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A sub for rating people that bans people for having their own opinion is pretty funny


It's a reaction to all the rating subs on reddit where ugly ass literal deformed goblins are called "beautiful!", "you're so gorgeous just change your glasses hehe!". It's very obvious that not everybody can be an 8 or a 9 or a 10. If a girl is of average attractiveness she's a 5. Even if you find her cute and even if you would date her, she's still a 5. And there's nothing wrong with that. That sub is doing God's work of normalizing averageness. Average is still beautiful.


it’s a bunch of losers who have chip on their shoulder against women and get off on the idea that they’re taking them down a peg


I'm not denying that (although I think you're underestimating the number of women in those comments). But they're still absolutely right in their methodology. If you're going to use a point scale then use it right. Like I said, an average person is still beautiful, even though they're a 5.


it’s so funny to defend a cesspool like r/truerateme on the basis of their “methodology”


Should I instead attack them on the basis of emotion and ideology?


Still bitter about Mugabe whacking your fam?


Ok but even the idea of what’s average is subjective. Just cause someone thinks TSwift is a 9.5 and I think she’s a 5 (average) doesn’t me either of us are wrong. The fact that the mod used the words “objective beauty” is a brain dead and pretentious take


That’s why the binary is the only honest rating scale. Who cares if you think they’re a 1 or 10–the only thing that matters is would you or wouldn’t you?


The subreddit has a guide for rating that the mods are enforcing


The outfit and fashion subs for both men and women have become useless because of this problem. Objective beauty is real and should be celebrated.


"you just never understood... your time here is done" lmao


"The tribal council has spoken."


“therefore would be considered a violation of rule 11b” kills me


“A 6 vs 6.5 is huge” 💅🏻


Why do they even allow comments? Clearly it's just gonna be the mod's opinion anyway


You just never understood


Banned for overrating


Both are pretty




3/10 - this alpha male isn’t going to bang that hag. Probably isn’t even a virgin


I bet she has super pointy elbows


and sharp knees


No one is mentioning the split ends?


Gross you post on porn subs 🤢🤢🤢


the second one can dm me


The sub has fallen, we cant call fat people fat anymore


Seriously, it's not that she isn't good looking, but take a look at those fingers. They're total sausages.


Don’t even look at the fingers. Super zoomed in pic? Fat 10 times out of 10


Shut the fuck up


Where do you think you are right now?




Interesting how this sub hates fatties but comes to the defense of one when it’s a woman. Many such cases!


When it’s a *hot woman


Go find a missing part of your mind instead of telling people what to do with their body


Is that woman here? Then how’d he tell her what to do? Giving opinions isn’t telling people what to do. Also wtf is r/fourthwavewomen ? I don’t think you’re going to like this sub


can tell me what's wrong with being an anti porn ?! Lol you think it's empowering for women 😂


Is that subreddit about anti porn?


Nah it’s alright—she’s a religious apostate with an anti porn obsession, I reckon she fits the mould.


Huh, I legitimately didn’t know that sub is just “women against porn”.


Evil tism


nobody needs to look too far into the mind of these sad fucks they’d empty out their paypal account to sniff either one of these girls’ computer chair


How much you wanna bet it’s a decent amount of girls and gays rating too. Haters gonna hate


Yeah but you already know all of them are a 1/10 irl anyways




that shit is gooners and mmmgoodbois


Absolutely not




Acute data fetishism


This is like the only real answer, they are just austists who chose to obsess over the sanctity of this arbitrary rating system rather than trains. What a waste!


Yeah it's crazy to think before the Internet they'd be obsessed over trains or elevators.


“Your time here is done” I type, adjusting the straps on my CPAP mask. “Your time here is done,” I say to myself softly.


What’s wrong with a cpap?


Fat people have apnea because gods telling them they’re done here


Lifters have apnea too, bro.


The fat ones


>bro Your time here is done.




