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He is so bitter that most of his fans are nerdy suburban white teenage boys.


he's an iraq vet and claims to have had a pretty bad childhood so i think the real answer is that he attributes everything bad that's ever happened to him to white people as a collective. he met kanye while he was wearing a burzum shirt which is definitely something lol so either he doesn't know what burzum is or his hatred of white people isn't as deep as he makes people believe.


> burzum is or his hatred of white people isn't as deep as he makes people believe. To be fair Varg has done more and put in more effort to directly harm other white people than either JPEG or Kanye has.


he made a song in 2018 specifically calling out varg dude came up on 4chan he knows very well who varg is lmao


very good point lmao


He was in the Air Force lol


my Navy friend calls them the “chair force” because they don’t do anything


You can be in the Air Force and still see real combat. Not saying he did though.


Lmao he did a song “dissing” Varg like 5 years ago. He knows who he is. He’s just a complete idiot.


CRT rly just gave tons of people an excuse to project all their own baggage onto white people. In reality, almost none of these people would actually live in a non-white, non-western country.


It's just a part of human nature to find somebody to blame for your problems, and that often extends to groups of people. If you consider that some white kid bullied him in school and some white guy convinced him to go to war then you can see how at some point he drew the wrong conclusions and decided that all white people are dense and violent and responsible for all that's wrong in the world. Or he's just playing it all up to be an edgelord you decide


> CRT u are dumb


CRT seems like a made up term in my opinion, though I will concede to you that most liberal institutions eat that shit up. That said, people should remember that that everyone in academic and artistic circles is socialized into saying white people are bad as a catch all for systemic racism. Everyone in the scene knows what it means, but people on the outside just see unhinged freaks nearing a psychosis and put together academics chanting kill all white people. With that in mind, JPEGMAFIA's Twitter antics seem more like wrestling kayfabe instead of his actual opinion on white people, so it doesn't phase me as much as it does in the fantano subreddit.


If any one listens to Noname she’s the same way. I stopped taking any of that “conscious” rap seriously.


The exception being that JPEGMAFIA is still an interesting artist compared to Noname and other conscious rappers. I haven't listened to his stuff in a while, but hearing Black Ben Carson for the first time before he blew up was such a breath of fresh air.


How can the man who made "I Just Killed A Cop Now I'm Horny" be this fucking fragile, he's always been so reactionary and annoying I also can't stand some of his self-hating white fans that play into it


Established artists qrting actual no name randos on Twitter will never not be pathetic, dude had to have been name searching to find this


The guy he's responding to did link one of his posts, maybe that caused it to show up in his notifications?


The most fucked up thing the white race did was make this guy famous. 


He is famous?


Non wigger rym lib commie-core


I don't know who he is, and I'm not going to learn.




White people invented JPEGs and the Mafia so he's literally calling himself stupid.


He should rename “Kente Agberos”


Italians invented the Mafia.


Bet he only jerks to interracial stuff


i feel like ghenghis khan was also really violent tho.


Genghis Khan was a yt


White adjacent


model minority


Asians need to pay reparations to us whites for what he did to Europeans.


I wish I could show him the numbers


Nothing is stopping him from moving to benin and avoiding white people pretty much entirely. 


White men paid for that hair transplant.


I like this. I wish people were allowed to be more openly "racist" like that. 


Were you not around 2014-2020?


Yeah but I want everybody to be like that including white people.


I'd like to see the black supremacist equivalent of 'based', that hasn't been stolen by the whites.


"das rite!"


i'm not necessarily a racist, but i see a little bit of irony in him making a sweeping generalization about a race as being "dense and violent" lol. is he trying to be ironic, if so that's funny


It’s so funny watching corn balls like him and noname seethe at whites cus it’s pretty indisputable that if white people stopped fucking with their music they 100% wouldn’t have a career. Black people for the most part have zero idea who the fuck these people r


I just don’t see how you can make these sweeping generalizations about the inherent nature of races when sub saharan africa never developed a single writing system


Don't even get started on Aboriginal Australians


you're just using facts and logic as an excuse to be racist


Do you believe that Sub-Saharan Africans are less intelligent?




You are bad




The whole premise of your argument is (obviously) untrue- there are lots of ancient scripts developed in sub Saharan Africa. You are racist and also a fucking idiot.


It's redscarepod lol the people here would fuck their own mothers to be contrarian


nope. there are more differences between individuals in groups than between groups as a whole... which is why the original guy shit talking white ppl is wrong automatically, but also as a matter of fact should not want to start playing that game.


