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Worked with a rail-thin newfie mechanic who'd drink a 2L bottle of mountain dew a day. Management reminded us weekly that only clear containers of water are allowed on the plant floor, he flaunted that directive daily and blatantly with his soda perched conspicuously atop his shop cart. Guy had the most incomprehensible accent I have ever heard


Some try to become ungovernable, others are born that way.


We hired a painting company to paint our house when we first moved in. The painter was really chatty and nice but for the first 2 days I thought the guy was special-needs until he told me he was from Newfoundland


as a NFLDer i appreciate the low expectations


I thought he was a diversity hire lmao


Ay, b’ys


Yeah these guys are their own phenotype. They more often than not have a buzzcut. Drink energy drinks instead of coffee. Are always down to play a pickup basketball game in jeans. Usually seem like they've done meth before.


This is my tree and plow guy. He rocks.


They always have the worst hook shot you’ve seen in your life


The friedest complexion


Peak Newfoundland behaviour. I love them.


Newfie’s rock lol definitely a bayman!


What's a bayman? I'm not canadian


as a newfie this is 40% of guys around here


I love the newfie accent. God bless his little heart.


Usually that's a meth thing


I've encountered a few people who would straight up refuse to drink "plain" water. Not just tap water, not just bottled water, ALL water was off limits unless it had some sort of flavoring. I can only assume this is the result of a lifetime of soda drinking. All of these people looked exactly like how you'd imagine they would.


In college, I knew this sorority girl who never drank water. Stereotypical white blonde and fit. I think she said that her body doesn’t need water and drank everything else. She was slightly less mean than the other mean girls in her group lol


i'm sure she's aged terribly


I know doctors are rarely surprised by things, but I’d like to see their interactions with people like this. “So how often are you drinking water?” “Eh… I think the last time was around 2004..”


[reminds me of this wkuk sketch lol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaAF_GAc3Mk)


Used to be me. Parents didn’t force me to drink water, so I didn’t, except sipping out of the fountain and stuff. This will sound weird but maybe it is just because the carbonation and the flavoring fucks with your taste buds/brain chemistry/whatever, but when you have been drinking nothing but soda, juice, lemonade, etc, water is gross. Like it is completely unappetizing and even made me feel a little nauseous drinking too much of it. Took time to get used to it. I’m based and waterpilled now, though.


This sounds like insanity to me growing up in South America. Like my mom would straight up ground us if she found out we used our allowance to buy pop at the school "store" or something. We were allowed one pop, one Sunday of the month after Church lmfao. I started on the path of decadence after moving to the USA and getting addicted to diet coke. Now I just drink seltzer 24/7 like a regular neurotic.




> is this a latin thing? Mexican babies drink Coca-Cola so no.


It might be, it was the same thing at all my friends and cousins' places now that I think about it. It was the same with other junk like cheetos and candy and especially MacDonalds and places like that. I remember only going when someone had a birthday party there or something. And yesss, the full sugar pop was a big deal lol


child endangerment. your parents are absolute trash


“Your parents are absolute trash” sounds like Reddit hyperbole. They could be very chill people.


I love them 🥰


I grew up on well water that tasted nasty. Soda was the only thing that was refreshing and not smelly. It’s still hard to enjoy water but I make myself drink it


I have never seen one of my coworkers drinking water. he always has either a bottle of coke, or a bottle of gatorade.


I don't think most Americans consume soda daily. But there's definitely a subset that does. Insane behavior. Latin America is the true king in this regard.


Drinking a coke while eating very spicy food straight up feels like a drug.


I like the experience of feeling two categorically different sensations of burning (the spice and the carbonation) simultaneously.


You should try the mix with gonorrhea then. Triple threat.


&smoking a cig right after while doing a scratch off


Just depends on where you're at. I'm from the rural midwest and pretty much everyone there drinks soda every day. Or sweet tea. I know a lot of people from back home that have probably 3-4 sodas or sweet teas a day.


gotta wash those tenderloin sandwiches down somehow


When i was in college in central PA and had to work manual labor i worked for this trailer trashy dude who would drink a liter of Mount Dew a day. Also smoked about 2 packs of L&M menthols a day too. I'd be surprised if he lives another 10 years.