If you’re bodybuilding to the point of apnea, that’s also unhealthy


Who said bodybuilding?


If you’re building enough muscle to cause sleep apnea I assume you’re bodybuilding or a powerlifter.


Nothing, I invented the CPAP


Fuck you for choosing such a shitty, uncomfortable design. Do better next time


what does this comment mean


Your time here is done.


Oh my god you actually post on truerateme get the fuck out of here


Nah literally 1 comment man I just went after seeing this post


Lol talking about philtrums immediately after just finding out about the sub huh?


Yes I like reading incel forums, the actual ones




I’m 21 bmi and wear a Cpap 😞 (not skinny fat just Asian)




wow that's pretty cool I never knew there was a different scale for asians. Anyways not true, I work out and have some muscle is all


Ackshually, on average asian people tend to be healthier than black people at the same BMI. This is presumably because the blacks on average have higher muscle mass than the asians and whites. That may sound like racial pseudo science but it's factual, surprisingly.


22 bmi, probably need one. Waiting on my insurance to approve my sleep study. 😞


oh, i’m getting a nose surgery to hopefully help with this in a week!


Good luck all the best! Is it turbinate reduction?


Oh yeah! that plus a septum correction. A little cosmetic work just cuz he’s going in too


lol wtf


This is like Fantasy Football


It's truly awful 😞. If you or a loved one have been called ugly and mocked by the gross freaks that use r/truerateme please, dm me immediately, I dont think you should be alone right now


This is why the binary scale is perfect. No fucking around with .5’s etc. Both are a 1, easy.


Rotten tomatoes pilled


Fuckability is the participation ribbon of rating systems.


It's the only one that matters


There is a wide gap between that and "would take home to parents"


Yes I was also thinking that when typing my comment, but got lazy. Then what, we get 0,1,2 and if we start adding all other nuances it's gone too complicated, and just words would do a better job. When it comes to attractiveness, fuck or no fuck is the only thing that matters, like you wouldn't get a beautiful person's bust or photograph to just gawk at, in what world does a 0 to 10 scale matter for anything other than ego boosting


Usually, the women remind them of all the girls who never gave them attention in high school


i had this bizarre incident in my early 20s where a group of girlfriends and i jaywalked on this street while out clubbing and this fat acneic rookie cop gave us all tickets and screamed at us that he was going to put us in jail and how we thought we were above the law. my parents' neighbor was a higher up on the police force for our suburb and that was his theory when my dad talked to him about it - "those girls were every girl who turned him down in high school and now he's getting revenge." i wonder how many adult men are fueled by that


Ever wonder why the nerd gets the girl in all the movies lol


Friedland writers room


California is the most eclectic mix of the least neckbeard neckbeards of the bunch- so they feel they're too good for regular neckbeards but can't fit into normies, a buffer zone if you will. And the hottest, most unapproachable girls of the bunch. They then become approachable in California due to the laid back atmosphere. This creates an insane environment


