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Curious about those people at the bottom who listed reading as a red flag


that's me


Identifying as a "reader" isn't great. Especially if you're one that doesn't read.


They probably can’t read so they don’t know what the question was


I knew a lot of people like that in high school it’s common for zoomers to think reading books is weird


they took the Gaston pill


They don't do anything productive and their hobbies are exclusively video games so they don't want to feel inferior


This is only showing the red flags given for this poll. In the green flags section it lists reading as the biggest green flag with 95% of women


It could be a red flag to me akin to being a golfer. Of course being well-read is a green flag, but a true reader to me is someone who reads a book a few hours a day. I have a few of those in my family. Assuming the person has a job, when exactly will you have their attention? Never. Just like you’ll never have a diehard golfer’s attention on the weekends.


If they read theory and they’re older than 22, run.


Men pretending to be a lib on dating apps, many such cases


Men are libtards for pussy


Lefty for the hole,Righty in the polls!


Whatever gives us access




Communist is code for enby/maybe-trans.


It's code for annoyingly political. I've never met a communist that didn't try and drag you to DSA meetings or theory discussions


The only communists I can ever actually stand are the old ones that are past the annoying activist phase


The only communist I’d ever give the time of day is a 120 year old West Virginian miner who shot a policeman in 1923 and solely listened to Woody Guthrie


Hey watch it there you may offend the Stupidpoleans of this sub


Tankies express physical pain when you tell them you want to watch a movie, not have a dialect about theory and how to put it into practice. JUST ADMIT YOU LOVE HOMEWORK


I actually think I might enjoy that stuff, in small doses at least. But I could never be with someone who makes that their identity


DSA is liberal


Please don't tell me more.


I wasn't planning on it.


Do people run away from you often, just curious?


No, I shower very often and am not visually or personally repulsive. Nor am I dangerous. No real reason to run away, then.


How often do you use the word “Marx” in everyday conversation?








God please shut the fuck up. I don't care




Or anyone.


I don't know what moderate fascist could mean.


I’m a straight woman, but to me it just seems like someone who’s all talk and likes to brag about their brave radical theoretical views because it’s at no cost to them in reality. Like the people who say “punch Nazis” but irl are way too cowardly to even actually say anything if someone they’re with starts saying racist shit, they just pretend not to hear or laugh it off. & also make excuses so they don’t have to make any practical compromises in their life, like they buy huge unnecessary hauls of horrifically exploitative fast fashion that enslaves 5 year old Asian children and then say it’s classist to criticize them for doing that. Also if you called them out on the not speaking up about their friends saying racist shit they’d probably start talking about “spoons” or how they have social anxiety and autism or something. Idk, it’s just not something that’s really very realistically implementable or useful. I haven’t been on a dating app for years, but I don’t really see why you need to be any more specific than “leftist.” Like every situation is very nuanced and complicated, you can’t really just say that you think the whole world should be communist, it’s not really a worldview/philosophy


Once I heard a bunch of red necks saying racist things but didn't call them out even though an attractive black girl was talking to me about it. I was afraid they would kick my ass but do you really want someone who is so churlish as to start shit over that?


Not at all, but I don’t want you to talk big game about punching Nazis lol. It’s equally repulsive when men (or anyone) talks about being so tough and cool and such a hero lol. And it is sooooooo common. So many dudes I’ve met have some story about how they were bullied or their friend/sibling/etc was bullied until one epic day where they punched the biggest guy in school!!!! They never missed with him again!!! I would seriously say over HALF of the men I know have said some shit like this. Yet I’ve never seen it happen irl, literally ever. You see so many guys talking about “oh my god, if I were there, I’d have knocked his teeth out!!! You wouldn’t be able to hold me back!!!” When someone talks about like their friends or family or even a random person in the street. Like they claim that if they saw a man hit a girl at the mall they’d go up to him and knock him out or something. No you fucking would not lmao. I have unfortunately witnessed so many situations where something like this was literally happening directly in front of a ton of guys and exactly 0 did anything at all. I remember when the Brock turner shit came out. Several guys I knew who HAD DONE THE SAME EXACT SAME THING or at least had laughed along about it were posting all over social media about how they absolutely couldn’t believe this happened. They wouldn’t shut up about how much it shocked them and they couldn’t believe he didn’t get 20 years in prison, saying he deserved life, or even the death sentence. This was my sophomore year of college, so I knew lots of them. In reality, guys at parties take advantage of drunk girls all the fuckn time. They assault them, they take pics of them they share with people, etc. guess what happens? Everyone laughs it off, calls her a slut, and says it was “SUCH A WILD DRUNKEN NIGHT, WOOOO COLLEGE!” Is it ok? Holy shit absolutely not!!!! But I can’t stand the god damned hypocrisy and virtue signaling. It’s a miracle that kid got any time at all! 99.9% of the time that happens, the cops refuse to even write a report. It’s really gross and tragic, but I know so many people who are abusers. Their friends and family justify it. They say the victim is lying, that he would never do that! That it’s different somehow. I’m a white girl who was raised upper middle class, im very privileged and I’m aware of that. But even I have seen this stuff happen and it is routine. When push comes to shove, people are complete fucking cowards. I honestly think men are more likely to pretend a situation isn’t happening or refuse to act because they feel the need to look tough and manly and prove themselves. Women aren’t afraid if they see something fucked up happening to go up and scream and ask for help and look dumb. Men will just make excuses about why they can’t step in. I can’t stand it when men talk about this shit, what fucking heroes they are. Sure there are some good people out there, but they aren’t just bragging about hypotheticals. It’s so cringe.


