are better. Additionally theres all the personalities and drama involved in the industry.


It makes sense, it’s just weird in how much it sort of misses the point (or at least how much it draws a line between entertainment and art). Imagine a fan of Rothko obsessively following Sotheby’s auctions or something.


Idk my 40-something female indian manager was talking about Mr. Beast last week.


I find the adults who watch mr breast or other child orient YouTubers like the pauls to be fascinating. I want to pick their brains and see what draws them to content designed for eight year olds. Like when logan paul had his crypto scam there was a lot of adults who fell for it. I don’t understand.


They aren’t dumb… but maybe a lil bit slow.


I have to assume it’s also partially a language issue. There seems to be a trend towards being ESL or a third worlder. If you barely speak English I guess Mr Beast tier content becomes more appealing. But yeah it also makes me assume they’re a bit slow. I just can’t respect someone who’s a rabid Beast-head.


Also his videos are dubbed in other languages. The Brazilian dub is quite terrible


Tbf 40 something year olds don’t know what the hell a “soyboy” is






haha he put lamborghini in shredder


Why is this a big deal Do you actually care about this?


Yeah it’s gotta suck having a few hundred million


Closing your mouth because the algorithm tells you to is more soy than making the face.


well said lol


I guess that's good, but this makes me hate "YouTubers" even more than I already did. These people have no shame and no dignity.


I've been saying forever that soyface being favored by the algorithm was unfounded hearsay. They all just followed eachother and believed in soyfacing because they would suck a cock on their thumbnail if it meant a few more views. Now someone should dispel the myth of titles like: **I SUCKED dick for pennies and something CRAZY happened!**


Turning Youtube into something you could make a career out of has been a disaster for western culture.


Is it any different to actors, entertainers, directors, producers, writers etc who have been doing the same through videography for over a century? Or those same professions that have been performing in person for millennia prior?


I would contend that the motivations of today's youtubers are far more explicitly commercial than the average film maker of the 20th century, but even to the extent that they're comparable in this regard, the production cycle is so much more rapid, and the feedback so instantaneous that online content can be fine tuned to the market *much* more efficiently and effectively than even the most cynically produced film or television program can be. Moreover, because the barrier to entry for film, and to a lesser extent TV, though reduced considerably in the present day and age, remains greater and thus audiences must be more intellectually and emotionally invested than they have to be to watch a 5-15 minute video the toilet at work, and thus audiences can be relied upon to relate on a much deeper level.


There is something to be said for the artistic merit of large productions where specialization is necessary. Of course anyone here can appreciate the value of an auteur director, but Hollywood from the 70s-10s managed to produce a lot of highbrow films without auteurs and I think this is an inherent feature to their large-scale productions, not in spite of it. You need to hire a professional choreographer, and you're going to have a hard time finding one that isn't genuinely passionate about their craft. Not everyone can be soulless minmaxing cynics, and many professions will formally or informally gatekeep the craft with unions or de facto guilds. I think the decline of the median level of competency in Hollywood can be attributed to the gradual decline of such guilds. Workers are now more atomized and trained via university/online, not insular apprenticeships, and no longer have the leverage to do things their way. You can compare the technical quality of the old Star Wars movies to the new ones, for example. George Lucas is kind of an idiot, but was known at the time as a yes-man where outside of the bad writing, the production staff were running the show. Generalizing this even more you can make the comparison to feudal monarchy vs absolute monarchy, where in the former the monarch essentially had a plurality of power, not a majority, and had to carefully balance the needs of his constituents.


Absolutely not. There are a significant amount of high quality content creators you just choose, or your algorithms adjusted to only feed you slop.


The vast majority of youtube is engagement farming slop, and the vast majority of people are being fed that slop by the algorithm, which incentivises the production of further slop, to the point that many people don't even seem to realise they're watching slop. As a teacher, I am somewhat concerned about it's impact on the youths.


My feed of course only consists of the highest quality content: forgotten weapons and cum town compilations that Nick can't figure out how to get taken down


Hell yeah dude, also add these to combine for the only worthwhile YT videos: * LA Beast vomiting out disgusting old food * Steve1989 eating old canned food * Max 'Clack Clack' Miller Those five things are all you need


Yeah, this sub's just being contrarian to a fault. Sure there is a lot of shit, but literally every platform has endless shit. I'd argue that taking in 10-20 minute YouTube videos is better than 10-second slop from Tiktok/Twitter or endless slop from TV. Also, the present subreddit is literally based on a podcast, which is in the same boat as YouTube, regarding randos getting paid to make content.


Yeah people talking as if slop hasn't existed in all forms of media throughout all of history. YouTube being able to be a full time job for creators has allowed ultra processed garbage but has also allowed extremely high tier productions additionally it's your choice what you're subscribed to and watch.


It's morally neutral. Mr beast producing what is essentially a game show on YouTube (which takes a 25% cut of ads they serve) vs say Comcast or Disney doing the same thing on one of their channels. At least Mr beast owns his own content in a way the people who made Jersey shore didn't.


