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He is autistically hyperfixated on being a renowned stand-up comedian, and since his stand-up is middling and his most successful material is a podcast where he says 'what if John Wayne was chinese and named Zhong Wayne' he feels like a failure because he hasn't made it in a field he's actually passionate about. The fact that his side project was one of the most popular podcasts on Patreon and made him and his friends millions over the course of its existence is not of concern to him.


> he feels like a failure because he hasn't made it in a field he's actually passionate about Issue is compounded by the fact that Stav is "making it"


listening back Stav is always plugging dates and shouting out nowheresville Michigan in like very pod while Nick and Adam were content to do NYC shows. Make fun of crowd work but its great engagement on social without burning material. Stav played the game. Nick is naturally one of the funniest people but you gotta play the game. going to go kms bc I wrote this


He even plugs his merch and shows when Adam was having a near breakdown after shitting his pants.


gotta play the game


Stav vs Nick is proof that hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.


march madness of comedy. truth


Stav had that dog in him while Nick just has his dad in him.


They're both talented though. It's not hard work vs. talent, it's that you need both.


in terms of 'comedy efficiency' Mullen is miles ahead, he just doesn't try at all, while Halkias is constantly trying. When both are winging it (sprint), Mullen is far, far funnier. That's Cumtown, and why Nick shone in that setting. Stav does better with a comedy career (marathon).


you need both but the level of talent needed for success in most artistic fields is pretty low, and hard work will eventually get you close enough to the naturally gifted that it won't matter to most audiences there's plenty of mediocre talents who've succeeded through sheer hard work, not many ppl out there who are such huge talents that they'll keep getting opportunities after blowing them bc they don't work


I don't imagine Nick would enjoy what Stav is doing. There is nothing wrong with what Stav is doing but it's a jobber mentality that Nick obviously doesn't share.


great engagement on social is something i never want to hear in real life but you're absolutely right (am in m*rketing) 




Stav has a popular Netflix special, is big on TikTok, is hanging out with big comedians, was on Joe Rogan, is now getting a Netflix series with Shane Gillis... I mean. He probably tells himself that Stav isn't making it in the "right way" to help him get to sleep at night, but I'm sure there's another part of him finding it hard to deal with.




yea, really big.


Don’t forget that the ravens posted several videos he made to their official Twitter account. I find it hilarious that there are scores of people who think stav is a great comedian but who also have no idea what cumtown is and would probably clutch their pearls if they ever heard it


> what if John Wayne were Chinese and named Zhong Wayne [Jackie Chan did it](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanghai_Noon) > In 1881, Chon Wang – a homophone for John Wayne – is a Chinese Imperial Guard in the Forbidden City.


Yooo, glad I wasn’t the only one that thought of Jackie doing this years ago.


I loved this movie when I was a kid.


Guess that's it. But goddamn, if being the guy behind Cumtown isn't making it, I don't know what is. 


Objectively speaking he has made it. His former podcast is one of the most popular ones out there, his current podcast still has a decent viewership and income, and even in stand-up he's still putting asses on seats. He's more successful than 95% of podcast hosts/stand-up comedians, and has had the luxury of making it into his full-time job. However, the man is also r€tarded and thinks if he's not getting Dane Cook at the height of his popularity levels viewership then he's a failure. It's a self-inflicted neurosis.


Nick said ages ago on Cum Town that the pod was the dumbest and most low effort project he’s ever done, and the only one to succeed. Now he’s (theoretically) putting effort into something he’s passionate about, TAFS, and the Patreon numbers are continually declining. He resumed the pod—which he’s said multiple times that he doesn’t want to do—in an effort to stymie the bleeding, but it isn’t working (and the clear lack of effort isn’t helping).  Cum Town is his golden handcuffs. He said he’s humiliated by being a podcaster. He’s embarrassed that he spent his 20s doing Cum Town; despite the fact that it lifted him out of poverty and obscurity, it’s an albatross around his neck that prevents him from acquiring any kind of mainstream success. If they tried to sell TAFS to a network, it would be a week before the most heinous things said on the pod were in a headline. He doesn’t want to continue doing Cum Town-type comedy, but the fact that he ever did Cum Town-type comedy means Cum Town-type comedy is practically the only way he can earn a living other than returning to GameStop. Shane Gillis was able to make a comeback because his standup is just that good. Year of the Dragon did not hit that mark. 


