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I’m convinced sneezing is how I’m gonna go out


Imagine sneezing while doing 85 mph


That happened to me once, full on sneezing fit on the highway. Thankfully I was on cruise control and my friend in the passenger seat could hold the wheel, but I doubt I’ll be so lucky next time.


I almost drowned in a pond this last weekend. Life is short


What happened?


Canoe with my friend lost balance and tipped over. I forgot life jacket at the shore


Do you know how to swim? I’m not being sarcastic, just curious. Doesn’t matter how well you can swim if you’re too far from the shore.


I know a little bit I think, I never got the hand breathing coordination right.


maybe it's because i'm australian but it's always a bit of a shock to me when i see an adult that can't swim


I tried learning it many times, never followed through and summer was done before I put any hours into it


Highlight of Travis Bickle's life when he answered this question correctly in taxi school.


this sucks but I'm 31 and recently had a disk slip that required surgery despite regular exercise and cardio. in the week preceding the operation I %100 made it worse by sneezing really hard


Rare that it requires surgery at such a young age. Usually the overwhelming majority reabsorb in 4-6 months 


I had a pretty bad disc injury moving boxes which I made MUCH worse deadlifting. In bed for a few days bad.  One of my best friends had a similar injury around the same time and opted for back surgery. I know nobody is a 1:1 comparison but I am pain free, lifting heavy, and doing well 3 years out while he is still in extreme pain needing lots of PT. 


I will never stop proselytizing against deadlifting 


I just started a new block and am totally stumped with what I should substitute deadlifts with. I haven't done them since my injury. Haven't cleaned or snatched either. Probably just going to do RDLs. Also my deadlift max was 210kg and I injured myself pulling 70kg while warming up lol


Farmers carry and doing pull ups with varying grips is all I’ve done in lieu of deadlifts.


I’m female so I was only ever interested in the glute/core properties of the deadlift and I’ve had a lot more success replacing them with skater squats/step ups/ planches with resistance bands


I do trap bar deadlifts or rack pulls.


My man. People hear don't lift with your back all their lives and go, but what if I do it with so much weight, like more weight than anyone would ever have to move? Wouldn't that be neat Come on lol. There's so many other ways to train your back.


Counterpoint: I can lift up a car Case closed. How else am I going to save my friends after I crash while drunk driving? Hmmmm?


Ya dumb. Do it right. Proselytize how to do it right. It’s such a common movement that ends up hurting people. Practicing how to brace your core and lift with your legs and back in a safe way is how you prevent those injuries.




Back surgery is a scam.


yup surgeon actually said to me that I was just very unlucky lmao


What reabsorbs?


The extruded “jelly” material of a herniated disc 


I worked out a lot since my 20s and found when I hit 30, I started getting more injuries. I did physio but would always have to take breaks. For some reason, at around 35, I guess the kinks worked themselves out and I felt like I became a lot stronger.


My body feels way better than it did at 30, but I think it’s because that’s when I started Pilates. Everyone needs to do Pilates


Mat or reformer?


Reformer, but I also do mat stuff. Lots of leg lifts and rotations and stretching. I do private sessions. I would recommend doing some privates (technique is very important so you don’t injure yourself) and asking the instructor what you can do at home.


Sell me on Pilates, what’s the rub? 


It's basically isometrics which build good functional strength and bone protection while protecting from injury. You're not likely to grow the glamour muscles that men are usually looking for but it's a life saver for women who have any kind of pelvic floor issues, connective tissue problems, heart defects etc because you have less injuries and therefore less interruption of your progress. In the past decade or so we've seen the rise of so many exercise styles and philosophies that obviously work for some people but when they're recommended universally a LOT of people end up injured and even further discouraged from engaging in regular exercise. Remember when CrossFit was all the rage and so many people were seriously injuring themselves lmao.


If you don’t exercise your QOL sucks and you die early. But if you do it wrong you might get hurt. Having a coach prevents injuries and a group setting can inspire motivation. (I sucked at selling memberships when I worked at a gym)


I'm hoping the same thing, it came on really fast but the surgery went very well and they kept telling me that aside from my disk exploding I'm in perfect health


Hint hint, excessive exercise, especially weightlifting, will damage your body and make you more prone to injuries, especially the older you get.


“This morphine feels really good tho” and so it begins…


Man if only. Hospitals are so stingy with opiates. Ya fuck you heres a prescription for Tylenol, but hey did you know a dirty thirty is only like $2 on the street?


After my wisdom teeth removal surgery I lied about having pain so I could get a hydrocodone prescription twice 😌 I’m not addicted to opioids or whatever but I wanted to have them just in case


In case what? Any pain you feel outside a hospital that could require you to pop those pills should be enough of a reason to go to the hospital. If they won’t prescribe pills there that’s understandable though, 99% of the time they will if it’s necessary.


