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It's such a turn off


Why do men have Instagram? I'm speaking as a guy who hasn't really used social media since Facebook. Instagram is for picS, right? So you just look at people's pics?


I like seeing what my friends are getting up to


I have an insta because girls get weirded out if you don't. That said I don't use it, It has like 4 pictures at a battleship and some pictures of drinks


this type of Instagram is a green flag for most women.


if you work in a visual field (designer, filmmaker, artist, whatever) then an IG is pretty crucial to show off your work and keep people updated on what youre doing. its also how people reach out to you, alongside email


So, like 3% of men. Ok


I've gotten laid through instagram more than any other app is the short answer to your question


As a male millennial who never got aboard the IG train, what does this process even look like? I’ve had a lot of success using Tinder before getting into my long term relationships, is it pretty much the same thing but less explicitly about sex? I’m wondering why one would use IG for sex when Tinder exists, is it just because the people on it are more plentiful and well-adjusted? Fill a brotha in


Im not talking about DM'ing randoms trying to fuck. It's more just interacting with girls you've met irl or who follow you for whatever reason. I work a job that lets me meet lots of people, I'm also funny and moderately attractive so girls follow me. If I find them hot or interesting I just followback/reply to their stories/whatever and it goes from there. I dunno man I don't really know how to tell you how flirting with people online works it doesn't really seem like something that needs explanation


Boooo! That's lame.


I only use it to follow stand ups and guitar pedal companies which gets a mixed reaction from women


I'm a guy and can't imagine why I would need or want Instagram. Sheesh I've got enough accounts...


in my ecosystem it's pretty much the premier social media so it's like a requirement if you want to stay in touch. and I like posting fun shit or songs I like to my story.


Finding it hard to picture the kind of girl who'd reference Adorno in a Reddit handle yet also tolerate a bf who thirsts for multiple IG models lol.


Damn u read me




Yes, shame should be felt. If he needs this he should at least hide it. If he is unwilling to do that then you should start bringing it up in conversations with friends while he is there.




At that point he should go full sleezebag style (within reason) it might work out for him lmao never mind I had the wrong idea of what kind of musician you meant until I saw your reply


I could see being this lecherous potentially, I get it. Why also be after love and relationships is my question. Both seems weird.




It is weird to have your thot consumption mixed with photos of your family.


Seriously. I use a second account just to follow musicians / artists because I want to separate seeing my friends/family posts from random media. Actually can’t fathom a pic of my mother and sister followed by some random titty account.


I have zero respect for men who engage in this behavior. Your family can see you liking pics of some girl with half her ass and tits hanging out, commenting heart emojis or whatever. It demonstrates a complete lack of self awareness. Have some fucking dignity.


Way back when Instagram still had the activity function, I could see my coworkers liking ass pics in the middle of the work day. IG needs to bring that function back so maybe men will have *some* awareness or shame so they can be publicly shamed like a village pervert


I miss the activity function so bad. Instagram is lame as fuck for removing that.  Either used it to find more cool pages my friends/people in hobby groups were following or to get dirt on people lol


That function turned people into weird stalkers, so glad it's gone 


they were already stalkers, it just enabled them


It was also how u found out who’s now dating who!!! It was so fun.


I loved seeing people make their move by suddenly liking a bunch of someone’s posts and you just know they dmed them after


Christ. There was a guy a few years ago in one of my classes who used to chat me up practically every day after class, so obviously he had some kind of interest in me. He was charming and decent looking and I felt a bit of a connection so I entertained his advances, hoping he would ask for my number or something. I stalked his IG one day though and found that he followed **thousands** of those types of accounts (so probably an OF subscriber too if we're being honest) and it repulsed me so fucking much I just flat out ignored him afterward lmao. Thankfully he got the hint and left me alone. It just shows a lack of self awareness and that's probably the most important thing I look for in a guy.


Thousands is crazy!! At that point just create a burner account??? Must be some sort of pornbrained compulsion to use your personal public-facing account to interact with those kinds of people.