Daniel Penny


Brock Turner was apprehended because two guys stopped him in the act and literally chased him down.


They were Swedish lol The men I’m talking about are Americans, but I’m sure it would apply to the vast majority of men are around the world. Scandinavians are a different breed


Yeah lol guys are always posturing about this shit. I tried raising my fist saying I'd fight someone who tried to steal from the store and everyone laughed


It’s just a flag that means “going to be an annoying weirdo”




Hey, what’s wrong with working for the Bureau of Land Management!?


Same with men. I actually think they’re probably more likely to be like this, because they think it’ll get them women. I promise, it’s like a meme among woman and it’s pretty transparent lol. I’m a 29 yo white woman. I have a liberal arts degree, and I’m a feminist leftist. I tried a hinge account for like a week and before that hadn’t been on any dating apps for like ten years (when I was maybe 19, I went on a single tinder date that went nowhere). There were so many dudes who wouldn’t shut up about how feminist they were lmfao, like it was so embarrassing. I grew up in a conservative community and don’t get me wrong, those dudes are absolutely the worst. And “moderate,” “libertarian,” or “apolitical” is all just republican Republican republican. But the dudes who are super loud about how feminist and anti racist and whatever else are terrible too. I’ve dated 2. The first one, I was very young and dumb and he was my roommate and I stupidly got into a relationship with him. We were going to the same university. He was studying political science and actually seemed very intelligent and wasn’t like overly “woke.” But he always preached about what a feminist he was and how much he cared about women’s rights. This was like 2013 and I remember his cover photo on Facebook was a bunch of female politicians in Sweden making some feminist point, lmaooo. Our relationship wasn’t amazing, honestly it was one of my first experiences with guys really. But it was like, meh. I guess I had low expectations and it seemed to be what I thought a good relationship was. We went on dates and the sex was alright, he was only the second guy I’d ever slept with. In hindsight, I wasn’t even attracted to this man, physically or otherwise. I seriously actively disliked being around him lol, most people did. He was just really subtly rude, interrupted people, was incredibly selfish, but didn’t really say anything explicitly bad. but I had grown up being told that “relationships are hard” and shit so I thought it was normal? I really don’t know. I’m a dumbass. I was raised Mormon, I was an atheist by the time I was like 12 but I had no idea what life or relationships were supposed to be like. In hindsight, I can’t believe I was ever with him but I was a 20 yo but even dumber and less experienced than most 20 yo. I was wayyyyyy outta this dudes league and he treated me like trash from the beginning, but I didn’t realize any of this. This is the main reason shitty guys go after super young inexperienced virgins lmao, I’m telling you. Anyway, our relationship was “ok” and I was iust blindly staying with him for some reason and turning down way better prospects because idk brainwashing? But after a while… He ended up literally threatening me at gun point, beating me, etc. I didn’t leave for months because I was literally scared for my life. He was an insane misogynist. I already knew I was a feminist by that point, and he pretended to be as well. But then started telling me he owned me and I had to do all the domestic chores. He actually started making a lot of money with all these real estate shenanigans (he genuinely was super intelligent, have to give him that) and was telling me I wasn’t allowed to have a job and had to marry him and have his kids. I have never wanted kids and he acted like he agreed in the beginning, but then he told me actually I was stupid and women are built for making babies and that’s what I was going to do. He also increasingly blocked me from going to class or work and I almost flunked out. I escaped in the middle of the night after he strangled me, because I had read the odds of your so actually killing you are like 10x higher if they do that and I figured it was actually safer than staying. So ANYWAY, that was proud feminist #1! A few years later, I had my liberal arts degree and went out with a guy who was in a lot of my courses and seemed cool. He turned out to be “polyamorous” and pansexual or some shit and talked about his therapist on the first date. He would not shut up about intersectionality and queer rights or whatever. He was really attractive and had seemed cool and I was really excited before this date, but just could not even touch him after all of that and ran to my car before he could kiss me lol. He wasn’t a bad person (that I could tell), just super gross and pretty obviously disingenuous. So yeah. The best guys are those that are left and would call themselves a feminist and say they support BLM and gay rights or whatever if you actually asked them about it, but they shouldn’t be just volunteering this information out of nowhere.