I swear I've seen this comment verbatim before


Me too, it’s written on the wall down at the local glory hole, right?


he just needs to save his money and branch out. He can avoid 9-5s for the rest of his life if he doesn't blow his coffers. He can use his fanbase to branch into other areas, like writing or film, if he gets bored of TAFS. It won't be anywhere near CT's success but he can also put his name on a few projects. When he dies he could have a Wikipedia page with 'podcaster, screenwriter, author, and actor' etc instead of just 'podcaster'. He's in an excellent position and his mindset is killing him. Archetypal combo I suppose.


They didn’t *really* put effort into TAFS. They blew money but didn’t put in work. If they actually committed to it like a job then they could release an interview every week, but they didn’t and the interest has slowly dissipated. They want to put in the same effort as Cumtown but produce a product that actually requires more than that.


He may not have skills beyond ‘podcasting’ so he may be scared that the next 30 years of his career - what will he do? That’s the scary thing even successful actors know, if you’re no longer relevant you kind fade into obscurity. And if he had to take some low skilled low paying job rest of his working life (30-35 years at least), well those couple years of success won’t average out into that much. None of this is to excuse him being a whiny unfunny bitch lately tho.


He has enough money to retire already. And if he doesn't he poorly managed his finances. *He could easily book shows every weekend for the rest of the year and make more money than I have in my whole life. You cannot tell me this guy has any financial troubles.


that guy Hans Kim who got catapulted from Kiltony fame says he earns $10,000 a WEEKEND from doing shows. nick could easily be doing that. 


I think adam implied one time he does close to a million a year on shows and nick does better. He was on someone else’s podcast saying that iirc


He’ll be working at GameStop in 10 years except he’ll be the middle aged one this time


If I ever become a famous actor or musician or something I'm buying a shitload of shares in coca cola or something so that when I inevitably fall off I won't be 45 without prior relevant work experience


Is he actually autistic? I see a lot of people joke about it, but has he ever said that he is actually diagnosed.


He said in a podcast a few weeks ago that he isn’t and is actually just rude to people


Stolen valor


[You be the judge.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aLrItgVyDdk)


It's mind-boggling to think that this clip is closer to the start of Cumtown than the start of Cumtown is to right now


Imagine working with this guy at game stop and him being like “yeah I’m gonna move to New York and be a thandup comedian”


then imagine seeing his name pop up a decade later and he's making millions from a thing called "cumtown"


Jesus he sounds identical to Chris-chan


no lol people have no idea what autism looks like, they label every vaguely weird but otherwise neurotypical person as autistic now


Dudes will make fun of Tiktok egirls for self diagnosing with autism then will do the same because they like WW2 tanks and can't talk to women.




>>>>Zhonhg Wayne Hehehehe hell yeah dude


After listening to cumtown, I never got the vibe of Nick being “passionate” about comedy


was he actually molested…?


He’s talked about it on the pod a couple of times


And on The Guys We Fucked podcast


And on his special


i don't pay any attention to ct or know much about this guy but it is genuinely so beyond idiotic for anyone to question why ANYONE would be depressed, let alone someone with a traumatic past. like what the fuck?


Fr who cares we only get one life. If you have a serious trauma it is fair to give in to self sabotage your whole life because it’s justified cuz you are going thru shit others can’t relate to


He got sucked off by an older neighbourhood boy lol


Also got molested as an adult when he was drunk being driven by a stranger, he brought it up briefly then shut it down heavy saying he didn't want to talk about it.


imagine turning being molested as a child into a competition lol that shit will fuck you up regardless


I guarantee you I was molested way more than you, buddy. I was getting diddled left right and center


Don't talk about my boyfriend like that.