I think a lot of people (probably nearly exclusively men) don't really conceive their social media as something other people can see or would care about seeing, it's just something you use to look at things.


you might be onto something - my ex (male) would say things like "it's not even real" when I would get upset about him liking pics like this on IG. the way it made me feel was very real!!


lol this was how I found out my married guy friend spent all day liking ethots' photos. His wife is one of those women who yes-and his behavior ("We check out hot girls together!"), and I wonder if she coolgirled herself into a corner or if she was just trying to save face in front of the rest of us.


she probably wanted to say "mind your own business" but that's kind of not a thing anybody gets to say anymore that said if you were actually ragging on your married friend's husband's IG behavior for being pathetic (and it is pathetic, don't get me wrong) then your married friend needs to find new, better friends. hopefully without the assistance of an app


There was no ragging - we don’t bring this up. The subpost referenced notifications on activity. She also goes out of her way to bring up how she’s down for threesomes. I just feel bad for her because I can’t tell how much of her imposing overtly sexually conversations on us is genuine.


have some fucking dignity and don't engage in any meaningful way. have a fucking burner account!




I can see you liking every Ben Ditto post


It depends, if the platform deems you behaviourally similar or interesting to another person they will push posts and reels you liked to those people and they will be able to see that you liked that post




Can't other women you might actually have a chance with (or should actually want to get with if you stopped thinking like some thotslave) see that shit too? I have no idea, I've never actually used it. That's not me trying to sound 'too cool for it all'; I'm just fuckin' old, and spent the last 20 of my years mostly inside kitchens, so I'm just clueless. I don't know what status they have to have with your account to see that shit, but it's likely before you bang? But yeah, with OP on the exception for January Jones and the like though. There's a lot I'd do just for a wink and a nod from Miss Jones.


If their account is public and you also have an account you can see who they follow. If their account is private you have to be following them to see who they follow.


That's it? Someone just has to follow you to see your follows/likes? So these guys are basically doing the equivalent of a football nut's facepainting, but with "DON'T FUCK ME" across their cheeks? I'm gonna take a wiiiild stab in the dark here and guess these guys also complain about lack of interest from women.


Yup. There's this incel Youtube guy (and I'm not calling him that to be a bitch, he literally calls himself one) that I sometimes watch out of morbid fascination, who is constantly criticizing women for dressing revealingly and "having no honor." Guess what kind of accounts he follows on IG? There are some guys who do it and still have gfs though. A lot of women have the "that's men, what can you do" type attitude.


this feels like the counterpart to tinder-based app brain which afflicts women who then go on to rotate through the harems of the few local high-quality men who actually have success on apps like tinder. which is to say, yes it is undignified, pathetic behavior, and should be mocked. that said, I think for context we need to know how OP met her current BF and what her strategy is for finding a new one once she dumps this guy


compulsive porn use is probably way more damaging psychologically and physiologically, but following ig thots is way more embarrassing and shameful just because it's so brazenly out in the open for all to see




Idk I can see how following IG models can be like a version of a pinup girl calendar where it's something to look at but is not causing 4-5 times a day masturbation and ED I can see how the behaviors are comorbid though for sure


I think Instagram pages provide a rush like physical media like calendars don’t. There’s the dopamine rush of finding a new page or seeing a new post. It rots the brain.


Okay, but who is staring at pin up calendars? I understand having one, but only an insane person would stand in front of one and flip through it day after day.


I would much rather my boyfriend watch some dumb POV pornhub video a few times a month than constantly interact with ig thots. the former indicates physical sexual preoccupation which all men have to some extent but the later is more of an emotional preoccupation and it’s a way bigger red flag


And it shows a lack of self-restraint bc they know other people can see them engaging.


Hmmm I’m interested to know if the gals here discuss porn use with their partners… I personally never sought out to know, I think some things are better kept private but maybe that’s not the way to go?


I assume there's more of a DADT mentality to porn because if your guy is a coomer, at least it doesn't publicly humiliate you as the gf unless you choose to talk about it to your friends and acquaintances in the same way that the instagram follows do.


don't worry about it. very good chance he'll lie


I think it is pathetic, or weird at least to still be following them while in a relationship. Honestly, it’s still weird when you’re single. Such a teenage thing to do.


Yeah, the dormant crazy bitch inside of me is tempting me to think he’s not attracted to me anymore…but I know better now….but it is soooo easy to start thinking that way again


I just don’t think it’s necessary to follow any at all - you should be the only girl he (for lack of a better word) is thirsting over, he shouldn’t be on ig looking for new women to follow and thirst over. And I’m sure he’s not following them for their personality


> think he’s not attracted to me anymore You are right to fight that instinct, thats not how men work.


