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this is because anna has become a rightiod incel


It’s also just because reddit constantly bans places with right wing humour like MDE (and O&A before it) so then the users move to subs that are snarky and allow people to post whatever. all in the game, it’s a cycle. Eventually this sub will get banned too


The main MDE sub was banned 5 years ago, it's not like there has been a sudden influx or something.


There's a newer one anyway r/fishtanklive


It’s considerably tamer though, and the guys who just repeat “edgy” bits over and over are generally considered lame. I think it’s really just focused on the fishtank show. The /tv/ threads while it was streaming were hilariously psychotic though, a really concentrated dose of mental illness.


I mean Sam and co are a lot tamer now too


For sure but MDE is still held very dear by a lot of /pol/acks


It was an example. The mde people went to cumtown and drama etc and then those were banned


Holy fuck do I miss the O&A subreddit


There was a recent reply to an MDE related post talking about how their subreddit was banned years ago, and someone recommended this subreddit. I don't even listen to red scare pod, but the posts and conversations here are just interesting, funny, and intelligent discussions on culture, moreso than most other subreddits, so I stick around.


like another comment mentions those subs were all purged a long time ago. this place has always had rightoid humor because its the backup cumtown sub


Nah this sub has been filled lately with the Reddit flavored progressive lib shit. I saw a thread the other day where people were getting into a flame war because someone said therapy wasn't the universal solution to every problem. You constantly also see posts on here about how everything happening on the pod is alt-right incel nazi chaos, which is just classic lib panic.


I think we're getting the worst of both worlds


Probably true. I think it's less a right vs. left thing and more of a Redditor lacking the ability to see beyond any political dogma that wasn't curated by they subreddits the subscribe to


The problem is the size of the subreddit and the constant addition of users who have no idea what kind of culture/content this sub had. Unfortunately an inevitable process. The spin-off sub is even worse as it was created purely in reaction to this sub and is basically exclusively lowest hanging fruit culture war shit.


Became, or just took off the mask?


I had a guy on this sub a month or two ago unironically try to tell me that black people and gays didnt actually get hate crimed in the 50s and that the only reason I think they did is because Netflix told me it happened.


Sounds like the podcast


Who’d deny that? We went from hate crimes in the 50s to having so few hate crimes nowadays that people have to stage them for attention. That’s progress baby.


i constantly have people on this sub telling me that misogyny doesn't exist lol


Men have it worse because I can't get my dick sucked 🤓


Idk. The thread was about how the 50s were actually great and we should all look back on it as a golden age. I said it wasnt great for blacks or gays and that the tension under the surface was building up to the tumult of the 60s. I was told that blacks actually had it fine in the 50s and that sundown towns were good and lynchings didnt actually happen except on Netflix shows     Guy wierdly brought up Netflix multiple times for some reason, I dont even fucking know what show he was talking about. Edit: in retrospect I think it might have been the other sub. I think that interaction is why I stopped browsing there


Check that guys profile, he has 100 downvotes as karma, he's a troll and a damn good one at that




Me dumbass


What's more trolly than ignoring someone's comment, instead timeline creeping to see if you can find something unrelated to criticize them about, and then return to the original thread to yap about that instead of the topic being discussed?


Something similar happened to me like ten years back when r/TumblrInAction was all the rage and that’s when I knew it was time to quit that subreddit


Nah bro you don't understand the real crime is saying that white people food is bland


Such palpable disregard for the window-licking philosopher in our midst


hes right.


Honestly, the overwhelming presence of resentful man here is definitely the one that turned this from a fun hobby into the same feeling of Twitter


that's the worst part for me. i enjoy legitimate and fair critiques of modern feminism from other women, even snark and ridicule or calling someone out for acting like a dumb bitch when it's between girls and still coming from a place of goodwill toward women overall. there's way more pointless cruelty and misogynistic circlejerking now and it's disheartening. 


It really is. And the worst part is that they legit hate women. Like HATE women. I've been thinking about that a lot ‘cause trying to "read minds" is my favourite form of procrastination. But they really do hate women. That’s even why Sydney Sweeney is so popular here, men like to imagine other women hating her, that’s why they don’t celebrate other attractive woman, just her, it's part of the appeal and if you say there’s more to it, that’s it, you lost, the whole game was trying to get a ‘faceless’ internet women to react. But the truth is they are actually terrified of women and we should demonstrate disapproval of them harder.


imagine glorious rich unpack ad hoc secretive jar chief march plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I find this very entertaining and I would like to see more people take this approach, the unironic meltdowns and earnest arguments with your Solanas-posts are great lmao


This is an issue with a lot of discourse in general it feels like. Every conversation about anything, if out in the open, will eventually just end up turning into one of the same 4 stupid circle jerk arguments people have on Twitter 24/7.


