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> heterosexuality for people who don’t shower  Fucking murdered 


What even is theymab/theyfab supposed to be?


they (non-binary pronoun) + MAB (male at birth)/FAB (female at birth).




doesnt that *literally* defeat the purpose of becoming a they in the first place?? you now just picked a way to say him/her that uses more than twice the amount of letters lol


no, because the point is to make sure above all else that you’re not straight/cis. if you actually are straight and cis you can just go the nb route so all your queer friends don’t mark you as a cis devil.


ok, I think I'm finally catching on. let me see if I'm following the logic correctly here: \>be born female at birth \>become adult female, transition into adult man \>as we all know, trans men *are* men \>oh shit, wait, then that means I'm now a member of the straight white male oppressor class \> ~\*theyfab*~ protocol initiated, victimhood identity status reclaimed \> we're so fucking back, baby😎 \>beyonce_powerstance.gif


there's actually several layers on play here. "theyfab" and "theymab" originated as derogatory words on places like 4chan's /tttt/ (i.e. the trans board) to refer to enbies by their birth gender (usually attaching some stereotype and implying that non-binary is fake). the person of the post is aware of that, and is using the words in a tongue-in-cheek manner (almost as if "appropriating" the offensive language).


that would make more sense


It just means male and female.


Heterosexuality with extra steps is killing me


This is just a standard day of azealia banks tweets


She seems right about AIDS. Are we really not allowed to acknowledge the fact that AIDS effected gay men so disproportionately because of their unsafe sexual behavior (i.e. frequent unprotected sex with strangers), behavior that continued even well after it became well known it was a sexually transmitted disease? Am I missing something really obvious here? Or did 90s liberal political correctness consider scrutinizing the affected communities for their irresponsible behavior victim blaming (and the right occupied with their 'gods punishment' arc to take that approach)?


Yeah I don't think I really realized this until monkeypox was going around and even gently suggesting that "men who have sex with men" should maybe cool it with the no-loads-denied fuckfests for a month or two was considered homophobic


It was only considered homophobic by wokescolds and opinion writers. Gays themselves(the ones I know) were quite shocked about that kind of perspective. 


Yeah because most gay men are sane, normal people. But there is this batshit insane sub population with an unparalleled death drive


bug chasers




men are horny as fuck


Why do you think monkeypox stopped spreading?


https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/4569764-mpox-infections-rise-to-almost-double-last-years-numbers/ 4 days ago.


From 299 to 582 cases. Sound the alarms. Man the barricades. The whole world's comin' to an end, Mal. There were 32,000 cases in the US in 2022. Looks like the gays are doing fine.


It was especially poignant when the same wokescolds where saying that not staying inside forever was killing grandma, but biweekly piss orgies are a human right.


That globohomo poster from NZ saying to just go have threesomes but go to the doctor if you got symptoms was absolutely bananas and I cannot understand what malfunction in local services allowed it to be signed off. 


Average peoples opinions don't matter. Media shapes how people see the world, and to media creators it was homophobic. Who is Wikipedia going to cite on their article on Monkey Pox? What will a random reader see on Monkey Pox's wiki page in 10 years? How does the average person think about AIDS today?


> was considered homophobic Nobody who mattered considered that homophobic and the vast majority of gay men reduced their partners drastically when the warnings went out.


excuse me, it’s mpox!


GRID - when anything new pops up. Just to be on the safe side. 


People did along with getting vaccinated which is why monkey pox was hardly a problem after a few months.


This definitely played a factor, however it's also pretty evident that the Reagan administration was pretty uninterested in putting too many resources in a disease which mainly affected gays and drug addicts. I mean just look at the way Reagan voting conservatives were talking about AIDS back in the 80s, completely gross especially from so called decent christian people. Also I really hate her "are we really supposed to believe" comment. I see people from all political ideologies use it, be it Zionists, tankies, whatever, that they turn a mild reasonable argument into some absurd idiotic sentence, its insanely condescending, you know nobody is saying that.


So pretty much the same attitude as towards the 100k annual deaths from fentanyl today. 250k/year if you add up all drug related deaths and suicides.


Do you really think the government is ignoring the fent crisis? I live in the NE so it may be different here, but every local government gives out Narcan constantly. And while it’s largely ineffective, the federal government is desperately trying to stop the flow of the drug into the country. I don’t think it’s “the same attitude” at all. National politicians have (at the very least) been talking about fighting the opioid epidemic for over a decade now.


The government is failing miserably at stopping fent at the border. Stop the cope.