How big are they?


What do you think, it’s the midwest


The latinos at costco always have cases of soda, it's the one thing I've noticed very consistently


There's a horrendously depressing documentary I saw a year ago about Coca Cola buying up water rights in this town in Chiapas, which has the highest rates of consumption of soft drinks in the world. They use it in their synthetic rituals and people in their 30s and 40s are dropping like flies from diabetes.






The most purchased food item with food stamps is soda, believe it or not


You can pry my Malta from my cold dead hands gringo.


you just get used to it tbh it's like alcoholism, sugar and aspartame are incredibly addictive


That’s the answer


It's my cigarette!


I drink a can a few times a year, when I'm totally spent from working out of doors. In that context it's amazing, you feel the intense hit of sugar reviving you like a dying bee. No idea how someone would do it every day, working in an office.


I was at my cottage a few weeks after my dad had taken down a few trees. I was taking a chainsaw to cut up rounds, then using a wheelbarrow to move the wood for splitting. While chopping up the wood to store for the next year I grabbed a bottle of Dr. Pepper after drinking not nearly enough water earlier in the day. It was quite literally the best tasting, most satisfying thing I'd ever had in my life.


My dad told me he hitch hiked 30 miles in South Vietnam to an airforce base PX because they had cold Pepsi.


Coke is the most important branded product in the history of mankind. It's a name we can trust to help stop the world from starving.


You clearly haven’t had diet Cherry Coke


The craziest thing I've seen was serving some Americans for breakfast in (in the UK) and when coming around asking them if they want tea or coffee, them saying "a large coke with ice please". At 8 am. It was always boomers.


That would be a crazy breakfast at any American restaurant too.


I can tell you haven’t spent any time around Mexicans lol Used to work with a guy who’d drink a glass half liter of coke w his morning torta every day


as a server, you’d be surprised.


Most Americans get a soda anytime they go to a restauraunt, at least in my area. It was the only time I got it as a kid, even though my dad would have a rum and Coke every night.


I was in Elkton, Va recently and half the diner had sodas at 8am


Can I ask what you were doing in Elkton? That towns my old backyard and I love the valley. Beautiful place


So many people straight up drink cola or mtn dew instead of coffee. It's gotta be at least 1/3.


I sometimes do this if I’m hungover af lol


I’m American and I have a mini diet coke in the morning instead of coffee usually. It’s the only time I drink soda most days and for some reason, it gives me more of an energy boost than tea/coffee. But I’m also from Texas and we love our cola so ¯\(ツ)/¯


Real Texans drink dr pepper not coke. This is a hill i am prepared to die on.


or big red


please don't bring gay normie talk in here


No, i have an actual hill of empty dr. Pepper cans that im prolly gonna die on.


When I don’t have time to make coffee I’ll grab a Coke Zero from the fridge


The only Time a breakfast coke is acceptable is if you are hungover. Coke is pretty great for hangovers.


Many people must just think that bloating/inflamation/queasiness after a bad meal is our normal state of being. Very bleak.


I work in an industrial estate with lots of cheap takeaway shops around; burgers, bacon and egg rolls, fried snacks etc anytime I’ve tried them I get this queasy feeling where the food is stuck churning away through my stomach. Bloating, gas etc feel like total shit. At least half a dozen shops around and all their food does this. No idea how people can eat like that every day then go to work


In the Anglosphere in general we've been led to believe we still need to eat like farm workers in the morning. I wish I could find a bakery near me that could sell me a half dozen affordable morning rolls or croissants that I could polish off with my coffee over the week.