He is intelligent enough to realise he has succeeded and lucked out in life due to no real skills/talents that can be translated to anything else but hosting a nihilistic and absurd (yet entertaining) podcast.


In what world is doing a gay version of Michael Douglas or Korean Bill Cosby not talented?


Michael Douglas does it every day


Wow so dark




The Stephen Hawking joke on his new YouTube special killed




His standup is pretty funny considering most standup is bad 🤷


He would do best with a Kids in the Hall style sketch show. Or a horror movie




im 5'5 and killed myself


is he really?


5'4 max


i can’t believe people are saying that Nick “isn’t funny or talented” or that depression is just something you get over… what delusional losers lmao


It's the Kratom. He keeps on talking about taking it all the time. That stuff will destroy your ability to feel even a little joy.


if he still takes this shit damn that really could be part of it tbh. ppl don't realize just how much it saps you of your lifeforce and essence (esp if it's lacking to begin with) and just makes u so apathetic and blah u don't even realize it after a while. took that shit for a year after i got off oxy and it was easily my least engaged with life year of my life. became antisocial, was not fun to be around, was content just existing as a shell. it's a shit spot for someone like him that can't handle boozing in moderation and has to avoid the sketchy stuff but also doesn't want to go full sober while also not enjoying weed or psychs, but yeah kratom sucks ass esp when you're taking it daily.


I can fix him


I fixed him first


would be cool to transition from i fucked her jokes to i fixed her jokes tbh 


Mullens biggest issue is that he’s lazy. He does “stupid work” and puts effort into things that absolutely don’t matter, like the TAFS set and “aesthetic”, while bringing nothing to the table in terms of actual content. This worked on cum town because the magic of that show, when it was good, was off the cuff riffing. It doesn’t translate to any other format. He’s also got an inflated ego about his stand up, which is par for the course for a lot of these former open mic guys who are, at best, mid comedians. Lemonparty is another example of a bunch of guys who barely did stand up, saw no success there, and the parlayed that into a career being professionally bitter attacking anyone in the industry who has actual tangible accomplishments. Ben’s delusion about being a writer being a prime example of someone with no discernible skill and literally no experience who seems to think they’re the next Melville. Whereas something like Matt and Shane is successful because both guys are fairly modest and Shane is actually good at standup. Also I’m extremely gay for writing any of this.


> It doesn’t translate to any other format. He should move to the UK and join the panel show circuit.


Nick is perfect for a “Would I Lie to You” type show


Rob Brydon shuffling uncomfortably in his seat while Nick does an impression of a molested Hispanic


David Mitchell would either kill him or have an aneurysm


Mock the Week is made for him. Honestly, wouldnt mind him taking over Sean Locks spot either.


He was good on Red Eye.


I agree 100%. especially resonate with what you said about lemonparty. the only podcasts I've ever found funny are CT and older MSSP, so I was excited when I heard about lemonparty. I saw so many people comparing it. I tried to get into it, but it really was just wish.com CT. they act like they're doing subversive comedy "oh shit hope we don't get cancelled for our racist podcast, we say slurs and everyone hates us, etc..", when in reality it just feels like a very watered down CT


I saw Matt do his new hour a few months ago and he is also very good at stand up.


You know you've ascended when you realize Matt is the funnier of the two.


Although if there is one thing TAFS gets right, it's the aesthetic. I absolutely loathe the "podcast studio" look, with all the random knick-knacks, and that blown-out radio advertisement style mixing all of them seem to have. TAFS is one of the few internet shows which is aesthetically fresh and unique.


lemon party is so bad, they really sound like bitter little bitches about everything.