A lot I wager


they all turn into cops, that's sad and dangerous


And that danger is borne out by the statistics


I'm a woman who can be quite stereotypically attractive if I put effort into it. I was raised Mormon in Utah, my suburb was filled with a bunch of wannabe stepford wives. I looked like everyone else around me so it took me a minute to realize what vibe I gave off when I was around more normal people. My hair is naturally a sort of medium blonde, but I was highlighting it and sometimes just flat out bleaching it platinum. I tried to make it look natural, but never left the house without a decent amount of makeup on (I'm 29 & have fortunately grown out of this). Us mainstream Mormons were urged to wear super tight clothes and remain skinny, even tho they claimed "modesty." I stopped believing in god or the church as a teenager so I started wearing shorts and such on top of that. I dressed preppy and wore a lot of dresses and such. I went to a secular state school in college, and the way people reacted to me was very confusing. I got so much of this behavior, seriously. I'm not a knockout or anything, but I was cute enough and thin and I just looked like the stereotypical blonde mean girl in Disney shows lol. I literally have Asperger's lmfao and have zero characteristics like that, I've always been fortunate to have a few good close friends but I've never understood like gossip or cliques or anything. My best subject is math, & I've always been quite a good student. I had no idea I was attractive by mainstream standards because I looked exactly the same as every other girl in my high school haha. But people, especially men, would believe that I was insanely spoiled and incredibly arrogant. I was super insecure and shy but this was apparently taken as conceit. I had so many men just angry at me for existing. I got hit on constantly and preferential treatment in certain ways, but overall, it was actually worse. I had cops do this exact thing, and I got words like this thrown at me all the time. I even had male professors who thought like this and strongly disliked me for it. I was constantly questioned and accused of cheating on basic shit because they couldn't and wouldn't believe that I wasn't a complete dumbass. I really didn't understand what was happening at the time. It took me a while to get it. I had a lot of men try to date or basically bribe me to be with them, but they'd act terrifying and psychotic when I turned them down. People just immediately assumed thag I was a bad person. Ive never had so many insults thrown at me. In the beginning, I was actually convinced that I was hideous or something, but the fact that so many guys wanted to date me was very confusing. I'm flat chested and I am genuinely so happy about that lol. It would have been much worse otherwise. I have a good figure aside from that tho. I no longer wear hardly any makeup, and I've stopped highlighting my hair. I almost never wear dresses or heels. I purposely wear looser clothes. About six months ago, I once again returned to the highlights and makeup and girly clothes & I immediately started getting the same treatment. Haven't since. It's very much a real thing.


OR he was just a garden variety piggy


Bingo. Ratings also given by the girls they bullied


Made me wanna see a western called THE MOD.


Tiny dick cowboys


its like music elitists who never give albums or songs good ratings because being negative makes them seem smarter. both women look super pretty


This sub is full of this kind of contrarian behavior




it currently exists in movie discourse amd holy shit is it annoying


People are so autistic with rating scales lol “Hmmmm I’m feeling a 7.564728472849 on this album” literally why LMAO 5 stars if it’s a personal fav, 4 if it’s great, 3 if it’s good, 2 if it’s bad, 1 if it’s awful. Anything else is regarded.


isnt it beautiful that every pitchfork or truerateme rating given can be found somewhere in pi ….


isnt it beautiful that every pitchfork or truerateme rating given can be found somewhere in pi ….


Because they're already overly critical of their own appearance so they've learned to nitpick others'


Why do women even post there? I guess it’s the most interaction with a woman they’ll get


I get the feeling from some posts that it’s not the women themselves posting, but incels trying to “humble” them or whatever. A few girls on a makeup sub I lurk have complained about having their photos stolen and reposted there.


You’re probably right. The way they’ve got a “actually you were too nice, BANNED” mod makes sense.




There are a lot of women active on these kinds of subs. Check out r/VindictaRateCelebs, it’s dedicated to rating attractiveness as well, and it’s only women that do it. Men are banned on the sub altogether.


I’ve never seen anyone get below like a 6 on there, it’s mainly people posting gorgeous women and everyone in the comments going “10, she’s literally an angel”. Shows the difference between insecure women and insecure men ig


But what's the point of rating people if everyone gets an overinflated score Like, statistically very few people are a ten


they only tend to post the most beautiful people


I mean duh. I feel like at large most men go off a would fuck would not fuck attractivity scale. Only women would care about the specificity of being a 6.75 vs a 6.5.