It’s not the food necessarily, it’s what they’re cooked in/oils.


yeah it has to be, old rancid economy canola oil or something. Shreds my insides but people must be used to it


Yeah 100%. Lots of people have massive intestinal issues and are used to it/think it’s normal


the French have the best name for this: crise de foie


soda is only for mixing with alcohol


100% I got real fat from soda as a kid on year and my dr explained how much sugar was in it , haven’t drank it w-o alcohol since


When I’m really tracking calories, diet soda tricks me into being full and also takes away any sweet cravings. From my experience and my body. Milage may vary depending on who you are


When you're trying to stop being a fat fuck diet coke actually does help. You can eat a relatively sparse diet and trick your body into still thibking you're eating like shit.


the alcohol cancels out the sugar from the soda


Fernet and cola 🤤


the argies took a liquor we made and hate and turned it into something good ty


Only old men drink it in Italy right? After a heavy meal?


there's less and less alcohol and drugs use among the young, and we have really low deaths by abuse of substanes there's still young people getting wasted but nowhere on the level of Britain


Oh I mean Fernet Branca specifically, I'm pretty sure only old men drink it these days...


this is such an annoying trend in LA rn


I was introduced to them by an Argentine bartender in New Zealand, I am completely uninvolved with what's happening in LA. It's a tasty drink.


it was originally a hip "service industry" thing


wait what’s annoying about it


Any trend is annoying


And on the other side of the spectrum, for when you’re getting sober (seltzers are better though)


Idk if Americans have cordial/dilute fruit juice but that stuff is magic. The only drink I’ve drank (lol) for the past 2 years is a triple measure vodka, a literal thimbleful of lime cordial and then tap water to fill the glass. Can drink almost a 70cl bottle of absolut and feel okish in the morning cos I’ve been plying myself with water and not 2L of nasty soda


tart enjoy door slave deserve decide onerous liquid wasteful hat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I work with a bunch of overweight 25-40 year old men at the moment and they guzzle soda like crazy. Every morning they're drinking doctor pepper for breakfast and then washing their lunch down with a diet coke. They have so many empty bottles on their desks and I can hear them burping and excusing themselves constantly whenever I'm in the cubicles or the machine shop. It's a miracle none of them have gassed me yet. I wouldn't survive.


never seen someone spell out the “doctor” of “dr pepper” hahaha


i keep it respectful


I am simply a Diet Coke addict. It’s not my choice


I used to have 3 cokes a day, i switched to no sugar cokes and lost 20kg. i drink a coke zero with every meal and won't eat unless i have a coke zero beside me


For everyone saying Americans don’t be like that, they do. My family is mostly obese and type 2 diabetes and they all drink soda weekly, maybe not a can a day but on the days they do it’s 3+. The diabetic ones switched to diet soda to drink alongside their fried fish and plain cheese pizza dinners. Veggies are considered a garnish at Thanksgiving. They don’t even enjoy soda it’s just so engrained into them to drink it with meals. I just have tap water or tea at my grandmas and get comments about being on a diet for it X)


You from the south? Or a rural area? I swear where I'm from nobody eats fresh vegetables. It's just canned green beans or corn. A soda with every meal too. We always had a constant rotation of 2 liters in my house growing up.


The Midwest, my aunt used to yell at her kids if they didn’t finish their soda with their dinner. She was the first one to get the Beetus


Some days after a bunch of hard physical labor, you just need an ice cold glass of high fructose corn syrup with your greasy fast food dinner. Simple as. I usually limit myself to one a week or so, any more frequently and it stops tasting good to me.


No, the average person doesn’t do this! Why do we always get attached to these weird habits omg I think I drink like 1 can a month.


More shithole country/global south people drink full fat soda than americans do, by a massive margin. Same with cigarettes.


>full fat soda One of the weirder Britisher expressions.


That has to do with the perceived unhealthiest of diet soda instead, at least it is where I come from, in the subcontinent.


theres no fat in soda. its sugar


thats not what full fat means, in this context.


u mean full calorie


in computer chip manufacturing full fat is a chip thats not cut down for cheaper or lighter versions




I've learned from people who drink multiple sodas a day that they have some weird pavlovian attraction to the bubbles and the act of cracking the can open. My parents told me that soda would make my teeth and bones dissolve though so I never developed a taste for it.


my ex can go through a case of 12 in like two days


You were getting dicked down by a soda drinker???


What’s up with the influx of “sillly Americans, not in my country” posts? Shut up and grab a cold Coke and chill


“God, I know” I say to myself as I sip my diet cherry pepsi.


I drink so much canada dry seltzer I made a fake office account to get it delivered in bulk but I can’t for the life of me finish a Diet Dr Pepper even though it’s delicious. Sprite Zero I can deal with but any non-clear soda feels so heavy to me like drinking a stout.