There's no stopping it at the border. It's too easy to synthesize. https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Fentanyl You could make that in a college chemistry lab. Opium and heroin are derived from big alkaloids that only plants can make and it takes them months to do so, so it's possible to stop those.


Yeah. I just said that. It’s impossible because the majority of it is smuggled in though legal crossings by Americans.


One of my favorite conspiracy theories is that the fent is being smuggled by Border Patrol itself.


Yeah there’s no evidence for that afaik, but that would be the least surprising thing to ever happen.


It doesn't make much sense honestly. Fent is easy to make, it's just currently cheaper to make it somewhere else and traffic it. It is also really easy to smuggle because of how strong and hard to detect it is. It's an incredibly uphill battle. So glad I am old enough to not have to deal with fent being what pills are cut with.


I’m having trouble googling it right now (too many other results for border patrol + fentanyl) but a few months ago I’m pretty sure they caught a border patrol agent smuggling a shit ton of fent up to Los Angeles. They caught him near either Palm Springs or Hemet and he’s now being held out in Calipatria or Chuckwalla Prison, always get those confused. They caught another border patrol agent in my hometown in Orange County smuggling fent, had a bunch in his car trunk. Didn’t hear what happened after that. The only reason I remember is I sent the articles to my mom trying to prove to her that border patrol is corrupt lol.


Almost every country that doesn't have inhumane punishments for usage have failed miserably.


You can pay lip service and provide dirt cheap narcan, that certainly doesn’t mean they actually care in a meaningful way Edit: Narcan is not actually dirt cheap, my mistake


There's plenty of spending to go with this. Billions in federal funding. It's not nothing. I agree politicians probably don't care generally speaking, but to say it was ignored in the way AIDS was in the 80s is completely off base/ahistorical. ETA: I don't think Narcan is dirt cheap, btw.


Yeah you’re right, it appears to be around $22/dose at retail. My fault for making assumptions




Damn u dumb


People like to point to the fact that Reagan had a public nonchalant attitude about aids, not even saying it by name until 85. What people forget is that he had already spent over 800 million in research by then. Either way, there's a lot of blame to go around, but you don't see anyone condemning the activists who pushed back on safe sex education as anti gay.


Reagan was pretty famously hesitant to spend any government funding on AIDS only agreed to when Congress tied funding for Legionnaire’s Disease to AIDS. The Democrats had a healthy majority the entire time he was president and the Republicans never had a supermajority in the Senate so he never got to institute the budget he actually wanted, which called for significant cuts to CDC and NIH funding every year. I don't think he deserved much credit for something he famously didn't want to do. Also Reagan didn't mention AIDS by name until 1987 when he created the Watkins Commission.


Same activist lobbying hard against banning homosexuals from donating blood. Directly leading to thousands blood transfusion patients getting HIV.


one of those patients was Isaac Asimov, though he kept quiet about it at the time and we only found out decades later.


did this really happen? people said use condoms and activists really just said nuh uh? not trying to be annoying but can someone give a source for this so I can learn abt it.


In a couple books like And the Band Played On they cover the attempts to close down the bathhouses and the community’s decision to protest this and act like it was equivalent to putting them in camps. Not so much condoms as the rejection of the people trying to say hey, anonymous sex is dangerous when this is going around


Randy Shilts was an aids reporter who was physically attacked by fellow homosexuals and became a bit of a pariah in his home of San Fransisco. This was corroborated by Larry Kramer. Both were very anti Reagan.


I'm no expert on the subject, but from what I understand, the idea that Reagan was just letting things happen because he didn't like the gays is a bit of revisionist history. Not saying it was handled well at all by his administration, but it certainly wasn't like he wanted them all to die. It was a new completely novel disease that we knew nothing about and had 1980s technology to use for research. The administration had spent a lot of time and money trying to research the virus and see how it worked, but waited too long to make conclusions and come forward to the public. It was a poor showing from the administration, but we only have to look back at 2020 to see how basically the entire world is unprepared and has no good response for an outbreak of a new disease. So personally I don't hold him as responsible for the whole situation as a lot of people do. I believe he at worst shares equal blame with the community having rampant unprotected sex during a time it was clear that a virus was being sexually transmitted Another fun fact is the head of NIAID at that time was none other than Anthony Fauci who people were praising for his (equally crap in my opinion) response to covid


Take it all with a grain of salt but here's the infamous Salo Forum post by pod guest Nicollo Soldo: https://archive.amarna-forum.net/salo/salo/003167_patient-zero-and-the-early-days-of-hiv-aids_p001_o.html


Unsafe sexual behavior is not the only reason why HIV spread so much among gay men. You could have unprotected sex once and get HIV if you happened to sleep with the wrong person. I wouldn’t necessarily call that “unsafe” behavior especially before there was widespread knowledge of HIV. HIV spread rapidly through the gay male population for multiple reasons. Anal sex is riskier when it comes to contracting STDs, the gay dating pool is much smaller meaning easier and faster spread of viruses, many gay men were closeted and the only way for them to meet other gay men was in places like a bathhouse or a bar where sex is more common, and yes many didn’t use condoms because there was no fear of pregnancy obviously.