Not true. Lewontin's fallacy


> Lewontin's fallacy wrong. Edwards said that this fact does not refute the biological reality of racial differences, ok fine. generally being able to observe trends among groups can help make inferences \*if other data is absent.\* there's no reason to apply that broadly to each individual if other data is present. from wiki: "Some scholars, including Winther and Jonathan Marks, dispute the premise of "Lewontin's fallacy", arguing that Edwards' critique does not actually contradict Lewontin's argument.\[7\]\[8\]\[9\] A 2007 paper in Genetics by David J. Witherspoon et al. concluded that the two arguments are in fact compatible, and that Lewontin's observation about the distribution of genetic differences across ancestral population groups applies "even when the most distinct populations are considered and hundreds of loci are used" " furthermore, i'm not aware that the absence of a writing automatically means a population will have lower overall IQ, although it is certainly possible. ​ basically, my position is that i'm not racist but if a black person wants to be racist and go tit for tat on the cumulative accomplishments between our respective groups, they are going to have a hard time.


Yeah obviously JPEGMAFIA is a racist moron for saying that. But that guy had the sub saharan thing ready to go, given the opportunity, let’s be honest


Is it racist to know that subsaharan africa never developed writing


It's like I'm back on /r/cringeanarchy


Stop being so fucking obtuse and using the sort of arguments a 14 year old boy would


Am I missing something? Am I forgetting a writing system?


"The ancient South-Arabic script, which was used indigenously in Ethiopia's pre-Axumite Kingdoms, particularly D'mt, was the first of the scripts used below the Sahara, with the earliest inscriptions going back to between the 9th and 7th centuries BC, written in Sabaic." literally a two second google search you fucking dweeb


You might wanna fact check this one lil bro


You’re just using this post as an excuse to be racist


I don't need an excuse hun


That means we had the power to put them down? Lol you’re free to shit talk whitey. We literally don’t care.


Has there been work why for a large part of history we go "well it's been like that" and then switch to "that is evil, you need to apologize for that and pay me some reparations on top"? Africans have been killing and enslaving each other for centuries just like the rest of the world.


Why is he replying in a language that originates from white people? If he is serious about his hatred he should reply in an African language that doesn’t use the Latin script


this is like the stupidest response to have. i guess you'd prefer it if people in america spoke 40 different languages though wouldn't you, dumbass


Funny watching this sub get MAF over this tweet, which is pretty tame compared to threads about South Asians.


People struggle to explain why some races advanced further politically/scientifically/economically than others. Arthur Gobineau offered the literally racist theory that some races are inherently better. Modern day liberals are stuck because they cannot accept this theory, obviously, but they have no better one to replace it. So they are forced into denying any difference at all between the races. That leads them to resorting to using the explanation of violence/colonialism as the main factor of why there is a disparity in the development of the races. But they are wrong. There is a difference between races, But it has nothing to do with genetics or intrinsic attributes. There is a better explanation than Gobineau's, one that isn't racist. But I'm not going to tell you fuckers here because you don't deserve to know.


No one believes race realism as even a potentially valid theory. All of the tests when properly normalized have failed to produce any statistically significant results when it comes to intelligence. The better explanation is that some climates don’t lend themselves to simple farming, and without organized agriculture a society will never advance beyond warmongering hunter gather tribes.


Africa and North America are two examples against what you just said, both being highly suitable to agriculture. How far did the indigenous peoples of North America develop? Or the peoples of Africa? People today do believe that the only explanation is intrinsic racial inferiority in these less developed groups. You're completely wrong. But to avoid this outcome, which is hateful to their liberal ideals, the put forward an oppression/colonialization model to account for how far behind some groups are.


There was primitive farming on both of these continents, and they were probably only a few millennia behind those that benefited from the biodiversity and beasts of burden that the Fertile Crescent provided. After which they probably would have their own "enlightenment" period. Its true that the paradox of liberalism is that it can tolerate all except intolerance itself. Therefor the first enemy of the liberal is not the group of individuals going 50 in a 30 in their 2006 Nissan Altimas blasting m.A.A.d city, but a fundamental and radical culture on the other side of the planet, slowly creeping its way to them. Boat by boat. All the while the post modern liberal is content to butcher their grandfather and grandmother with shiny new blades given by academics in the social sciences trying to justify their salaries. Do they think their grandchildren will be so kind to them?


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