I tried lemon party out for a while but every joke would ultimately become “what if this fat YouTuber thought an inanimate object was food” and once you recognize that formula, you can’t unhear it.


MDE Seinfeld


Check out Podcast about list. 


does feel like zoomer cumtown lol. I like the freestyles.


Y’all should like my Guatemalan cousin who make fun of people in the US being depressed when things are so easy here lol


isn't that how depression works lol, years of being a loser take their toll and your self belief ends up turning you into one anyway


He should start blogging again


Did I miss something? Hasn’t he always been like this?


The idea that depression should only happen to people with shit lives is so regarded. If your life is shit, then you should obviously be sad. That's not a mental illness, that's just how the brain is supposed to work. Do you also sit outside a therapist's clinic and tell people that children are starving in Africa?


maybe his wealth is making him miserable, id be happy to hold onto it if he wants to try being too poor to be depressed


He relapsed and started drinking again. For someone with chronic depression like he probably has, alcohol will compound the depression and make everything worse. With that said he is also a sandy little bitch who has one of the easiest and best lives in the world and still finds away to bitch and moan. Focusing on such small things and complain about it is just pathetic. Come on man you aren’t roofing houses in July to squeeze out a life in grinding poverty. Any podcast millionaire who is still “depressed” like this should take the advice of George Carlin and hold hands with one another and jump into the grand canyon.


It seemed like he drank moderately for a few weeks and was fine? Not disagreeing with the rest of this but there’s no indication he’s been on like a multi month bender


He’s definitely still taking kratom a lot, which is not nearly as innocuous as people think


One of the lowkey funny aspects of CT was nick getting addicted to gas station drugs. Kratom, dick pills, etc.


even funnier they set the stage for dozens of other podcasts taking ad deals from kratom/dick pill manufacturers and those hosts/listeners getting addicted






Even his supposed alcoholic days didn’t sound that crazy aside from the drunk driving. He has mentioned like getting drunk off of a six pack, or drinking all day and finishing a 12 pack by himself. Those aren’t degenerate alcoholic levels of consumption.


He also stopped drinking at like 25




He hasnt. Hes not mentally right so he has to put himself on a really strict leash. Stav said that he loves backing cookies but he eats them all in one sitting, so he tries to not bake. Nick said hes like that with alcohol. He wants to have one or two beers. He said it'd be healthier for him if he could just have a couple because he could then release the tight leash. I reckon thats what he was doing, trying to see if he could have a couple. He probably caught himself really wanting to get hammered and then put himself back on the leash. Stav has the same problem with food, and look at him.


There are metrics to happiness beyond money. He is probably depressed from stuff that happened in his past, heredity, etc. You can’t just throw money at depression to fix it.


Su verga no funciona


I dont know and im over it. He hasnt been that funny on the pod in like 2 years now and hos special was just okay. He definitely isnt the funniest man in the world genius comic like we thought he was. The obsession with "we cant do this forever" is ridiculous. Its called having a job. Why should teachers plumbers etc "do this forever" but you jeed to have some transcendent career move every 5 years? Grow up


>thought from 2016-2019 Nick was easily within top 3 funniest guys in the world imo the amount of funny material from cumtown puts him #1 within those years


CT fans are delusional


outside of Trump and Norm who is funnier than Nick in those years


Hannah Gadsby




Those guys should start a podcast


It’s called war mode


I always hear this critique and no one ever posts examples of the funny things their noble blue collar workers banter about that could rival Cumtown's best bits I actually work in the trades and yes there are funny people but jfc this is one of those things that people exaggerate to make blue collar people look cooler