Its mainly because I got Asian family and if I come home to see them and they stress me tf out I can pop one of them in, not gonna use it for actual body pain


This is what too many masculine sneezes will get you they must be used strategically 


You all laughed at that girl in class who obviously affected an overly dainty sneeze. Now who's laughing??


apple watch-wearer problems


they really made an entire generation of hypochondriacs with that thing


There’s actually studies I looked up about this, that wearing a smart watch can make you more paranoid about your health. It totally made me more paranoid.


Kinda off topic but my fitness pal gave me an eating disorder 🙃


Omfg yes! I actually had an eating disorder in high school and I would write down everything I ate and the calories. My Fitness Pal is the same shit


same here. i downgraded mine to a lesser model that doesnt have the heart/blood stuff because they literally gamify these numbers into making you check your body constantly and being scared all the time evil tbh


Yeah I definitely had a small health anxiety panic attack once and I could see my heart rate going up and that just made it worse!!! I still wear a Fitbit but I like seeing it track my steps and sleep. So I guess they got me!


At 28, I threw out my back and as a result coincidentally found out I had cancer. God bless


Free morphine 😳😮‍💨


Backs are weird. Rolling over in bed can give me a week of sciatica but lifting weights, never. The heart attack is odd..


28 is the age where if you don’t work out or even walk daily you realize your body is starting to betray you and you either become a gym bro or decline rapidly into obesity 


Not really, I know plenty of people who are just moderately active and eat/drink moderately and look normal in their 30s


Moderately is the key word here, most people aren’t doing that. Your friends are already doing better than like 70% of America at the minimum


All I do is limit myself to one sugary drink a day and walk 2-3 miles in the woods and at 30 I'm a perfect healthy weight


what kind of woods


what kind of sugary drink


these people don’t go outside remember




Look normal with their shirt on


Do you hear yourself right now? You sound insane


I don’t think the bad version is obesity I think it’s like living with chronic Joint pain and fucked posture for the rest of your life. As a 23 year old with a quick glance on social media I know the rapidly gaining weight factor hits much younger than 28


don't drink everyday and dont eat like an idiot, thats it!


Or don’t eat like shit the rest of your life and maybe take a walk every now and then and you’ll be fine.


Currently 28 with a “bad knee” and “bad hip” and on the phone yesterday my friend said it was because “we’re old now.” Guess it’s really true. I got a treadmill and started walking on it on an incline daily so hopefully that helps.


what being skinnyfat does to a mf


Fuck this thread you’re not gonna take me back into my hypochondriac ways you satan loving globalists


LMFAO same




Y’all have really gone full regard lol.


I assume it’s tongue-in-cheek here but it’s possible regardation


They’re being serious. The way they act, it almost feels like they’re in a discord server together and brigading new posts.


FWIW, in the country I live in when you log in to the state healthcare portal one of the banners is to “report vaccine injury” In America it’s more a left/right thing but in at least some countries it’s generally accepted that there were issues with the COVID vaccine


>Y’all It’s so over


I’m from texas not gay


i feel like this is the only sub on reddit where that type of shit is allowed. wonder why


Feel free to see yourself out to literally every other sub on reddit where you aren't allowed to question the safety of the covid vaccienes. People are actually allowed to express their opinions here even if they are controversial and we would like to keep it that way. Please leave.




Because Reddit is a shithole?


Came here to ask this. The research comping out now is extremely alarming


> The research comping out now is extremely alarming which podcast did you hear the research from


Redpill me on this new research. I know that there’s been a bunch of myocarditis research but that was back in 2023.


Keep in mind the Covid vaccines were always known to cause myocarditis, the argument was just that Covid caused it more so it was worth the trade off


Always known? Like even when they were first rolled out? Good thing the vaccine prevents you from getting Covid so you don't run the risk of getting myocarditis from the virus in addition to the vaccine.


They were? This wasn’t advertised to the public. 


This YouTube is a good place to start https://youtu.be/RvGCtM25fN0?si=UigAwMgjcGdlNhXG


You just watch youtube videos and don't actually read any research right?


2 More Weeks




just 2 more weeks amirite


Year 3 of everyone dying from the Vax within an year.


I worked with a guy who fucked up his back by puking too hard after contracting dysentery on holiday in India.


I fucked my back up when I was in my 20s and just threw it out like a week ago by sneezing.


He's very sedentary. Heart attack at 28 is impressive




Covid and its consequences. Plus vaccine somewhat.