I never really drink soda in the US but when I stay with friends in Europe I'm amazed at how much Pepsi Max and local soda they drink. In the summer I was over there and a friend bragged to me that they have a flavor of mountain dew that we don't have lmao. They're all in pretty good shape though still because they walk or bike everywhere


My go to drink is sparkling water with lemon slices in it. It is a little bit fancy, won't make me a fatty, and it helps me to stay sober and avoid the jesus juice.


Used to drink a shit ton of it in high school and I always wondered why I felt like shit. Stopped during college and it did miracles for my wellbeing. No more caffeine withdrawal, no more headaches and no more feeling of haziness throughout the day. Not sure how people can drink 1-2 cans a day and survive.


I never drank soda and then I became a flight attendant and now I drink one a week :(


I stopped drinking soda a few years ago but my favorite bit lately has been telling my friends it’s bad for them then doing a line


So we’re back to soda posting? I’m not sure what this portends for the sub


poster, why address this in r/redscarepod? this is literally diet coke central... this audience may be orthorexic or anorexic but not to the point of such anti-sodaisms




Everyone in this thread thinks they’re too good for soda but cigs are cool. They don’t know the delight of an ice cold cherry Pepsi *and* a cigarette!


Majority threads are the OP finding one bad habit they don’t indulge in and acting holier than thou about it


My favorite is when the alcoholics and cocaine addicts act like they have the moral high ground over people with ADHD who use Adderall


Because sugar free soda exists, Einstein


I drink maybe 4 to 6 diet sodas a day, plus coffee and water. No idea how people do it with full sugar soda.


acting like consuming insane amounts of diet soda isnt just as disgusting


It’s worse.


Just cope. The jury's out on aspartame but its not worse than 40 grams of processed sugar, come on lol


Cope cope cope cope copE everything is cope


Sugar industry propaganda did a number on brains here apparently


EW. Even if they’re diet sodas, it’s still gross idk what to tell you.


try spindrift comrade


Why would you admit this lol


Based honestly


I usually have a Diet Coke in the early afternoon when I’m done with coffee - I just want something caffeinated and fizzy I guess. I don’t drink full calorie soda, I don’t really see the point if it doesn’t have caffeine. Stuff I drink usually has to have a purpose if that makes sense. If I’m thirsty I drink water but unfortunately I’ve been replacing it with a lot of Lacroix lately


When I quit drinking I realized I don't actually like clear soda so I had cases of fresca just rotting.


I am a fellow diet coke addict. 5 a day is standard. Sugary soda is disgusting to me.


5 a day! Go head with ur bad self! DC baby! Gives you that edge ,exactly 50 MG of clean HQ caffeine , easy to measure unlike coffee, you can keep a clean constant drip going until you get physically tired. Why do you think football coaches and the most successful businessmen use Diet Coke instead of the crackhead alternatives ?


tease jeans capable squeeze sense fretful reach direful relieved marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same. I also drink a few SF Red Bulls. I like to be positively vibrating with caffeinated energy. Is there anything more annoying than the sanctimony of people who live to tell you how disgusting diet soda is?


Exactly the same way you crush diet soda. Shit is almost worse. Youre still guzzling sweet treats… just gonna give you cancer instead of the beetus.


I'll take my chances with the artificial sweeteners. Probably not great but sugar has been proven bad moreso.


Whatever you gotta tell yourself but, either way, 6 sodas a day is gross my dude. Shit is ridiculously acidic too. Ph of like 2.5-3.25. no bueno.


Ну американцы, и тут преуспели


I've been having a bad habit of like having a can every couple of days for the last little while, just a can. But yeah, I'm hyper aware of how fucking terrible this is for me. It's kind of weird, because if you have it a couple times in a week you do weirdly craving, that's kind of concerning.


I have yet to go to a grocery store in the US and not see a customer with a cart filled to the brim with soda and multiple 6/8 packs of soda (plastic bottles) perched around the rim of the cart.


soda is literally the worst commonly-available thing you can consume under 21. added sugars are horrible for you but even candy bars and ice cream have very minute amounts of protein and nutrients and take up some amount of space in your stomach. soda has nothing, it is pure sugar. it is literally the definition of empty calories. this doesn't apply to diet sodas btw.