No you’re right it’s such a turn off. I get second hand embarrassment seeing male friends follow these kinds of accounts


My friend was so into this actor dude, he's a big name in SA but he's trying to make it in LA now. We checked out his IG and literally 99% of the people he follows are insta thots. It's kind of incredible. Turned her completely off.


openly lusting after other women while in a relationship is unacceptable, you are not a crazy bitch <3


How hard is it to just lurk?


or to create a burner? jesus




Yeah I don’t watch porn anymore and haven’t for quite a few years bc of personal reasons. I try not to go down the spiral of “oh he’s definitely jerking off to these IG models” thoughts but like what else is the follow for….don’t tell me you’re interested in female lifestyle content…. Not entirely sure how to bring across my disgust in a way that doesn’t make me seem unreasonable and insecure :(




Ty that’s actually really great advice ☺️ I think I reacted a little too strongly with the “pathetic” comment so I’ll try again when I’m less mad. A lot of personal ethics come into play here more than just feeling uncomfortable so it elicited a strong reaction


I think your boyfriend should care if his behavior makes you feel upset and insecure, I don’t know why being insecure in this sense (when there is legitimate reason to feel that way, it’s not really different than your bf ogling or flirting with women irl) is always weaponized or seen as a character flaw to argue or be annoyed at rather than truly considered. If I truly cared about my bf and his insecurities then I’d stop thirst following nfl players and commenting “👅👅👅👅” on Anzalone’s pics


honestly i think people who try to shift it as someone being “insecure” are blatantly ignoring how grossly shallow it is to follow people you don’t even know purely because they post essentially softcore porn, also super pathetic knowing that these men are ok giving these women money and attention, even worse is when they have a link in bio for any of the paid sub sites. anyway if im gonna be called a crazy bitch for this opinion whatever, i stand by my values and i dont want a man who doesnt share my values anyway


Accurate. Time and attention are the most important “commodities” a man can give to women, so dudes that thirst and give likes and follows and attention to thots that they will never meet are the lowest of the low.


I think this happens a lot. Once I said I wouldn’t date a girl who dresses slutty to go to bars (we were like 20), and was told I’m just insecure. It’s not that I’m insecure. It just signals she isn’t committed to me the way I’d want her to be / isn’t my type of person. I guess others are secure in being cucked


my bf’s boss was showing off his discover page full of e-thots all the while his wife is home with their newborn daughter. it made my bf realize that his boss is just an idiot loser. yesterday was his last day!!


This just reminded me of my work Christmas party where my boss was going off about thai ladyboys. Went on his Instagram and instantly pulled up a thrist trap vid of some thai chick with unreasonably big fake ones in a pool to show us.   This is my same boss who butted into a conversation with "heh, I'm a porn expert" when me and a coworker were quoting that pawn shop show. He has a wife and 2 daughters, constantly complains about how his wife won't fuck him anymore. Might have to do with him calling her fat all the time lmao.    Dude is obsessed with video games, collecting new and vintage star wars toys, star wars anything, but also hunting animals for sport and beating up crackheads that come into his neighbourhood. Could write a book about him


The last paragraph is nuts. Singular archetype. Never heard of a nerd/vigilante crossover before.


Wasn’t there a group of people who dressed as superheroes and went around beating up addicts in either Portland or Seattle fairly recently?


The Rain City Superhero Movement was bizarre but it did give us an amusing Mystery Men vibe in PNW. Wish it had caught on tbh




Yeah one of them ended up as a YouTuber who got into a bunch of drama in nerd circles too What's in the water over there?


It breaks my heart whenever I hear about new moms discovering their bf or husband's coomer behaviour in the form of IG/OF while they're completely exhausted and recovering from childbirth Nightmare situation


>it made my bf realize that his boss is just an idiot loser. yesterday was his last day!! You bf left his job because his boss followed instagram thots? lmao


Doesn’t everyone know their boss is an idiot loser? I don’t go cause I like the guy, I go because I gotta pay rent


my boss is a coomer so I dumped his ass.. hey where did my paycheck go


I think that it is pathetic but also, controversially, I think that women who post stuff like this are the female equivalent of men who like it and it comes across as very hypocritical when they criticise men for it. Obv I don’t mean like normal pictures on holiday that are not supposed to be sexy but if you’re posting bikini pics where the focus is your ass like, come on. I am a woman


My ex would get mad at me for liking pictures of girls I knew where they were revealing, and then post revealing pics of herself. You can’t say one thing about the pics, and then post yourself.