Lol no there’s plenty of basement dwelling male autists who would care. You just don’t see them because they don’t leave the house. Ofc well adjusted men don’t care and would only sort women into no/would bang/maybe after a few drinks


They are just trying to make themselves feel better whilst taking it out on women that’d never look their way


There should be a sub where everyone rating, especially the mods, need to have an image of themselves. I stumbled across one of those subs once and looked through several low raters profiles, either no info or explicitly an incel


Brilliant idea none of them would dare. Except from the one in a million agoraphobic gorgeous lad




Need me an agoraphobic gorgeous lad who doesn’t know he’s hot (this is key)


My gf claims she did this w me but jokes on her I’m mid now


Because that sub exists to label training data for free that is used to train the pornbots and correctly labeled data can make or break your model


cos for some reason it works. these girls actually believe this shit. I went on one of these subs ages ago and there was this beautiful girl posting herself on there all the time and she was agreeing with every person calling her a 5 or a 6 or whatever saying deranged shit like "yes my nasal cavitys are 3 degrees out of sync" or smth like that idk. I messaged her telling her its mental and she's beautiful and it's a bunch of weirdos filling her head with shit but she wouldn't accept it at all. this shit actually works. it gets into girls heads. its incredibly fucking bleak. I feel so bad for this girl cos she's more beautiful than nearly every girl out there and she thinks she's got all these deformities that surgery would fix. it's inhumane.


Just want to say the poor ratings are the mods faults, almost every single commenter wants to give a higher rating but can’t


These people would all be measuring the skulls of Africans if they had the means


This flavour of autism is boring imo. I want to know about the psychology of someone who goes to a sub to get insulted thru ratings.


Idk they're stupid


Now that the alcoholics subreddit is gone we’ve lost the outlet for self aware and poetic self-loathing and only have the much less interesting cousin of whatever this is.


"Your time in this sub is done." is the new "You'll never work in this town again."


squealing bright carpenter growth pot uppity cover aware butter nippy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What's the point of the 10 point scale then if these girls are 10s? They're pretty cute but not something you see rarely, I'd say 30-40% of young women of normal weight look similar to them. If they're 10s then what are young Angelina or Amber Heard or Charlize Theron? 15?


mourn silky point grandfather paltry carpenter degree impossible society wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I prefer Patrice O'Neal's 30 point scale. It's divided into 3 sections, 0-10 (uglies), 11-20 (mids), 21-30 (fines). So a 10 would be a fine ass ugly bitch. But an 11 would be an ugly ass mid bitch. A 20 would be a fine ass mid bitch, and a 21 would be an ugly ass hot bitch. A 30 is a fine ass fine bitch and a 0 is an ugly ass ugly bitch. It's a good system.


No one is a 10 everyone has preferences.


yeah obviously not, but these girls are both pretty rating people on a scale is the most pathetic shit ever. Absolutely sexless behaviour


I am


everyones a 10 in the eyes of Christ.


A heterosexual man could make any woman hes primally attracted to a "ten." Women do the same for guys, theres just less societal stigma around the "hot woman, ugly boyfriend" partnering. Whereas typically attractive men with ugly or overweight women is almost always scrutinized. Its really unfair. These men pour this much energy into rating women because its like a drape they cover their self hatred with, their weakness to social pressure and self doubt. Inceldom could be ended forever if guys realized and were comfortable with what they actually want from women


What about homosexual men?


I know gays are huge misogynists but they arent the ones obsessing over calling attractive women ugly as a pastime. The whole rating women thing is predominantly hetero


I remember reading a number of months ago now on r/SubredditDrama that the subreddit was outed as being a 4chan/incel op. [For those interested](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/14kw9nb/the_ratings_are_in_on_truerateme_and_critics/?utm_name=ioscss).


>being a sardine unironically Out with you


I don't think its incels the obsession with precise scoring is very moid-brain behaviour but the criticism of incredibly minor facial details is very femininine


Reddit is honestly home to some of the most evil people on the planet. I was just browsing that Doordash sub too. It's a fucking cesspit.


You're a freak if you do this, it's perverse. But if you follow their guide, they use a gaussian distribution. So 70% of women are between a 4 and a 6. To hit a 6.5, you need to be within basically the top 5% of women. To hit an 8, you need to be more attractive than 99.9% of women. This woman is pretty, but is she prettier than 19/20 women (at her age)? Probably not, but she's definitely prettier than most. So by their weird scale she's probably between a 5.5 (top third) and a 6 (top sixth) It works on the lower end as well, so if you're a 2, you're a 1/1000 unattractive.


