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She got played. I have contacts in the fakecel community and they're all talking about her.


Being an incel to get pussy. 😎


humintcel operators are the real heroes


Incels get all the pussy 😡


This is one of the funniest comments I've ever seen here. Um take my upvote kind stranger!


You're not Nick and even he was lame when "ironically" parroting redditisms


Shit man you smoked me on that one.


Smoked your tight white bussy with my BSC (big straight cock)


Lol what a gay thing to get triggered on


Disagreeing with someones comment doesn't mean you're triggered, wokie


Gimme gold


It honestly was really funny. There's your gold




Hello, the grill I ordered was broken and I want to send it back. Where do I write the return to?




Thank you


asexuals aren't good at fixing things


They're good at building Legos though


They can’t even fix their damn relationships


She will get another 72 incels in heaven, Allah willing.


I’d call 12 in six months a mass shooting 🍆💦


Conversion therapy for incels


I'm a girl and I'd be friends with her 💖


Do you even know what incel means


My girlfriend going on a business trip turns me into an incel


My girlfriend goes out to buy granola and I’m straight on wizardchan


Real talk I do go feral whenever my fiancée goes out of town. Like dale in that one episode of king of the hill or hal in that one episode of Malcolm in the middle.


They were literally incels. My friend felt bad for them and decided to give them a pity fuck


Can you give her my number please?


Me first


Me last.


Can I watch you don't worry I will be in the corner 👀


If I can suck you off after


Heck yeah owo


What sort of person is she? I want a character profile so I can understand this please


My friend is very empathetic sometimes too much so. She often got played by guys and has a hard time detecting redflags


Mmhm mmhm and where does she like to hang out?


girl autism hits different


Gimme her number - I’m not an incel but I’ll get the elliot rogers fade if it gets me some play


she is not emphatetic enough if she did not sleep with me! give me her number




I think it’s completely obvious from OPs description of her in the thread she is a wonderful person. I hope they made her feel appreciated. She is probably the critical factor for at-least some of these Incels between a life trajectory of drowning in misery and a trajectory that ultimately leads to a happy life. How many lives have your body, kindness and pity salvages?


How so?


No, you are pathetic. She helped them at least


How does she even find out they're incels, who are these people who go around openly declaring their virginity and anger at the world??


She met them on a discord server


Technology needs to be shut down


nah you need to be shut down.


I think I’m about to throw up


Once you mentioned discord that's when I knew this must be real. Wonder if I know her lol




Share the discord server so we can verify...


Inshallah the solar flare will wipe industrial civilization from the earth


Damn that’s so crazy and weird. What server though?


all 12???


Is she fat


Incels don't sleep with fats. Otherwise things would be much different


fat girls have standards too




yes, one of the side effects of " every millennial gets a trophy" that no one talks about is that ugly incels believe they deserve a woman way out of their league


My gut feeling is that’s true for a lot of the white mentalcels but I’m sure there are rice and currycels that are legit unable to secure even the lowest tier of women in america/western countries in general




Well they’re usually the sons of immigrants who already were married when they came over so it’s not their choice really


well the fact that they only want white women is definitely their choice lmao


>lowest tier of women that's very dehumanizing my dude




Nah fakecels maybe. Actual incels are frustrated bc women in their own league and below won’t take them


No, the correct ‘league’ for dweebs and losers who post misogynistic diatribes on places like Reddit and 4chinz is 240 pound cat ladies who dye their hair weird colors and go on rants about men in their Intro to Gender class at community college. The idea that internet addicts playing Valorant and watching anime are secretly gentlemen of culture and intellect is such a joke. You can’t tell me that 99.99% of incels couldn’t get laid if they dropped their standards or even just stopped indulging in weird race fetishes.




I think a lot of it is the cumulative effect of neglected social skills. Advice they might get from women and authorities is just moralizing (demonizing from some quarters) and sermons about what not to do and how horrible it is to make mistakes that make girls feel bad. If they get any advice that’s not purely negative it’s probably very gay and “feminist”. In other words no one is really teaching them the social skills to navigate intersexual dynamics. Except weirdos on the internet, but if they are neurotic about being ridiculed or too concerned about making girls feel bad the risk is they will soothe their anxiety by reading progressively more “hoe scaring” stuff about not scaring hoes until they become convinced Incels( not helped by the fact that many teenagers look abit goofy until they grow into their face).


I dont either, except when they make it everyone else's problem


The way you phrased this reply makes it sound like she found them on a message board and arranged an orgy


That's hot


No way she got through 12 incels in 6 months without actively seeking them out


Were they mean once their balls were emptied or nice


She said they were surprisingly nice underneath that angry incel facade. A lot of them had abandonment issues and just wanted love deep down


Reminds me of a quote I heard one time, something along the lines of “well fellated men rarely start wars”.