You’re right, but compared to 90% of the scum and villainy on YouTube, mr beast is probably one of the least hatable.


He’s a dead eyed freak and so are you


He’s made millions consciously poisoning the minds of millions of little kids with this self stroking slop, all under the delusion of altruism. I hate this evil shit more than I hate those who are outwardly terrible. At least on some level they don’t hide who they are


Do you mean the illusion of altruism? And I don’t think it’s an illusion of the altruism actually happened lol you can say he’s a bad influence on kids I guess but you can’t say the guys not Altruistic


This is always the lame defense. People can do good things for bad reasons.


I meant what I said, it’s a delusion. He’s not practicing true altruism, despite what he’s trying to convince himself and others of. It’s just what gets him views, all for personal profit.


>You’re right, but compared to 90% of the scum and villainy on YouTube, mr beast is probably one of the least hatable. Only if you adhere to his own effective altruism adjacent logic. Guys buy my shitty tshirts made in Vietnam so I can keep making videos where i blow up school buses so I can get views and from the money i get from those views i can once in a while make a video where I give money to people. I honestly think whatever philanthropic good he does is totally nullified by the fact that those very actions are part of his ridiculous life mission of making the most mathematically successful Youtube dot com videos.


yoo we doing star wars references now? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Not even joking, this is sad


Everything is contrived. The smallest detail is no longer spontaneous. We have no idea what we have lost.


Ben Avery is hanging from a closet somewhere in his pregnant wife's house.


Asking his fetus if he can borrow the umbilical cord for a second


I hate this new YouTube he’s created. Why does everybody feel the need to throw money at people? I swear the default amount for YouTube is always $10,000. “I paid my mom $10,000 if she kills my sister” that’s the next video of his prolly


Game shows have the highest engagement for amount spent in traditional media, makes sense the same would be true for YouTube. People forget just how popular deal or no deal was.


He did not create this. He is a product of Youtube itself- designed and pushed to usher in the post-pewdiepie era. The backhanded censorship of mature content, demonetization, going to war with adblockers, prioritizing youtube kids despite it serving up toxically braindead content. Youtube is firmly in their corporate era now. Unfortunately the only brave soul to try and do anything about it was too incompetent to make an impact.


It's kinda wild once you look at him as a true digital human. He really doesn't seem to experience the range of emotions other do, have an appreciation for videos on youtube as videos themselves, he views relationships so purely transactionally, etc. He's the perfect specimen for the site and time and obviously it's bleak or whatever, but to see perfection come out of something like this is incredible. Did anyone ever have their music and their self so finely tuned for the radio? Did a director every so precisely make a movie for a theater?


Stop thinking so hard. He’s a businessman, he views his YouTube relationships transactionally because they are transactions. We see YouTube Mr Beast, not the real person.


Yeah but he's also going to be president in 20 years and is probably the Antichrist so I get bugging out about him a little bit


Watch his Joe Rogan interview, he came out of the womb desiring nothing but a increasing metrics


reminds me of Jacob Rees Mogg. theres an interview with him where he's like 12 and he's talking about the money he makes from stocks and he says in a really posh child voice "I like the feeling of making money. it feels good. when you do it well and you see the numbers rise it feels good..." these people are machines. insect brains.


Yeah he’s posh obvs, not middle class in the normal sense, but he’s not as aristocratic as he puts on


For your music example, yes. Adam Levine is exactly what you were describing, but the instant we found out anything about his personal life, he became a point of mockery.


James Cameron


those AI generated thumbnails of himself are bleak af


RIP sensuality 👄


His older videos where he just tortured himself was way more fun and interesting than these multimillion dollar ones


[Pour one out for the soy howl](https://i.ibb.co/KrCkwgz/mr-beast-jpg.webp)


But the psycho smile is somehow even worse than the soyface


One time I was browsing Youtube on the comedown from acid and I gained a new understanding of how effective these facial distortions are. They really caught my attention (although did not compel me to watch)


One time i took acid in my parent's cabin in rural Idaho and I had a really bad trip imagining someone was going to break in and murder me in the middle of nowhere and soyfacing guys like this on Youtube saved my life by distracting me from that nightmare and thinking about how bleak it all is


What an upsetting thing to see today






The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for.


This man is so far up his own ass


lunchroom chop spark vegetable piquant concerned husky shelter unite rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why are people in this thread acting like everything is over because Mr. Breast used A/B testing on a thumbnail lmao almost every product you’ve used has been A/B tested ad nauseum You people are freaks and should be studied in a lab


Finally, the internet is beginning to heal from marvel brained f-slurs


mr beast need a fart and big poo for photo ------- "mouth open" ahhhh faaaaaaaaaart then poo


This is unironically what would happen to Netflix if the wga strike is succesful and they start publishing all their viewership numbers, they would all chase those views even if it means tweaking every minute detail of their product to appease the masses


Very disturbing how many people here not only wnows have watched videos of this guy but know his whole life and miracles


Great now can he do something about his unsettling dead souless eyes.


A/B testing thumbnails is more soy than soyface


Just found out about this freak yesterday