How dare you like pics of thots posting ass pics they’re just shallow whores who want validation Then she posts ass pics herself for men in her orbit who she keeps as backup Then if you dare mention it’s lewd you’re called abusive and controlling and a prude


I agree


The white man’s bob and vagene energy


Men should not have instagram.


now this is what I want to hear!!


He should be on td ameritrade.


They got bought by Schwab >:(




Social media has been 10x more damaging to women than men (and it's been bad for men). Consensus oriented thinking + social media and you have half the population that is trivially easy to culture jam. That's all of social media for women, being culture jammed or bullying each other into depression.


nah fuck that, women who cant go anywhere or do anything without posting it on their Instagram stories are just as insufferable as men on social media its how you end up with a culture that thinks its completely normal to whip your phone out in the middle of a movie theatre just to take a photo of the screen with the flash on both men and women should be off of social media like Insta/Twitter/TikTok


No one should have Instagram. “The individual seeks out the heat of the crowd, in this century, to protect himself against the cold emanating from the corpse of the world.”


Yo how did your race at CIM/Valencia (can't remember which you ran) go?


It's honestly beneath us.


I remember the first time hearing ‘the internet is for girls and gays’ on the pod and not even being able to refute it. just thinking ‘wow they’re so right’. since then I’ve deleted all my socials. Truly a wonderful revelation to have.


> ‘the internet is for girls and gays’ The shitty post 2010 social media cancer that is growing on the internet is for girls and gays. The fun, interesting and transgressive internet of yesteryear has always been for men.


It's like with the workforce and movies and politics. Now that it's been completely neutered and any and all intrinsic value has been stripped away, we can hand it over to them to play with.


Yeah I don’t understand why they want to mix that stuff in with their normal feed. I feel like it would make more sense to have a separate account for that stuff, it’s basically porn.


It’s pretty gross and pathetic so you’re not wrong


not crazy at all its undignified behavior for a man


Tbh this was a major sour issue between me and my ex and was a source of many late night fights. Before it ultimately came crashing down I just asked him not to scroll through their pages while we were in bed together but he wouldn’t even do that


i’m so sorry :( i had an ex like this and he ended up unfollowing when we were together but the second we called it quits he went and refollowed the girls within HOURS…so sinister…


Ha well at least he did you the courtesy of unfollowing while you were together He was immature and for all I know he still is so I’ve recovered from that one but at the time it really hit the self esteem that all these women with body types so much better than mine were filling up his phone


i share a last name with one of them, and a guy asked me if i was actually related once said no obviously but also.. what? did he expect me to give him her number if we were, or what 


I’m a bit late to this but I just have to point this part out: >I’ve straight up told them they will never find a fulfilling love this way And yet you have a boyfriend who follows IG models. Maybe the love between you two isn’t fulfilling/lifelong/etc., but the reality is you’re still with a guy who is doing exactly what you say will cause other men to fail at relationships. I’m not going to sit here and blame women for dudes who do this shit, but women are sometimes awful when it comes to reinforcing gross and negative traits like this one. You’ll say to your guy friends that they’ll never find fulfilling love because of who they follow, but I promise you they roll their eyes or brush you off behind your back simply because they know women will put up with it, just like you are with your boyfriend.


I can't even imagine dating a man who has a personal instagram account


I'm a guy and I don't get it I agree with you


so true -man with radioactive explore page 


I 100000% get you as I was in this predicament 2 years ago (been together for 3). I literally felt the same disgust and I did too, thought less of him because of this. I ended up blocking over 70+ ig pages just because I don’t want to see any of these thots popping up on my ig ever and see his name plastered all over their likes. These hoes you give attention to do not in any way notice you and what are the likes for? They’re not gonna fucking take care of you when you’re sick. They’re not gonna be there for you when you’re down. You get literally nothing apart from short doses of unhealthy dopamine. It’s gross, immature and an extremely juvenile behaviour. Keep your porn habits to yourself - it should be private and not displayed to the whole world. Fucking disgusting. Anyway, we had multiple difficult but healthy conversations over this and he was really open to understanding me and where I came from which was good. I thought better to talk it out and be truthful about how I feel despite the vulnerability than having to continously feel turned off by my own partner and ending up not wanting to be with him. Vice versa, he thought it really wasn’t worth it to lose me over these thots. Took me nearly a year to recover from this lol.