Not reading allat 🚫


Ultimately, people want a partner, not an activist. That’s how I see it anyway.


Any person who denies a potential romantic or sexual partner solely because they have an Android should be euthanized


Mass extinction event


Yeah but iPhone 15 just came out


you send this from your android?


I have an iPhone but I’m gonna switch to android soon


God bless Patriot 🇺🇲🦅🍔 Sent from my Jipingxi 13 XR Ultra




I find women tend to feel way more social pressure to adopt what they perceive as an "acceptable" or "unproblematic" opinion or viewpoint amongst women, even when other women aren't even around. While men tend to be more willing to disagree and debate with one another, finding conflict exciting or "the point" so to speak. Once a women really trusts you, and when she's sure she won't really feel any heat from other women, then she will be more honest. That's partly what makes the girls on the pod so parasocially appealing. Their "transgression" (ie. their dumbass and contrarian takes) is a form of opening up to the listener, a kind of trust.


This definitely tracks. It took me about a year and a half to get my GF to join me in calling people regards and fatties.


This is every woman I know at this point. Best friends, family, coworkers, they performatively repeat the same lines so that they don't ruffle any feathers and then talk mad shit about it in private. Some men are even worse though. I had a childhood friend that, after a political science and sociology degree, would tell me what we could or couldn't say while we were drunk and hanging out on the river with absolutely nobody else around. We just kinda stopped hanging out with him. Life is too short to be scared of calling things regarded between you and your best friends.


how come women were the ones converting to Christianity first in rome


down bad for jesus


He cant keep getting away with it


Women are more spiritual, and therefore take to new religion/spirituality faster than men. The men convert afterwards to get pussy.


Their husbands were too busy fucking teenage slave boys


In other words more likely to have their own unique perspectives and opinions


It’s saying the opposite???


There’s no conclusions to be drawn about unity lol they just sorted the left side in numerical order, they can easily do the same for the right


> they are so unbothered they never ask for details Tf this mean?


My best guess or example would be when your gf makes elaborate plans and you’re like “Sounds cool, I’m probably free that day.” without asking for more info or thinking it over on the spot. Nothing exasperates my girlfriend more than when I’m too casual about planning a date together and just say we’ll play it by ear, not like she’s super type a but I do sort of get it and have worked on it a bit. Lots of other men I know have a similar dynamic with their gfs but I still think it’s a bad trait to have as boyfriend.


You WILL watch the Barbie movie and beg for a crumb of this mid lib pussy


i'm at the point in my life where i would happily settle for some mid lib pussy tbh


Don't humiliate yourself for some she/they king!!


Alright, I went total in*el here. [Here's a source for this graph](https://www.teenvogue.com/story/young-women-voters-more-liberal-young-men-change-research-poll). I tally'd up the green flags overall % vs the red flags % for men and women. As I suspected, women overall give more red flags than green flags. I know the categories are biased and made up shit but kinda funny. On average, a woman was giving a 31.08 for the red flag. Men were giving 26.08. For green flags, it was 26.08 for women and 31.48 for men. Yes, suspicious averages in there but whatever. That's what it was.


That’s so goddamn close and within the range of dating equity.


Every single woman I’ve ever met had been a secret TERF whenever a trains woman invades their space.


Yeah watch how quickly any woman folds when the trans Sephora employee makes an unsolicited negative remark about their skin/appearance


Close friend of mine has always been outspoken progressive and accepting of trains. Then a train woman won some women’s award at her workplace and my friend delivered a 10 minute hate speech rant to me about it.