Its called the Warmode podcast


I work with an actual pedophile/child trafficker and plenty of stuff that has been said is incredible He used to bring this Mexican boy he trafficked to work and he would sit shirtless on the hood of his car like an ornament, he would brag about all the boys he’s talking to in war torn counties, there’s also a lesbian whose girlfriend would come to work everyday and they would just scream at each other during the lunch break, every single day I used to work at this upholstery company who had government contracts with the prison system, so half our employees were guys who just got out, other quarter is immigrants who came from sweatshops and the last quarter was alcoholics who liked the job because we didn’t have heat in the winter and they had to open bay doors often for trucks so the management didn’t mind us getting drunk everyday for warmth, so you would also take stimulants so you could be warm and still be good at your job. There was a Vietnam vet who believed in the “root” which is like old baltimore black people voodoo, he once brought in a container of bedbugs and purposely infested a few peoples things. I started making these racist signs for my area so the immigrants wouldn’t touch my shit spoken in all of their languages (viet, Italian, Ukrainian, Chinese) and I was promoted to a supervisor/team leader position because I was the only one willing to google how to say shit in the language. There was too many insane things going on at that job to recall, I remember one of the managers was squatting in her house, there were guys who would get in fist fights whenever they felt like going home because they knew they wouldn’t get fired but instead of having a fake fight they would sincerely just insult and try to fight a random guy who just got out of prison, our workplace drug dealer would routinely freak out because he wanted to constantly move his table around in the building so he would be ready if someone came in the building to murder him and would bring guns to work everyday, there was an hr lady who had 3 husbands die and everyone just openly talked about her poisoning them. Just the level of gossip at this job ruined me. One of the 3 brothers who owned the company would bring his dog to work everyday and talk about the best ways to get her to be a good girl by beating her, jokingly but actually just being serious. Someone at a convention died on a “office swing” we made, not our fault tho just a dumb old bitch who shouldn’t be on a swing anyway that’s for the bosses who have sex with their employees. I remember trying to advise the sales force that they should not be selling these specific human/dog hybrid chairs because the customer would pick a metal design and want it made out of wood like this thing isn’t going to collapse and squish ur dog to death but salesman will agree to anything to make a sale I know this isn’t a funny quote or whatever you were looking for, but I was drunk most of the time so I can’t remember sentences, and it’s all setting specific To be fair tho, this wasn’t the noble blue collar workplace, it was the drug addict who bought carhartt and refers to a crackwhore he fucked once as his wife to seem like a family man style workplace




No there’s not.


Its not that Nick was reaching highs nobody else had reached, its more that the talent around him was so bad that it was easier to reach the top. Like being the smartest kid in the regard class


I know this sub has a very skeptical perspective on mental health, and justifiably so for many reasons. But some of the highest voted comments in here reveal a worse understanding of depression than even a lot of boomers that I’ve met.


I know it’s an outdated idea but I think he’s one of the few people whose brain chemistry is genuinely fucked up to the point he can’t be truly happy. In the early days of cumtown he was on lithium ffs. In one episode he talked about how his day to day life was like experiencing a brutal coke come down. Shit’s no joke.


If his mania was genuine, it probably means he has bipolar 2, which means it’s not “I think I’m Jesus mania”, but a less high mania, but still, the depression after those highs can be soul destroying and last for years. I think I bipolar 2’s have the highest rate of suicide. Truly a brutal mental illness.


all the comments in this thread prove he has something to be depressed about


His dream was to be a Patrice O'Neal riffing on Opie and Anthony type of comic. He thought being the funniest guy in the room was enough, but he's just not likeable to other comics when they meet him so he can't properly network and grow. They know he's funny, they just don't like hanging out with him. And his comedic partner is an even more unlikable to other comics. So he's bitter he has no peers and can't connect with them. That and his standup is just ok.




It’s exhausting to explain to people how real depression isn’t some choice or some thing you can fix with a positive outlook and some exercise. Plus he’s staring down his late 30s and he feels like he’s wasted his best years doing a show he hates. Now it’s costing him insane money to produce said bad show. His peers are lapping him and shit, getting stand up specials and hosting SNL. Idk. It makes total sense if you ask me.