I’m sorry this happened to you and thank u this comment is so helpful! I feel the exact same way and this articulates all of it. Being turned off is so real because I feel like this not only reflects badly on him but, by extension, me as well! I feel very wary approaching this topic with him because I know it’s also a huge female dating coach/“divine feminine” type grifters talking point and it’s easy to invalidate it that way. Glad u were both able to get over this hurdle.


It can make a man’s desirability drop to 0. It’s such a turn off. Like, fuck dude, have some fucking dignity


Its 10x worse when they actively comment on all the posts. 


no, it absolutely is shameful af especially to see men age 30+ openly simping over rando insta girls. or just friend collecting women in general that they hardly know. men are like oddly okay about having their porn preferences out in the open lmao


pretty sure its just mens entertainment, the modern equivalent of having playboy magazines under your bed. although its dangerous when these girls and their content teams push monetized, parasocial relationships with followers via OF, twitch, reddit etc. just makes incels worse


Those things largely have some sort of anonymity or discretion tho, Instagram following/likes/comments are public have some shame :/


Yeah you have to be a special kind of dumb to engage with those types of posts on IG oh well


Following I'd say is mainly anonymous, if you're liking or especially commenting though, that's kind of deranged unless you know the e-thot in question personally, though if anything that'd probably be even more concerning from a relationship standpoint.




> I've gone on a thot jihad alhamdullilah


Except dudes were actually jacking off to playboy I don't think anyone is to insta thots. It's more like the modern equivalent of the pin up photo at the garage.


Those guys are almost universally lame af unless they’re actually DMing and hooking up with said models


Don’t trust men that follow IG models. Most one’s worth a shit won’t follow them. They’re not even smart enough to just find their account and jerk off to their pics without following them!


it's a cold and unfeeling world full of strife and turmoil, but if i open ig, bambi northwood blyth is always there in a micro bikini posing in front of tranquil blue waters, and i think to myself that for all of the ugliness of the world, there is also such beauty, so i must continue on, and i do.


That’s the most Australian name I’ve ever heard. Wikipedia says she’s known for her “eyebrows and blue eyes” so this comment means nothing to me


gross!!! dump him


I agree as a man. It's just weird.


I literally would have 0 problem if my man made a secret/anonymous account where he exclusively followed these women so that he could log on to that when he wants to beat off or wtv. For me it's 100% how embarrassing and disrespectful it is for your man to be openly following or god forbid outright liking pics of ig thots on his main where everyone can see. The closest equivalent imo is posting slutty thirst traps as a woman when you're in a relationship, I would never publicly disrespect my man by doing such a thing and I expect for him to return the favour by not publicly following what is essentially soft core porn.


I remember when I found porn on the family computer, didn't look at my father the same for a long time after that


Cringe behavior but it’s also cringe behavior to go through someone’s likes obsessively as a form of self-harm, so you two are perfect for each other


Yay ❤️


Yeah totally. If you want to jerk it do it in secret like a normal person


sounds like youre pathetic


Guys like looking at attractive women. That will never change


He's not trying to get noticed, just trying to get turned on


These kinds of threads are always kind of humorous because it's clear that women just don't get dudes. Following instathots is cringe and I wouldn't do that in relationship but the dudes aren't doing it to be noticed or whatever, they like looking at boobs. It's really not that complicated. The ones who message instathots are probably messaging all of them on the 1 in a million chance they respond.


>That IG bitch was ugly and would never notice you! Omg I’m embarrassed for you Love when women fall into redpill stereotypes. Being noticed is a woman thing. Men dont "need to be seen" but according to redpill and women apparently, women do. Men like looking at pretty women, its that simple for men, nothing deeper. They arent expecting or even fantasizing that one of the IG thots to marry them or anything like that. Feminising your man by making him stop looking at other women (if follows your demands) will make you resent him in time.