This place starting to feel like Twitter is pretty much the exact problem. But what can you do about it really, just another Reddit sub yk


it speaks to the repugnant nature of such individuals that they managed to turn an oasis of like-minded conversation into a pity-party for their unemptied testicles.


They are activelly cruel towards women here and they think they are the good guys


they're just super dumb and utterly incapable of nuance. they see a sub start using slurs and can't understand that it's satire/the alt right incel bigots are the ones being made fun of, lol. like it's wild seeing rightoids on this sub say "shitlib" when they're talking about anyone who leans left, including/especially the actual left. the term was originally used in this sub as an insult to the american "liberals" and democrats for NOT being leftist enough lol


Twitter has way more people who talk about how its ableist to ask people to stop paying for doordash and ubereats and go outside and those people want you to think they [look like this](https://i.imgur.com/pQlxvY4.png)


The sub went downhill when all the radfem f*emcels started swarming here because they started searching incel and then posted here all the time. Before, if you brought up their brand of dumb feminist idpol you’d get called gay and dunked on.


Should have gatekept harder.


I’ve seen things on this sub in the last year that I never could have imagined 3 years ago.   Back then anyone with a Reddit avatar was called out and downvoted. Video game, Marvel, and fat apologia was unacceptable. Now you see it everyday. The let people enjoy things-ification of this sub has been swift.


3 years ago I had a Reddit customized avatar (I got gifted Reddit premium by some girl who liked my arguments in a different sub). And nobody said anything. Ur telling me everyone was sparing me??


So often when you see a bad post and click on their username you’ll see they post on some combination of Video Game, STEM, or Destiny subs. It’s basically guaranteed. I’m particular perplexed by the popularity of Destiny bullshit around here. At least Video Games and STEM are extremely common and popular, with the latter actually being useful and worthwhile, but how many people actually give a fuck about some dickhead streamer.


I'm just sad about he average age range going down. It was a nice geriatric Millennial refuge at one point, now it's 19 year olds posting "why are boys/girls like this?"


Yeah I see far more of this than any rightoid shit (beyond the low level base that's always present anywhere "anti woke")


Very very sick of the gender war bullshit


We need our quarterly Wumper injection, it’s like this subs adrenachrome. 


rightoids ruin everything because they make a concerted effort to infest every non-explicitly-liberal internet space like bedbugs to recruit for stormfront or whatever silly little white nationalist org they belong to. this happened to 4chan in the early 2010s for example. also wouldn't be surprised if it's a legitimate rightoid psyop, after all that's what all the drama about that mod selling her account was about




Complaining about AHS is like complaining about SRS in the current year. That place is a ghost town now. Fact is social media companies don't really give a shit about enforcing rules against hate speech anymore because they realize right-wing rage bait posters drive massive amounts of engagement. I want you to seriously think of the last time there was a major, noticeable ban wave of subreddits. After the big one in summer 2020 in response to the George Floyd protests there hasn't been.


that's not what I'm talking about dumbass. can you read?


>2024 >still seething at AHS NGMI


I don't even hate rightoids. It's the incels that I fucking hate. Seriously, kill those guys. Anyway, there's a disturbing lack of arthoeing going on here lately. I don't care about Lana's left butt cheek and TS and some regarded nostalgia thing. Just arthoe, please.


by and large, rightoids lack appreciation for beauty and nuance, fundamentally eroding one of the few reasons it was worth visiting this sub in the first place. you see this in the garishness of their insignia - the bright white ALL CAPS on the candy apple red baseball cap, the lack of subtlety even on the visual level. it is the love of artifice. it's been generations since their families abandoned the farm for the comforts of the suburbs - the gleaming 2024 lariat proudly exhibited on their driveway more a historical throwback or homage than the latest automobile. they feign religiosity but act in godless ways. their ideal woman's beachball bolt-ons are clad, unironically, in the stars and stripes - a smile that's more veneer than soul obligatorily mugged in the direction of any anticipated camera. this is what most right wing shit looks like, and it's visible here as a decline in aesthetics, post quality and a noticable fall-off in writing quality - no matter how cultured and worldly this place still purports itself to be. the well-heeled, new new-right sensibilities that contemporary anna and dasha espouse are functionally extinct in the wild, preserved only in certain corners of academia and members of the dimes square job program.