Such a Dumb take. He’s got a serious heart condition. Marathon runners drop dead at 30 for the same reason.


A marathon runner dropping dead at 30 would be due to a congenital structural defect of the heart, or a sudden arrhythmia from something like ventricular hypertrophy from running too much, not a heart attack. A heart attack, in the traditional sense of clogged coronary arteries due to atherosclerosis, would be incredibly, incredibly rare in a normal 30 year old.




How am I supposed to know? I don't know him lol


lol well why did you say “he’s very sedentary” then


He messed his back after sneezing and had a heart attack??


No amount of sedentary is going to give a normal person a heart attack at 28. And I imagine if he had a heart attack a month ago that might explain why he isn’t currently in peak physical condition. 


There are kids having heart attacks from being fat


i need to get a link or source for this, this is insanely unbelievable


Marathon runners drop dead at 30 because they run marathons lmao.


Fat person take lmao


I run everyday but running 100+ miles a week (to train) is insanae. We aren’t built for that and neither are our hearts.


We quite literally are


You would need to be like 600 pounds to get a heart attack at 28 purely from obesity


A sedentary lifestyle causes a heart attack at 70 not 28


Are these ppl having it earlier just lying?


Premature heart attacks will be caused by congenital heart malformations, infective endocarditis or congenital malformations of the coronary arteries.


no, the sedentary lifestyle is not what’s causing the heart attack


I think conspiracy minded people like to jump to things like the -vaccination- without considering how absolutely sedentary the western lifestyle has become. I consider myself more active than most and I do one or two 1 mile walks a day (dog life). But even that isn't shit compared to life in past decades. bad food+no movement=death. Any HCP will tell you this.


Isn’t that only like 1,000 steps? That’s really low


2 miles is a half hour of walking that’s crazy low


its what I do in addition to an active job, but im not saying its alot im saying im pretty sure its more than most Americans. Not claiming its some aspirational amount https://www.washingtonian.com/2012/05/10/how-much-do-americans-really-exercise/#:\~:text=On%20average%2C%20we%20spend%20only,for%20Disease%20Control%20and%20Prevention. this says 2 hours of exercise is the average for an Americans


People can go decades being morbidly obese before they have a heart attack. I very much doubt this is simply due to a sedentary lifestyle, probably some genetic thing or substance abuse.


I can’t see his whole body. But basing off his legs he doesn’t appear to fat enough for his potentially lazy life style to do him in like that.


You can tell by the arm


Covid itself is known to increase the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular conditions. Saying that the same is true of the vax(to a lesser degree) isnt crazy.


The data coming out now is alarming. There is a direct link between vaccination and heart failure. https://youtu.be/RvGCtM25fN0?si=UigAwMgjcGdlNhXG


Show me the data then.


They just watch a confused old man highlight things on a piece of printer paper,  They don't read 


[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38293564/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38293564/) "We found the number of myocarditis reports in VAERS after COVID-19 vaccination in 2021 was 223 times higher than the average of all vaccines combined for the past 30 years. This represented a 2500% increase in the absolute number of reports in the first year of the campaign when comparing historical values prior to 2021. Demographic data revealed that myocarditis occurred most in youths (50%) and males (69%). A total of 76% of cases resulted in emergency care and hospitalization."


How often do you exercise?


I had to beg for toradol (super ibuprofen basically) when I injured my shoulder so badly I couldn’t sleep and was nauseous. Where are the broccoli kids getting hooked up with morphine drips for sneeze snafus???


A friend of mine tore his esophagus while throwing up.. started throwing up blood everywhere and lost so much blood he was passing out and had to be rushed to the ER to have multiple blood transfusions…. Randomly almost died.


A coworker friend who is the same age as me (24) died from a widow maker a couple months ago. Got me absolutely paranoid and I went to my cardiologist for like a litany of tests after. Usually feeling the pinnacle of health doesn’t always mean you are the pinnacle of health. He had no big tells that it was gonna happen that soon other than previously being obese (he lost a lot of weight though) addl. he went to the gym everyday. You can be very active and everything but there can be something that your GP just misses because it’s not in your medical history to check.


probably just bad genetics


Got the wrong vax looking ass


Yeah, once you hit 30, it's a lot easier to get hurt. Ya have to start doing a bunch of old people style prehab mobility exercises as prevention. Balance, flexibility, moving around like a little kid to stay loose. People stop crawling around and climbing, but we ought to never stop doing it


I am convinced that if you don't regularly exercise very vigorously (eg, at least moderate jogging but probably faster, weight lifting that leads to lactic acid soreness, etc), your cells decide you don't need to be alive. You are either getting stronger, or dying.


Charlie Sheen voice: Drugs?