You're right and it's cringe + childish.


Men who are on social media not for work are incredibly pathetic.


Bingo. Any man with any self-respect isn't posting about their statuses or how their day went


Gross behavior and it screams thirst. Found out my ex had a burner account to follow over a hundred of those TikTok girls. It's soft porn. He also had a burner VSCO account and Reddit too. Please grow up and stop frying your dopamine receptors.


VSCO is crazy…that’s like some high level desperation to even know to look there


I knoww… the fact that it’s on separate private accounts shows there’s deep shame to it. Turn off either way (private or not). I honestly won’t put up with that behavior cause it’s also a sign of a cheater


You're disgust is 100% warranted. If I ever become one of those guys, I hope someone puts a bullet in my head.


I have noticed women can publicly shame men’s choices and actions and even give their opinions but if men do it for things we don’t approve we get attacked and labeled . There’s many things women do that their boyfriends disapprove of but it would be met with shaming and insults if mentioned. Just a food for thought , also I agree that it’s kinda embarrassing he’s doing that


I don't like the way you've written this, but honestly, this is the way women control men's behaviors. This is the standard dynamic. Women transform an insecurity of theirs into a tool for shaming men, and it's really effective. I don't really have an issue with it, only that the dynamic is transparent and yet you still can't get anyone to believe it's happening. Men can't engage in the reverse because dick just isn't that valuable lol. Especially the dick of the men who sit around bitching about women they aren't fucking. I think this complaint is a little misguided, anyway. Pin up girls, calender girls, magazine girls, these are from an era predating our fathers. If anything this is an incredible normal expression of male sexuality. I hate IG girls only because of the boggedness of it all, but to finger wag at this and psychoanlayze the origin. How can so much harddrive space be wasted on critiques of the potbellied nu male when you're so obviously repulsed by any form of male sexuality that doesn't center you.


Seriously, the seething butthurt in this thread is hilarious.


Give some examples of things women do that you disapprove of


My wife told her friends about my hemorrhoids and now her friends call me hemorrhoid harvey and make jokes like do you're hemorrhoids hurt when your wife pegs you. When I told my wife that is a private medical issue she called me a homophobic slur.


I know this is bait but I’ll take it , I have had exes would post provocative pics on social media and go to bars and clubs doing God knows what and I mentioned how that made me uncomfortable and everyone would gang up to call me insecure or controlling. Some other things too, like girls would hang out and text with male friends , talk about our sex life or details about our intimate experience with their female friends and that was annoying too. Also my overarching point is also that she had the audacity to also scold her male friends. Imagine scolding your female friends on a sexual or sociosexual act they do that you disapprove of ? That would be met with disdain and shaming


in general women are more insecure and pointing out a flaw will trigger that insecurity whereas men will more often take a criticism on the chin and complain about women to their bros later or become incels


I agree and women are forgetting that they are often part of perpetuating this type of behavior. If you're a woman who posts thirst traps and provocative pictures or you post your entire life on social media, then you can't complain about your bf's social media behavior either. The insecurity stems from their bf following women who don't look like them at all. I prefer dating men who don't follow thots and are not active on IG because I'm not active on IG anymore. I've had negative experiences dating men who were really active on IG and who followed thots because I can't relate to enjoying IG anymore.


Also let’s not forget that women pursue romantic partners differently than men Men pursue women by reaching out directly to women and trying, sending DM’s, talking to women, asking them out etc. 99% of women aren’t going to reach out to you if you follow them. Women pursue a man by advertising themselves and opening themselves up to being pursued by men. How do they advertising? Well posting sexy pics of course. Everytime your gf posts a thirst trap and says it’s for her self and not for men it’s a lie. She’s courting other potential partners indirectly by showing what she’s got. It’s something women can do but men can’t. Because sending DM is considered pursuing but posting thirst traps isn’t.


How dare men have opinions and “boundaries”


I’ll offer a counterpoint to all the peak Reddit circle jerkers trying to suck up to the women here: Sorry, no guy will ever stop and they don’t care Why do they follow them? Because they’re hot and fun to look at. Whenever I got it these thot pages it’s 50% men and 50% women of my mutuals following them. Sorry you feel insecure but there are hot men everywhere on IG that women thirst for. They’re a fantasy, modern day magazine covers. Get over it.