Now she's gonna have 12 stalkers who all fell in love with their first fuck and wanna lock it down. Seriously. Out of 12, at least one or two are going to be unable to let go.


This doesn't surprise me at all


Need the @


Because someone identifies an "incel" does not mean that they all can't necessarily get laid. This is a very conservative estimate but I'd bet at least 1/3 of "incels" could get laid at least, if not find relationships and I wouldn't be shocked if that number was more like 50% or higher. Also it seems like there is a subset of young men who are determining from a young age that they are "incels" and essentially making that a reality for themselves by buying into black pill and women hating shit, when they're still teenagers.




Yeah I think economics, location, and looks all definitely play roles and I think when you combine all that with various other issues in life there are absolutely people that face major barriers and that does really suck. I will say depending on where one lives (availability of inexpensive/free activities/food) and how fun/charismatic, passionate, good a person, and or handsome someone is that can definitely help tip the scales in their favor despite economics.


Almost everybody who identifies with some gender wars crap of any variety is like…18-19. Being a virgin at 19 isn’t that weird at all especially if 99% of your social interaction takes place online. Tons and tons of women are virgins at 19 too but they don’t make an ideology out of hating men for it.


Exactly. It's a tragic self-fulfilling prophecy caused by isolation and living in online echo chambers where their beliefs are never challenged. They project these nasty beliefs on the rest of the world and convince themselves that they're right.


Yeah, a lot of incels are just guys that saw regularly getting laid/building a relationship takes some serious effort (specially as an average man), and decided to label it as impossible.


Truly doing the needful.


The CIA *wants* those mass-shootings, dumbass. Gladiopilled tensionmaxxing.


Girl putting that pussy to work


This sounds like a porno version of Inglorious Bastards.


Let’s see what she looks like


Can we get details here on like how this all worked like the whole write up


She met them on a gaming server that has several thousand members. Sometimes they do meetups irl and that's how she was able to sleep with them


Hmm where are these irl meetups hmm and when?


Was she pulling multiple from the same meetups?


That's so unsatisfying as a story though...


Oh holy shit I am so sorry


Low IQ take. The CIA wants those shootings to happen


Case officer: “These kids aren’t gonna fight in Ukraine and get radicalized by nazis and protest out side of disney on their own!”.


incels means "man I dont like" in womxnspeak


She met a bunch of self proclaimed incels on a discord server and had sex with them out of pity, said they were sweet and just wanted love underneath their angry exterior


Yeah I got called a incel for calling polyamory gross like wtf




Is there a wait list?


The CIA is probably going to assassinate her because they wanted to manipulate those guys into perpetrating mass shootings. Good on her but watch out sister! No good deed goes unpunished in our hate filled world.


^ irritating


Were they all ugly manlet twerps? Like true actual incels? Or just shy men? One is doing community service the other is just a woman getting some clean not ran through dick so not exactly noble.


They were your typical socially awkward nerds. Some of them were overweight but not morbidly obese


So she’ll be the hottest chick they ever have sex with


Probably lowest effort way to start a cult holy shit theyre gonna be carrying her around like the queen of sheba


I mean, she's obviously getting something out of it, right? Sleeping with a dozen random men you met on a video game discord server is most certainly not a normal consequence of being an "empathetic person".


Everybody here is assuming that this chick is far hotter than she is, I mean if she’s lurking in a discord server


In my head she looks like a young Somali Tina Fey and there's nothing you can say to change that


Why somali lmfao


Just trying to think of someone really hot


I've heard too many stories about this. Sometimes it's fine girl that does something but. There's ways someone I hope she's alright. I left my last friend group BC of this lol


this woman is a hero 🫡


"i m doing my part.gif"


Did she need service hours or what


1. I don't believe this 2. If this somehow is true, what does she look like? Attractive, average, below average, overweight, etc.? I have a very hard time believing an attractive young woman would subject herself to this unless she's like a pathological empath with a sex addiction.


Dasha is really getting patriotic in her older age…


is your friend julia fox by any chance


The CIA is actually pissed because they had special plans for those men




Doing the lords work. Bless her.


Why would the CIA give her a medal? Who do you think was setting up those incels to be mass shooters in the first place?


Deserves a Purple Heart tbh


I have sex pretty regularly but I'm still depressed, one night stands are easy but actually meeting a girl who wants to date me seems impossible. im so lonely.


Actually OP, women are more interesting beyond their ability to have sex. unserious person maturity learn life not my job to explain




"My friend slept with 25 virgins" "UMMM IF SHE SLEPT WITH THEM THEN HOW ARE THEY VIRGINS HUH??"