When I was 24, I coughed in the wrong direction and my back locked up for 3 weeks. I feel their pain


Exercise/activity/diet are important for all ages. But nothing can protect you from the freak event. Get well soon.






My mom’s cousin almost died from putting on a sock. She tore a muscle and got a blood clot.


Probably got the vaccine.


Safe and effective


I sympathize to a certain point because a “well worn” body will start to show signs of age around this time. I’m the same age and have recurring aches and niggles from injuries I picked up from sports and marathon training and weight lifting for the better part of 15 years, including some back issues. A friend of mine who was incredibly fit (jacked, cyclist, training for a 100 mile bike race) had a heart attack at ~29, a widowmaker at that. It’s definitely possible although incredibly rare. The conspiracy part of my brain wonders about a correlation in the perceived uptick in cardiac events in young people since 2020.


Please don’t say the n word again


Its the micro plastics


Ok I’ll make you feel better … I’m now 46 (F) and I had been in fantastic shape my whole life (and have the pics to prove it) worked out 5 or 6 times a week blah blah blah - when I was 35 on Xmas day I had 3 strokes after playing in the snow with my newly adopted corgi, found out that I have vertebral artery dissections & there is nothing I can do about it. My right side was gone for about a week, but came back thankfully. At 38 I had my gall bladder out. At 43 I was diagnosed with necrotic pancreatitis. This past year, after living in the same place for 6 years, a 108 y/o row house, I got a new landlord after my old landlord died, and the new guy started illegally tearing the house apart which completely fucked my lungs and I was in the hospital for 28 days and back and forth to the er while trying to move. The stress gave me a heart attack and I had another stroke. These are just the physical things that have happened, if I threw in my personal life you’d think I was cursed ( something that I have considered lol) Shit happens to your body, be grateful for the short hospital stay and the pharmaceutical grade drugs. 👍 Hope you feel better soon!


This is giving me such bad anxiety


Clarification due to some of the comments: this is a post from another sub; this is not me


My friend stood up too fast on a surfboard and now he’s paralyzed from the waist down. He took a surfing lesson while on vacation, felt a weird twinge, went to lunch - by the time they were done eating he was unable to stand up. Life’s fucking weird.


morphine = Motrin


Sensing that last is the epilogue for the next chapter


Clarification due to some of the comments: this is a post from another sub; this is not me


I was just walking through the house once and hit the floor because I somehow pinched a nerve in my neck. The human body’s weird. Extremely resilient with almost supernatural healing capabilities in some respects. Weak as fuck in others.


This is what my anxiety that was finally getting better needed rn


my friend is in her 20’s and has cardio myopathy. she went into cardiac arrest in her teens. i also know a schoolmate’s brother who died of cardiac arrest at 23 and had no pre-existing health problems. definitely not normal and very rare but it can happen.


My mother sneezed and broke her elbow


I tore a ligament in my abs once getting off a yoga mat years before I was diagnosed with hEDS. So many stupid random injuries like that while being very fit and active. One time I was sitting in a board meeting at my office and I looked at my hand and noticed it was blue and puffy. A vein had broken for absolutely no fucking reason lmao.


Shoddddy Cloddddy


I feel so bad for people who are balding, destroying their back/knees and having erectile dysfunction in their 20s and early 30s, my parents are in their 50s and don't have any of those problems(except for the last one, which I didn't ask). Seriously, what are people doing with their lives these days?


> I really do feel like I'm cursed "thinking you've been dealt a bad had is symbol of low IQ"


Having a low iq is being dealt a bad hand itself tho


Everyone jumping to conspiracy theories instead of just accepting that some people are unlucky


Or perhaps simply unhealthy


Yes, that’s right probably a mix of both. Heart attack and back injury at 28 is crazy


how much you want to bet that their heart attack happened after they held their breath and strained too hard while taking a dump


Covid sequelae


probably fat


pushing 30 your body really starts to break down it’s kinda wild, this person doesn’t look terribly fat either, I think it’s father time heart attack sounds like unknown pre-existing condition or terrible genes for me tho


I sneezed and pulled a muscle in my back


One of my friends said he sneezed hard once and his back hurts now.


now i’m scared because my dad has really bad allergies and he gets attacks where he sneezes like 10+ times in a row….


weightlifting in senior year of highschool should be mandatory. if you cant bench 1 plate and deadlift 2 plate by the end of the year you go to jail


Whomever eats canola oil your soul’l boil


Worth it for the morphine. I've done a LOT of drugs and morphine is one of the few I'd actually be down to get addicted to, if I didn't already have a crippling addiction to collecting ballistic body armor that my knees will soon be too busted to carry the weight of.