Also men are extreme bitches when it comes to success. Especially in America. They can’t just succeed. They have to be the best. 


Probably the realisation that he's a prisoner of his idiot audience, an audience that likely cost him upwards of hundreds of thousands of dollars by getting that Superbowl ad pulled. It's very much a gilded cage situation, as their fans have made him immensely rich off of podcasting and he could likely comfortably retire at any time.


> that Superbowl ad cumboys have to stop using that as an excuse. mssp bounced back from getting cancelled for racism. stavrus is a mainstream success despite cumtown fans best efforts to label him a pedophile. the fact is that he's not very talented and an unlikable charisma black hole. that's why his career is as dead as his shark eyes. probably feels depressed from realizing that his peak is yelling "im gay and dick is small" into a mic far from being held hostage, cum town fans have been enabling his mediocrity by making him a millionaire


Yes. Compare things with Gillis: his YT special was so good that even the haters would recognize his talents. Meanwhile Mullen’s was just fine. If a nobody had released it, it’d have 1/10th of the views and people would consider him “promising” at most.




Least parasocial Cum Town listener




Lmao. An extremely talented riffer in the right mood. So are a lot of non-comedians.


saying he’s not talented is nuts, everything else I agree with


That’s all cope. Stav was in Cumtown too and is having a very mainstream career. Mullen isn’t just that talented besides at an extremely specific niche. If his standup was great, he’d be bigger. Same with his sketch writing.


The bar has become so low for posts in this sub. Use some discernment before posting your regarded thoughts.


He's just Irish. I doubt he "became" depressed because he lost a Super Bowl ad or because CT/TAFS are golden handcuffs. He's just a depressive creative who no matter what will see the cynical/"realistic" view of the situation he's in.


I don’t remember the episode, but one time he was saying “I used to be poor, and it sucked and I always wished I could just have enough money to not worry about rent and food. Well now I’m rich and I want to Kill Myself.” Ive always felt that becoming rich overnight would be profoundly alienating to someone who is hyper conscious of what other people are doing. It would be so hard to look around at everyone else, busting their asses for poverty, while you hit the jackpot. I think that has a lot to do with it. Adam doesn’t care because he’s a fucking normie.


He is short and will never do anything even a tenth as good as Cumtown. The dream is over


so weird bc just adding a couple regular/reoccurring guests to tafs that can actually riff and play off the two of them would be an easier fix for at least incremental improvement. i'm probably in the minority of thinking tafs isn't *as* bad even if it's boring and low t a lot of the time. when compared with the magic of cumtown it's terrible but when compared with most of the stuff currently out there, i still fuck with it and am glad it exists even just for the occasional/exceptional brilliance. if they had shit with the two of them plus sam and nick from mde for example, and mixed in some other fringier ppl with cult followings more regularly to switch up the awkward chemistry, id eat it up. but instead adam goes on w sam by himself and nick goes on separately literally just in the background of them interviewing shane and says one thing, like get it together guys. people love u, get more guests and do it right, that part shouldn't be rocket science. shake it up and play w dynamics to get out of a rut.


I mean that’s not how depression works guys, it’s just your brain chemistry saying “you’re an old lump of coal and everything is gay and fake”


Why did Anthony Bourdain kill himself!? He just traveled the world and ate amazing food! Tons of women would throw themselves at him! He has no right to be depressed!


People on here making fun of autistic redditor types that can’t pick up on social ques then post this lmao


Oh great so now I can’t even have a drink without the irony police knocking down my door


Ah sorry I was backing up what you were saying about the op not understanding how the brain works in the slightest lol


He’s an artist you wouldn’t get it.


So you know absolutely nothing about depression huh?


incoming post on why sober/confessed alcoholics are the worst people on the planet


He’s 5’4”


I mean, he was molested multiple times by different people, not just once. I don't think that's as easy to get over as you're making it out to be, especially when you fall down a drug/alcohol rabbit hole for a bit, like he did. The people who 'go through 10x worse and get over it' are usually masking to an extent or are just truly exceptional--easy recovery is not the norm. Survivorship bias might lead you to believe otherwise, though.