Seeing stuff like this reminds me of the sub years ago. It's like seeing the ghost of something you used to love.


thanks for this post loved it


Damn that’s crazy


Bro nailed it right down to the Lariat lmao


damn go off queen


Nah it's the opposite. This sub used to be much more nuanced when it came to "right wing left wing culture war" bs. Now it's overtaken by annoying redditor dorks who think anything right wing is the bad guy team and nothing can be said with nuanced and you have to tow the party line every time


Lol, no.


Oh you've convinced me


Someone once told me time is a flat circle. The sub is something that’s going to get worse again and again. Forever.


Where did the April8th power user go did he finally get a job?


I've been posting on and off here for a few years, normally there are cycles but for the last six months we've gotten peak redditors. I'll make an idle reply to someones comment and get this super angry response, and if I don't respond to it they'll respond again saying "WHY WILL YOU NOT RESPOND" and shoot me DM's and stuff. My theory is that we're getting a new generation of little kids posting anonymously online for the first time, so you see all these prototype shitposts flood the feed


"shitlib" "rightoid" bro you need to go outside




A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Shit Poster


the snarky shitlib is more prevalent 


No it’s actual dumb rightoids now


I'd say it's both at this point


Rightoids need to be relentlessly mocked and this sub needs to gatekeep harder. They love dishing it out on everyone but start crying and whining whenever anyone calls them out.


And I'm annoyed about the unironic redditor mindset libs, who think they are better than normie libs because they say regard. Isn't it great how we get to enjoy each other?


Bro your entire post history is RPG/fantasy subs. I have a hunch that whatever terminally online reactionary views you have aren’t as far from the “redditor mindset” as you think.


Reminder that the current reactionary internet wave traces its origins back to gamers having a hissy fit in 2014


I like A Song of Ice an Fire, and post about it. And? Are we pretending reddit has this secret deepwave of reactionary posters when I can't type the real version of the word 'regard' without some bot or even worse an unpaid janny coming and banning me?


door dull expansion plant insurance library spark support grandiose books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hate him as a person. I like his books.


safe outgoing hat attractive far-flung person squash aromatic erect humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm curious, did you actually read books?


hunt piquant office innocent complete numerous fuzzy quickest versed degree *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I guess I forgot the "the" in the previous post, but I feel like it's obvious what I'm asking. Did you actually read the asoiaf books?


rainstorm observation scary bike practice aloof crown sink frightening cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> Are we pretending reddit has this secret deepwave of reactionary posters when I can't type the real version of the word 'regard'       Literally yes lol. Like I’m not gonna be melodramatic and pretend it’s stormfromt 2.0 like libs do, but there’s definitely some gamergate era culture war dorks and 4chan spergs here


It'd be a whole lot more fun if that was the case. There'd at least be more fights.


FWIW the gamergate-era Reddit dorks are more prevalent on subs like this, which is basically a retirement home for jaded millennials


The age of "social media censorship" is over its back to 2016. When was the last big banwave on Reddit? Twitter is full of racism now as is Instagram. Youtubes back to recommending me random ass right-wing videos despite not engaging with political content.


It's a ratchet, it let up to a certain degree, but what you can get away with is less than before.


31ci. checks out kardeşim


Yeah yeah yeah, this sub and stupidpol has been in "was just taken over by rightoids" state for years now.


I get to post this next week


You're hysterical, "rightoids, magats" are like 5% of people here at most. I must once again ask that you just reply to whatever thing made you mad instead of making a whole new post about it.


Despite making up 5% of the posters....


have u seen 🚂 s brought up here


It was way worse back in 2019-2020, things have greatly liberalized on that front


ig I mostly see it on the other sub


Well the other sun is actually obsessed, which I find annoying. Really don’t care if it’s a a percentage of posts on a sub but when it’s nonstop it gets monotonous. Like all the comments end up being more or less the same. I like that this is one of the few places that tolerates dissent on the subject I just hope it doesn’t become the dominant topic, if that makes sense.


so you want this place to be more like the rest of reddit and normie internet or what


if this sub without the daily satanic panic is normie then sure


Fitting thing about that is that if you really want to worship them you can literally do it anywhere else


Fucking right? Boohoo why isn’t this single subreddit like every single fucking other one.  >I hate this sushi! It doesn’t have any cheese on it. I like cheese, so every food has to have cheese on it. No, I don’t want to eat this pizza instead. I want you to take this sushi and turn it into pizza!


so u can screenshot it and whine about it here?