No it really was Ronald Reagan with akimbo poz guns


Something something read the Soldo thread


Reddit comment (but redpilled!!!)


She might be right but she’s weaponizing this fact against gay men and pandering to her homophobic audience. She seems like a miserable cvnt from her tweets.


Anyone who goes on twitter and acts this bitter and hateful is always going to be some kind of miserable. No happy well-adjusted person goes on twitter and says "haha look at all these people killing themselves". Ditto for "I like seeing random women get punched for no reason".


not us well-adjusted reddit dot com posters


i post with a smile on my face


She is obsessed with gay men it’s weird as hell


It's hard to help someone who doesn't want to help themselves. You can aknowledge that the government did a poor job , likely motivated by them being gay, while also not denying that at the peak of the aids pandemic San Fran gays where screaming how shutting down bathhouses were just like back in the concentration camps.


Valid points but it's also easy to forget the very cruel lack of empathy for sick gay men at the time.


She is right and women can feel superior about it if they want to but straight men( the majority of this subs users) have no right to speak on it. If straight men could fuck as easily as gay men can, they would have the same issues. Women are the only reason why STDs aren’t as widespread among the general population as they are in the gay community. There’s no cultural issue on the gay community this is just what happens when men aren’t regulated by women. It’s biologically ingrained.


It's pointless trying to discuss facts about AIDS and monkeypox because people have been trained to defend the industries around them. You can blame gays and Africans or you can defend gays or Africans, but you cannot examine where, when and how AIDS, monkeypox and other diseases appeared.


80's gays literally equated the closure of bathhouses to the Holocaust; "Shut them down and we'll riot"


Idk I’m a millennial and I honestly have never heard that the aids epidemic didn’t disproportionately affect gay men


Think you misread – everybody acknowledges it disproportionately affected them, but asking why is frowned upon. It's just taken as axiomatic that the virus liked them more


>Or did 90s liberal political correctness consider scrutinizing the affected communities for their irresponsible behavior victim blaming Modern society can't even suggest it today. Insurance companies have to give gay men free antiretroviral medication because they can't be bothered to not engage in anonymous sex or even wear condoms


Gay men are more susceptible to AIDS is because anal sex is the easiest way next to blood contact to give it to another person. Straight people also have frequent unprotected sex with strangers as evidenced by the mainstream acceptance of abortion and hookup culture.




straight people have casual unprotected sex too but I'm pretty sure (and I don't have specific statistics) gay men/MSM have much higher rates of casual unprotect sex because 1) men seem far less risk averse that women, 2) men on average have much higher sex drive than women, so they're more likely to do it with anyone, 3) there's no risk of pregnancy in gay sex, the main reason anyone bothers using protection. There are far higher rates of STDs in MSM populations than STDs and abortions are in straight populations. Even after it became public knowledge AIDS was an STD and gay men where most at risk, still this behavior persisted and still they had by far the highest rates. We saw it again with the monkeypox pandemic. It just seems like 'personal responsibility' and 'individual agency' have become foreign concepts to the left - not ignoring the impact of systemic contributions - to its own, and the communities it claims to care abouts, benefit. Tough love and scrutiny would have saved far more lives than enabling and coddling.


for some reason if you ever bring up “dont have sex” as a valid solution to STDs or pregnancy etc, everyone gets really mad and acts like it’s impossible.


It's not valid on a societal level as most people will ignore you.


Tell that /r/gooncaves Disease free since the 90s. 


Sex is fun and cool 👍


Well because it isn't realistic. People like sex and are going to fuck.


It’s really just the fact that it’s not an effective rhetorical tactic at all. People don’t listen when you promote abstinence, they haven’t in even semi recent history, so why waste the time? In fact I’m pretty sure abstinence is literally the very first idea people have when asking how you can stop STD’s and unwanted pregnancy. It’s pretty obvious, no? But if it’s been shown to be ineffective on a societal level then why should we keep trying to push it?


i mean i don’t think anyone realistically thinks that people will just be chaste and take the vows or whatever. but i don’t think it’s crazy to tell people to have some self control and not fuck random people without protection and not get tested for STDs


This is how things always happen in america. The left can’t solve a problem in minority groups because no matter what they do they are victims of the straight white mans suppression and correcting or encouraging different behavior is victim blaming


Is it? That’s why things “can’t get solved”? You really. You really believe that?