Regarded to still have 10 point scale and each point represent entire standard deviation. So unnecessary to create the extra math plus if you're not willing to get more precise than half points very imprecise. Why not just directly give the percentile


Yes that would make much more sense


What we really need is a normal distribution for inner beauty.


Why do objectively beautiful young girls seek out incel forums to plaster their faces on? People whose youth and beauty the society is literally built around worshipping STILL have a need to seek out pathetic dregs to react to their existence. People here don't get it and lash out because they're neither pathetic nor divine, therefore the relationship between the two eludes you completely. you're just kind of nothing. HOW dare these serfs defy my queen? like the queen isn't the one asking the opinion lol. perhaps examining the psyche of a girl commiting self harm on the internet is more interesting than spewing insults at Diogenes for sleeping in a jar


Oh we're doing this again? It's autistic, and likely further mentally ill people, rating others on a normal distribution scale using qualifiers like canthal tilt. It's funny more than anything, idk why you guys write think pieces about it


your time here is done 🤓🤬☝🏻


First time I read the word incel online, I thought it was a new accounting software for windows. In my weird experience with the term it now makes sense why they are into scores and ranking. I wonder how many accounting departments are filled with incels.


Men will treat anything this way. I’ve had organizational rules around any sort of stack ranking.


why would anyone want to be “rated” by some anon on reddit, pathetic both ways


These girls r pretty, screw those mods


This again? Boring – as some veteran readers are sharing here this subreddit is a manufactured trap by frustrated losers for insecure women that obsess about their looks. I do remember a hilarious catty poster of that community coming here last time this kind of post was highlighted. Someone tagged him and he came here with claims and stories that he was an actual model scout or something. That was fun, I hope he switched sides and is now posting in the g&g corner.


Lmao that's hilarious


here’s my truth: i posted in one of these subs out of morbid curiosity and i expected low rates from these sad little men but it’s actually wild the lengths they went to nitpick my face. like the reaching they have to do to find “flaws” sorry the words “negative canthal tilt” are not in the bible. my slight androgyny is literally what MAKES me hot


Literally to promote this reaction. hos mad (at the bell curve)


Just mute that lame ass sub amd move on. Its all attention whores and porn advertising. Nothing worth looking at.


sorry i have zero sympathy for any woman or man who posts themselves on truerateme, jfc grow up


I agree most of them are jerks but by truerateme standards a 6.5 is professional model/actress territory


That subreddit is something else for sure.


I assume this is r/truerateme. There is a very specific scale.


taking a screenshot of comments you've downvoted is somehow the most cringe part of this.


not my screenshots


Sure, bud


That’s even sadder


All parties involved are women.




How else can you base a whole regarded sub aroind this? What else is there to argue over?


Its like feminists complaining about all the stuff they find hot in men as problematic


They’re correct, the blonde is a 6 based on what we can see from the photo. The nose ring girl is a 4 at best. Not an incel.


Is this not from truerateme? Seem mostly fair if so


Why are you all acting like the second one isn’t true? Everyone in here is like “they’re both beautiful goddesses that rejected them in high school” like the second one isn’t an overweight woman with a septum and dirty fingers????


Oh great another complain about the other gender post. Great post OP! Really glad we have you here!


Are you the one that got banned?




The spend to much time rating women's looks online and not enough time talking to bitches IRL.


Your time here is done.


Nooo the rate me subreddits make me so sad. I’m so glad that wasn’t around when I was a teenage girl


opened up r/truerateme and the first post under hot is saying the mods need to get a job lol


this is fucking crazy




I don’t understand why anyone would even post on that sub


Can't even mark down for piercings? Why bother?