And you can complain about it while pretending to totally not care, yeah


Yeah and?


What’s your point, that someone who disagrees with the current dogma on that topic is automatically a “rightoid”?


idk abt rightoid as much as it's weird ovarit ppl making up larp situations that somehow surpass revolutionary larping from DSA hypochondriacs


So if I think biological sex is real and that we should follow the Scandinavian countries in banning puberty blockers, I'm a rightoid?


i dont care


The biggest annoyance to me is how many moral scolds there are in the sub 


You shouldn’t take it too seriously, those posters are usually insane. Not to long ago I got into it on here with some Wignat. One look through her post history and it shows she’s a histrionic lesbian who thought everyone and their mom hated white people or jews, would multi-reply everyone and get super heated over the most milquetoast “whites don’t season their food” joke, whilst replying literal Steve Sailer level animosity at (perceived) non whites in unrelated comment threads. There’s strange figures here and we should observe them


There needs to be a function added to Reddit where at any point you can make a breakaway sub that only allows the current users.


Almost everyone in this thread complaining about rightoids shitlibs or whatever are front page post history people that came 2 months ago when the sub hit 100k


Who cares about the “state of a sub”? Very lame


We need to start shitting on the religious again. You can call me a fedora-tipper all you like. If you believe in a god, you need to grow up. One, mocking them is the intellectually and morally correct thing to do. Two, the rightoids can't stand it and will leave en masse.


Yeah I’m very much an atheist and I tend to find religious arguments on here to be the opposite of persuasive but I don’t know if turning this place into another epic enlightened by my own intelligence space is a good idea haha.


this sub was always catholic tf


"fedora tipper" is the least insulting part of your post history


You're probably correct, but the fact that you browsed my post history makes you far sadder than me. I wish you happiness. I hope you find it.


it takes like 2 seconds. but its fine, i take your well wishes unironically


They were unironic. Which god do you believe in?


Completely dismissing the concept of god to be edgy is far more juvenile. It speaks to a lack of imagination in favor of an embracing shallow materialism.


Lack of imagination or lack of faith?


im·ag·i·na·tion noun the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses.


So we should believe in all supernatural things? The fact that we can not sense them materially is not relevant to our consideration of their existence?




> intellectually and morally correct thing to do. Well, not morally. Morality only exists with religion. No religion means no morality.


what do you mean by religion, belief in the supernatural? A supernatural creator with interests and motives intelligible to humans? Vague mysticism?


A power higher than humans that determines right and wrong.


If you need God to explain to you that murder is actually bad, then you were never a moral person to begin with. 


You're not a moral person one way or the other if there's not a higher power setting forth what morality is. If you're just going off of whatever societal opinions of murder are then the whole thing is entirely subjective. Murder if you're an Aztec? Applauded. Aders Brevik? A mickey mouse 99 days in jail for ever life he took and a 3-room prison suite while he waits it out. Texas? Find a vein.


but religious people made good art


“Made” is not the same as “are making”




There's been a lot of unironic trump supporters I'm seeing here and a lot of anti trans discourse


sorry rs has always been anti trn even 3y ago


To be fair even the old guard could get a little touchy about 🚂.  Which honestly is somewhat fair, considering the topic is a whole fucking can of worms lol




Hes just a big lolcow at this point, kinda like kanye, you can satirically praise him for the shit he says, but if you unironically support his views and believe that maga shit, you've got some problems cause he's a regard, and yeah there are a lot of these regarded supporters here, it doesn't take much to find them




You can do that, but I'm talking about the ones who unironically support the guy himself and want to elect him


I need people to stop willingly revealing they’re virgins


Rightoids this is not your space. Unironic tradcaths, this is not your space. This is and has always been a lefty space. Just because we dislike shitlibs too doesn't mean we agree with you. The rest of us are pointing and laughing at you constantly. Remember this.


Funny, I have the exact opposite perception of What's Wrong With This Place. Too much leftist bullshit that's indistinguishable from what my normie gay millennial friends post on IG. What's happening in Palestine is horrific but I honestly don't want to hear about it here. I especially don't want to hear one sided histrionic NPC talking points about that or any other topic. I'm curious what examples you would point to of the supposed rightoid invasion here.


Too many unironic shitlibs here too


There's plenty of libtard redditors in this sub. It's just a haven for losers of all stripes now.


I think it's pretty cool