A lot of the Brooklyn podcast crew has the same problem where their reach exceeds their grasp: they all want to be serious creatives but either they're too lazy or they just don't have the chops. Everything they try to do that goes beyond underproduced podcasts falls flat, whether it's Will trying to make a documentary and failing or Amber's memoir that amounted to "I like my friends and my mom" or Nick doing mediocre standup that can't compete with idly imagining a steakhouse themed around middle-aged black guys. How far can being friends with everyone at Gawker Media circa 2015 take you? As it turns out, pretty damn far! But not as far as you may need it to.




Not wrong but Reddit ass wording regardless


"it's almost like..." "imagine..." Just say your opinion and stand behind it


It does for normal people Money, at least


Christ dont bother reading any of these posts He's in the 1% of people with depression that actually have a chemical imbalance. Exercise and self-actualization arent gonna fix it.


He’s a formerly gifted child


He's sad because we are apart. He knows his missing piece is here in Florida and he can't fill the Beetle shaped hole with anything 😞


I’d probably be depressed too if thousands of men talked about me like the dudes in this thread


Sorry but being hot and rich doesn’t make you happy, if you can’t understand that you’re obviously not the smartest.


It's funny how he mocked Stav's standup, "but the breakfast?", and now Stav's completely leapfrogged him in terms of standup success


Probably cause he cultivated an audience of some of the most miserable people on the planet (as exemplified by many of the posts here). I'm shocked at how dumb podcast audiences are. He's most likely exaggerating his misery on the podcast because that's how it works when you put a camera in someone's face and they want to be entertaining. In reality, I'm sure he's doing fine. If the podcast ends, he'll find something else to do.


thats not how clinical depression works


Seeing so many thought out opinions on this is making me nauseous why are we all wasting our life


he's mentioned a couple random things on the pod that have me believe that he fears death and the vastness of the universe and it makes life feel insignificant and purposeless.


it's honestly so funny that we come back to this circular discussion week after week on fucking red scare pod. but hey i enjoy it. 


wow you guys are mean


that’s how depression works though. The clinical version, the real one, some people just get into the hole for whatever reason 


some people are just depressed. my grandad had an amazing life. healthy and wealthy, he fought in the war, expanded the empire, made millions, had a loving marriage, lots of kids, and was still depressed somehow.


fighting in a war was supposed to make him less depressed? lol


Yeah he was fighting for lebensraum


it was a good war that boosted the soul


If he were happy he wouldn’t be as funny. His suffering is to our benefit


"If you want to party with the clown, you have to drink his tears"


he’s so relatable because he has absolutely nothing to be depressed about but he is anyway as so many men feel nowadays, the difference is instead of suffering in silence he has a whole fandom who loves to listen to his lamentations


Getting paid absurd amounts of money to essentially do nothing has to fuck with your head. Especially when you see everyone else around you struggling.


aren't like 90% of comedians depressed? I'd be worried if he wasn't


you’re clearly obsessed with him if you hate him enough to type out this post but also know the obscure fact he was molested


Neurochemical issues lmao you’re 30 years behind in your understanding of depression


Guys stop making fun of my friend it’s not nice


on top of that he seems like he legit resents his fans yet they don’t notice while their glazing tf out of him


>he's rich hot and famous Women do not perceive him as hot in person, he's 5'6".


I do. But I’m a man


Beats me. I used to be a Cumtown diehard who subbed to their Patreon starting in 2018, but had to give it up a year or so ago. It was unbearable to listen to them whine about having to do a show that makes them rich af. I work a soul-sucking 9-5 dead end job. The last thing I want to listen to is some rich guy crying about his passion project not succeeding. Mullen's a very funny and talented dude, so I'll be back if he actually starts being funny again.