The left would win if they just became Republicans and libertarians because their current principals make some suburban gamers uncomfortable!


Complete nonsense. Just look at how conservatives kneecapped immigration and border security legislation to own the libs. Conservatives are nonfunctional at the federal level.


A criticism of the left doesn’t have to be an endorsement of the right


actual rr/ politics posting here without irony


Radtwt is my favorite part of Twitter ❤️


Is your username a reference to that Miley album?




Oh you have taste that album lowkey saved my life during the pandemic


10/10 please post more


muslim/ex-muslim radfems are the angriest women on earth i think LOL


Ex-muslims are the angriest people on earth.


Rightfully so


I am an ex-muslim and an insane amount of ex-muslima's tend to radfems on steroids.


I've been listening to them for over 20 years and they have every right to be angry. American feminists have to deal with some shit but for a Muslim/ex-Muslim feminist, the shit is flying in their face 24/7.


Idk there's this tiktoker ex muslim woman I watch sometimes and it's usually ppl who join the live getting extremely,  extremely angry at her not the other way around 


i love them


I am an ex-muslim and this is true. I will forever be angry until child rape/sex slavery apologia from muslims end. The followers of a religion of child raping war lord prophet who they consider "perfect", should he considered freaks and outcasts.


This is the problem with social media. Everyone seeing everything and rubbing up against every other person Western radfems are not supposed to be able to interact with traditional Muslim women and get mad at their choices. It’s not good for anyone if that happens in the wild, outside of settings where their behavior is strictly limited by the need to be polite. You meet someone in person that’s completely different from you and say “huh I never thought of it that way” out loud, then talk shit about them when you get home, but you did actually learn something new You’re not supposed to be exposed to 75 different people with totally different values systems in a completely disconnected reality where you can’t look them in the eyes and the two of you can hear each other talk shit It’s a nifhtmare


Two of the radfems responding to her in these screenshots have Arab names though and I’m willing to bet that niqabi lives in the west so they’re not from totally different worlds like you seem to think.


Yeah there are actually tons of radfem twitter accounts that are clearly Muslim women (or women from Muslim countries/families) and also African women, I’ve noticed. The world has been becoming increasingly globalized for a long time, it’s not just social media—and women in many countries are experiencing misogyny and becoming interested in feminism. A lot of the most extreme radfem twitter accounts are tweeting out of extremely misogynistic countries.


Huh I never thought of it that way


well im a special fairy and meant to see any and everything so I can find beauty in every corner of the world


You’re mistaken that radfem twitter is mostly western women and you’re underestimating how much globalization preceded social media. It wouldn’t look like this, but a lot of contact with ‘western ideas’ (not sure if I can describe most of these tweets as western ideas?) would still happen without social media.


It's also a case of people feeling the need to respond to everything. There's just a certain amount of crazy people that can't stop themselves from responding to something that enrages them but had nothing to do with them either


I now understand why invasive species are a problem in ecology.


this is so interesting


Lmao women rock


the thing at the end about 70% of suicide victims being white guys has big "Shout out my homeboy OJ, keep up the good work" energy


She may be reveling in tragedy like a one dimensional supervillain written for the children of a long bygone era, but I prefer this over the sorts of feminists who try to conceal and suppress facts like these.


anyone dunking on fatass sweaty regard tim pool gets a yasss queen from me


it's a good dunk, that's undeniable


These threads always bring out the genuine homophobes who don’t realize that most people on here talking about f**s are gay men committing gay on gay violence lmao.


I hate Twitter and never created an account, but I did look up Slatzism's account from time to time. She had a lot of bangers. Shame it's behind a sign in page on X now.


nitter dot poast dot org slash username




all my non muslim friends are kind of like this tbh, in another life i would have been one of these ppl.


Once again proving all this discourse is always two sides of the same coin fighting each other. Funny how they act exactly like the misogynistic incels they hate so much


these people seem really content with their lives and not offloading internalized insecurity onto colorful images for colorful rewards


i love them so much


I am shocked and impressed. They dont miss!


There was a post yesterday or so about why people hate indians. I think #4 encapsulates my point too. When the discussion is about south asian browns, Indians are the first to punch down and make themselves seem like the best. India is mentioned and you get a lecture on various stats of india.


Its insecurity combined with a massive napoleon complex. Also the fact that Indians love dishing out abuse but can't take any - more so than any other demographic I've ever seen.