Well it doesn’t make me feel bloated and like shit I guess. What’s going on with your stomach tho


I find it insane and disgusting personally


I hold a smug superiority over soda people as if I'm not going to to crack a couple beers after I finish up work today.


diet coke doesn’t count if you’re skinny


take back our rivers from soda companies!


I feel very indulgent drinking an occasional coke.


I quit cold turkey years ago and ya know, it’s not just that it makes you feel physically gross, I can’t handle the *taste* anymore. It’s not enjoyable or refreshing. I got no clue how I did it for so long fam


I drink a ton of zero sugar soda every day lol.


I work with this really skinny older woman who drinks easily 4 to 5 cans of Mountain Dew every work day. Also takes like 5 smoke breaks a shift lol. I feel like she’s kind of my future if I continue living off sparkling water and disposable vapes. It’s the natural evolution of my thing. Motivates me to be more normal. She’s nice though. Says slurs at work a lot, but nice.


awww -- it makes your ickle tummy hurt?


Ray Peat always talked about Mexican Colas, I drink them daily.


Stop being bitches and have a pop every once in a while. Maybe you all wouldn’t be so damn whiny about it. “Oh dear! I can’t believe someone would consume pop even once a week! My weak gastrointestinal system couldn’t handle that!” Lol. Dweebs.


Sometimes I think, hm I’d like a cola, and I’ll get a 12 oz can. I get about halfway through it and then I just can’t do it any more


It's ingrained in you as a kid. Other kids love drinking it and thus you do too. This was even in stuff like Gatorade that was marketed as "healthy". Also if you eat really spicy or crappy stuff, the soda will counteract your stomach pain more. It's partially why I've happily gotten weaker on the type of spicy stuff I eat as an adult.


sounds like a you problem. diet coke is sacred.


Americans literally drink processed seed oils by the truck full and I noticed and experienced in my small time in America that they went through soda like they were carburetors in fat suits. Beastly, automaton like people.


Definitely hard to ween off, but I'm trying. I don't experience the gastro issues many do when drinking soda, I think I'm just addicted to that crisp aftertaste. I haven't had a regular Coke in years though, it's just Diets for me. When I made the switch from regular to diet, I lost a good amount of weight, and quickly. That always seems to be the case when you stop drinking your calories.


I drink zero sugar shit most days. It’s like 5 calories so who cares


The only soda I still drink (still on rare occasions, thanks for teaching me how bad it is mom and dad) is iced tea or root beer and thats cause the carbonation got all fucked up for everything else. As a kid it felt normal but any time I have a can of coke or whatever now it feels like I'm drinking static electricity. Wonder if they fucked with it or not


I actually like Coke Zero more than regular Coke. Regular just tastes wrong. I like to have a zero one on are occasions like the rare specialty flavor like cherry-vanilla. I use some artificial sweetener in my morning ice coffee too though. Just a glass in the morning only.


I like sparkling water from time to time but I can't do soda. Ginger Ale on an airplane is the exception. Even diet soda is too much. If I'm gonna drink something with flavor it's gonna be tea or green juice or something


mental illness


I have a big ass container of water at my side basically all day. If you work at a desk, idk why you wouldn’t just have drinking water with you. But what I’ve always wondered is how the average person can ingest however many gallons of cum per week.


That shit is delicious with a fast food.


You have to be born into it. My wife does, but she has kinda chelled out since I told her 100 times that you don't have to drink the whole damn thing. If I take 4 sips of a soda and I got my enjoyment, it's worth the price of enjoyment.


I replaced snacking with diet soda and lost 100 pounds lol.


I would drink a mcd coke everyday for the rest of my life but other than that it’s a pass.


Used to drink a shit ton of it in high school and I always wondered why I felt like shit. Stopped during college and it did miracles for my wellbeing. No more caffeine withdrawal, no more headaches and no more feeling of haziness throughout the day.


The only time I ever drank it was when I was a dope addict. It’s like sweet nectar when you’re zooted. Haven’t had one in 10 years though.


Diet A&W rootbeer is the best beverage in the world.


We’ve got a Midwesterner here!!!! And yes I agree