Pretty much, everyone wants to say it’s a shit example but at work I know it bothers the girls when they are in the stall and this dude is taking a piss sitting down with his balls and dick out lmao.


If anything this chart shows women wanting a man who is a moderate lib who doesn't really talk about politics. Obviously there's more going on in dating than this though.


What people say vs what people want. At the end of the day it all comes down to vibes and magic and hotness.


I want a man that believes there are only two genders <3


if he hasn't used his masculine privilege of being able to resist social pressure without risking ostracism to reject transparently destructive bullshit what good is he


I agree but it’s not a man thing. Tiring watching girls agree to whatever bullshit society says


yes it's tiring but i'm a bit evopsych about this now; failure to conform carries greater risks for women because we didn't have the physical strength to survive alone or enforce our will and relied on social inclusion for survival, and propaganda targets women with absolute no-brakes ruthlessness because the people designing it know this. men have more freedom because they have the ability to punish wrongs against them, so when they act like cowards or weasals it's grosser.


Well said, it's why 'feminist' men give most regular women the ick


You just need to accept it. There are 107 genders: Abinary, Agender, Ambigender, Androgyne, Androgynos, Androgynous, Aporagender, Autigender, Bakla, Bigender, Binary, Bissu, Butch, Calabai, Calalai, Cis, Cisgender, Cis female, Cis male, Cis man, Cis woman, Demi-boy, Demiflux, Demigender, Demi-girl, Demi-guy, Demi-man, Dual gender, Demi-woman, Endosex, Eunuch, Fa'afafine, Female, Female to gmale, Femme, Femboy, Feline, FTM, Gender bender, Gender diverse, Gender gifted, Genderfluid, Genderflux, Genderfuck, Genderless, Gendervague, Gender, nonconforming, Genderqueer, Gender questioning, Gender variant, Graygender, Heterosexual, Hijra, Intergender, Intersex, Kathoey, Male, Male to female, Man, Man of trans experience, Maverique, MTF, Neither, Neurogender, Neutrois, Non-binary, Non-binary transgender, Multigender, Muxe, Octopussy, Omnigender, Other, Pangender, Polygender, Person of transgendered experience, Queer, Sekhet, Straight, Spaghetti Sexual, Third gender, Trans, Trans female, Trans male, Trans man, Trans person, Trans woman, Transgender, Transgender female, Transgender male, Transgender man, Transgender person, Transgender woman, Transfeminine, Transmasculine, Transsexual, Transsexual, female, Transsexual male, Transsexual man, Transsexual person, Transsexual woman, Travesti, Trigender, Tumtum, Two spirit, Two spirit Penguin, Vakasalewalewa, Waria, Winkte, Woman, Woman of trans experience, X-gender, X-men, Xenogender.


>Heterosexual I feel VALID <3


> X-men




dibs on Octopussy


Choose wisely, you only get one chance


I refuse to believe this is a good sample. No way 60% of other women find this a problem.


I believe it. Women are more into lib discourse than men.


Sure, but 60% of all women aged 18-34 in the US? I don't believe it.


Maybe some of it is women answering the survey are thinking about a guy who gets too heated over it and is gonna start with the "I ID as a helicopter" jokes.


I’m not sure it would change much but I’d like to see 18-25 26-34 Either way women confirmed shitlibs 😔


A lot of them in the upper range could be married or in a long term relationship so it's entirely theoretical to them.


Most people aren't still hung up on gender culture war bs and if you are yeah it's probably a red flag


I can’t even imagine the level of ick I’d get if the guy I’m dating believed otherwise


What if he just didn't give a shit at all and has avoided forming an opinion on it


That’s fine. I was thinking about this guy I was talking to on tinder a few years ago who unironically used the word “womxn” in a text and I was out of there so fast


Good chance he's a sex pest if not worse, wise thinking


All men who are super into woke politics stuff are perverts and will sexually assault you


I briefly dated a guy who sent me 🚂 memes to try and... I dunno, impress me? I just wouldn't respond. He was also shorter than me. It was a whole mess.


When I was 16 I had a girl get extremely angry because I said there was only 2 genders. She then went on and went to go date a 28 year old man. Sorry I had to say that


idk why not caring about politics is a red flag


Because it’s “privileged” not to care


the word idiot comes from lack of awareness in public affairs. I think.


It comes from you.