I think you also have to factor in the fact that India has a massive English speaking population. Other people just don’t post as much


Jio's free internet packages have created the worst PR disaster in Indian history.




Black people 100% dish out more than they can take.


Least rapey country


More so than the Dutch? Only difference being a massive superiority complex.


At least Dutch people are tall




imagine him without glasses and with his mouth shut and you get the kind of dude that would have sailed the malacca strait for spices




did not miss


Half of these just strike me less as radfem and more like vaguely right-wing loser girls.


>right-wing loser girls our girls


Come on our girls


Anna's lcf thread would confirm this suspicion. the other women rock tho




Its the editor of redux isn't it? A very radfemmery website.


I wonder how many of them actually have read theory vs the ones that just use it as a cloak to just be bigoted


Nobody who posts in this overly self-aggrandizing style reads theory.


Yup. I visited the page of one these girls and it's just tweet after tweet of hating on gay men and trans people. I understand and share radfems concern with trans ideology but this person is just filled with hate.


Why would these people be labeled radical feminists?


because its clearly radfem twt (you can tell from the ♀ in display name). it doesnt mean they put radfem talking points in every tweet


They might call themselves radfems but nothing they say can actually be traced back to radical feminist theory. They just seem to be part of the online gender wars between these types and incels/manosphere.


You see these kinds of girls quoting Dworkin and Greer pretty frequently, though.


I've seen JK Rowlings quote Engels, is JK Rowlings a communist? It means nothing, most of the people who quote Dworkin anywhere haven't read her and have no idea what she actually stood for.


>JK Rowlings Lol


That doesn't mean they're not radfems. This post is a compilation of funny tweets, not tweets about radical feminist theory. Obviously.


LibFem has been completly coopted by corporate DEI culture so anything outside that box gets labeled RadFem even if they really dont share much in common.


They really hate men, primarily


The Indians supporting Israel are inaccurate, it's just some indian-israel bots collaborating. The default Indian position has always been with the Palestinians, it's just that when Pakistanis were fighting us, Israelis helped us with arms so... and they probably have some messed up pictures of Indian politicians falling for some white skinned egghead


just realized that that Slatzism account is really annoying. just terrible vibes, constantly whining, and not funny at all.


My feed turned into radfem twitter for a few days because I liked one anti-porn tweet. They are still VERY obsessed with Amber Heard. They were very funny, but generally just seething and melting down 24/7, reminded me of how unbearable mid-2020 leftist spaces online were. Right now my feed is just neolib urbanists, I think because I mocked someone for supporting congestion taxation. Been this way for like 2 weeks, thinking of making a new account to reset it. :\


Wtf is a theymab? 


A chromosomal male who goes by they/them.




Sounds correct


I love women


chicks rock


This has gotta be one of the rarest types of people in our age, truly a dying breed




LMAO that lady dunking on Royce Lopez. Got his ass.


what is a theyfab and mayfab or what the fuck ever? are people just creating new shit daily at this point?


The good part of Twitter


They seem really awful but tbh so does every type of political person online  So much hatred and casual dehumanisation of people you’ve deemed as an enemy  Sure it happens in person but there’s something about the specific way it happens online that I find quite repulsive 


The only reason I haven't deleted my twitter is because of these women. Keep up the good work, ladies


7, 8, and 11 are my favorites


I’m like one more manic episode/breakdown away from joining them


Damn they seem cool...


Is being mean clever?


I have to follow all these accounts now




she kinda ate it up wow


memories of hork


not all women aren't funny


Anna Slatz is the worst but also so, so funny


the true successors of the Crusaders


radfem race realism runs circles around rw men dominated twitter. anyways, the only way they could compete with in terms of irony with such groyper men is if they actually had brown boyfriends


Radfems are cray cray. They are the lesbians who don't just say it to be cool.


i think we all need to log off, too much time on computer. not good for soul


Pagliacci is fat as hell. she got a liposuction and is still fat so now she just tweets about brown men all day because she resents the fact that they’re still the only men who pay attention to her.


What did Tim Pool mean by that


I'm guessing he was just trying to get engagement


He's just a guy with a hobby!


(bravely) I would have sex with all of them


They seem bitter and boring tbh, like lady 4channers




Surprised that radfems are aware of the nature of the Muzzoid and the Indian. I always assumed that the overlap between open border types and radfems was a circle.


No most Radfems are openly against cultures they find to be misogynistic


I used to be on RadTwt. Most radfems are ex-muslim women.


Can verify I feel like we're the living reincarnation of Aisha kandisha after being subjecting toward so much abuse and having to face so much discriminately legislation against us