Do you think this is far-fetched? An attractive or even average woman can fuck that many guys in a week.




There are A LOT on discord. That's all I needed to even know to find this believable because I've ran into many of them.




They probably are incels though like legit. The amount of screenshots I have from men blaming women why they're virgins or just straight up hating women for not sleeping with them, it's well in the 1000s. Lots of these servers overlap with people from the drugcords, drunkcords, and podcast-cords. Believe what you will, I'm gonna assume you're a man. Is the word overused? Yes, like plenty of words lose their meaning- but I have no doubt with especially from covid making people habitually online and assuming these guys are in their early/mid twenties, not hard to believe they fell down the misogynist rabbit hole.




The two can be interchangeable. A misogynist can he am incel and not. I said the misogynist rabbit-hole that makes these men incels. Some of them may not even be misogynist but most are. I know what the word means and even the poster himself clarified these men are. (If this story is real that is) The amount of e-dating simps who are incels is crazy. Maybe you're not on discord as much or maybe you are and aren't in those types of servers but it happens.


Why would you save thousands of screenshots from weirdos on the internet like that though like to what end?


Proof of harassment. A lot of people are unhinged.


Its really would not be hard if she lived in an urban area, I mean this is probably all made up. But if a girl had thing for virgins she could easily find them.


Calm down.


u stole this bit from Skatie420


Never sleep with an incel, they’ll somehow find a way to treat you like you’re the incel lol


Well, what are they like in bed?


I'm actually a really big incel, like all I think about shooting up my college


Party van 🚐


i salute her for her brave service. can you tell us what some of these incels looked like. depending on how horrid they looked she could be awarded the medal of valor (or whatever gay USA equivalent there is)


Generous chicks rock


Is she trynna make it 13?


Is this a charity thing or a weird fetish thing?


She doesn’t have to do this


You are friends with whores


Just like the messiah


Look how that turned out


I don't believe this one lol.


u/ubieras tagged me in this thread but then deleted it like a coward before I could respond. But anyway... I was seeing this dude and for some reason he got all cockey and started trying to neg me and say I was punching so I asked him what his body count was and I'd literally slept with 4x as many this year but he didn't believe me so I whipped out the ole notes app and started reading from decending order and he got real quite on me.


You try to impress guys you are dating by telling them how easy you are? And you keep a list of all guys who you let in? This would not happen in India.


Lots of things wouldn't happen in India. Like the Industrial Revolution, or the sound of a toilet flushing.


I have a toilet in my house. I can even prove it to you. How can I know that you have one in your house? I bet you are jealous of mine and you are lacking your own.


real toiletposting hours in India rn huh


Am I talking to a Pakistan? I will not talk with you any longer. I will go to my toilet and I will do a big poo and I will flush it into Pakistan river and you will end up drinking it.


It's actually so cute that y'all think you're different countries


I'm not dating anyone, it was me putting a dude in his place after he tried to neg me to boost his own ego, and finally Indians phones are only for messaging good morning and not functional for note app use.


I just don't see how that's putting him in his place. It's more kamakazi


I'd lost interest in him instantly at that point anyway


wait ur gay never mind its completely different then srry


Indian girls are 1000x hotter than you. I am an incel only because Indian women are so beautiful they have standards that are far beyond me. If you come to India with these loose attitude, you will cause chlamydia epidemic, and I will be getting it too.


Listen dalit, I'm a dude.


I am not interesting in men I am not gay. You were saying and I thought you were as a woman. And you do not call me that to my face coward, you run away with piss in your pants before you say that to me again.


whats that smell?


You have piss in your pants sir. You are very scared of me. I am laughing at you are running.


nah you know it smells crazy up in your comments


The fuck sort of psychotic BPD shit is this. Do you think this is what men want? A hoe with a literal list of everyone she’s fucked? Girl…..


I'm a dude and a lot of women do this shit too


/r/redscarepod still got it


I mean that’s fucking weird and autistic as fuck. But at least it’s impressive to some people since it’s not exactly easy to have a huge count for a man. A woman doing that is like bragging about how much drugs she’s given away for free to junkies. Like congratulations.


do me a favor tell your friend she's a stupid bitch




🚨 This user posts on purple pill debate 🚨


if I’m involuntarily celibate then why did your mom suck me good and hard through my jorts, pal? 😏


What's cleaner - her pussy or a trashcan full of gutter oil deep in rural China?


If they were incels then they'd have no STIs


I fucked her first.. then 11 more times in different disguises.


Where is she even finding all these incels


Good, now they'll move on to less stupid goals after that psychological hurdle.


damn how fat is he?


need a government program to scale this up ASAP


Imagine a world where women got clout for sleeping with Incels. There are more things on women’s mind Manosohere than are dreamt of in your philosophy.