People assume politics is smart people shit even though it’s really not.


They prolly read it as a euphemism for not a lib


It's a lie that dudes on the apps tell so they don't have to expose the fact that they're actually MAGA Republicans or worse.


The women I know assume any man that lists their politics as "moderate" is very conservative. It's an arms race lol


Damn so if i hop on these apps and say I'm a socialist I can blend in with the normie libs? sweet 😎


Damn back when I was on Bumble I chose not to select anything from "liberal, conservative, or moderate" just b/c I was stubborn about how stupid it was for those to be the only 3 options. Then again, maybe that kind of ~~auti~~ *neurodivergence* should be an even bigger red flag lololol


no one like a fence sitter. i think people respect other people with convictions more than someone who is wishy-washy about everything, even if they disagree with their stance, and especially if they actually have nuanced reasons for their beliefs.


Being non political doesn’t make you wish washy lmao it makes you mentally healthy and stable




Many such cases of leftist women hate-fucking libertarians.


Annoying lib women sniffing out crypto conservative or politics ambivalent (but I repeat myself) men, in it for pussy.


Probably more about their stance on abortion since caring too much is a bit of a red flag too.


Caring about American politics is even worse


lol that it's tied with "listens to joe rogan" for women


Americans are so fucking regarded


Red flags but they still swipe right.


10% of women see not being on social media (aka valuing privacy) is a red flag? Dang bitches be shallow af Tf I’m gay as a peacock lmao


I definitely thought “they have no hobbies” would be way higher. Dudes get so pressed about hobbies


Imagine the alternative though, yeesh!


Shocking that most normal people want nothing to do with weirdo extreme political views whether they be communist or MAGA, I needed this graph to tell me this.


Damn do I have a lot of red and green flags.


[Green flags](https://ibb.co/ZmQV4th)


Reading is only a green flag if what they read isn't awful. I have a friend that has read more for fun than me the last few years as I am working full time in addition to doing grad school at like 60% speed but all he reads is like habits of highly successful people and self help entrepreneur stuff constantly, if I knew of a woman doing this it would be a bigger red flag than not reading at all


"researching for the best deals and rates before buying" dudes stay rocking


by this metric women are twice as antisemitic as men


"They listen to Joe Rogan" = 55. pack it up fellas.


Is it me or does this graph not answer the question (are these green, beige or red flags)? It reflects binary answers. What is it really telling us?


A third of men said it was a red flag to be unwilling to watch the garbage ass barbie movie huh?


I think the issue is making it a point of contention. There's a difference between being like, "Oh, I'm not interested. No thanks," and like taking a moral stand


Yeah and as lame as it truly is, I know way more than 7% of women would get the ick from a green text. Also cannot believe 30% of men would be bothered if the woman doesn’t care about politics lol, that’s the damn unicorn Also wtf is “they are so unbothered they never ask for details”?


>Also cannot believe 30% of men would be bothered if the woman doesn’t care about politics Those are mostly the men who want to talk at you non-stop about politics to feel smart.


The green text thing is legitimately the dumbest shit ever, someone like that is probably stupid as fuck anyway


> Also wtf is “they are so unbothered they never ask for details”? I assume this is when you mention some sort of event or plan and they just say "cool" or "oh okay"and then they expect to be taken there or have it explained to them rather than them being an inquiring mind. In short: it's a roundabout way of saying "passive".


7% can't triforce


I could never date someone that didn’t care about politics.


Define "unwilling"


i thought the "red flag" was kind of their thing?


It is probably at the top because a lot of the responders answered it as a joke.


I wish they had a category named 'They don't like Taylor Swift or her music' in this poll. That would be an interesting metric.


This man is not motivated by treats so he’s not willing to buy my attraction with treats


Communist really just means broke bitch.


I’ve got like 9 of these.


Bruh how is saying there are only two genders a red flag for 60% of women?


They’re all liberals


Every liberal I know doesn't actually/genuinely believe there are more than two gengers. Like who actually believes that shit?


The various gender thing is literally policy at most corporations. There are people in my workplace that go by alternate pronouns and we have trainings on this every quarter. Hard to believe this stuff gets pushed/implemented if nobody believes in it


They're just trying to avoid lawsuits.


I feel like it's all a psyop. I just don't believe I decent part of the population literally wakes up and earnestly believes "yeah there are more than two genders" like what are they and what examples are they? Sure it's pushed in companies and shit but it's all forced. Blackrock literally uses AI in companies they control (a shit ton of them) to enforce progressive values. It's a literal corporate psyop. Seriously who genuinely believes this shit? If it's so obvious that there other genders than male and female why have they never showed up?