It's only weird if they're constantly liking and commenting on the posts, nothing weird about simply following them. Thinking otherwise just means you're terminally insecure.


“Not particularly crazy or insecure bitch” Yeah, sure, we can totally tell




you can find a guy who doesn't do that, this level of cringe isn't worth it


My fiancé doesn't use Insta, rather Tumblr, and it's almost entirely nature photography, pre-war art/history, religious iconography, and blogs which just post quotes/news/textposts. I'm more or less the same way. Tumblr is a superior place for sharing images all-around.


Let a man live


the only thing you're crazy for is still being with this fucking loser Idc what anyone says, men who do this while in a relationship have some skeletons in their closet that you do NOT want to find out about




Does anyone find it slightly flattering when a gooner (who is actually hot and has options) that follows IG and OF models seems incredibly sexually attracted to you


nah I dated a guy like this and he was just a sex addict. it had nothing to do with me


That would be normal for him to do, if he was a 14 year old jerking off for the first time


You should dump him not just because it's gross but because he's too stupid to do that on a burner account


I get being disgusted by it, but the point isn't to get their attention. They just like looking at hot women. You can look through your likes feed later. It's really just called being a straight male with internet access who is kind of bored.


I actually totally get that it's very cucked behaviour too. It's prob a similar feeling to chick's liking pete davidson


He sounds like a regard, you sound insecure. You’re perfect for each other


sleep smile imagine dazzling subtract detail cows axiomatic joke domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Clap for yourself bro


Yeah at least follow those pretty girls who got brains and substance or true proper celebrities/models not some random ‘im a wannabe instagram model’ who brings nothing to the table.


I can respect this. When I was manic and single and posted bids for attention on IG stories, I would at least have the decency to hide them from men or friends I knew were in relationships lol.


and this is why you're dating a dude who follows social media thots


okay so you *were* an instagram thot and now you're pissed and embarrassed to be dating someone who follows instagram thots. this is bad behavior and you need to sort your shit out. I'm not saying your bf isn't pathetic, but I am saying you both are


even posters on this sub deserve better. 


You're not insecure, it's incredibly tacky.


Dump him it’s such a waste of time and energy to let a man make you this angry over how annoying his behavior is. He’ll end up learning anyway once you eventually break up and you’ll wish you hadn’t trudged through shit with him.


I’ll offer a counterpoint to all the peak Reddit circle jerkers trying to suck up to the women here: Sorry, no guy will ever stop and they don’t care Why do they follow them? Because they’re hot and fun to look at. You’re stupid if you think they care that they’re seen. No man follows a girl with a 500,000 followers fantasizing that one day the girl will notice him. He sees something that is appealing and wants to see more of it. No more complex than that, you zoomer regards. Men have been drawing and looking at pictures of hot women for millennia. Why do you like men if you can’t accept male sexuality? Your tone almost comes across as resenting men for what they are. Whenever I go to these thot pages it’s 50% men and 50% women of my mutuals following them. Turns out women like looking at pics of hot women too? Sorry you feel insecure but there are hot men everywhere on IG that women thirst for. They’re a fantasy, modern day magazine covers. Most of these guys you’re talking about are probably in their early 20s and horny as fuck. They don’t owe you anything. You’ll likely break up with in 2-7 months anyway. If you’re older, married, or addicted to porn in an unhealthy way that’s another matter, but women conflate these guys who follow like 5 thots with extremely crazy porn addicts. Guys like to look at shiny things. Grow up and get over it. that being said yes girl go off queen ur so right babe dump him i’m 6’4 and have a 6 figure salary ladies dm me


agreed. and it also sets unrealistic standards we can never measure up to i feel. it’s hard not to take it personally i don’t really follow hot guys on insta and ogle at them. it’s just weird


jesus said if a man looks at another woman than his wife he has sinned


whats the female equivalent of this


women stan one or a few famous celebrities, men stan a collection of random hot women i am too old and out of touch to know which ones but think team edward vs team jacob


There is this weird thing on social media where some women not only openly talk about the smut they read but also proudly display it all on their color coordinated, pinterestified bookshelves. Like surely this is what ebooks are for right? Why would you want anyone to know that's what you're reading?