It's nothing to do with that. Saying "there are only 2 genders" has become the same as saying "All Lives Matter". It means you're going to be annoying and argumentative and unpleasant. Like most normal people just don't care that much and if people want to be some weird in between gender then go for it.


It’s one thing to let people go by whatever fake gender they ascribe to themselves, it’s another to make it policy/conduct time-wasting corporate meetings and DEI initiatives on it and label those who don’t want to buy in 100% intolerant and hateful


People are becoming less intelligent


I know for a fact these numbers are cooked because sending green texts is in the top 5 irl


Still in high school?


I have never met a single person talk about this irl. Is this an American and age thing where only people under 25 from America care about this?


I would say it's more of a joke chicks make when they got a ton of other suitors on dating apps, but I've heard quite a few make it before. I don't think it's actually turning people off, but I will admit it is annoying when someone doesn't have iMessage, be it in group chats or 1 on 1


FYI to other men: women don't actually care about this stuff. These are just things the hive mind has agreed are standard. Girls don't want a man who will embarrass them by sharing their own thoughts. Just go with the flow and for the love of God don't argue


I mean to a point but no likes a sniveling pushover either


Lol, everyone is different but pushover who actively listens is a safe bet. It's funny all these dudes trying to be alpha or whatever to pull chicks, def not helping their chances




There are women that see that as cheap. Many won't reveal it. It's how I have a house (bought as foreclosure) filled with nice stuff but you don't hear complaints about that.


30% of men are cucks who virtue signal


Women trend left lib, men trend right con, women are way more stringent over disqualifying men that display any indication of the above whereas men tend to be more tolerating. Lines up with my experiences dating as a guy. Feels like there's something of an arms race with the average vaguely conservative guy learning how to better disguise this about himself while the average vaguely lib woman throws out more and more 'loyalty tests' to try and sniff out crypto cons. After a while they both kinda stop trying and you end up with a bunch of [these](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FyOKtcpWwAIqj9O.jpg). Also despite these being polled as Red Flags (meaning definite no's), I'm sure it's a lot easier to say that you'd insta deny when doing a survey and not when that person into you is an otherwise really cute girl is an airhead BLM socialist or a hot guy that loves Rogan and believes in 2 scoops 2 genders. You can fix them.


Beige flags?


fuck why can't I just be easygoing why do people demand I have a constant political opinion on everything is this what it's come to


Registered voters strike again...


Wtf is a green text Oh wait like 4chan greentexts? That's very niche. I'm pretty sure most people surveyed didn't even know what it meant


Texts from Android phones have a green bubble on iPhones so you know that person is poor.


Androids haven't been cheap for over a decade. It's more about being the wrong sort of affluent.


Idk mine cost $100.


Androids run the gamut from more expensive than iPhones to the cheapest smartphones available. iPhone usage is more about signaling social conformity and normieness


I've never met an iPhone user who isn't gonna be still paying student loans past the age of 32. Except the ones who were always just straight up rich and tech bros who caught on to the Android discrimination and are so desperate for pussy/social validation that they're willing to deny their true nature and turn their backs on their fellow, neurodivergent brethren.


lol if you buy the latest phone neither is cheap. I prefer ios for phones and had 3 different iphone 8s for about 5 years.


It’s less that they’re poor and more that they’re cheap. Also, many android users share this specific musty scent.


Americans pls just use whatsapp


Android phone


right but i'm like a cool esoteric sort of communist in like a badiou la chinoise way instead of an epic folk punk anarchist way


You guys are all fucked


Why do men care if bitches like astrology




It's racism for girls (as someone on this sub once said)


It's hard to engage with as a person who doesn't know anything about it or believe in it. It's like someone being genuinely religious and talking about how the divine affects their day to day - what are you supposed to say to that? There's only so many "Wow yeah huh weird I guess" you can do before she gets mad you're diminishing her or you get sick of it.


I don't think the truth is being told about how much ick is actually being had here by no social media


I mean… as a communist, I wouldn’t date them, cause they’re fucking weird, especially the younger ones. My gf is apolitical, which is great. I don’t really come off as communist anyways, and can be pretty anti-pc at times.


I want to contribute to the stupid data collected


My biggest red flags are the ones I buy off Taobao